How to find the number of ways to get 21 in Blackjack? - python

Some assumptions:
One deck of 52 cards is used
Picture cards count as 10
Aces count as 1 or 11
The order is not important (ie. Ace + Queen is the same as Queen + Ace)
I thought I would then just sequentially try all the possible combinations and see which ones add up to 21, but there are way too many ways to mix the cards (52! ways). This approach also does not take into account that order is not important nor does it account for the fact that there are only 4 maximum types of any one card (Spade, Club, Diamond, Heart).
Now I am thinking of the problem like this:
We have 11 "slots". Each of these slots can have 53 possible things inside them: 1 of 52 cards or no card at all. The reason it is 11 slots is because 11 cards is the maximum amount of cards that can be dealt and still add up to 21; more than 11 cards would have to add up to more than 21.
Then the "leftmost" slot would be incremented up by one and all 11 slots would be checked to see if they add up to 21 (0 would represent no card in the slot). If not, the next slot to the right would be incremented, and the next, and so on.
Once the first 4 slots contain the same "card" (after four increments, the first 4 slots would all be 1), the fifth slot could not be that number as well since there are 4 numbers of any type. The fifth slot would then become the next lowest number in the remaining available cards; in the case of four 1s, the fifth slot would become a 2 and so on.
How would you do approach this?

divide and conquer by leveraging the knowledge that if you have 13 and pick a 10 you only have to pick cards to sum to 3 left to look at ... be forwarned this solution might be slow(took about 180 seconds on my box... it is definately non-optimal) ..
def sum_to(x,cards):
if x == 0: # if there is nothing left to sum to
yield []
for i in range(1,12): # for each point value 1..11 (inclusive)
if i > x: break # if i is bigger than whats left we are done
card_v = 11 if i == 1 else i
if card_v not in cards: continue # if there is no more of this card
new_deck = cards[:] # create a copy of hte deck (we do not want to modify the original)
if i == 1: # one is clearly an ace...
else: # remove the value
# on the recursive call we need to subtract our recent pick
for result in sum_to(x-i,new_deck):
yield [i] + result # append each further combination to our solutions
set up your cards as follows
deck = []
for i in range(2,11): # two through ten (with 4 of each)
deck.extend([10]*4) #jacks
deck.extend([10]*4) #queens
deck.extend([10]*4) #kings
deck.extend([11]*4) # Aces
then just call your function
for combination in sum_to(21,deck):
print combination
unfortunately this does allow some duplicates to sneak in ...
in order to get unique entries you need to change it a little bit
in sum_to on the last line change it to
# sort our solutions so we can later eliminate duplicates
yield sorted([i] + result) # append each further combination to our solutions
then when you get your combinations you gotta do some deep dark voodoo style python
unique_combinations = sorted(set(map(tuple,sum_to(21,deck))),key=len,reverse=0)
for combo in unique_combinations: print combo
from this cool question i have learned the following (keep in mind in real play you would have the dealer and other players also removing from the same deck)
there are 416 unique combinations of a deck of cards that make 21
there are 300433 non-unique combinations!!!
the longest number of ways to make 21 are as follows
with 11 cards there are 1 ways
[(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3)]
with 10 cards there are 7 ways
with 9 cards there are 26 ways
with 8 cards there are 54 ways
with 7 cards there are 84 ways
with 6 cards there are 94 ways
with 5 cards there are 83 ways
with 4 cards there are 49 ways
with 3 cards there are 17 ways
with 2 cards there are 1 ways
[(10, 11)]
there are 54 ways in which all 4 aces are used in making 21!!
there are 106 ways of making 21 in which NO aces are used !!!
keep in mind these are often suboptimal plays (ie considering A,10 -> 1,10 and hitting )

Before worrying about the suits and different cards with value 10 lets figure out how many different value combinations resulting to 21 there are. For example 5, 5, 10, 1 is one such combination. The following function takes in limit which is the target value, start which indicates the lowest value that can be picked and used which is the list of picked values:
def combinations(limit, start, used):
# Base case
if limit == 0:
return 1
# Start iteration from lowest card to picked so far
# so that we're only going to pick cards 3 & 7 in order 3,7
res = 0
for i in range(start, min(12, limit + 1)):
# Aces are at index 1 no matter if value 11 or 1 is used
index = i if i != 11 else 1
# There are 16 cards with value of 10 (T, J, Q, K) and 4 with every
# other value
available = 16 if index == 10 else 4
if used[index] < available:
# Mark the card used and go through combinations starting from
# current card and limit lowered by the value
used[index] += 1
res += combinations(limit - i, i, used)
used[index] -= 1
return res
print combinations(21, 1, [0] * 11) # 416
Since we're interested about different card combinations instead of different value combinations the base case in above should be modified to return number of different card combinations that can be used to generate a value combination. Luckily that's quite easy task, Binomial coefficient can be used to figure out how many different combinations of k items can be picked from n items.
Once the number of different card combinations for each value in used is known they can be just multiplied with each other for the final result. So for the example of 5, 5, 10, 1 value 5 results to bcoef(4, 2) == 6, value 10 to bcoef(16, 1) == 16 and value 1 to bcoef(4, 1) == 4. For all the other values bcoef(x, 0) results to 1. Multiplying those values results to 6 * 16 * 4 == 384 which is then returned:
import operator
from math import factorial
def bcoef(n, k):
return factorial(n) / (factorial(k) * factorial(n - k))
def combinations(limit, start, used):
if limit == 0:
combs = (bcoef(4 if i != 10 else 16, x) for i, x in enumerate(used))
res = reduce(operator.mul, combs, 1)
return res
res = 0
for i in range(start, min(12, limit + 1)):
index = i if i != 11 else 1
available = 16 if index == 10 else 4
if used[index] < available:
used[index] += 1
res += combinations(limit - i, i, used)
used[index] -= 1
return res
print combinations(21, 1, [0] * 11) # 186184

So I decided to write the script that every possible viable hand can be checked. The total number comes out to be 188052. Since I checked every possible combination, this is the exact number (as opposed to an estimate):
import itertools as it
big_list = []
def deck_set_up(m):
special = {8:'a23456789TJQK', 9:'a23456789', 10:'a2345678', 11:'a23'}
if m in special:
return [x+y for x,y in list(it.product(special[m], 'shdc'))]
return [x+y for x,y in list(it.product('a23456789TJQKA', 'shdc'))]
deck_dict = {'as':1,'ah':1,'ad':1,'ac':1,
stop_here = {2:'As', 3:'8s', 4:'6s', 5:'4h', 6:'3c', 7:'3s', 8:'2h', 9:'2s', 10:'2s', 11:'2s'}
for n in range(2,12): # n is number of cards in the draw
combos = it.combinations(deck_set_up(n), n)
stop_point = stop_here[n]
while True:
pick =
if pick[0] == stop_point:
if n < 8:
if len(set([item.upper() for item in pick])) != n:
if sum([deck_dict[card] for card in pick]) == 21:
print n, len(big_list) # Total number hands that can equal 21 is 188052
In the output, the the first column is the number of cards in the draw, and the second number is the cumulative count. So the number after "3" in the output is the total count of hands that equal 21 for a 2-card draw, and a 3-card draw. The lower case a is a low ace (1 point), and uppercase A is high ace. I have a line (the one with the set command), to make sure it throws out any hand that has a duplicate card.
The script takes 36 minutes to run. So there is definitely a trade-off between execution time, and accuracy. The "big_list" contains the solutions (i.e. every hand where the sum is 21)
================== RESTART: C:\Users\JBM\Desktop\ ==================
2 64
3 2100
4 14804
5 53296
6 111776
7 160132
8 182452
9 187616
10 188048
11 188052 # <-- This is the total count, as these numbers are cumulative


PYTHON - "Love for Mathematics"

I just finished a challenge on Dcoder ("Love for Mathematics") using Python. I failed two test-cases, but got one right. I used somewhat of a lower level of Python for the same as I haven't explored more yet, so I'm sorry if it looks a bit too basic.The Challenge reads:
Students of Dcoder school love Mathematics. They love to read a variety of Mathematics books. To make sure they remain happy, their Mathematics teacher decided to get more books for them.
A student would become happy if there are at least X Mathematics books in the class and not more than Y books because they know "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy".The teacher wants to buy a minimum number of books to make the maximum number of students happy.
The Input
The first line of input contains an integer N indicating the number of students in the class. This is followed up by N lines where every line contains two integers X and Y respectively.
#Sample Input
3 6
1 6
7 11
2 15
5 8
The Output
Output two space-separated integers that denote the minimum number of mathematics books required and the maximum number of happy students.
Explanation: The teacher could buy 5 books and keep student 1, 2, 4 and 5 happy.
#Sample Output
5 4
1 <= N <= 10000
1 <= X, Y <= 10^9
My code:
n = int(input())
l = []
mi = []
ma = []
for i in range(n):
x, y = input().split()
if i == 0:
if ma[i]>h:
for i in range(h):
c = 0
for j in range(len(mi)):
if ma[j]>=i and mi[j]<=i:
great = max(l)
for i in range(1,len(l)+1):
if l[i]==great:
My Approach:
I first assigned the two minimum and maximum variables to two different lists - one containing the minimum values, and the other, the maximum. Then I created a loop that processes all numbers from 0 to the maximum possible value of the list containing maximum values and increasing the count for each no. by 1 every time it lies within the favorable range of students.
In this specific case, I got that count list to be (for the above given input):
[1,2,3,3,4,4,3,3,2 ...] and so on. So I could finalize that 4 would be the maximum no. of students and that the first index of 4 in the list would be the minimum no. of textbooks required.
But only 1 test-case worked and two failed. I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me out here.
Thank You.
This problem is alike minimum platform problem.
In that, you need to sort the min and max maths books array in ascending order respectively. Try to understand the problem from the above link (platform problem) then this will be a piece of cake.
Here is your solution:
n = int(input())
min_books = []
max_books = []
for i in range(n):
x, y = input().split()
happy_st_result = 1
happy_st = 1
books_needed = min_books[0]
i = 1
j = 0
while (i < n and j < n):
if (min_books[i] <= max_books[j]):
happy_st+= 1
i+= 1
elif (min_books[i] > max_books[j]):
happy_st-= 1
j+= 1
if happy_st > happy_st_result:
happy_st_result = happy_st
books_needed = min_books[i-1]
print(books_needed, happy_st_result)
Try this, and let me know if you need any clarification.
#Vinay Gupta's logic and explanation is correct. If you think on those lines, the answer should become immediately clear to you.
I have implemented the same logic in my code below, except using fewer lines and cool in-built python functions.
# python 3.7.1
import itertools
d = {}
for _ in range(int(input())):
x, y = map(int, input().strip().split())
d.setdefault(x, [0, 0])[0] += 1
d.setdefault(y, [0, 0])[1] += 1
a = list(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
vals = list(itertools.accumulate(list(map(lambda x: x[1][0] - x[1][1], a))))
print(a[vals.index(max(vals))][0], max(vals))
The above answer got accepted in Dcoder too.

How to get the correct number of distinct combination locks with a margin or error of +-2?

I am trying to solve the usaco problem combination lock where you are given a two lock combinations. The locks have a margin of error of +- 2 so if you had a combination lock of 1-3-5, the combination 3-1-7 would still solve it.
You are also given a dial. For example, the dial starts at 1 and ends at the given number. So if the dial was 50, it would start at 1 and end at 50. Since the beginning of the dial is adjacent to the end of the dial, the combination 49-1-3 would also solve the combination lock of 1-3-5.
In this program, you have to output the number of distinct solutions to the two lock combinations. For the record, the combination 3-2-1 and 1-2-3 are considered distinct, but the combination 2-2-2 and 2-2-2 is not.
I have tried creating two functions, one to check whether three numbers match the constraints of the first combination lock and another to check whether three numbers match the constraints of the second combination lock.
a,b,c = 1,2,3
d,e,f = 5,6,7
dial = 50
def check(i,j,k):
i = (i+dial) % dial
j = (j+dial) % dial
k = (k+dial) % dial
if abs(a-i) <= 2 and abs(b-j) <= 2 and abs(c-k) <= 2:
return True
return False
def check1(i,j,k):
i = (i+dial) % dial
j = (j+dial) % dial
k = (k+dial) % dial
if abs(d-i) <= 2 and abs(e-j) <= 2 and abs(f-k) <= 2:
return True
return False
res = []
count = 0
for i in range(1,dial+1):
for j in range(1,dial+1):
for k in range(1,dial+1):
if check(i,j,k):
count += 1
if check1(i,j,k):
count += 1
The dial is 50 and the first combination is 1-2-3 and the second combination is 5-6-7.
The program should output 249 as the count, but it instead outputs 225. I am not really sure why this is happening. I have added the array for display purposes only. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You're going to a lot of trouble to solve this by brute force.
First of all, your two check routines have identical functionality: just call the same routine for both combinations, giving the correct combination as a second set of parameters.
The critical logic problem is handling the dial wrap-around: you miss picking up the adjacent numbers. Run 49 through your check against a correct value of 1:
# using a=1, i=49
i = (1+50)%50 # i = 1
if abs(1-49) <= 2 ... # abs(1-49) is 48. You need it to show up as 2.
Instead, you can check each end of the dial:
a_diff = abs(i-a)
if a_diff <=2 or a_diff >= (dial-2) ...
Another way is to start by making a list of acceptable values:
a_vals = [(a-oops) % dial] for oops in range(-2, 3)]
... but note that you have to change the 0 value to dial. For instance, for a value of 1, you want a list of [49, 50, 1, 2, 3]
With this done, you can check like this:
if i in a_vals and j in b_vals and k in c_vals:
If you want to upgrade to the itertools package, you can simply generate all desired combinations:
combo = set(itertools.product(a_list, b_list_c_list) )
Do that for both given combinations and take the union of the two sets. The length of the union is the desired answer.
I see the follow-up isn't obvious -- at least, it's not appearing in the comments.
You have 5*5*5 solutions for each combination; start with 250 as your total.
Compute the sizes of the overlap sets: the numbers in each triple that can serve for each combination. For your given problem, those are [3],[4],[5]
The product of those set sizes is the quantity of overlap: 1*1*1 in this case.
The overlapping solutions got double-counted, so simply subtract the extra from 250, giving the answer of 249.
For example, given 1-2-3 and 49-6-6, you would get sets
{49, 50, 1}
{4, 5}
The sizes are 3, 1, 2; the product of those numbers is 6, so your answer is 250-6 = 244
Final note: If you're careful with your modular arithmetic, you can directly compute the set sizes without building the sets, making the program very short.
Here is one approach to a semi-brute-force solution:
import itertools
#The following code assumes 0-based combinations,
#represented as tuples of numbers in the range 0 to dial - 1.
#A simple wrapper function can be used to make the
#code apply to 1-based combos.
#The following function finds all combos which open lock with a given combo:
def combos(combo,tol,dial):
valids = []
for p in itertools.product(range(-tol,1+tol),repeat = 3):
valids.append(tuple((x+i)%dial for x,i in zip(combo,p)))
return valids
#The following finds all combos for a given iterable of target combos:
def all_combos(targets,tol,dial):
return set(combo for target in targets for combo in combos(target,tol,dial))
For example, len(all_combos([(0,1,2),(4,5,6)],2,50)) evaluate to 249.
The correct code for what you are trying to do is the following:
dial = 50
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
d = 5
e = 6
f = 7
def check(i,j,k):
if (abs(a-i) <= 2 or (dial-abs(a-i)) <= 2) and \
(abs(b-j) <= 2 or (dial-abs(b-j)) <= 2) and \
(abs(c-k) <= 2 or (dial-abs(c-k)) <= 2):
return True
return False
def check1(i,j,k):
if (abs(d-i) <= 2 or (dial-abs(d-i)) <= 2) and \
(abs(e-j) <= 2 or (dial-abs(e-j)) <= 2) and \
(abs(f-k) <= 2 or (dial-abs(f-k)) <= 2):
return True
return False
res = []
count = 0
for i in range(1,dial+1):
for j in range(1,dial+1):
for k in range(1,dial+1):
if check(i,j,k):
count += 1
elif check1(i,j,k):
count += 1
And the result is 249, the total combinations are 2*(5**3) = 250, but we have the duplicates: [3, 4, 5]

Long multiplication of two numbers given as strings

I am trying to solve a problem of multiplication. I know that Python supports very large numbers and it can be done but what I want to do is
Enter 2 numbers as strings.
Multiply those two numbers in the same manner as we used to do in school.
Basic idea is to convert the code given in the link below to Python code but I am not very good at C++/Java. What I want to do is to understand the code given in the link below and apply it for Python.
I am stuck at the addition point.
I want to do it it like in the image given below
So I have made a list which stores the values of ith digit of first number to jth digit of second. Please help me to solve the addition part.
def mul(upper_no,lower_no):
list_to_add=[] #saves numbers in queue to add in the end
for lower_digit in range(lower_len-1,-1,-1):
q='' #A queue to store step by step multiplication of numbers
for upper_digit in range(upper_len-1,-1,-1):
if upper_digit==0:
if x>9:
I have [1638,1404,1170] as a result for the function call mul('234','567') I am supposed to add these numbers but stuck because these numbers have to be shifted for each list. for example 1638 is supposed to be added as 16380 + 1404 with 6 aligning with 4, 3 with 0 and 8 with 4 and so on. Like:
I think this might help. I've added a place variable to keep track of what power of 10 each intermediate value should be multiplied by, and used the itertools.accumulate function to produce the intermediate accumulated sums that doing so produces (and you want to show).
Note I have also reformatted your code so it closely follows PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code in an effort to make it more readable.
from itertools import accumulate
import operator
def mul(upper_no, lower_no):
upper_len = len(upper_no)
lower_len = len(lower_no)
list_to_add = [] # Saves numbers in queue to add in the end
place = 0
for lower_digit in range(lower_len-1, -1, -1):
q = '' # A queue to store step by step multiplication of numbers
carry = 0
for upper_digit in range(upper_len-1, -1, -1):
num2 = int(lower_no[lower_digit])
num1 = int(upper_no[upper_digit])
print(num2, num1)
x = (num2*num1) + carry
if upper_digit == 0:
q = str(x) + q
if x>9:
q = str(x%10) + q
carry = x//10
q = str(x%10) + q
carry = 0
num = x%10
list_to_add.append(int(''.join(q)) * (10**place))
place += 1
print(list(accumulate(list_to_add, operator.add)))
mul('234', '567')
7 4
7 3
7 2
6 4
6 3
6 2
5 4
5 3
5 2
[1638, 14040, 117000]
[1638, 15678, 132678]

How to prevent 36k x 36k x 36k permutations to be calculated

I have a nice planning exercise, that I just can't get my head around (except for brute force, which is too big to handle). We are organizing a golf trip for 12 persons. We play 4 days of golf. With 3 flights every day. (so 12 flights in total).
We want to:
maximize the number of unique players that play each other in a flight,
but also want to minimize the number of double occurences (2 players playing each other more than once).
Since with 12 players and 4 players per flight I can roughly create 36k player combinations per flight per day, it becomes pretty compute intense. Is there any smarter way to solve this? My gut feeling says fibonacci can help out, but not sure how exactly.
This is the code I have so far:
import random
import itertools
import pandas as pd
def make_player_combi(day):
player_combis = []
for flight in day:
#print flight
for c in itertools.combinations(flight,2):
combi = list(sorted(c))
return player_combis
def make_score(a,b,c):
df = pd.DataFrame(a + b + c,columns=['player_combi'])['player_combi']
combi_counts = df.value_counts()
pairs_playing = len(combi_counts)
double_plays = combi_counts.value_counts().sort_index()
return pairs_playing, double_plays
players = ['A','B','C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J','K','L']
available_players = players[:]
n = 0
combinations_per_day = []
for players_in_flight_1 in itertools.combinations(players,4):
available_players_flight_1 = players[:]
available_players_flight_2 = players[:]
available_players_flight_3 = players[:]
for player in players_in_flight_1:
# players in flight1 can no longer be used in flight 2 or 3
for players_in_flight_2 in itertools.combinations(available_players_flight_2,4):
players_in_flight_3 = available_players_flight_3[:]
for player in players_in_flight_2:
n = n + 1
print str(n), players_in_flight_1,players_in_flight_2,tuple(players_in_flight_3)
n_max = 100 # limit to 100 entries max per day to save calculations
winning_list = []
max_score = 0
for day_1 in range(0,len(combinations_per_day[0:n_max])):
print day_1
for day_2 in range(0,len(combinations_per_day[0:n_max])):
for day_3 in range(0,len(combinations_per_day[0:n_max])):
a = make_player_combi(combinations_per_day[day_1])
b = make_player_combi(combinations_per_day[day_2])
x,y = make_score(a,b,c)
if x >= max_score:
max_score = x
my_result = {'pairs_playing' : x,
'double_plays' : y,
'max_day_1' : day_1,
'max_day_2' : day_2,
'max_day_3' : day_3
I chose the suboptimal ( but good enough) solution by running 5 mio samples and taking the lowest outcome... Thanks all for thinking along
You can brute-force this by eliminating symmetries. Let's call the 12 players a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l, write a flight with 4 players concatenated together: degj, and a day's schedule with the three flights: eg. abcd-efgh-ijkl.
The first day's flights are arbitrary: say the 3 flights are abcd-efgh-ijkl.
On the second and third day, you have fewer than (12 choose 4) * (8 choose 4) possibilities, because that counts each distinct schedule 6 times. For example, abcd-efgh-ijkl, efgh-abcd-ijkl and ijkl-efgh-abcd are all counted as separate, but they are essentially the same. In fact, you have (12 choose 4) * (8 choose 4) / 6 = 5775 different schedules.
Overall, this gives you 5775 * 5775 = 33350625, a manageable 33 million to check.
We can do a little better: we might as well assume that day 2 and day 3 schedules are different, and not count schedules that are the same but day 2 and day 3's are swapped over. This gives us another factor of very almost 2.
Here's code that does all that:
import itertools
import collections
# schedules generates all possible schedules for a given day, up
# to symmetry.
def schedules(players):
for c in itertools.combinations(players, 4):
for d in itertools.combinations(players, 4):
if set(c) & set(d):
e = set(players) - set(c) - set(d)
sc = ''.join(sorted(c))
sd = ''.join(sorted(d))
se = ''.join(sorted(e))
if sc < sd < se:
yield sc, sd, se
# all_schedules generates all possible (different up to symmetry) schedules for
# the three days.
def all_schedules(players):
s = list(schedules(players))
d1 = s[0]
for d2, d3 in itertools.combinations(s, 2):
yield d1, d2, d3
# pcount returns a Counter that records how often each pair
# of players play each other.
def pcount(*days):
players = collections.Counter()
for d in days:
for flight in d:
for p1, p2 in itertools.combinations(flight, 2):
players[p1+p2] += 1
return players
def score(*days):
p = pcount(*days)
return len(p), sum(-1 for v in p.itervalues() if v > 1)
best = None
for days in all_schedules('abcdefghijkl'):
s = score(*days)
if s > best:
best = s
print days, s
It still takes some time to run (about 10-15 minutes on my computer), and produces this as the last line of output:
abcd-efgh-ijkl abei-cfgj-dhkl abhj-cekl-dfgi (48, -3)
That means there's 48 unique pairings over the three days, and there's 3 pairs who play each other more than once (ab, fg and kl).
Note that each of the three pairs who play each other more than once play each other on every day. That's unfortunate, and probably means you need to tweak your idea of how to score schedules. For example, excluding schedules where the same pair plays more than twice, and taking the soft-min of the number of players each player sees, gives this solution:
abcd-efgh-ijkl abei-cfgj-dhkl acfk-begl-dhij
This has 45 unique pairings, and 9 pairs that play each other more than once. But every player meets at least 7 different players and might be preferable in practice to the "optimal" solution above.

Python Random Selection

I have a code which generates either 0 or 9 randomly. This code is run 289 times...
import random
track = 0
if track < 35:
val = random.choice([0, 9])
if val == 9:
track += 1
val = 0
According to this code, if 9 is generated 35 times, then 0 is generated. So there is a heavy bias at the start and in the end 0 is mostly output.
Is there a way to reduce this bias so that the 9's are spread out quite evenly in 289 times.
Thanks for any help in advance
Apparently you want 9 to occur 35 times, and 0 to occur for the remainder - but you want the 9's to be evenly distributed. This is easy to do with a shuffle.
values = [9] * 35 + [0] * (289 - 35)
It sounds like you want to add some bias to the numbers that are generated by your script. Accordingly, you'll want to think about how you can use probability to assign a correct bias to the numbers being assigned.
For example, let's say you want to generate a list of 289 integers where there is a maximum of 35 nines. 35 is approximately 12% of 289, and as such, you would assign a probability of .12 to the number 9. From there, you could assign some other (relatively small) probability to the numbers 1 - 8, and some relatively large probability to the number 0.
Walker's Alias Method appears to be able to do what you need for this problem.
General Example (strings A B C or D with probabilities .1 .2 .3 .4):
abcd = dict( A=1, D=4, C=3, B=2 )
# keys can be any immutables: 2d points, colors, atoms ...
wrand = Walkerrandom( abcd.values(), abcd.keys() )
wrand.random() # each call -> "A" "B" "C" or "D"
# fast: 1 randint(), 1 uniform(), table lookup
Specific Example:
numbers = dict( 1=725, 2=725, 3=725, 4=725, 5=725, 6=725, 7=725, 8=725, 9=12, 0=3 )
wrand = Walkerrandom( numbers.values(), numbers.keys() )
#Add looping logic + counting logic to keep track of 9's here
track = 0
i = 0
while i < 290
if track < 35:
val = wrand.random()
if val == 9:
track += 1
val = 0
i += 1
