Is there any other python package or does argparse has the following feature I am expecting
arg_parser.add_argument("-v", "--some_data", required=True,
help="data id(int) or vehicle name (str) ")
input -v 123 output type(args.some_data) --> int
input -v abc output type(args.some_data) --> str
input -v a12 output type(args.some_data) --> str
You could define a custom type that tries to parse an int, and if it fails, returns the string.
(I made your option an argument in this example for simplicity.)
import argparse
def int_or_str(s):
return int(s)
except ValueError:
return s
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("x", type=int_or_str, help="int or str")
print(parser.parse_args(['123'])) # -> Namespace(x=123)
print(parser.parse_args(['hello'])) # -> Namespace(x='hello')
However, beware that int ignores leading and trailing whitespace, so for example int(' 1 ') succeeds.
print(parser.parse_args([' 1 '])) # -> Namespace(x=1)
I am using Behave to automate the testing of a config file, as part of this test I need to populate various fields in the config file with invalid and blank fields. Where I am entering values I can do this using a Scenario Outline entering the values in the Examples. However when I try entering a blank field using this method Behave does not like the fact there is no value.
Is there an easy way to pass a blank value from the Examples file, or will I need to test these conditions using a separate behave test
Scenario Outline:Misconfigured Identity Listener
Given an already stopped Identity Listener
And parameter <parameter> is configured to value <config_value>
When the Identity Listener is started
Then the identity listener process is not present on the system
And the log contains a <message> showing that the parameter is not configured
Examples: Protocols
|parameter |message |config_value|
|cache_ip_address | cache_ip_address | |
|cache_ip_address | cache_ip_address | 123.123.12 |
the step where I define the config value
#given('parameter {parameter} is configured to value {config_value}')
def step_impl(context, parameter, config_value):
context.parameter = parameter
context.config_value = config_value
context.identity_listener.update_config(parameter, config_value)
changing the config file using sed -i (I am interacting with a linux box in this test)
def update_config(self, param, config_value):
command = 'sudo sh -c "sed -i'
command = command + " '/" + param + "/c\\" + param + "= "+ config_value + " \\' {0}\""
command = command.format(self.config_file)
Thanks to answer from #Verv i got this working solution below
passed an empty value in for fields where I don't want a value passed
|parameter |message |config_value|
|cache_ip_address | cache_ip_address | empty |
Added an if else statement into my update config step
def update_config(self, param, config_value):
if config_value == "empty":
il_config = ""
il_config = config_value
command = 'sudo sh -c "sed -i'
command = command + " '/" + param + "/c\\" + param + "= " + il_config + " \\' {0}\""
command = command.format(self.config_file)
You could put something like empty in the field, and tweak your method so that whenever the field's value is empty, you treat it as an actual empty string (i.e. "")
I try adapt this pandoc filter but I need use Span instead Div.
input file (
[File > Open]{.menu}
[\ctrl + C]{.keys}
Simply line
filter file (
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pandocfilters import *
def latex(x):
return RawBlock('latex', x)
def latex_menukeys(key, value, format, meta):
if key == 'Span':
[[ident, classes, kvs], contents] = value
if classes[0] == "menu":
return([latex('\\menu{')] + contents + [latex('}')])
elif classes[0] == "keys":
return([latex('\\keys{')] + contents + [latex('}')])
if __name__ == "__main__":
pandoc -o myfile.tex -F
pandoc:Error in $.blocks[1].c[0]: failed to parse field blocks: failed to parse field c: mempty
CallStack <fromHasCallStack>:
error, called at pandoc.hs:144:42 in main:Main
How I should use varyable "contents" correct?
Suppose Span is inside a paragraph. Then you would be trying to replace it with a RawBlock, which is not going to work. Maybe try using RawInline instead?
I simplifying my problem here. I need to do this:
python --arg1 '--no-route53'
I added the parser like this:
parser.add_argument("--arg1", nargs="?", type=str, help="option")
args = parser.parse_args()
I wanted to get the '--no-route53' as a whole string and use it later in my script. But I keep getting this error: error: unrecognized arguments: --no-route53
How can I work around it?
UPDATE1: if i give extra space after '--no-route53', like this and it worked:
python --arg1 '--no-route53 '
I had the exact same issue a while ago. I ended up pre-parsing the sys.argvlist:
def bug_workaround(argv):
# arg needs to be prepended by space in order to not be interpreted as
# an option
add_space = False
args = []
for arg in argv[1:]: # Skip argv[0] as that should not be passed to parse_args
if add_space:
arg = " " + arg
add_space = True if arg == "--args" else False
return args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='My progrm.')
parser.add_argument('--args', type=str,
help='Extra args (in "quotes")')
args = parser.parse_args(bug_workaround(sys.argv))
# Prune added whitespace (for bug workaround)
if args.args:
args.args = args.args[1:]
I am editing an XML file that is provided by a third party. The XML is used to recreate and entire environment and one is able to edit the XML to propogate the changes. I was able to lookup the element I wanted to change through command line options and save the XML, but special characters are being escaped and I need to retain the special characters. For example it is changing > to $gt; in the file during the .write operation. This is affecting in all occurances of the XML document not just the node element (I think that is what it is called) Below is my code:
import sys
from lxml import etree
from optparse import OptionParser
def parseCommandLine ():
usage = "usage: %prog [options] arg"
parser = OptionParser(usage)
help="Context File name including full path", metavar="CONTEXT_FILE")
help="Key you are looking for in Context File i.e s_isAdmin", metavar="s_someKey")
help="The replacement value for the key")
if len(sys.argv[1:]) < 3:
print len(sys.argv[1:])
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
return options.filename, options.key, options.value
Filename, Key, Value=parseCommandLine()
parser_options=etree.XMLParser(attribute_defaults=True, dtd_validation=False, strip_cdata=False)
doc = etree.parse(Filename, parser_options ) #Open and parse the file
print doc.findall("//*[#oa_var=%r]" % Key)[0].text
oldval = doc.findall("//*[#oa_var=%r]" % Key)[0].text
val = doc.findall("//*[#oa_var=%r]" % Key)[0]
val.text = Value
print 'old value is %s' % oldval
print 'new value is %s' % val.text
root = doc.getroot()
Original file has this: >> /s_u01/app/applmgr/f
Saved version is being replaced with this: >> /s_u01/app/applmgr/f
I have been trying to mess with pretty_print in the output side DTD validations on the parsing side and I am stumped.
Below is a diff from the changed file and and the original file:
I updated the s_cookie_domain only.
diff finprod_acfpdb10.xml_original finprod_acfpdb10.xml
Warning: missing newline at end of file finprod_acfpdb10.xml
< <?xml version = '1.0'?>
< <!-- $Header: adxmlctx.tmp 115.426 2009/05/08 08:46:29 rdamodar ship $ -->
< <!--
> <!-- $Header: adxmlctx.tmp 115.426 2009/05/08 08:46:29 rdamodar ship $ --><!--
< -->
< <oa_context version="$Revision: 115.426 $">
> --><oa_context version="$Revision: 115.426 $">
< <cookiedomain oa_var="s_cookie_domain"></cookiedomain>
> <cookiedomain oa_var="s_cookie_domain"></cookiedomain>
< <FORMS60_BLOCK_URL_CHARACTERS oa_var="s_f60blockurlchar">%0a,%0d,!,%21,",%22,%28,%29,;,[,%5b,],%5d,{,%7b,|,%7c,},%7d,%7f,>,%3c,<,%3e</FORMS60_BLOCK_URL_CHARACTERS>
> <FORMS60_BLOCK_URL_CHARACTERS oa_var="s_f60blockurlchar">%0a,%0d,!,%21,",%22,%28,%29,;,[,%5b,],%5d,{,%7b,|,%7c,},%7d,%7f,>,%3c,<,%3e</FORMS60_BLOCK_URL_CHARACTERS>
< <start_cmd oa_var="s_jtffstart">/s_u01/app/applmgr/jdk1.5.0_11/bin/java -Xmx512M -classpath .:/s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/comn/java/ -Dengine.LogPath=/s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/comn/admin/log/finprod_acfpdb10 -Dengine.TempDir=/s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/comn/temp -Dengine.CommandPromptEnabled=false -Dengine.CommandPort=11000 -Dengine.AOLJ.config=/s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/appl/fnd/11.5.0/secure/acfpdb10_finprod.dbc -Dengine.ServerID=5000 -Ddebug=off -Dengine.LogLevel=1 -Dlog.ShowWarnings=false -Dfax.TempDir=/s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/comn/admin/log/finprod_acfpdb10 -Dprint.TempDir=/s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/comn/admin/log/finprod_acfpdb10 >> /s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/comn/admin/log/finprod_acfpdb10/jtffmctl.txt</start_cmd>
> <start_cmd oa_var="s_jtffstart">/s_u01/app/applmgr/jdk1.5.0_11/bin/java -Xmx512M -classpath .:/s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/comn/java/ -Dengine.LogPath=/s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/comn/admin/log/finprod_acfpdb10 -Dengine.TempDir=/s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/comn/temp -Dengine.CommandPromptEnabled=false -Dengine.CommandPort=11000 -Dengine.AOLJ.config=/s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/appl/fnd/11.5.0/secure/acfpdb10_finprod.dbc -Dengine.ServerID=5000 -Ddebug=off -Dengine.LogLevel=1 -Dlog.ShowWarnings=false -Dfax.TempDir=/s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/comn/admin/log/finprod_acfpdb10 -Dprint.TempDir=/s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/comn/admin/log/finprod_acfpdb10 >> /s_u01/app/applmgr/finprod/comn/admin/log/finprod_acfpdb10/jtffmctl.txt</start_cmd>
< </oa_context>
> </oa_context>
Terminology: Parsers don't write XML; they read XML. Serialisers write XML.
In normal element content, < and & are illegal and must be escaped. > is legal except where it follows ]] and is NOT the end of a CDATA section. Most serialisers take the easy way out and write > because a parser will handle both that and >.
I suggest that you submit both your output and input files to an XML validation service like this or this and also test whether the consumer will actually parse your output file.
The only thing I can think of is forcing the parser to treat the nodes you modify as cdata blocks (as the parser is clearly changing the xml tag closing brackets). Try val.text = etree.CDATA(Value) instead of val.text = Value.