I have two large grayscale images. Either PIL.Image or numpy data structure.
How do I do 1d convolution of the two images along one axis?
The best I come up with is
def conv2(im1, im2, *args):
res = 0
for l1, l2 in zip(im1, im2):
res += np.convolve(l1, l2, *args)
return res
Which works, but not extremely fast. Is there a faster way?
Please note that all the 2D convolution functions are probably not relevant since I am not interested in a 2D convolution. I've seen this question on SO before, but I didn't see a better answer than my code. So I'm bumping it again.
FFT along one axis, multiply along one axis and inverse FFT.
Should be MUCH faster according to this explanation
Scipy.signal.fftconvolve should do the job.
I want to know how much different are two numpy matrices. Matrix1 and Matrix2 could be much similar, like 80% same values but just shifted... I attach images of two identical arrays that differ in a little sequence of values in top right.
from skimage.util import compare_images
#matrix1 & matrix2 are numpy arrays
compare_images(matrix1, matrix2, method='diff')
Gives me a first comparison, but what about two numpy matrices, one of which is, for example, left-shifted by a couple of columns?
from scipy.signal import correlate2d
corr = correlate2d(matrix1, matrix2)
Prints out correlation and it seems a nice method, but I do not understand how the results are displayed, since the differences are in top right of the images.
picture1_norm = picture1/np.sqrt(np.sum(picture1**2))
picture2_norm = picture2/np.sqrt(np.sum(picture2**2))
Returns a value in range 0-1 of similarity; for example 0.9942.
What could be a good method?
Correlation between two matrices is a legitimate measure of how similar both are. If both contain the same values the (normalized) correlation will be 1 and your (max?) value of 0.9942 is already very close to that.
Regarding translational (in-)variance of your result have a closer look at the mode argument of scipy.signal.correlate2d which defines how to handle differing sizes along both axes of your matrices and how far to slide one matrix over the other when calculating the correlation.
I'm new to python and am far more familliar with Matlab. If my question is ill suited for this forum, don't hesitate to point it out.
I'm trying to make local averages at a very fast speed. It's like I'm trying to reduce the number of pixel in an image, by making an average of multiple pixels for each new pixel, except I'm doing it in 3D.
Imagine a 1000x1000x6 arrays. I'm dividing this array in multiple tiny arrays of 10x10x3. I then want to calculate the mean of all those tiny arrays and put them back together to build back my array.
The way I did it on Matlab was with convn(array,seed,'valid'), which is a multi-dimension convolution function.
What would be the easiest way to do it in python?
I think the closest thing that you can find to the convn is the SciPy's convolve. Below is the example
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import convolve
M = np.random.random((1000, 1000, 6))
seed = np.ones((3, 3, 3)) * 0.1 / 27.
N = convolve(M, seed, mode='constant', cval=0)
The mode='constant', cval=0 is just zero-padding.
Not sure if that's what you need, but that's a start
Doc: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve.html
I am trying to get rid of the for loop and instead do an array-matrix multiplication to decrease the processing time when the weights array is very large:
import numpy as np
sequence = [np.random.random(10), np.random.random(10), np.random.random(10)]
weights = np.array([[0.1,0.3,0.6],[0.5,0.2,0.3],[0.1,0.8,0.1]])
Cov_matrix = np.matrix(np.cov(sequence))
results = []
for w in weights:
result = np.matrix(w)*Cov_matrix*np.matrix(w).T
Cov_matrix is a 3x3 matrix
weights is an array of n lenght with n 1x3 matrices in it.
Is there a way to multiply/map weights to Cov_matrix and bypass the for loop? I am not very familiar with all the numpy functions.
I'd like to reiterate what's already been said in another answer: the np.matrix class has much more disadvantages than advantages these days, and I suggest moving to the use of the np.array class alone. Matrix multiplication of arrays can be easily written using the # operator, so the notation is in most cases as elegant as for the matrix class (and arrays don't have several restrictions that matrices do).
With that out of the way, what you need can be done in terms of a call to np.einsum. We need to contract certain indices of three matrices while keeping one index alone in two matrices. That is, we want to perform w_{ij} * Cov_{jk} * w.T_{ki} with a summation over j, k, giving us an array with i indices. The following call to einsum will do:
res = np.einsum('ij,jk,ik->i', weights, Cov_matrix, weights)
Note that the above will give you a single 1d array, whereas you originally had a list of arrays with shape (1,1). I suspect the above result will even make more sense. Also, note that I omitted the transpose in the second weights argument, and this is why the corresponding summation indices appear as ik rather than ki. This should be marginally faster.
To prove that the above gives the same result:
In [8]: results # original
Out[8]: [array([[0.02803215]]), array([[0.02280609]]), array([[0.0318784]])]
In [9]: res # einsum
Out[9]: array([0.02803215, 0.02280609, 0.0318784 ])
The same can be achieved by working with the weights as a matrix and then looking at the diagonal elements of the result. Namely:
which gives:
array([0.03553664, 0.02394509, 0.03765553])
This does more calculations than necessary (calculates off-diagonals) so maybe someone will suggest a more efficient method.
Note: I'd suggest slowly moving away from np.matrix and instead work with np.array. It takes a bit of getting used to not being able to do A*b but will pay dividends in the long run. Here is a related discussion.
I have an image I've read from file with shape (m,n,3) (i.e. it has 3 channels). I also have a matrix to convert the color space with dimensions (3,3). I've already arrived at a few different ways of applying this matrix to each vector in the image; for example,
appears to make for the same results as the following (far slower) implementation.
def convert(im: np.array, transform: np.array) -> np.array:
""" Convert an image array to another colorspace """
dimensions = len(im.shape)
axes = im.shape[:dimensions-1]
# Create a new array (respecting mutability)
new_ = np.empty(im.shape)
for coordinate in np.ndindex(axes):
pixel = im[coordinate]
pixel_prime = transform # pixel
new_[coordinate] = pixel_prime
return new_
However, I found that the following is even more efficient while testing on the example image with line_profiler.
np.moveaxis(np.tensordot(transform, X, axes=((-1),(-1))), 0, 2)
The problem I'm having here is using just a np.tensordot, i.e. removing the need for np.moveaxis. I've spent a few hours attempting to find a solution (I'm guessing it resides in choosing the correct axes), so I thought I'd ask others for help.
You can do it concisely with tensordot if you make image the first argument:
np.tensordot(image, transform, axes=(-1, 1))
You can get better performance from einsum by using the argument optimize=True (requires numpy 1.12 or later):
np.einsum('ij,...j', transform, image, optimize=True)
Or (as Paul Panzer pointed out in a comment), you can simply use matrix multiplication:
image # transform.T
They all take about the same time on my computer.
I am working on a program in python that makes use of a function very similar to the addWeighted function in openCV. The difference is that it doesn't actually add the numpy arrays representing the images, instead, it takes whichever pixel is brighter at any particular coordinate and uses that value.
What I have been finding, however, is that despite the fact that these functions do very similar things, the addWeighted function is much faster. So my question is, how can I modify my current solution to be equally as fast? Is there a way I can use the multiprocessing module, or something similar?
Here is the code:
image = np.zeros(image_1.shape)
for row_index, row in enumerate(image_1):
for col_index, col in enumerate(row):
pixel_1 = image_1[row_index, col_index]
pixel_2 = image_2[row_index, col_index]
sum_1 = int(pixel_1[0]) + int(pixel_1[1]) + int(pixel_1[2])
sum_2 = int(pixel_2[0]) + int(pixel_2[1]) + int(pixel_2[2])
if sum_2 > sum_1:
image[row_index, col_index] = pixel_2
image[row_index, col_index] = pixel_1
Where image_1 and image_2 are both numpy arrays representing images, both with the same shape (720, 1280, 3).
One vectorized approach would be -
mask = image_2.astype(int).sum(-1) > image_1.astype(int).sum(-1)
out = np.where(mask[...,None], image_2, image_1)
Steps :
Convert to int dtypes, sum along the last axis and perform element-wise comparisons. This would give us a mask.
Use np.where with this mask, extended to the same no. of dims as input arrays to do the choosing. This employs the concept of NumPy broadcasting to do the choosing in a vectorized manner. So, that's worth a good look.
Note: Alternatively, we can also use keepdims=True to keep the no. of dims while summing and thus avoid extending dims in the next step.