Python currying with any number of variables - python

I am trying to use currying to make a simple functional add in Python. I found this curry decorator here.
def curry(func):
def curried(*args, **kwargs):
if len(args) + len(kwargs) >= func.__code__.co_argcount:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return (lambda *args2, **kwargs2:
curried(*(args + args2), **dict(kwargs, **kwargs2)))
return curried
def foo(a, b, c):
return a + b + c
Now this is great because I can do some simple currying:
>>> foo(1)(2, 3)
>>> foo(1)(2)(3)
But this only works for exactly three variables. How do I write the function foo so that it can accept any number of variables and still be able to curry the result? I've tried the simple solution of using *args but it didn't work.
Edit: I've looked at the answers but still can't figure out how to write a function that can perform as shown below:
>>> foo(1)(2, 3)
>>> foo(1)(2)(3)
>>> foo(1)(2)
>>> foo(1)(2)(3)(4)

Arguably, explicit is better than implicit:
from functools import partial
def example(*args):
print("This is an example function that was passed:", args)
one_bound = partial(example, 1)
two_bound = partial(one_bound, 2)
#JohnKugelman explained the design problem with what you're trying to do - a call to the curried function would be ambiguous between "add more curried arguments" and "invoke the logic". The reason this isn't a problem in Haskell (where the concept comes from) is that the language evaluates everything lazily, so there isn't a distinction you can meaningfully make between "a function named x that accepts no arguments and simply returns 3" and "a call to the aforementioned function", or even between those and "the integer 3". Python isn't like that. (You could, for example, use a zero-argument call to signify "invoke the logic now"; but that would break special cases aren't special enough, and require an extra pair of parentheses for simple cases where you don't actually want to do any currying.)
functools.partial is an out-of-box solution for partial application of functions in Python. Unfortunately, repeatedly calling partial to add more "curried" arguments isn't quite as efficient (there will be nested partial objects under the hood). However, it's much more flexible; in particular, you can use it with existing functions that don't have any special decoration.

You can implement the same thing as the functools.partial example for yourself like this:
def curry (prior, *additional):
def curried(*args):
return prior(*(args + additional))
return curried
def add(*args):
return sum(args)
x = curry(add, 3,4,5)
y = curry(b, 100)
print y(200)
# 312
It may be easier to think of curry as a function factory rather than a decorator; technically that's all a decorator does but the decorator usage pattern is static where a factory is something you expect to be invoking as part of a chain of operations.
You can see here that I'm starting with add as an argument to curry and not add(1) or something: the factory signature is <callable>, *<args> . That gets around the problem in the comments to the original post.

FACT 1: It is simply impossible to implement an auto currying function for a variadic function.
FACT 2: You might not be searching for curry, if you want the function that will be passed to it * to know* that its gonna be curried, so as to make it behave differently.
In case what you need is a way to curry a variadic function, you should go with something along these lines below (using your own snipped):
def curryN(arity, func):
"""curries a function with a pre-determined number of arguments"""
def curried(*args, **kwargs):
if len(args) + len(kwargs) >= arity:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return (lambda *args2, **kwargs2:
curried(*(args + args2), **dict(kwargs, **kwargs2)))
return curried
def curry(func):
"""automatically curries a function"""
return curryN(func.__code__.co_argcount, func);
this way you can do:
def summation(*numbers):
return sum(numbers);
sum_two_numbers = curryN(2, summation)
sum_three_numbers = curryN(3, summation)
increment = curryN(2, summation)(1)
decrement = curryN(2, summation)(-1)

I think this is a decent solution:
from copy import copy
import functools
def curry(function):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
partial = functools.partial(function, *args, **kwargs)
signature = inspect.signature(partial.func)
signature.bind(*partial.args, **partial.keywords)
except TypeError as e:
return curry(copy(partial))
return partial()
return inner
This just allow you to call functools.partial recursively in an automated way:
def f(x, y, z, info=None):
if info:
print(info, end=": ")
return x + y + z
g = curry_function(f)
print(g(2, 3)(4))
print(g(2)(3, 4))
print(g(2, info="test A")(3, 4))
print(g(2, info="test A")(3, 4, info="test B"))
<function curry.<locals>.inner at 0x7f6019aa6f28>
<function curry.<locals>.inner at 0x7f6019a9a158>
<function curry.<locals>.inner at 0x7f6019a9a158>
<function curry.<locals>.inner at 0x7f6019a9a158>
<function curry.<locals>.inner at 0x7f6019a9a0d0>
test A: 9
test B: 9


Setting parameters with decorators vs nested functions

I need to call a multi-parameter function many times while all but one parameter is fixed. I was thinking of using decorators:
# V1 - with #decorator
def dec_adder(num):
def wrap(fun):
def wrapped_fun(n1):
return fun(n1, second_num=num)
return wrapped_fun
return wrap
def adder(first_num, second_num):
return first_num + second_num
print adder(5)
>>> 7
But this seems confusing since it appears to be calling a 2-parameter function, adder with only one argument.
Another approach is to use a nested function definition that uses local variables from the parent function:
# V2 - without #decorator
def add_wrapper(num):
def wrapped_adder(num_2):
return num + num_2
return wrapped_adder
adder = add_wrapper(2)
print adder(5)
>>> 7
But I hesitate to use this approach since in my actual implementation the wrapped function is very complex. My instinct is that it should have a stand-alone definition.
Forgive me if this ventures into the realm of opinion, but is either approach considered better design and/or more Pythonic? Is there some other approach I should consider?
functools.partial should work nicely in this case:
from functools import partial
def adder(n1, n2):
return n1 + n2
adder_2 = partial(adder, 2)
Its' docstring:
partial(func, *args, **keywords) - new function with partial application
of the given arguments and keywords.
-- so, you can set keyword arguments as well.
Sadly, the built-in sum does not suit this case: it sums over an iterable (in fact, sum(iterable[, start]) -> value), so partial(sum, 2) does not work.
Another possible solution - you can use functools and parametrized decorator:
from functools import wraps
def decorator(num):
def decor(f):
def wrapper(n,*args,**kwargs):
return f(n+num,*args,**kwargs)
return wrapper
return decor
#decorator(num=2) # number to add to the parameter
def test(n,*args,**kwargs):
print n
test(10) # base amount - prints 12

Return function with function

I would like to do something like the following:
def getFunction(params):
f= lambda x:
do stuff with params and x
return f
I get invalid syntax on this. What is the Pythonic/correct way to do it?
This way I can call f(x) without having to call f(x,params) which is a little more messy IMO.
A lambda expression is a very limited way of creating a function, you can't have multiple lines/expressions (per the tutorial, "They are syntactically restricted to a single expression"). However, you can nest standard function definitions:
def getFunction(params):
def to_return(x):
# do stuff with params and x
return to_return
Functions are first-class objects in Python, so once defined you can pass to_return around exactly as you can with a function created using lambda, and either way they get access to the "closure" variables (see e.g. Why aren't python nested functions called closures?).
It looks like what you're actually trying to do is partial function application, for which functools provides a solution. For example, if you have a function multiply():
def multiply(a, b):
return a * b
... then you can create a double() function1 with one of the arguments pre-filled like this:
from functools import partial
double = partial(multiply, 2)
... which works as expected:
>>> double(7)
1 Technically a partial object, not a function, but it behaves in the same way.
You can't have a multiline lambda expression in Python, but you can return a lambda or a full function:
def get_function1(x):
f = lambda y: x + y
return f
def get_function2(x):
def f(y):
return x + y
return f

Professor used "The binary version of a function". Does that even exist?

Our professor used this in the assignment. I don't think "The binary version of a function" exist after searching about it in Google. What do you think it means?
Say we have a function add that adds a bunch of numbers. Rather than
writing add(3, 5, 4, 1) we want to use currying to create an adder
function that can be extended using a chain of calls. We would then
have adder(3)(5)(4)(1)(). Let us assume we have the currying function
that can create this adder given the add2 function (the binary version
of add) and a start value. Let us call it curry. Then we have adder =
curry(add2, 0).
I think he means a function that accepts only two arguments, so it just adds two numbers. His example function add(3, 5, 4, 1) would be a function that accepts any number of arguments and adds them all, but add2 would only accept two arguments, so add2(3, 5) would be 8. "The binary version of a function" in this case means a binary function (a function accepting two arguments).
In this case "binary function" refers to an argument that accepts two arguments. In this case your professor is probably referring to something like this:
def add2(x, y):
return x + y
# equivalently: add2 = lambda x,y: x+y
def curry(func, num):
def wrapped(*args):
if len(args) == 0:
return num
elif len(args) > 1:
raise TypeError('{} takes 1 positional argument but '
'{} were given'.format(
func.__name__, len(args)))
arg = args[0]
return curry(func, func(num, arg))
return wrapped
#AdamSmith and #BrenBarn have already pointed out what binary function means. A simple and clear assignment solution can be write by using object instead of decorator.
class curry():
def __init__(self, func, default):
self._f = func
self._default = default
def __call__(self, val=None):
if val is None:
return self._default
return curry(self._f,self._f(self._default,val))
print(curry(lambda x,y:x+y, 0)(3)(5)(4)(1)())
Neat and simple!
IMHO functors should be used only when the increase readability, simplicity or hide tedious work. In that case the object and functor implementations are really the same but the object version is more readable and straight to understand.

Creating a new function as return in python function?

I was wondering if it is possible in python to do the following:
def func1(a,b):
return func2(c,d)
What I mean is that suppose I do something with a,b which leads to some coefficients that can define a new function, I want to create this function if the operations with a,b is indeed possible and be able to access this outside of func1.
An example would be a simple fourier series, F(x), of a given function f:
def fourier_series(f,N):
...... math here......
return F(x)
What I mean by this is I want to creat and store this new function for later use, maybe I want to derivate it, or integrate or plot or whatever I want to do, I do not want to send the point(s) x for evaluation in fourier_series (or func1(..)), I simply say that fourier_series creates a new function that takes a variable x, this function can be called later outside like y = F(3)... if I made myself clear enough?
You should be able to do this by defining a new function inline:
def fourier_series(f, N):
def F(x):
return F
You are not limited to the arguments you pass in to fourier_series:
def f(a):
def F(b):
return b + 5
return F
>>> fun = f(10)
>>> fun(3)
You could use a lambda (although I like the other solutions a bit more, I think :) ):
>>> def func2(c, d):
... return c, d
>>> def func1(a, b):
... c = a + 1
... d = b + 2
... return lambda: func2(c,d)
>>> result = func1(1, 2)
>>> print result
<function <lambda> at 0x7f3b80a3d848>
>>> print result()
(2, 4)
While I cannot give you an answer specific to what you plan to do. (Looks like math out of my league.)
I can tell you that Python does support first-class functions.
Python may return functions from functions, store functions in collections such as lists and generally treat them as you would any variable.
Cool things such as defining functions in other functions and returning functions are all possible.
>>> def func():
... def func2(x,y):
... return x*y
... return func2
>>> x = func()
>>> x(1,2)
Functions can be assigned to variables and stored in lists, they can be used as arguments for other functions and are as flexible as any other object.
If you define a function inside your outer function, you can use the parameters passed to the outer function in the definition of the inner function and return that inner function as the result of the outer function.
def outer_function(*args, **kwargs):
def some_function_based_on_args_and_kwargs(new_func_param, new_func_other_param):
# do stuff here
return some_function_based_on_args_and_kwargs
I think what you want to do is:
def fourier_series(f,N):
#...... math here......
def F(x):
#... more math here ...
import math #blahblah, pseudo code
return math.pi #whatever you want to return from F
if f+N == 2: #pseudo, replace with condition where f,N turn out to be useful
return F
return None
Outside, you can call this like:
F = fourier_series(a,b)
if F:
ans = F(x)
print 'Fourier is not possible :('
The important thing from Python's point of view are:
Yes, you can write a function inside a function
Yes, you can return a function from a function. Just make sure to return it using return F (which returns the function object) as compared to return F(x) which calls the function and returns the value
I was scraping through some documentation and found this.
This is a Snippet Like your code:
def constant(a,b):
def pair(f):
return f(a,b)
return pair
a = constant(1,2) #If You Print variable-> a then it will display "<function constant.
#<locals>.pair at 0x02EC94B0>"
pair(lambda a, b: a) #This will return variable a.
Now, constant() function takes in both a and b and return a function called "Anonymous Function" which itself takes in f, and calls f with a and b.
This is called "closures". Closures is basically an Instance of a Function.
You can define functions inside functions and return these (I think these are technically closures):
def make_f(a, b):
def x(a, b):
return a+b
return x(a, b)

Automatically use list comprehension/map() recursion if a function is given a list

As a Mathematica user, I like functions that automatically "threads over lists" (as the Mathematica people call it - see That means that if a function is given a list instead of a single value, it automatically uses each list entry as an argument and returns a list of the results - e.g.
myfunc([1,2,3,4]) -> [myfunc(1),myfunc(2),myfunc(3),myfunc(4)]
I implemented this principle in Python like this:
def myfunc(x):
if isinstance(x,list):
return [myfunc(thisx) for thisx in x]
#rest of the function
Is this a good way to do it? Can you think of any downsides of this implementation or the strategy overall?
If this is something you're going to do in a lot of functions, you could use a Python decorator. Here's a simple but useful one.
def threads_over_lists(fn):
def wrapped(x, *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(x, list):
return [fn(e, *args, **kwargs) for e in x]
return fn(x, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
This way, just adding the line #threads_over_lists before your function would make it behave this way. For example:
def add_1(val):
return val + 1
print add_1(10)
print add_1([10, 15, 20])
# if there are multiple arguments, threads only over the first element,
# keeping others the same
def add_2_numbers(x, y):
return x + y
print add_2_numbers(1, 10)
print add_2_numbers([1, 2, 3], 10)
You should also consider whether you want this to vectorize only over lists, or also over other iterable objects like tuples and generators. This is a useful StackOverflow question for determining that. Be careful, though- a string is iterable, but you probably won't want your function operating on each character within it.
That's a good way to do it.
However, you would have to do it for each function you write.
To avoid that, you could use a decorator like this one :
def threads(fun):
def wrapper(element_or_list):
if isinstance(element_or_list, list):
return [fun(element) for element in element_or_list]
return fun(element_or_list)
return wrapper
def plusone(e):
return e + 1
print(plusone([1, 2, 3]))
