Python pip installation not working how to do? - python

I keep trying to install Pip using and only get the wheel file in the scripts folder. Try running "pip" in the command prompt and it just comes out with an error. Running windows 8 incase you need.
edit error is 'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command...

python -m pip (command) (option)
Do not use ()

If you are using latest version of Python.
In computer properties, Go to Advanced System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Environmental Variables
In System variables section, there is variable called PATH. Append c:\Python27\Scripts (Note append, not replace)
Then open a new command prompt, try "pip"

Try navigating to ~/Python[version]/Scripts in cmd, then use pip[version] [command] [module] (ie. pip3 install themodulename or pip2 install themodulename)


pip doesn't work even after add to environmental variable windows

I installed pip with, and it seemed that it was done successfully, and I added environmental variables. However, pip doesn't work (not recognized as internal or external command).
It doesn't work even if I write on the command line:
"C:\Users...\python-3.7.1-embed-amd64\Scripts\pip.exe" install numpy
I use windows 10, python 3.7, and i don't have admin rights. I edited user variables, also i asked admin to edit system environmental variables, but it didn't helped.
In case write path to pip.exe manually in the command line, it doesn't work as well.
(Pip and other expected files present in the Script folder!)
env path
pip install
To install packages, you need admin rights.
Start "cmd" as administrator.
Write your command
If you get error like:
Not recognized as internal or external command
if you get this error when you write "help" or other system commands, try start cmd using another way.
else, write not:
pip install package
py -m pip install package
if you need python shell:

Using pip Python 2.7 - Pipe not recognized as an internal or external command

I am trying to install Pillow-2.7.0-cp27-none-win32.whl
I read it is necessary to use the pip to install such file extension.
So I downloaded python 2.7 which already comes with pip installed.
However when I try to execute the following command:
pip install Pillow-2.7.0-cp27-none-win32.whl
command prompt returns:
pip is not recognized as an internal or external command
I tried the following solution:
'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command
But the message result is the same
You need to add the directory containing pip.exe to your PATH. It is usually found in C:\<PythonInstallDir>\Scripts, probably C:\Python27\Scripts unless the installation method has changed recently. The method of editing your PATH varies slightly amongst Windows versions, so Google it with your particular version if you don't already know how to do it.
You can try using py -m pip install pillow in the Command Prompt/PowerShell

Fatal Error Using Pip

I have using Python 3.4 in my machine . I have installed the same machine Python 2.7 and do what necessary in Environment Path . In Python34 folder I have changed python.exe to python3.exe . I can use Python2.7 using python command and Python3.4 using python3 command.But there was an error usin pip :
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Python3.4\python.exe" "C:\Python3.4\Scripts\pip.exe" install'
As you see pip still using python.exe . How can I solve this ?
I'll try to be as clear as I can here, the answer you've linked to in the comments above is specifically asking about being able to run multiple versions of python on the same machine, and being able to specify which version is used to run a script from the command line.
when python 3 is installed two executables are added to c:\Windows\ called py.exe and pyw.exe these are used by default when a python script is invoked by double clicking on it in explorer.
if no other command line arguments are set then these executables look inside the script for the shebang line which looks like #!python2 or #!python3.3 and direct the py (or pyw) executable to use that version of python to run the script, note that this could just be #!python which would use the first version found on the system (oldest first) also note that only 2 significant digits can be used (so you couldn't use #!python3.3.4). If no shebang line is found, the first version of python found will be used.
to use a specific version of python from the command line you would then have a couple of options, firstly you could specify the entire path to the python version you want, e.g. C:\Python33\python.exe or you can use flags.
To use a flag you would call py -3.3 which would call the python 3.3 interpreter and pass it the script as an argument for you.
this prevents you needing to mess about with executable names, by messing with the executable names you are breaking your own pip installation. in short there is no reason you should ever need to rename them.
I have the same error when I install python2.7 and python3.6 in my Window7.
After I rename my python.exe, there was an error using pip.
If your pip is the last version,you have to reinstall your pip use the command python3 -m pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pip.
If your pip is not the last verison ,you can just upgrade your pip with the command python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip.
NOTE. When you install pip for your python2, you hava to change the command as python2 -m pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pip.
Hope it works for you~

Python pip is not working

I am using Python 3.4 on Windows 7.
I need to install the six module, I have pip installed on my C.
The problem is, whenever I type pip on my cmd nothing happens.
I made sure that my environment variables are set correctly but I am still facing the problem.
Try adding the pip executable to your path.
Show us your path variable, you can see it by typing this at a cmd prompt:
echo %PATH%
Do you know where pip is actually installed? On my Windows VM it's here:
That would mean you need C:\Python34\Scripts in your path.
Just download this file and then run python
In my case, to know my pip version, I have to do it as follows
py -m pip --version

'easy_install' is not recognized as an in internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I have just downloaded and installed the latest version of Python on my Windows 7 machine.
Python 2.7.3
Now I want to install a Twitter library I found online:
However when I try to run easy_install tweepy, I get this error message:
'easy_install' is not recognized as an in internal or external
command, operable program or batch file.
Python has already been placed into my path, as I can invoke the Python program into the command line.
Here is a screenshot of my folder where Python is installed.
And inside the Tools folder:
And inside the scripts folder:
You need to:
Install easy_install:
Add C:\Python27\Scripts to your PATH
I had the same issue with Python 3.4. Fixed it with the steps below:
cd C:\Python34\Scripts
.\easy_install pip
(or what you need to install)
with the .\ you sort of grant admin permissions to the command
I think that you should set the 'PATH' variable in order to execute it
Looks like easy-install is not itself installed on your system.
See this previous question for instructions on installing.
Basics official python packages need to be installed
You can install packages via the command line by entering:
python -m pip install --user numpy scipy matplotlib ipython jupyter pandas sympy nose
0.Install easy_install for "edit the system environment variables" in search. environment variables.
3.under "system variables" click "path" and click edit. "new".
5.go back and copy the path where python package(easy_install) is installed and paste it there. ok everything.
7.check now it works...
