Adding widgets to third page causes Frames to adjust size - python

I've created 3 frames (pages) for my GUI and added a couple of widgets to show a basic framework of my GUI.
I have used the .grid_propagate(0) method to stop my frames from adjusting size based on the widgets within them.
See below for code:
from Tkinter import *
# from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename
# from Function_Sheet import *
# from time import sleep
# import ttk, ttkcalendar, tkSimpleDialog, csv, pyodbc, threading
# from Queue import Queue
# import os
# cwd = os.getcwd()
class CA_GUI:
def __init__(self, master):
### Configure ###
win_colour = '#D2B48C'
master.title('CA 2.0'), master.geometry('278x289'), master.configure(background='#EEE5DE')
win1, win2, win3 = Frame(master, background=win_colour, bd=5, relief=GROOVE, pady=10, padx=20, width=260, height = 270), Frame(master, background=win_colour, bd=5, relief=GROOVE, pady=10, padx=20, width=260, height = 270), Frame(master, background=win_colour, bd=5, relief=GROOVE, pady=10, padx=20, width=260, height = 270)
### Grid Frames ###
for window in [win1,win2,win3]:
window.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='news', pady=10, padx=10)
### Window 1 ###
self.win1_label1 = Label(win1, text = 'This is page 1!')
self.win1_label1.pack(fill = X, side = TOP)
self.win1_button1 = Button(win1, text = 'Close', command = master.quit)
self.win1_button1.pack(fill = X, side = BOTTOM)
self.win1_button2 = Button(win1, text = 'Page 2', command = lambda:self.next_page(win2))
self.win1_button2.pack(fill = X, side = BOTTOM)
### Window 2 ###
self.win2_label1 = Label(win2, text = 'This is page 2!')
self.win2_label1.pack(fill = X, side = TOP)
self.win2_button1 = Button(win2, text = 'Close', command = master.quit)
self.win2_button1.pack(fill = X, side = BOTTOM)
self.win2_button2 = Button(win2, text = 'Page 3', command = lambda:self.next_page(win3))
self.win2_button2.pack(fill = X, side = BOTTOM)
### Window 3 ###
self.win3_label1 = Label(win3, text = 'This is page 3!')
self.win3_label1.pack(fill = X, side = TOP)
def next_page(self, window):
root = Tk()
b = CA_GUI(root)
The problem comes when I'm adding widgets to win3. If I comment out the code relating to win3, all the frames stay at their specified size and everything looks good. However, adding even a simple label widget to win3, the frames sizes seem to adjust to the size of their widgets. - This is not what I want!
The issue does not seem to be exclusive to win3 as commenting out another frames widgets solves the re-sizing issue.
Any feedback would be appreciated!

My recommendation is to never turn off geometry propagation. It's almost always the wrong choice. Tkinter does a fantastic job of efficiently laying out widgets. Let the frame shrink (or grow) to fit the contents, and use the geometry manager to cause the frame to fit the space allotted to it.
The problem in this code is that you aren't allowing grid to allocate all of the space to the frames. You need to give at least one row and one column "weight" so that grid will allocate extra space to that row and column, forcing the frames to fill the space rather than shrink.
Change the one section of your code to look like this:
### Grid Frames ###
for window in [win1,win2,win3]:
window.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='news', pady=10, padx=10)
This all works because you're giving an explicit size to the main window. In a sense, setting a fixed size for the window turns off the automatic re-sizing of the window based on its immediate children. With the re-sizing turned off, and the proper use of grid options, the inner frames will fill the window.
Of course, if you put widgets that are too big to fit, they will be chopped off. Such is the price you pay for using explicit sizes rather than letting tkinter grow or shrink to fit.

Inside your three windows, you are packing the widgets, not griding them. So all what you need to do is to change this line:
After doing so, you will get what you expect:


How to explicitly resize frames in tkinter?

so i'm currently working on a piece of code that'll be integrating into something else later to act as a settings configurator. For the time being, i want to have a window that is laid out like you see below:
where each coloured box is a frame. This window is not resizable and will always be 480x720 pixels. As such, i want the 3 frames im using, sideBar(yellow), container (blue) and static(red) to always remain the same size and fill the window as pictured above with roughly the same ratios (doesn't need to be exact).
The code for this window is below
self.window = tk.Tk()
self.windowHeight = 480
self.windowLength = 720
self.windowDimensions = str(self.windowLength)+"x"+str(self.windowHeight) #make diemnsions string; dimensions are set as a single string
self.window.resizable(width=False, height=False)
self.container = tk.Frame(self.window, relief="sunken", borderwidth=2) #instantiate new window
self.sideBar = tk.Frame(self.window, relief="sunken", borderwidth=2)
self.static = tk.Frame(self.window, relief="sunken", borderwidth=2)
self.sideBar.grid(row=0, column=0)
self.static.grid(row=5, column=1)
self.configuratorObject = configuratorObject
audioButton = tk.Button(self.sideBar, text="Audio Page", command=lambda: self.raisePage("audioPage"))
colourButton = tk.Button(self.sideBar, text="Colours", command=lambda: self.raisePage("coloursPage"))
saveButton = tk.Button(self.static, text = "Save", state="disabled")
applyButton = tk.Button(self.static, text = "Apply", state="disabled")
I've attempted to change the height and width parameters of the grids, but they really don't seem to be doing anything. So how could i go about explicitly defining the layout and sizes of the frames?
Any help is appreciated
In the comments you wrote
If theres a way of getting tkinter to do it then that'd be great
That is definitely the preferred way, over forcing widgets to be a particular size.
We'll start by using pack instead of grid for the three frames. For such a basic layout it requires fewer lines of code than grid.
self.sideBar.pack(side="left", fill="y")
self.static.pack(side="bottom", fill="x")
self.container.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
Next, add the buttons on the left. This will cause the left frame to shrink in width to fit the buttons. Because we used fill="y", the height will be forced to remain the full height of the window.
audioButton.pack(side="top", fill="x")
colourButton.pack(side="top", fill="x")
Finally, add the buttons on the bottom. Your original code shows them stacked top-to-bottom but your illustration shows them in a single horizontal row. This example adheres to the illustration.
applyButton.pack(side="right", padx=10)
saveButton.pack(side="right", padx=10)
With that we end up with a window that looks like the following, and the proportions and orientation stays exactly the same when you resize the window:
Note: you can do this with grid too, but it requires a few more lines of code to apply weights to the rows and columns. I personally prefer pack when the layout doesn't naturally fit in a grid since it requires fewer lines of code.

Scrollable page in Tkinter Notebook

For a project I need to specify a certain value for N subfiles (sets of data), and this value can either be evenly spaced (omitted here), requiring only a starting value and an increment, or unevenly spaced, which means each subfile has its own value. I've decided to use a Notebook to separate the two methods of entry.
As the number of subfiles can get into hundreds, I would need a scrollbar, and after consulting Google I've found out that to use a scrollbar in such manner I would need to use a canvas and place a frame in it with everything I would want to scroll through.
The number can vary each time, so I decided to use a dictionary, that would be iteratively filled, to contain all 'entry frames' that each contain a label, an entry field and a variable, rolled up into one custom class IterEntryField. After a class instance is created, it's packed inside one container frame. After the for loop is over, the container frame is placed on a canvas and the scrollbar is given a new scrollregion.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import Notebook
N = 25
class IterEntryField:
def __init__(self, frame, label):
self.frame = frame
self.label = label
def pack(self):
self.valLabel = Label(self.frame, text = self.label, anchor = 'w')
self.valLabel.pack(fill = X, side = LEFT)
self.variable = StringVar()
self.valEntry = Entry(self.frame, textvariable = self.variable)
self.valEntry.pack(fill = X, side = RIGHT)
def notebookpopup():
zSetupWindow = Toplevel(root)
zSetupWindow.geometry('{}x{}'.format(800, 300))
notebook = Notebook(zSetupWindow)
evspace = Frame(notebook)
notebook.add(evspace, text = "Evenly spaced values")
sOverflow = Label(evspace, text = 'Ignore this')
uevspace = Frame(notebook)
notebook.add(uevspace, text = "Individual values")
canvas = Canvas(uevspace, width = 800, height = 400)
vsb = Scrollbar(canvas, command=canvas.yview)
canvas.config(yscrollcommand = vsb.set)
canvas.pack(side = LEFT, fill = BOTH, expand = True)
vsb.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y)
entryContainer = Frame(canvas)
entryContainer.pack(fill = BOTH)
frameDict = {}
for i in range(0, N):
frameDict[i] = Frame(entryContainer)
frameDict[i].pack(fill = X)
entry = IterEntryField(frameDict[i], 'Z value for subfile {}'.format(i+1))
canvas.create_window(200, 0, window = entryContainer)
canvas.config(scrollregion = (0,0,100,1000))
notebook.pack(fill = X)
root = Tk()
button = Button(root, text = 'new window', command = notebookpopup)
I'm having three problems with this code:
The pages are incredibly short, only showing a couple lines.
I can't figure out the "proper" offset in create_window. I thought 0, 0 would place it in upper left corner of the canvas, but apparently the upper left corner of the window is taken instead. This could probably fixed by some reverse of the canvasx and canvasy methods, but I haven't been able to find any.
The entry fields and labels are cramped together instead of taking up the entire width of the canvas. This wasn't a problem when I only used the notebook page frame as the container.
Your first problem goes back to how you pack your notebook. Simply change notebook.pack(...) to below:
notebook.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
The second one can be solved by specifying the anchor position in your create_window method:
canvas.create_window(0, 0, window = entryContainer, anchor="nw")
I don't understand what the 3rd problem is - it looks exactly as expected.

How to add a specific spacing in pixels between tkinter buttons?

I have written some code for some buttons. However, I am not sure how to add a specific number of pixels of spacing for each button. So far is the code I have written. However, I have not yet figured out a reliable way to add spacing between the buttons in pixel sizes.
import tkinter as tk
#from tkinter import PhotoImage
def banana():
print ("Sundae")
def tomato():
print ("Ketchup")
def potato():
print ("Potato chips")
root = tk.Tk()
f1 = tk.Frame(root, width=70, height=30)
f1.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky="we")
button_qwer = tk.Button(f1, text="Banana", command=banana)
button_asdf = tk.Button(f1, text="Tomato", command=tomato)
button_zxcv = tk.Button(f1, text="Potato", command=potato)
button_qwer.grid(row=0, column=0)
button_asdf.grid(row=0, column=1)
button_zxcv.grid(row=0, column=2)
Adding space between widgets depends on how you are putting the widgets in the window. Since you are using grid, one simple solution is to leave empty columns between the buttons, and then give these columns a minsize equal to the space you want.
f1.grid_columnconfigure((1, 3), minsize=10, weight=0)
button_qwer.grid(row=0, column=0)
button_asdf.grid(row=0, column=2)
button_zxcv.grid(row=0, column=4)
Using a specific number of pixels of spacing between each Buttondoesn't sound to me like such as good idea because it isn't very flexible nor easily portable to devices with different resolutions.
Nevertheless I've figured-out a way of doing it—namely by putting a do-nothing invisible button between of the each real ones. This got somewhat involved, mostly because it requires putting an image on each Button used this way so its width option argument will be interpreted as number of pixels instead of number of characters (here's some documentation describing the various Button widget configuration options).
import tkinter as tk
# Inline XBM format data for a 1x1 pixel image.
BITMAP = """
#define im_width 1
#define im_height 1
static char im_bits[] = {
root = tk.Tk()
bitmap = tk.BitmapImage(data=BITMAP, maskdata=BITMAP)
f1 = tk.Frame(root, width=70, height=30)
f1.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=tk.EW)
def banana():
print ("Sundae")
def tomato():
print ("Ketchup")
def potato():
print ("Potato chips")
def layout_buttons(parent, buttons, spacing):
if buttons:
first, *rest = buttons
first.grid(row=0, column=0) # Position first Button.
for index, button in enumerate(rest, start=1):
col = 2*index
# Dummy widget to separate each button from the one before it.
separator = tk.Button(parent, relief=tk.FLAT, state=tk.ACTIVE,
image=bitmap, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0,
separator.grid(row=0, column=col-1)
button.grid(row=0, column=col)
buttons = (
tk.Button(f1, text="Banana", command=banana),
tk.Button(f1, text="Tomato", command=tomato),
tk.Button(f1, text="Potato", command=potato),
layout_buttons(f1, buttons, 30)
Here's a blow-up showing that the spacing is exactly 30 pixels (as counted in my image editor and indicated by the thin horizontal black line between the adjacent edges of the two Buttons).

When using a scrolled canvas in Tkinter, columns of contained frame are cut off

I'm trying to make a Tkinter widget that contains a number of tables, which are currently frames with entries filled using the .grid method, which can be switched between by pressing buttons. My current attempt at a solution uses the following code:
from tkinter import *
def dot(root, num):
root.subframe = TFrame(root, num)
root = Tk()
vscrollbar = Scrollbar(root,orient='vertical')
root.defaultframe = MainFrame(root)
root.canvas = Canvas(root, yscrollcommand=vscrollbar.set)
root.subframe = Frame(root.canvas)
where MainFrame has the following structure:
class MainFrame(Frame):
def __init__(self, root):
Frame.__init__(self, root)
b1 = Button(self, text='table 1', command=lambda: dot(root, 0))
b2 = Button(self, text='table 2', command=lambda: dot(root, 1))
b1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N+E+W+S)
b2.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N+E+W+S)
and TFrame:
class TFrame(Frame):
def __init__(self, foor, num):
Frame.__init__(self, root.canvas)
for i in range(12):
self.grid_columnconfigure(i, minsize=50)
for x in range(12):
for y in range(20):
label = Label(self, text=num)
When I run the code, pressing the buttons loads the tables, which scroll in the vertical as expected. But only the first 8 columns or so are visible, no matter how the window is resized. Changing the width of the MainFrame by adding empty labels and the like does not affect the size of the TFrame created, even if it is several times wider than the 8 columns the TFrame ends up being. While I could have a somewhat tolerable solution by adding a horizontal scroll bar as well as the vertical, my experiences so far with scrolling in tkinter in general have been negative enough that I hope to avoid using it by any possible means.
Okay, found a solution. It turns out there weren't columns being cut off, the whole canvas was being cut off, and all my test cases just happened to have exactly the right number of columns vs column width that it looked like the columns after the first 8 were being cut off.
fixed the problem.

Keeping the background colour when adding buttons to a grid/frame

The problem I'm having is keeping my background colour when adding buttons to a frame, as soon as I run the module the background colour disappears, any help will be appreciated, thanks.
Heres me code:
import tkinter
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
Frame1 = tk.Frame(root)
Frame1.configure(background='light blue',height='300',width='500')
Frame2 = tk.Frame(root)
Frame3 = tk.Frame(root)
Frame4 = tk.Frame(root)
Frame4.configure(background='light blue',height='300',width='500')
def PrintOrder():
LabelOrder = tk.Label(Frame3,text="DONUT ORDER")
Button1 = tk.Button(Frame1,text="Apple Cinnamon",height='2',width='15',command=PrintOrder).grid(row='0',column='0')
Button2 = tk.Button(Frame1,text="Strawberry",height='2',width='15',command=PrintOrder).grid(row='0',column='1')
Button3 = tk.Button(Frame1,text="Custard",height='2',width='15',command=PrintOrder).grid(row='0',column='2')
Button4 = tk.Button(Frame1,text="Sugar Ring",height='2',width='15',command=PrintOrder).grid(row='1',column='0')
Button5 = tk.Button(Frame1,text="Chocolate Caramel",height='2',width='15',command=PrintOrder).grid(row='1',column='1')
Button6 = tk.Button(Frame1,text="Lemon Circle",height='2',width='15',command=PrintOrder).grid(row='1',column='2')
Button7 = tk.Button(Frame1,text="Blueberry Blaster",height='2',width='15',command=PrintOrder).grid(row='2',column='0')
Button8 = tk.Button(Frame1,text="Strawberry Surprise",height='2',width='15',command=PrintOrder).grid(row='2',column='1')
Button9 = tk.Button(Frame1,text="Simple Sugar",height='2',width='15',command=PrintOrder).grid(row='2',column='2')
Label1 = tk.Label(Frame2,text="Donut special 6 for the price of 5").grid(row='0',column='0')
Button10 = tk.Button(Frame2,text="SPECIAL",height='5',width='20').grid(row='1',column='0')
Your frame still has its background color. You can see this pretty easily if you give it a distinct color so that it will show (eg: "red"), and add padding between the buttons (eg: tk.Button(...).grid(..., padx=10, pady=10). I think the only thing that is happening is that there is no space between the buttons for the color to show through, and the default behavior is for the frame to shrink (or grow) to fit its contents.
Other problems include the fact that you aren't giving any rows or columns a weight, so they won't grow or shrink as the main window grows an shrinks. Also, you don't have the sticky attribute set for the frames, so they won't fill the grid cell that they occupy. Add sticky="nsew" to where you grid the frames and you'll likely see more color.
A rule of thumb when using grid is to always set the sticky attribute for each item, and to give at least one row and one column a weight of 1 (one).
You can use grid_propagate(0) on your frames. With this, the frame's size is not adjusted to the widgets' size.
On your code, I used the next line to keep the size of Frame1:
You can check this:
grid_propagate(flag) [#]
Enables or disables geometry propagation. When enabled, a grid manager connected to this widget attempts to change the size of the widget whenever a child widget changes size. Propagation is always enabled by default.
True to enable propagation.
