Does anyone has idea that how can get user details from AD using Django search.
I am able to get using simple Python script but not using Django.
In short I want to create a search box which will take user input and will give output from AD using Django.
Thanks in advance.
I want create simple website on this website created post only superuser(admin) one person. Other users can only read posts and leave comments. They do not need to register, only their comments and reading of the post are saved and I need to do it using django rest framework. how to do it correctly thanks in advance for your reply.
I used command "python3 createsuperuser" to create superuser. My project is in the following order enter image description here
enter image description here
but i have this problem
enter image description here
please help me where i am doing wrong, actually how it should be done.
My Problem is, I want to create a extra website on a phpBB forum to provide extra stuff and registration for meeting. No problem I know django and python, so this is no problem.
But I would be nice, if I could accept a session from a user or import the phpBB users so that they can login to my app.
I found django-phpBB, but I don't want to access the data. If I read correctly, my case is not the use case of django-phpBB.
Can anybody give me a good advice?
I'm not sure how to word this differently but I'm integrating Atoti with a Django project using their project template, I've searched a lot in their documentation but I can't seem to get an answer about this.
What I need to do is after a button click on a Django view, redirect the user to a custom Atoti Dashboard that's already populated with a specific information already displayed (for example, a line graph with a title). I don't need to save it unless the user wants because we're planning on using Atoti mainly as means of visualization.
At this point in time, I can only redirect the user to the standard Atoti dashboard with my information and then create what I need to display but that's not user friendly at all and presumes the user has knowledge with Atoti.
Anyone know if this is possible and if isn't, anyone has any suggestions on good Data Visualization libraries that make use of Django?
Thanks in advance.
You could save the custom atoti dashboard and use its ID (the last part of the URL when you have the dashboard opened in a browser tab) to redirect your user to f"{session_url}/#/dashboard/{dashboard_id}".
I'm working on a Django project and wanted its users to have the ability to create a Gmail account directly through our site.
Is anyone familiar with a way to do so?
If not, I was thinking of embedding Google's account creation page directly into the Django site, but I'm still unsure of how to do that.
Any suggestions would be great.
Hi everyone I am new to django tastypie framework and I am trying to make a simple api which has IOS clients.I am trying to implement authorization in such a way that one user can not modify other users data i.e one user can not upload images on behalf of other user.Users should only allowed to make changes to their database records.After surfing from last two days I couldn't able to find any tutorial in implement the same.can anyone let me know the links to do the same.Thank You.
You can use django-guardian. And here is a gist with a custom Authorization class you can use in conjunction with that.