I've put together the following regular expression to extract image ID's from a URL:
''' Parse the post details from the full story page '''
def parsePostFromPermalink(session, permalink):
r = session.get('https://m.facebook.com{0}'.format(permalink))
dom = pq(r.content)
# Parse the images, extract the ID's, and construct large image URL
images = []
for img in dom('a img[src*="jpg"]').items():
if img.attr('src'):
m = re.match(r'/([0-9_]+)n\.jpg/', img.attr('src'))
return images
URL example:
I want this bit:
I've tested it on regex101 and it works: https://regex101.com/r/eS6eS7/2
img.attr('src') contains the correct URL and is not empty. I tested this. When I try to use m.group(0) I get an exception that group is not a function. m is None.
Am I doing something wrong?
Two problems:
those enclosing /.../ are not a part of Python regex syntax
you should use search instead of match
Working example:
>>> url = "https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/cp0/e15/q65/s200x200/13645330_275977022775421_8826465145232985957_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoiYiJ9&oh=ed5b4593ed9c8b6cfe683f9c6932acc7&oe=57EE1224"
>>> re.search(r'([0-9_]+)n\.jpg', url).group(0)
If you want just the number part, use this (group(1), and note the additional _):
>>> re.search(r'([0-9_]+)_n\.jpg', url).group(1)
This is the correct python code from Regex101. (There's a code generator on the left). Notice the lack of slashes on the outside of the regex...
import re
p = re.compile(r'([\d_]+)n\.jpg')
test_str = u"https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/cp0/e15/q65/c3.0.103.105/p110x80/13700209_937389626383181_6033441713767984695_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoiYiJ9&oh=a0b90ec153211eaf08a6b7c4cc42fb3b&oe=581E2EB8"
re.findall(p, test_str)
I'm not sure how you got m as None, but you might need to compile the pattern and use that to match first. Otherwise, try to fix the expression first
I'm trying to parse a link out of some content using regex. I've already got success but I had to use replace() function and this as a flag. The thing is this may not always be present there. So, I seek any solution to get the same output without those two things I've mentioned already.
import re
content = """
widgetEvCall('handlers.onMenuClicked', event, this, 'http://www.stirwen.be/medias/documents/20181002_carte_octobre-novembre_2018_FR.pdf')
link = re.findall(r'this,\s*([^)]*)',content.strip())[0].replace("'","")
How can I get the link using pure regex?
You may extract all chars between single quotes after this, and spaces:
import re
content = """
widgetEvCall('handlers.onMenuClicked', event, this, 'http://w...content-available-to-author-only...n.be/medias/documents/20181002_carte_octobre-novembre_2018_FR.pdf')
link = ''
m = re.search(r"this,\s*'([^']*)'", content)
if m:
link = m.group(1)
# => http://www.stirwen.be/medias/documents/20181002_carte_octobre-novembre_2018_FR.pdf
See the Python demo
Also, see the regex demo.
I am a newbie in python and I am trying to cut piece of string in another string at python.
I looked at other similar questions but I could not find my answer.
I have a variable which contain a domain list which the domains look like this :
I want the mp3 file name (in this example Hotbird, Coldbird etc)
I know I must be able to do it with re.findall() but I have no idea about regular expressions I need to use.
Any idea?
Here is the part I used:
for final in match2:
netname=re.findall('\W+\//\W+\/\W+\/\W+\/\W+', final)
print final
print netname
Which did not work. Then I tried to do this one which only cut the ip address ( but not the name:
for final in match2:
netname=re.findall('\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+', final)
print final
You may just use str.split():
>>> urls = ["", ""]
>>> for url in urls:
... print(url.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0])
And here is an example regex-based approach:
>>> import re
>>> pattern = re.compile(r"/(\w+)\.mp3$")
>>> for url in urls:
... print(pattern.search(url).group(1))
where we are using a capturing group (\w+) to capture the mp3 filename consisting of one or more aplhanumeric characters which is followed by a dot, mp3 at the end of the url.
How about ?
I think that might work
Basically it says...
Match from the end of the line, start with mp3, then match everything back to the first slash.
Think it will perform well.
I'm using python and django to match urls for my site. I need to match a url that looks like this:
The part after ?code= is any combination of letters and numbers, and any length.
I've tried this so far:
But so far none are catching the expression. Any ideas? Thanks
code=34k3593d39k is GET parameter and you don't need to define the pattern for it in URL pattern. You can access it using request.GET.get('code') under view. The pattern should be just:
Usage, accessing GET parameter:
def my_view(request):
code = request.GET.get('code')
print code
Check the documentation:
The URLconf searches against the requested URL, as a normal Python
string. This does not include GET or POST parameters, or the domain
The first pattern will work if you move the last / to just after the ^:
>>> import re
>>> re.match(r'^/company/code/(.+)$', '/company/code/?code=34k3593d39k')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x0209C4A0>
>>> re.match(r'^/company/code/(.+)$', '/company/code/?code=34k3593d39k').groups()
Note too that the ^ is unnecessary because re.match matches from the start of the string:
>>> re.match(r'/company/code/(.+)$', '/company/code/?code=34k3593d39k').groups()
I've seen other questions which will parse either all plain links, or all anchor tags from a string, but nothing that does both.
Ideally, the regular expression will be able to parse a string like this (I'm using Python):
>>> import re
>>> content = '
http://www.google.com Some other text.
And even more text! http://stackoverflow.com
>>> links = re.findall('some-regular-expression', content)
>>> print links
[u'http://www.google.com', u'http://stackoverflow.com']
Is it possible to produce a regular expression which would not result in duplicate links being returned? Is there a better way to do this?
No matter what you do, it's going to be messy. Nevertheless, a 90% solution might resemble:
r'<a\s[^>]*>([^<]*)</a>|\b(\w+://[^<>\'"\t\r\n\xc2\xa0]*[^<>\'"\t\r\n\xc2\xa0 .,()])'
Since that pattern has two groups, it will return a list of 2-tuples; to join them, you could use a list comprehension or even a map:
map(''.join, re.findall(pattern, content))
If you want the src attribute of the anchor instead of the link text, the pattern gets even messier:
r'<a\s[^>]*src=[\'"]([^"\']*)[\'"][^>]*>[^<]*</a>|\b(\w+://[^<>\'"\t\r\n\xc2\xa0]*[^<>\'"\t\r\n\xc2\xa0 .,()])'
Alternatively, you can just let the second half of the pattern pick up the src attribute, which also alleviates the need for the string join:
r'\b\w+://[^<>\'"\t\r\n\xc2\xa0]*[^<>\'"\t\r\n\xc2\xa0 .,()]'
Once you have this much in place, you can replace any found links with something that doesn't look like a link, search for '://', and update the pattern to collect what it missed. You may also have to clean up false positives, particularly garbage at the end. (This pattern had to find links that included spaces, in plain text, so it's particularly prone to excess greediness.)
Warning: Do not rely on this for future user input, particularly when security is on the line. It is best used only for manually collecting links from existing data.
Usually you should never parse HTML with regular expressions since HTML isn't a regular language. Here it seems you only want to get all the http-links either they are in an A element or in text. How about getting them all and then remove the duplicates?
Try something like
set(re.findall("(http:\/\/.*?)[\"' <]", content))
and see if it serves your purpose.
Writing a regex pattern that matches all valid url is tricky business.
If all you're looking for is to detect simple http/https URLs within an arbitrary string, I could offer you this solution:
>>> import re
>>> content = 'http://www.google.com Some other text. And even more text! http://stackoverflow.com'
>>> re.findall(r"https?://[\w\-.~/?:#\[\]#!$&'()*+,;=]+", content)
['http://www.google.com', 'http://www.google.com', 'http://stackoverflow.com']
That looks for strings that start with http:// or https:// followed by one or more valid chars.
To avoid duplicate entries, use set():
>>> list(set(re.findall(r"https?://[\w\-.~/?:#\[\]#!$&'()*+,;=]+", content)))
['http://www.google.com', 'http://stackoverflow.com']
You should not use regular expressions to extract things from HTML. You should use an HTML parser.
If you also want to extract things from the text of the page then you should do that separately.
Here's how you would do it with lxml:
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import lxml.html as lh
import re
html = """
is.gd/testhttp://www.google.com Some other text.
And even more text! http://stackoverflow.com
here's a url bit.ly/test
tree = lh.fromstring(html)
urls = set([])
for a in tree.xpath('//a'):
for text in tree.xpath('//text()'):
for url in re.findall(r'(?i)\b((?:https?://|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:\'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))', text):
print urls
set(['http://www.google.com', 'bit.ly/test', 'http://stackoverflow.com', 'is.gd/test'])
URL matchine regex from here: http://daringfireball.net/2010/07/improved_regex_for_matching_urls
No, it will not be able to parse string like this. Regexp are capable of simple matching and you can't handle parsing a complicated grammar as html just with one or two regexps.
I'm making a regex so I can find youtube links (can be multiple) in a piece of HTML text posted by an user.
Currently I'm using the following regex to change 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JyZLS2IhkQ' into displaying the corresponding youtube video:
return re.compile('(http(s|):\/\/|)(www.|)youtube.(com|nl)\/watch\?v\=([a-zA-Z0-9-_=]+)').sub(tag, value)
(where the variable 'tag' is a bit of html so the video works and 'value' a user post)
Now this works.. until the url is like this:
Now I'm hoping you guys could help me figure how to also match the '&feature...' part so it disappears.
Example HTML:
No replies to this post..
Youtube vid:
More blabla
Thanks for your thoughts, much appreciated
Here how I'm solving it:
import re
def youtube_url_validation(url):
youtube_regex = (
youtube_regex_match = re.match(youtube_regex, url)
if youtube_regex_match:
return youtube_regex_match
return youtube_regex_match
youtube_urls_test = [
'http://www.youtube.com/embed/5Y6HSHwhVlY?rel=0" frameborder="0"',
for url in youtube_urls_test:
m = youtube_url_validation(url)
if m:
print('OK {}'.format(url))
print('FAIL {}'.format(url))
You should specify your regular expressions as raw strings.
You don't have to escape every character that looks special, just the ones which are.
Instead of specifying an empty branch ((foo|)) to make something optional, you can use ?.
If you want to include - in a character set, you have to escape it or put it at right after the opening bracket.
You can use special character sets like \w (equals [a-zA-Z0-9_]) to shorten your regex.
Now, in order to match the whole URL, you have to think about what can or cannot follow it in the input. Then you put that into a lookahead group (you don't want to consume it).
In this example I took everything except -, =, %, & and alphanumerical characters to end the URL (too lazy to think about it any harder).
Everything between the v-argument and the end of the URL is non-greedily consumed by .*?.
Still, I would not put too much faith into this general solution. User input is notoriously hard to parse robustly.
What if you used the urlparse module to pick apart the youtube address you find and put it back into the format you want? You could then simplify your regex so that it only finds the entire url and then use urlparse to do the heavy lifting of picking it apart for you.
from urlparse import urlparse,parse_qs,urlunparse
from urllib import urlencode
youtube_url = urlparse('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFNzk7TVUeY&feature=grec_index')
params = parse_qs(youtube_url.query)
new_params = {'v': params['v'][0]}
cleaned_youtube_url = urlunparse((youtube_url.scheme, \
youtube_url.netloc, \
None, \
urlencode(new_params), \
It's a bit more code, but it allows you to avoid regex madness.
And as hop said, you should use raw strings for the regex.
Here's how I implemented it in my script:
string = "Hey, check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS5P_LAqiVg"
youtube = re.findall(r'(https?://)?(www\.)?((youtube\.(com))/watch\?v=([-\w]+)|youtu\.be/([-\w]+))', string)
if youtube:
print youtube
That outputs:
["", "youtube.com/watch?v=BS5P_LAqiVg", ".com", "watch", "com", "bS5P_LAqiVg", ""]
If you just wanted to grab the video id, for example, you would do:
video_id = [c for c in youtube[0] if c] # Get rid of empty list objects
video_id = video_id[len(video_id)-1] # Return the last item in the list