wx python 3.0.2 classic SetFocus blows - python

I had a Progress class that was working fine in unicode:
class Progress(bolt.Progress):
"""Progress as progress dialog."""
def __init__(self,title=_(u'Progress'),message=u' '*60,parent=None,
abort=False, onAbort=None):
if abort:
style |= wx.PD_CAN_ABORT
self.fnAbort = onAbort
self.dialog = wx.ProgressDialog(title,message,100,parent,style)
self.dialog.SetFocus() #### line 1295 in the traceback is here ####
self.message = message
self.isDestroyed = False
self.prevMessage = u''
self.prevState = -1
self.prevTime = 0
(bolt.Progress has no wx in it)
In 3.02 however blows with:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bash\basher\__init__.py", line 2670, in _refresh_installers_if_needed
with balt.Progress(_(u'Refreshing Installers...'),u'\n'+u' '*60, abort=canCancel) as progress:
File "bash\balt.py", line 1295, in __init__
File "C:\_\Python27\lib\site-packages\wx-3.0-msw\wx\_core.py", line 10129, in SetFocus
return _core_.Window_SetFocus(*args, **kwargs)
wx._core.PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "hWnd" failed at ..\..\src\msw\window.cpp(562) in wxWindow::SetFocus(): can't set focus to invalid window
Now can anyone spot what is invalid about this window ? As seen the Progress is instantiated in:
with balt.Progress(_(u'Refreshing Installers...'),u'\n'+u' '*60, abort=canCancel) as progress:
so parent is None - is it because of that ? However why the change in behavior in 3.0.2 ? EDIT: well no - passing a non None parent in makes no difference
Incidentally if I remove the SetFocus call it goes on to blow in another setFocus call later on:
def doProgress(self,state,message):
if not self.dialog:
raise StateError(u'Dialog already destroyed.')
elif (state == 0 or state == 1 or (message != self.prevMessage) or
(state - self.prevState) > 0.05 or (time.time() - self.prevTime) > 0.5):
self.dialog.SetFocus() #### blows here, this self.dialog is really, really invalid ####
if message != self.prevMessage:
ret = self.dialog.Update(int(state*100),message)
if not ret[0]:
if self.onAbort():
raise CancelError
ret = self.dialog.Update(int(state*100))
if not ret[0]:
if self.onAbort():
raise CancelError
self.prevMessage = message
self.prevState = state
self.prevTime = time.time()
Not sure if all this hocus pocus is needed or if it could be simplified, but my immediate concern is why the window is invalid.

On Windows the ProgressDialog is now a stock common control (like MessageDialog, FileDialog, etc.) instead of a generic dialog implemented in wx like it used to be. So it is not a real native window any longer but just a wrapper around a platform API. So this means that it has no native window handle, and most non-ProgressDialog-specific APIs like SetFocus will not work.


Py2app not functioning as desired to create an app for mac

I'm very new to working on MacOS, but I need to make an app that Mac users can utilize. It's supposed to be a simple plug-and-play app, that is to say that I want to make sure that all they need to do is download the Mac executable file and then they can use the app freely. My app currently seems to be working perfectly fine, that is at least while I'm running the program using the PyCharm IDE, which is also where I compiled my code. This app works through the IDE on the original machine, as well as any other device that I can install the IDE and the other required packages (wand). However, when creating an app through py2app and running it, I get the following error:
avery#averys-MacBook-Air-2 Patents %
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 1892, in call
return self.func(*args)
File "/Users/avery/Documents/Patents/PatDrawDemo.py", line
165, in get_input
fig_one(txt, int(ct))
File "/Users/avery/Documents/Patents/PatDrawDemo.py", line
105, in fig_one
line 9892, in save
line 222, in raise_exception
raise e
wand.exceptions.CoderError: WriteBlob Failed `PatDrawFig1.png' #
I imagine that the error I'm getting is due to the path to which it's supposed to save to is invalid or unreachable or something of the sort, but then again I honestly don't know what the problem is. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If there's anything that is needed in addition to what I've posted, please let me know. Below is just a snippet of the code where 'PatDrawFig1.png' is saving.
def fig_one(full_text, ct):
target_width = 375
y_offset = 0
y_padding = 5
x_padding = 7
with Image(width=2000, height=5000, pseudo='xc:white') as fig1:
for match in find_matches(text=full_text):
with Drawing() as ctx:
ctx.font_size = 20
ctx.text_alignment = 'center'
words = match.split(" ")
word_count = len(words)
while True:
temp_text = rebuild_text(words, word_count, str(ct))
metrics = ctx.get_font_metrics(fig1, temp_text, multiline=True)
if metrics.text_width > target_width:
word_count -= 1
text = temp_text
target_height = int(metrics.text_height + 1)
ctx.fill_color = 'white'
ctx.stroke_width = 3
ctx.stroke_color = 'black'
ctx.rectangle(2, y_offset + y_padding, width=2*x_padding+target_width,
ctx.text(x_padding+3 + (target_width // 2), 10 + 4*y_padding+y_offset, text)
y_offset += target_height + 4*y_padding - 2
ct += 2
Also let me know if there's any other sort of clarification needed.

Issues publishing to device shadow using the aws-iot-device-sdk-python-v2

In a python application that uses the aws iot device sdk for python v2 (v1.7.1) I am running into an issue where I cannot update the device shadow.
After starting the program, the DeviceShadowManager will attempt to get the latest shadow state and set it locally.
If a delta state is present the DeviceShadowManager will merge the last reported state and delta state and publish it.
That works. However, when the manager subscribes for updates, after the initial setup, I am running into an error,
where when the desired state changes, the manager cannot update the reported state. Here is the error:
Exception ignored in: <class 'TypeError'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/tom/.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/awscrt/mqtt.py", line 506, in callback_wrapper
callback(topic=topic, payload=payload)
TypeError: callback_wrapper() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'dup', 'qos', and 'retain'
I looked at the source, but just do not understand why a TypeError is raised,
especially because this exact scenario seems to be handled by the try and except block or am I getting it all wrong?
The source of the error:
if callback:
def callback_wrapper(topic, payload, dup, qos, retain):
callback(topic=topic, payload=payload, dup=dup, qos=QoS(qos), retain=retain)
except TypeError:
# This callback used to have fewer args.
# Try again, passing only those those args, to cover case where
# user function failed to take forward-compatibility **kwargs.
callback(topic=topic, payload=payload) # this is line 506
Below you can find my code and the log of the program.
This dataclass represents the shadow:
from dataclasses import dataclass
class DeviceShadow:
score_threshold: float = 0.6
minimum_distance: int = 150
The shadow is managed by the DeviceShadowManager. Most of this is based on the shadow sample from the aforementioned repository.
from dataclasses import asdict
from queue import Queue
from threading import Lock
from awscrt import mqtt
from awsiot import iotshadow
from awsiot.iotshadow import IotShadowClient
from app.device_shadow.device_shadow import DeviceShadow, from_json as device_shadow_from_json
from app.models import log
class DeviceShadowManager:
_shadow_client: IotShadowClient
shadow_value: DeviceShadow = DeviceShadow()
_lock = Lock()
_thing_name: str
def __init__(self, thing_name: str, mqtt_connection: mqtt.Connection):
self._thing_name = thing_name
self._shadow_client = iotshadow.IotShadowClient(mqtt_connection)
update_accepted_subscribed_future, _ = self._shadow_client.subscribe_to_update_shadow_accepted(
callback=self.on_update_shadow_accepted # omitted
update_rejected_subscribed_future, _ = self._shadow_client.subscribe_to_update_shadow_rejected(
callback=self.on_update_shadow_rejected # omitted
# Wait for subscriptions to succeed
log.info("Subscribing to Get responses...")
get_accepted_subscribed_future, _ = self._shadow_client.subscribe_to_get_shadow_accepted(
get_rejected_subscribed_future, _ = self._shadow_client.subscribe_to_get_shadow_rejected(
callback=self.on_get_shadow_rejected) # omitted
# Wait for subscriptions to succeed
log.info("Subscribing to Delta events...")
delta_subscribed_future, _ = self._shadow_client.subscribe_to_shadow_delta_updated_events(
# Wait for subscription to succeed
# From here on out the rest runs asynchronously.
# Issue request for shadow's current value.
# The response will be received by the on_get_accepted() callback
with self._lock:
publish_get_future = self._shadow_client.publish_get_shadow(
# Ensure that publish succeeds
def on_get_shadow_accepted(self, response: iotshadow.GetShadowResponse) -> None:
log.info("Finished getting initial shadow value.")
if response.state and response.state.delta:
if not response.state.reported:
response.state.reported = {}
merged_state = self.merge_states(response.state.delta, response.state.desired)
return self.set_desired(device_shadow_from_json(merged_state))
if response.state and response.state.reported:
return self.set_local(device_shadow_from_json(response.state.reported))
def on_shadow_delta_updated(self, delta: iotshadow.ShadowDeltaUpdatedEvent) -> None:
if delta.state:
if delta.state is None:
log.info("Delta reports that nothing is set. Setting defaults...")
log.info("Delta reports that desired shadow is '{}'. Changing local shadow...".format(delta.state))
self.set_desired(self.merge_states(delta.state, self.shadow_value))
log.info("Delta did not report a change")
def merge_states(delta: dict, reported: DeviceShadow):
for key, value in delta.items():
reported[key] = value
return reported
def set_local(self, value: DeviceShadow) -> None:
with self._lock:
self.shadow_value = value
def set_desired(self, new_value: DeviceShadow) -> None:
with self._lock:
if self.shadow_value == new_value:
log.debug("Local shadow is already '{}'.".format(new_value))
log.debug("Changing local shadow to '{}'.".format(new_value))
self.shadow_value = new_value
log.debug("Updating reported shadow to '{}'...".format(new_value))
request = iotshadow.UpdateShadowRequest(
self._shadow_client.publish_update_shadow(request, mqtt.QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE)
Below you will find the log:
DEBUG:app.mqtt:Connecting to xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-ats.iot.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com with client ID '80d8bc54-971e-0e65-a537-37d14a3cb630'...
INFO:app.models:Subscribing to Get responses...
INFO:app.models:Subscribing to Delta events...
INFO:app.models:Finished getting initial shadow value.
DEBUG:app.models:Changed local shadow to 'DeviceShadow(score_threshold=0.7, minimum_distance=1503)'.
DEBUG:app.models:Updating reported shadow to 'DeviceShadow(score_threshold=0.7, minimum_distance=1503)'...
INFO:app.models:Update request published.
DEBUG:app.models:Finished updating reported shadow to '{'score_threshold': 0.7, 'minimum_distance': 1503}'.
INFO:app.models:Delta reports that desired shadow is '{'minimum_distance': 15035}'. Changing local shadow...
Exception ignored in: <class 'TypeError'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/tom/.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/awscrt/mqtt.py", line 506, in callback_wrapper
callback(topic=topic, payload=payload)
TypeError: callback_wrapper() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'dup', 'qos', and 'retain'
DEBUG:app.models:Finished updating reported shadow to '{'score_threshold': 0.7, 'minimum_distance': 1503}'.
As you can see the stacktrace is pretty short, is there a way to debug this better?
Any ideas to why it is giving me this particular error and maybe how to solve it?
All help is appreciated!
I am pretty sure the problem lies within
def merge_states(delta: dict, reported: DeviceShadow):
for key, value in delta.items():
reported[key] = value
return reported
where the __setitem__ call on the reported argument raises a TypeError because the reported argument is a DeviceShadow dataclass object that doesn't support item assignment.
If you want to set fields of a dataclass where you have a string of the field name, you can use setattr(reported, key, value).

Watchdog compatibility: A workaround for "CancelIoEx"

Using the python watchdog file system events watching library I noticed that when being used under Windows Server 2003 it entered into "Polling Mode" thus stoping using asynchronous OS notification and, therefore, heavily reducing system performance under big amount of file changes.
I traced the problem to watchdog/observers/winapi.py file where CancelIoEx system call is used in order to stop ReadDirectoryChangesW call lock when the user wants to stop monitoring the watched directory or file:
CancelIoEx = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CancelIoEx
CancelIoEx.restype = ctypes.wintypes.BOOL
CancelIoEx.errcheck = _errcheck_bool
CancelIoEx.argtypes = (
ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, # hObject
ctypes.POINTER(OVERLAPPED) # lpOverlapped
def close_directory_handle(handle):
CancelIoEx(handle, None) # force ReadDirectoryChangesW to return
except WindowsError:
The problem with CancelIoEx call is that it is not available until Windows Server 2008:
One possible alternative is to change close_directory_handle in order to make it create a mock file within the monitored directory, thus unlocking the thread waiting for ReadDirectoryChangesW to return.
However, I noticed that CancelIo system call is in fact available in Windows Server 2003:
Cancels all pending input and output (I/O) operations that are issued
by the calling thread for the specified file. The function does not
cancel I/O operations that other threads issue for a file handle. To
cancel I/O operations from another thread, use the CancelIoEx
But calling CancelIo won't affect the waiting thread.
Do you have any idea on how to solve this problem?
May be threading.enumerate() could be used issue a signal to be handled by each thread being CancelIo called from these handlers?
The natural approach is to implement a completion routine and call to ReadDirectoryChangesW using its overlapped mode. The following example shows the way to do that:
RDCW_CALLBACK_F = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.POINTER(OVERLAPPED))
First, create a WINFUNCTYPE factory which will be used to generate (callable from Windows API) C like functions from python methods. In this case, no return value and 3 parameters corresponding to
VOID CALLBACK FileIOCompletionRoutine(
_In_ DWORD dwErrorCode,
_In_ DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered,
_Inout_ LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
FileIOCompletionRoutine header.
The callback reference as well as the overlapped structure need to be added to ReadDirectoryChangesW arguments list:
ReadDirectoryChangesW = ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReadDirectoryChangesW
ReadDirectoryChangesW.restype = ctypes.wintypes.BOOL
ReadDirectoryChangesW.errcheck = _errcheck_bool
ReadDirectoryChangesW.argtypes = (
ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, # hDirectory
LPVOID, # lpBuffer
ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, # nBufferLength
ctypes.wintypes.BOOL, # bWatchSubtree
ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, # dwNotifyFilter
ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.wintypes.DWORD), # lpBytesReturned
ctypes.POINTER(OVERLAPPED), # lpOverlapped
RDCW_CALLBACK_F # FileIOCompletionRoutine # lpCompletionRoutine
From here, we are ready to perform the overlapped system call.
This is a simple call bacl just usefult to test that everything works fine:
def dir_change_callback(dwErrorCode,dwNumberOfBytesTransfered,p):
print("dir_change_callback! PID:" + str(os.getpid()))
print("CALLBACK THREAD: " + str(threading.currentThread()))
Prepare and perform the call:
event_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(BUFFER_SIZE)
nbytes = ctypes.wintypes.DWORD()
overlapped_read_dir = OVERLAPPED()
call2pass = RDCW_CALLBACK_F(dir_change_callback)
hand = get_directory_handle(os.path.abspath("/test/"))
def docall():
ReadDirectoryChangesW(hand, ctypes.byref(event_buffer),
len(event_buffer), False,
ctypes.byref(overlapped_read_dir), call2pass)
If you load and execute all this code into a DreamPie interactive shell you can check the system call is done and that the callback executes thus printing the thread and pid numbers after the first change done under c:\test directory. Besides, you will notice those are the same than the main thread and process: Despite the event is raised by a separated thread, the callback runs in the same process and thread as our main program thus providing an undesired behaviour:
lck = threading.Lock()
def dir_change_callback(dwErrorCode,dwNumberOfBytesTransfered,p):
print("dir_change_callback! PID:" + str(os.getpid()))
print("CALLBACK THREAD: " + str(threading.currentThread()))
This program will lock the main thread and the callback will never execute.
I tried many synchronization tools, even Windows API semaphores always getting the same behaviour so, finally, I decided to implement the ansynchronous call using the synchronous configuration for ReadDirectoryChangesW within a separate process managed and synchronized using multiprocessing python library:
Calls to get_directory_handle won't return the handle number given by windows API but one managed by winapi library, for that I implemented a handle generator:
class FakeHandleFactory():
_hl = threading.Lock()
_next = 0
def next():
ret = FakeHandleFactory._next
FakeHandleFactory._next += 1
return ret
Each generated handle has to be globally associated with a file system path:
handle2file = {}
Each call to read_directory_changes will now generate ReadDirectoryRequest (derived from multiprocessing.Process) object:
class ReadDirectoryRequest(multiprocessing.Process):
def _perform_and_wait4request(self, path, recursive, event_buffer, nbytes):
#print("path: " + path)
aux_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(BUFFER_SIZE)
aux_n = ctypes.wintypes.DWORD()
#print("_perform_and_wait4request! PID:" + str(os.getpid()))
#print("CALLBACK THREAD: " + str(threading.currentThread()) + "\n----------")
ReadDirectoryChangesW(hdl, ctypes.byref(aux_buffer),
len(event_buffer), recursive,
ctypes.byref(aux_n), None, None)
except WindowsError as e:
print("!" + str(e))
nbytes = 0
event_buffer = []
nbytes = 0
event_buffer = []
# Python 2/3 compat
nbytes.value = aux_n.value
for i in xrange(self.int_class(aux_n.value)):
event_buffer[i] = aux_buffer[i]
def __init__(self, handle, recursive):
buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(BUFFER_SIZE)
self.event_buffer = multiprocessing.Array(ctypes.c_char, buffer)
self.nbytes = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, 0)
targetPath = handle2file.get(handle, None)
super(ReadDirectoryRequest, self).__init__(target=self._perform_and_wait4request, args=(targetPath, recursive, self.event_buffer, self.nbytes))
self.daemon = True
self.lck = multiprocessing.Lock()
self.result = None
self.int_class = long
except NameError:
self.int_class = int
if targetPath is None:
self.result = ([], -1)
def CancelIo(self):
self.result = ([], 0)
def read_changes(self):
#print("read_changes! PID:" + str(os.getpid()))
#print("CALLBACK THREAD: " + str(threading.currentThread()) + "\n----------")
if self.result is not None:
raise Exception("ReadDirectoryRequest object can be used only once!")
self.result = (self.event_buffer, self.int_class(self.nbytes.value))
return self.result
This class specifies Process providing a process which perform the system call and waits until (or):
A change event has been raised.
The main thread cancels the request by calling to the ReadDirectoryRequest object CancelIo method.
Note that:
Roles are now to manage requests. For that, thread locks and auxiliary data structures are needed:
rqIndexLck = threading.Lock() # Protects the access to `rqIndex`
rqIndex = {} # Maps handles to request objects sets.
def get_directory_handle(path):
ret = FakeHandleFactory.next()
handle2file[ret] = path
return ret
def close_directory_handle(handle):
rqset4handle = rqIndex.get(handle, None)
if rqset4handle is not None:
for rq in rqset4handle:
del rqIndex[handle]
if handle in handle2file:
del handle2file[handle]
And last but not least: read_directory_changes
def read_directory_changes(handle, recursive):
rq = ReadDirectoryRequest(handle, recursive)
set4handle = None
if handle in rqIndex:
set4handle = rqIndex[handle]
set4handle = set()
rqIndex[handle] = set4handle
ret = rq.read_changes()
if rq in set4handle:
return ret

Python: Can't pop from an empty list

I am creating a python program to detect and enable usb to usb data transfer between usb storage drives. However I am having an issue with updating the dev_label (device name of the drive) and passing it to Exchange. Here is the code :
context = Context()
monitor = Monitor.from_netlink(context)
observer = GUDevMonitorObserver(monitor)
def device_connected(observer, device):
flag =False
for iden in serial_list :
if iden == device.__getitem__('ID_SERIAL_SHORT'):
if flag ==False:
size = len(Welcome.dev_label)
label = gtk.Label('Device connected :: {0!r}'.format(Welcome.dev_label[size-1]))
if Welcome.device_count<2:
label = gtk.Label('Connect the second device')
else :
class Welcome:
device_count = 0
window = gtk.Window()
vbox= gtk.VBox(False, 5)
dev_label = []
def __init__(self):
self.window.set_default_size(300, 300)
label = gtk.Label("Connect the desired device")
self.window.connect("destroy", lambda q: gtk.main_quit())
class Exchange:
window1 = gtk.Window(Welcome.dev_label.pop())
window2 = gtk.Window(Welcome.dev_label.pop())
def __init__(self):
width = gtk.gdk.screen_get_default().get_width()
height = gtk.gdk.screen_get_default().get_height()
self.window2.move(self.window1.get_position()[0]+width/2, self.window1.get_position()[1])
label = gtk.Label("Hello")
self.window1.connect("destroy" , lambda q : gtk.main_quit())
label = gtk.Label("World")
self.window2.connect("destroy",lambda q : gtk.main_quit())
The error shown in the trace back is :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "project.py", line 70, in <module>
class Exchange:
File "project.py", line 71, in Exchange
window1 = gtk.Window(Welcome.dev_label.pop())
IndexError: pop from empty list
I can't figure out how to synchronize all these event so that the compiler doesn't throw an error. Values are being popped from Welcome.dev_label only after they've been updated in device_connected so why does the compiler have a problem? I am a python newbie so please be gentle.
This is not the compiler givin errors but the program.
You can change your class to this:
import time
class Exchange:
while not Welcome.dev_label: time.sleep(0.001)
window1 = gtk.Window(Welcome.dev_label.pop()) # line 4
while not Welcome.dev_label: time.sleep(0.001)
window2 = gtk.Window(Welcome.dev_label.pop())
This would be kind of a synchronization primitive given that only line 4 and 6 remove content.
In general you would use a queue for this.
import queue # Python3 # import Queue Python 2
Welcome.dev_label # = queue.Queue()
Welcome.dev_label.put(...) # instead of append
Welcome.dev_label.get(...) # instead of pop
But I do not know wether your code uses threads and runs in parallel. If the time.sleep example works then you can switch to a queue.

PyQt and Maya, with threading = False?

I've been investigating this problem for 3 days now, without any luck. I'm quite new to all this so maybe there is something I'm missing.
The problem applies to: Maya.cmds, PyMel and evaluated MEL using QThread or just Thread
This code is designed to run on the "mayapy" python interpreter which follows Maya. I've created a short example which re-creates the same error in multiple instances.
One button works, the other one doesn't. But they run the same code.
from PyQt4 import Qt
class doStuff( Qt.QThread ):
taskProgress = Qt.pyqtSignal(int)
# --------------------------------------------------------- #
# Here things start to crash...
def run( self ):
# This works
persp = mel.general.PyNode('persp')
print persp.translateX.get()
# This dont work
poiLights = mel.general.ls( exactType="pointLight" )
for light in poiLights:
print light
# This dont work
geo = mel.general.PyNode('pPyramidShape1')
print mel.modeling.polyEvaluate( geo, face=True )
# Emit progress
self.taskProgress.emit( 1 )
# --------------------------------------------------------- #
class ui( Qt.QWidget ):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(ui, self).__init__(parent)
# Init QThread
self.thread = doStuff()
# Create Widgets
buttonNo = Qt.QPushButton("Start - Dont work")
buttonYes = Qt.QPushButton("Start - Works")
# Setup Layout
layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout()
layout.addWidget( buttonYes )
layout.addWidget( buttonNo )
self.setLayout( layout )
# --------------------------------
# PROBLEM AREA: Button signals
# This one dont work, but starts the thread correctly.
self.connect( buttonNo, Qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.thread.start )
# This one works, but dont start the thread correctly.
self.connect( buttonYes, Qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.thread.run )
# --------------------------------
self.thread.taskProgress.connect( self.updateProgress )
# Feedback progress status
def updateProgress( self, value ):
print 'Current progress is:', value
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = Qt.QApplication(sys.path)
program = ui()
# init maya
import pymel.core as mel
filePath = '/Users/ecker/Dropbox/Scripts/RibExporter/mayaScene3ani.ma'
mel.openFile( filePath, f=True, o=True )
This code creates 2 buttons which start executing the same function when pressed. One executes thread.start and thread.run.
thread.start will make the thread work as it should, being able to feed back data to the Qt interface (for a progress bar), but most of the Maya code will start to return all kinds of errors like this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/ecker/Dropbox/Scripts/RibExporter/error_recreation2.py", line 22, in run
poiLights = mel.general.ls( exactType="pointLight" )
File "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2012/Maya.app/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pymel/core/general.py", line 969, in ls
res = _util.listForNone(cmds.ls(*args, **kwargs))
File "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2012/Maya.app/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pymel/internal/pmcmds.py", line 134, in wrappedCmd
res = new_cmd(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
TypeError: Flag 'long' must be passed a boolean argument
It is a boolean argument, and no matter what arguments I try to give it in what format and ways, it will always give errors very similar to this. At the same line res = new_cmd(*new_args, **new_kwargs) needing a boolean.
I need the thread to start, not just run. Unless there is a different way to do the threading, a workaround?
Maya does not work well with threads. The key here is to use maya.utils.executeInMainThreadWithResult.
I hope this helps.
