I am trying to normalize rows of a numpy matrix using L2 norm (unity length).
I am seeing a problem when I do that.
Assuming my matrix 'b' is as follows:
Now when I do the normalization of first row as below it works fine.
But when I try to do it by iterating through all the rows and converting the same matrix b as below it gives me all zeros.
Any idea why is that happening and how to get the correct normalization?.
Any faster way of row normalizing of matrix without having to iterate each row?. I don't want to use sci-kit learn normalization function though.
The problem comes from the fact that b has type int so when you fill in row by row, numpy automatically converts the results of you computation (float) to int, hence the zeros. One way to avoid that is to define b with type float by using 0., 1. etc... or just adding .astype(float) at definition.
This should work to do the computation in one go which also doesn't require converting to float first:
b = b / np.linalg.norm(b, axis=1, keepdims=True)
This works because you are redefining the whole array rather than changing its rows one by one, and numpy is clever enough to make it float.
The following calculations were for the 1st row, i.e., train_df.y1[0].
I want to repeat this operation for all 400 rows of train_df
squared_deviations_y1_0_train = ((ideal_df.loc[:0,"y1":"y50"] - train_df.y1[0]) ** 2).sum(axis=1)
The result is correct, just need to repeat it.
Since your end result seems to be a scalar, you can convert both of these dataframes to Numpy and take advantage of braodcasting.
Something like this,
squared_deviations = ((ideal_df.to_numpy() - train_df.y1.to_numpy().reshape(-1,1)) ** 2).sum(axis=1)
would do pretty nicely. If you MUST stay within pandas, you could use the subtract() method to get the same outcome.
(train_df.y1.subtract(ideal_df.T) ** 2).sum(axis=0)
Not that train_df.y1 becomes a row vector of size (400,) so you need to make the row dimension 400 to do this subtraction (hence the transpose of ideal_df).
You can also use the apply() method as Barmar suggested. This will require you to define a function that calculates the row index so that you can subtract the appropriate value of train_df for every cell before you perform the square and sum operations. Something like this,
(ideal_df.apply(lambda cell: cell - train_df.y1[cell.index]) ** 2).sum(axis=1)
would also work. I highly recommend using Numpy for these tasks because Numpy was designed with broadcasting in mind, but as shown you can get away with doing it in Pandas.
I wish to have an int matrix which has only its first column filled and the rest of elements are Null. Sorry but, I have a background of R. So, I know if I leave some Null elements it would be easier to manage them later. Meanwhile, if I leave 0 then it would be lots of problems later.
I have the following code:
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as random
import pandas as pa
def getRowData():
rowDt = np.full((80,20), np.nan)
rowDt[:,0] = random.choice([1,2,3],80) # Set the first column
return rowDt
I wish that this function returns the int, but seems that it gives me float.
I have seen this link, and tried the below code:
return pa.to_numeric(rowDt)
But, it did not help me. Also the rowDT object does not have .astype(<type>).
How can I convert an int array?
You create a full (np.full ) matrix of np.nan, which holds float dtype. This means you start off with a matrix defined to hold float numbers, not integers.
To fix this, fefine a full matrix with the integer 0 as initial value. That way, the dtype of your array is np.int and there is no need for astype or type casting.
rowDt = np.full((80,20), 0)
If you still wish to hold np.nan in your matrix, then I'm afraid you cannot use numpy arrays for that. You either hold all integers, or all floats.
You can use numpy.ma.masked_array() to create a numpy masked array
The numpy masked array "remembers" which elements are "masked". It provides methods and functions similar to those of numpy arrays, but excluding the masked values from the computations (such as, eg, mean()).
Once you have the masked array, you can always mask or unmask specific elements or rows or columns of elements whenever you want.
I was able to optimise some operations in my program quite a bit using numpy. When I profile a run, I noticed that most of the time is spent in numpy.nan_to_num. I'd like to improve this even further.
The sort of calculations occurring are multiplication of two arrays for which one of the arrays could contain nan values. I want these to be treated as zeros, but I can't initialise the array with zeros, as nan has a meaning later on and can't be set to 0. Is there a way of doing multiplications (and additions) with nan being treated as zero?
From the nan_to_num docstring, I can see a new array is produced which may explain why it's taking so long.
Replace nan with zero and inf with finite numbers.
Returns an array or scalar replacing Not a Number (NaN) with zero,...
A function like nansum for arbitrary arithmetic operations would be great.
Here's some example data:
import numpy as np
a = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)
a[a < 0.1] = np.nan # set some random values to nan
b = np.ones_like(a)
One option is to use np.where to set the value of the result to 0 wherever one of your arrays is equal to NaN:
result = np.where(np.isnan(a), 0, a * b)
If you have to do several operations on an array that contains NaNs, you might consider using masked arrays, which provide a more general method for dealing with missing or invalid values:
masked_a = np.ma.masked_invalid(a)
result2 = masked_a * b
Here, result2 is another np.ma.masked_array whose .mask attribute is set according to where the NaN values were in a. To convert this back to a normal np.ndarray with the masked values replaced by 0s, you can use the .filled() method, passing in the fill value of your choice:
result_filled = result2.filled(0)
assert np.all(result_filled == result)
I am looking for coding examples to learn Numpy.
Usage would be dtype ='object'.
To construnct array the code used would
a= np.asarray(d, dtype ='object')
not np.asarray(d) or np.asarray(d, dtype='float32')
Is sorting any different than float32/64?
Coming from excel "cell" equations, wrapping my head around Row Column math.
A = array([['a',2,3,4],['b',5,6,2],['c',5,1,5]], dtype ='object')
Create new array with:
How would I sort high to low by [3].
How calc for entire col. (1,1)- (1,0), Example without sorting A
How calc for enitre array (1,1) - (2,0) Example without sorting A
Despite the fact that I still cannot understand exactly what you are asking, here is my best guess. Let's say you want to sort A by the values in 3rd column:
A = array([['a',2,3,4],['b',5,6,2],['c',5,1,5]], dtype ='object')
ii = np.argsort(A[:,2])
print A[ii,:]
Here the rows have been sorted according to the 3rd column, but each row is left unsorted.
Subtracting all of the columns is a problem due to the string objects, however if you exclude them, you can for example subtract the 3rd row from the 1st by:
A[0,1:] - A[2,1:]
If I didn't understand the basic point of your question, then please revise it. I highly recommend you take a look at the numpy tutorial and documentation if you have not done so already:
I have many csv files which each contain roughly identical matrices. Each matrix is 11 columns by either 5 or 6 rows. The columns are variables and the rows are test conditions. Some of the matrices do not contain data for the last test condition, which is why there are 5 rows in some matrices and six rows in other matrices.
My application is in python 2.6 using numpy and sciepy.
My question is this:
How can I most efficiently create a summary matrix that contains the means of each cell across all of the identical matrices?
The summary matrix would have the same structure as all of the other matrices, except that the value in each cell in the summary matrix would be the mean of the values stored in the identical cell across all of the other matrices. If one matrix does not contain data for the last test condition, I want to make sure that its contents are not treated as zeros when the averaging is done. In other words, I want the means of all the non-zero values.
Can anyone show me a brief, flexible way of organizing this code so that it does everything I want to do with as little code as possible and also remain as flexible as possible in case I want to re-use this later with other data structures?
I know how to pull all the csv files in and how to write output. I just don't know the most efficient way to structure flow of data in the script, including whether to use python arrays or numpy arrays, and how to structure the operations, etc.
I have tried coding this in a number of different ways, but they all seem to be rather code intensive and inflexible if I later want to use this code for other data structures.
You could use masked arrays. Say N is the number of csv files. You can store all your data in a masked array A, of shape (N,11,6).
from numpy import *
A = ma.zeros((N,11,6))
A.mask = zeros_like(A) # fills the mask with zeros: nothing is masked
A.mask = (A.data == 0) # another way of masking: mask all data equal to zero
A.mask[0,0,0] = True # mask a value
A[1,2,3] = 12. # fill a value: like an usual array
Then, the mean values along first axis, and taking into account masked values, are given by:
mean(A, axis=0) # the returned shape is (11,6)