My Directory structure in /VM/repo/project is:
from ..classes import project
from ..classes import db
class PROJECT:
def __init__(self):
class DB:
def __init__(self):
When I try to run
I get the error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/", line 4, in < module >
from ..classes import project
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
What am I missing here?
As stated in the error, you're running getSomething as a main module. But you can't do package relative imports when you aren't in a package. The main module is never in a package. So, if you were to import getSomething as part of a package...:
# /VM/repo/
from project.scripts import getSomething
Then you would not have the import errors.
Perhaps it is helpful to have a quick discussion on python modules and packages. In general, a file that contains python source code and has the .py extension is a module. Typically that module's name is the name of the file (sans extension), but if you run it directly, that module's name is '__main__'. So far, this is all well known and documented. To import a module you just do import module or import package.module and so on. This last import statement refers to something else (a "package") which we'll talk about now...
Packages are directories that you can import. Many directories can't be imported (e.g. maybe they have no python source files -- modules -- in them). So to resolve this ambiguity, there is also the requirement that the directory has an file. When you import a directory on your filesystem, python actually imports the module and creates the associated package from the things in (if there are any).
Putting all of this together shows why executing a file inside a directory that has an is not enough for python to consider the module to be part of a package. First, the name of the module is __main__, not package.filename_sans_extension. Second, the creation of a package depends not just on the filesystem structure, but on whether the directory (and therefore was actually imported).
You might be asking yourself "Why did they design it this way?" Indeed, I've asked myself that same question on occasion. I think that the reason is because the language designers want certain guarantees to be in place for a package. A package should be a unit of things which are designed to work together for a specific purpose. It shouldn't be a silo of scripts that by virtue of a few haphazard files gain the ability to walk around the filesystem to find the other modules that they need. If something is designed to be run as a main module, then it probably shouldn't be part of the package. Rather it should be a separate module that imports the package and relies on it.
I have a project with the following file structure:
# dice files
# help files
# other parser files
The program is run from within the root directory by calling python imports bot.my_discord_bot and then makes use of a class defined there.
The file bot/ has the following import statements:
import dice.dice as d
import as h
import parser.parser as p
On Linux, all three import statements execute correctly. On Windows, the first two seem to execute fine, but then on the third I'm told:
ImportError: No module named 'parser.parser'; 'parser' is not a package
Why does it break on the third import statement, and why does it only break on Windows?
Edit: clarifies how the program is run
Make sure that your parser is not shadowing a built-in or third-party package/module/library.
I am not 100% sure about the specifics of how this name conflict would be resolved, but it seems like you can potentially a). have your module overridden by the existing module (which seems like it might be happening in your Windows case), or b). override the existing module, which could cause bugs down the road. It seems like b is what commonly trips people up.
If you think this might be happening with one of your modules (which seems fairly likely with a name like parser), try renaming your module.
See this very nice article for more details and more common Python "import traps".
Put outside root folder, so you'll have next to root folder, then create inside root folder, and change imports to:
import root.parser.parser as p
Or just rename your parser module.
Anyway you should be careful with naming, because you can simply mess your own stuff someday.
I am creating module (with submodules). Lets call it lib. I am trying to make it work as following:
I am able to run it (there is lib.__main__). It uses lib.utils inside.
When executed part of its job is to load other file/module passed by user. Currently it does it by importlib.import_module( name ).
This loaded module also needs to use lib.utils.
I am having following choice:
In loaded module use import utils instead of import lib.utils. I find it somehow misleading and would like to aviod this.
Run module in any external way, even using file with only import lib.__main__ inside.
Only other thing I have tought of was doing sys.path.append(os.getcwd()). Not only it seems very dirty, but also makes log.utils module to load twice.
Is there anything that would allow me to execute lib.__main__, but require using import lib.utils in loaded module?
From the docs
If the script name refers to a directory or zipfile, the script name is added to the start of sys.path and the file in that location is executed as the main module.
In your case, if you run python lib mymodule, lib is added to sys.path and is executed. lib is not a package, its simply a directory in sys.path. is not in a package and so package-relative imports don't work.
Since lib is in sys.path, its top level .py files can be imported directly and any subdirectories with are importable packages. So, both and mymodule could do import utils and get the same thing.
Now it gets confusing. Because you are sitting in lib's parent directory and because there is a, lib.utils is also valid. Its only that way because of your current directory (or maybe you added the directory to PYTHONPATH or something). So, you've got two different modules as far as python is concerned because you got there on two different paths.
The solution is to delete lib/ lib shouldn't be package. Then you have the question of what to do with the modules like lib/ Normally, one would create a package directory and move the scripts there so that you get namespace encapsulation. Supposing you call that directory mypackages, then and could both import mypackages.utils.
I am just starting with python and have troubles understanding the searching path for intra-package module loads. I have a structure like this:
top/ Top-level package Initialize the top package
src/ Subpackage for source files
pkg1/ Source subpackage 1
pkg2/ Source subpackage 2
test/ Subpackage for unit testing
pkg1Test/ Tests for subpackage1
pkg2Test/ Tests for subpackage2
In testSuite1_1 I need to import module (and so on). What import statement should I use?
Python's official tutorial (at, sec 6.4.2) says:
"If the imported module is not found in the current package (the package of which the current module is a submodule), the import statement looks for a top-level module with the given name."
I took this to mean that I could use (from within
from src.pkg1 import mod1_1
import src.pkg1.mod1_1
neither works. I read several answers to similar questions here, but could not find a solution.
Edit: I changed the module names to follow Python's naming conventions. But I still cannot get this simple example to work.
The module name doesn't include the .py extension. Also, in your example, the top-level module is actually named top. And finally, hyphens aren't legal for names in python, I'd suggest replacing them with underscores. Then try:
from top.src.pkg1 import mod1_1
Problem solved with the help of (referred to in a similar question). The key point (perhpas obvious to more experienced python developers) is this:
"In order for a Python program to use a package, the package must be findable by the import statement. In other words, the package must be a subdirectory of a directory that is on sys.path. [...] the easiest way to ensure that a package was on sys.path was to either install it in the standard library or to have users extend sys.path by setting their $PYTHONPATH shell environment variable"
Adding the path to "top" to PYTHONPATH solved the problem.To make the solution portable (this is a personal project, but I need to share it across several machines), I guess having a minimal initialization code in top/ should work.
First off all: I'm sorry, I know there has been lots of question about relative imports, but I just didn't find a solution. If possible I would like to use the following directory layout:
Now my questions are:
How do the test files from within the package properly import
How would you import the package from outside, assuming you take myClass as submodule in libs/myClass or include/myClass?
So far I couldn't find an elegant solution for this. From what I understand Guido's Decision it should be possible to do from ..src import myClass but this will error:
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
Which looks as it doesn't treat myClass as packages. Reading the docs:
The files are required to make Python treat the directories as containing packages;
It seems I'm missing something that specifies where the scripts of the package are, should I use .pth ?
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
Means you attempt to use relative import in the module which is not package. Its problem with the file which has this from ... import statement, and not the file which you are trying to import.
So if you are doing relative imports in your tests, for example, you should make your tests to be part of your package. This means
Adding to test/
Running them from some outside script, like nosetests
If you run something as python myClass/test/, relative imports will not work too since you are running demo module not as package. Relative imports require that the module which uses them is being imported itself either as package module, from myClass.test.demo import blabla, or with relative import.
After hours of searching last night I found the answer to relative imports in python!! Or an easy solution at the very least. The best way to fix this is to have the modules called from another module. So say you want to import In the myClass folder at the root of the sub-packages they need to have a file that calls the other two. From what I gather the working directory is always considered __main__ so if you test the import from with the script, you will receive that error. To illustrate:
Folder hierarchy:
myClass/ #arbitrary name, can be anything
def randomMaths(x):
a = x * 2
y = x * a
return y
from ..src import myClass
def printer():
import test.demo
If you run in the interpreter, you will generate an error, but running will not. It's a little convoluted, but it works :D
Intra-package-references describes how to myClass from test/*. To import the package from outside, you should add its path to PYTHONPATH environment variable before running the importer application, or to sys.path list in the code before importing it.
Why from ..src import myClass fails: probably, src is not a python package, you cannot import from there. You should add it to python path as described above.
I'm hoping there's an easy answer to this question that I'm simply overlooking.
Here's the setup:
Contents of
import foo
Run the script:
$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in <module>
import foo
ImportError: No module named foo
The only way I can figure out to address this is:
Contents of
import sys
import os
path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), "../"))
import foo
So that works, but the problem (if I'm not mistaken) is that this adds the parent directory of foo/ to sys.path and thus searches all of the sibling folders of foo/ for Python modules.
There's a case I have where I really, really don't want to do that. I just want to add a single directory as a module to my path, but I can't figure out how to just add that module without adding that directory's parent directory and thus every other directory beneath that parent directory.
Am I overlooking something here? Is there an easy way I can add a script's parent folder as a module?
I don't quite see why run is meant to import its own parent package. After all, a package is just meant to be a way of collecting modules together; it's not meant to have significant functionality of its own.
Packages are a way of structuring
Python’s module namespace by using
“dotted module names”. For example,
the module name A.B designates a
submodule named B in a package named
A. Just like the use of modules saves
the authors of different modules from
having to worry about each other’s
global variable names, the use of
dotted module names saves the authors
of multi-module packages like NumPy or
the Python Imaging Library from having
to worry about each other’s module
Are you sure you don't want run to import a sibling module? That you can do using relative imports.