I'm having a problem finding out how to discover the write function to solve this problem:
Write a function that will take as an input two numbers (l,m) and return as a tuple the coefficients (a,b,c) for the quadratic equation a x^2 + b x + c found from expanding (x + l) * (x + m).
def func(l,m):
a = 1
equation = (a * (x ** 2)) + (b * x) + c
coef = [a,b,c]
eq2 = (x + m) * (x + l)
coef1 = m + l
coef2 = m * l
if coef1 == coef[1] and coef2 == coef[2]:
return coef
Just to make it clear:
Your problem states:
return as a tuple the coefficients (a,b,c) for the quadratic equation
a x^2 + b x + c found from expanding (x + l) * (x + m).
Let's find the equation by expanding:
(x + l) * (x + m) =
= x^2 + l*x + m*x + l*m =
= x^2 + (l+m)*x + l*m
Now, by coefficients comparison with a x^2 + b x + c, we get that:
a = 1
b = l + m
c = l * m
So your function can basically return (1, l + m, l * m) directly...
Now that we have your code, I can tell you you're not using Python functions right. You can't create an unknown variable as you can do in math (here you called x)
There are modules who allow such operation with different syntax such as SymPy.
If you don't want to use it and you want to solve it "by-hand" maybe for a school project you'll need to compute a, b and conly from l and m with formulas.
As mentionned Tomerikoo
a = 1
b = l + m
c = l * m
I am trying to take derivatives of this function
x, y, z, P, k, q = sp.symbols('x y z P k q')
expr = sp.exp(-sp.I*(P+k/(2*q)*(x**2 + y**2)))
where P and q are functions of z. How can I define P and q such that sp.diff(P, z) returns P' rather than 0?
From what you wrote, sympy can't know P and q are functions of z, can it? So it's treating them as constants - just like all the other variables except z. Your expression does not mention z at all, so it is all a constant expression - and the derivation of a constant is 0, no exceptions.
Make sure sympy knows P and q are functions of z. And obviously, it matters what those functions are - you can't just leave them blank. A square differentiates differently than a square root. If you don't know, sympy will do the best it can:
x, y, z, k = sp.symbols('x y z k')
P = sp.Function('P')
q = sp.Function('q')
expr = sp.exp(-sp.I*(P(z)+k/(2*q(z))*(x**2 + y**2)))
sp.diff(expr, z)
# => -I*(-k*(x**2 + y**2)*Derivative(q(z), z)/(2*q(z)**2) + Derivative(P(z), z))*
# exp(-I*(k*(x**2 + y**2)/(2*q(z)) + P(z)))
but if you do know, it can calculate it exactly:
x, y, z, k = sp.symbols('x y z k')
P = sp.Lambda(z, z * z)
q = sp.Lambda(z, sp.sqrt(z))
expr = sp.exp(-sp.I*(P(z)+k/(2*q(z))*(x**2 + y**2)))
sp.diff(expr, z)
# => -I*(-k*(x**2 + y**2)/(4*z**(3/2)) + 2*z)*
# exp(-I*(k*(x**2 + y**2)/(2*sqrt(z)) + z**2))
Similarly, I don't think you can differentiate P, but this works:
sp.diff(P(z), z)
# => 2*z
You can use idiff to get a fragile result with unevaluated derivatives: dPdz = idiff(expr, (P, q), z). It is fragile in the sense that dPdz.doit() will give 0 because there is no explicit dependence on z for q.
>>> idiff(expr,(P,q),z)
k*(x**2 + y**2)*Derivative(q, z)/(2*q**2)
>>> _.doit()
I'm trying to implement baseline als subtraction in pytorch so that I can run it on my GPU but I am running into problems because pytorch.gesv gives a different result than scipy.linalg.spsolve. Here is my code for scipy:
def baseline_als(y, lam, p, niter=10):
L = len(y)
D = sparse.diags([1,-2,1],[0,-1,-2], shape=(L,L-2))
w = np.ones(L)
for i in range(niter):
W = sparse.spdiags(w, 0, L, L)
Z = W + lam * D.dot(D.transpose())
z = spsolve(Z, w*y)
w = p * (y > z) + (1-p) * (y < z)
return z
and here is my code for pytorch
def baseline_als_pytorch(y, lam, p, niter=10):
diag = torch.tensor(np.repeat(1, L))
diag = torch.diag(diag, 0)
diag_minus_one = torch.tensor(np.repeat(-2, L - 1))
diag_minus_one = torch.diag(diag_minus_one, -1)
diag_minus_two = torch.tensor(np.repeat(1, L - 2))
diag_minus_two = torch.diag(diag_minus_two, -2)
D = diag + diag_minus_one + diag_minus_two
D = D[:, :L - 2].double()
w = torch.tensor(np.repeat(1, L)).double()
for i in range(10):
W = diag.double()
Z = W + lam * torch.mm(D, D.permute(1, 0))
z = torch.gesv(w * y, Z)
z = z[0].squeeze()
w = p * (y > z).double() + (1 - p) * (y < z).double()
return z
Sorry that the pytorch code looks so bad I'm just starting out in it.
I've confirmed that Z, w, and y are all the same going into both scipy and pytorch and that z is different between them right after I try to solve the system of equations.
Thanks for the comment, here is an example:
I use 100000 for lam and 0.001 for p.
Using the dummy input: y = (5,5,5,5,5,10,10,5,5,5,10,10,10,5,5,5,5,5,5,5),
I get (3.68010263, 4.90344214, 6.12679489, 7.35022406, 8.57384278, 9.79774074, 11.02197199, 12.2465927 , 13.47164891, 14.69711435,15.92287813, 17.14873257, 18.37456982, 19.60038184, 20.82626043,22.05215157, 23.27805103, 24.50400438, 25.73010693, 26.95625922) from scipy and
(6.4938312 , 6.46912395, 6.44440175, 6.41963499, 6.39477958,6.36977727, 6.34455582, 6.31907933, 6.29334844, 6.26735058, 6.24106029, 6.21443939, 6.18748732, 6.16024137, 6.13277694,6.10515785, 6.07743658, 6.04965455, 6.02184242, 5.99402035) from pytorch.
This is with just one iteration of the loop. Scipy is correct, pytorch is not.
Interestingly, if I use a shorter dummy input (5,5,5,5,5,10,10,5,5,5), I get the same answer from both. My real input is 1011 dimensional.
Your pytorch function is wrong (you never update W at the first line inside the for loop), moreover I get the result you say you got from Pytorch from Scipy too.
Scipy version
def baseline_als(y, lam=100000, p=1e-3, niter=1):
L = len(y)
D = sparse.diags([1,-2,1],[0,-1,-2], shape=(L,L-2))
w = np.ones(L)
for i in range(niter):
W = sparse.spdiags(w, 0, L, L)
Z = W + lam * D.dot(D.transpose())
z = spsolve(Z, w*y)
w = p * (y > z) + (1-p) * (y < z)
return z
equivalent in Pytorch
def baseline_als_pytorch(y, lam=100000, p=1e-3, niter=1):
L = len(y)
D = torch.diag(torch.ones(L), 0) + torch.diag(-2 * torch.ones(L-1), -1) + torch.diag(torch.ones(L-2), -2)
D = D[:, :L-2].double()
w = torch.ones(L).double()
for i in range(niter):
W = torch.diag(w)
Z = W + lam * torch.mm(D, D.permute(1, 0))
z = torch.gesv(w * y, Z)
z = z[0].squeeze()
w = p * (y > z).double() + (1 - p) * (y < z).double()
return z
when I feed them with y = np.array([5,5,5,5,5,10,10,5,5,5,10,10,10,5,5,5,5,5,5,5], dtype='float64'):
array([6.4938312 , 6.46912395, 6.44440175, 6.41963499, 6.39477958,
6.36977727, 6.34455582, 6.31907933, 6.29334844, 6.26735058,
6.24106029, 6.21443939, 6.18748732, 6.16024137, 6.13277694,
6.10515785, 6.07743658, 6.04965455, 6.02184242, 5.99402035])
tensor([6.4938, 6.4691, 6.4444, 6.4196, 6.3948, 6.3698, 6.3446, 6.3191, 6.2933,
6.2674, 6.2411, 6.2144, 6.1875, 6.1602, 6.1328, 6.1052, 6.0774, 6.0497,
6.0218, 5.9940], dtype=torch.float64)
If I increase n_iter to 10:
array([5.00202571, 5.00199038, 5.00195504, 5.00191963, 5.0018841 ,
5.00184837, 5.00181235, 5.00177598, 5.00173927, 5.00170221,
5.00166475, 5.00162685, 5.00158851, 5.00154979, 5.00151077,
5.00147155, 5.0014322 , 5.00139276, 5.00135329, 5.0013138 ])
tensor([5.0020, 5.0020, 5.0020, 5.0019, 5.0019, 5.0018, 5.0018, 5.0018, 5.0017,
5.0017, 5.0017, 5.0016, 5.0016, 5.0015, 5.0015, 5.0015, 5.0014, 5.0014,
5.0014, 5.0013], dtype=torch.float64)
And it checks out with the code of baseline als you linked to in your question.
I have the following system of equations :
-2yz = a
-2xy = b
-x^2 + y^2 - z^2 = c
How can I simplify the solution for these equations using SymPy? x, y, z are unknowns. I have the following script:
from sympy import *
x, y, z = var('x y z')
a, b, c = var('a b c')
E1 = -2 * y * z - a
E2 = -2 * x * y - b
E3 = -x**2 + y ** 2 - z ** 2 - c
sols = solve([E1, E2, E3], [x, y, z])
The simplifies solution is not really palatable. Any idea?
You might consider running cse over your solutions. I will let you see what the replacments are, but here is the result:
>>> r, e = cse(flatten(sols))
>>> reshape(e, (3,)) # restore tuples of 3 solutions
(x1*x9, -x11*x13, x9),
(-x1*x13, x11*x9, -x13),
(-x16, x12*x17, -x15),
(x16, x17*x8, x15)]
Can anyone help me in finding a bijective mathematical function from N * N * N → N that takes three parameters x, y, and z and returns a number n?
I would like to know the function f and its inverse f' in a way that if I have n I will be able to determine x, y, z by applying f'(n).
Defining f as a composition of a simpler function g
Suppose g is a bijection from N × N to N and let g-1 be its inverse. Then we can define f in terms of g as follows.
f(x, y, z) = g(g(x, y), z) = n
f-1(n) = (x, y, z) where g-1(n) = (w, z) and g-1(w) = (x, y)
Defining g as a bijection from N × N to N
We now have the much simpler problem of defining g.
g(x, y) = (x + y)(x + y + 1) / 2 + y = n
g-1(n) = (x, y) where m = ⌊(2n)1/2⌋ and exactly one of the following two conditions hold.
x + y = m and y = n - m(m + 1) / 2
x + y = m - 1 and y = n - m(m - 1) / 2
Python implementation
def f(x, y, z):
return g(g(x, y), z)
def f_inv(n):
w, z = g_inv(n)
x, y = g_inv(w)
return (x, y, z)
def g(x, y):
return (x + y) * (x + y + 1) / 2 + y
def g_inv(n):
m = math.floor(math.sqrt(2 * n))
while True:
y = n - m * (m + 1) / 2
if y >= 0:
m -= 1
x = m - y
return x, y
your function is not surjective, let p is a prime number, we can't find any x,y,z in N such that p=2^x3^y5^z...
F(x,y,z) = 2^x*3^y*5^z
In fact you can choose any distinct set of prime numbers. And inverse is simply by factorizing to corresponding prime factors.