Fill up a dictionary in parallel with multiprocessing - python

Yesterday i asked a question: Reading data in parallel with multiprocess
I got very good answers, and i implemented the solution mentioned in the answer i marked as correct.
def read_energies(motif):
complx_ener = pd.DataFrame()
# complex function to fill that dataframe
lig_ener = pd.DataFrame()
# complex function to fill that dataframe
return motif, complx_ener, lig_ener
p = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=CPU)
for x in p.imap_unordered(read_energies, peptide_kd.keys()):
COMPLEX_ENERGIS[x[0]] = x[1]
LIGAND_ENERGIES[x[0]] = x[2]
However, this solution takes the same amount of time as if i would just iterate over peptide_kd.keys() and fill up the DataFrames one by one. Why is that so? Is there a way to fill up the desired dicts in parallel and actually get a speed increase? i am running it on a 48 core HPC.

You are incurring a good amount of overhead in (1) starting up each process, and (2) having to copy the pandas.DataFrame (and etc) across several processes. If you just need to have a dict filled in parallel, I'd suggest using a shared memory dict. If no key will be overwritten, then it's easy and you don't have to worry about locks.
(Note I'm using multiprocess below, which is a fork of multiprocessing -- but only so I can demonstrate from the interpreter, otherwise, you'd have to do the below from __main__).
>>> from multiprocess import Process, Manager
>>> def f(d, x):
... d[x] = x**2
>>> manager = Manager()
>>> d = manager.dict()
>>> job = [Process(target=f, args=(d, i)) for i in range(5)]
>>> _ = [p.start() for p in job]
>>> _ = [p.join() for p in job]
>>> print d
{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 4: 16}
This solution doesn't make copies of the dict to share across processes, so that part of the overhead is reduced. For large objects like a pandas.DataFrame, it can be significant compared to the cost of a simple operation like x**2. Similarly, spawning a Process can take time, and you maybe be able to do the above even faster (for lightweight objects) by using threads (i.e. from multiprocess.dummy instead of multiprocess for either your originally posted solution or mine above).
If you do need to share DataFrames (as your code suggests instead of as the question asks), you might be able to do it by creating a shared memory numpy.ndarray.


Unable To Display Result Array In Python Multiprocessing

Result Array is displayed as empty after trying to append values into it.
I have even declared result as global inside function.
Any suggestions?
Error Image
try this
res= []
inputData = [a,b,c,d]
def function(data):
values = [some_Number_1, some_Number_2]
return values
def parallel_run(function, inputData):
cpu_no = 4
if len(inputData) < cpu_no:
cpu_no = len(inputData)
p = multiprocessing.Pool(cpu_no)
global resultsAr
resultsAr =, inputData, chunksize=1)
print ('res = ', res)
This happens since you're misunderstanding the basic point of multiprocessing: the child process spawned by multiprocessing.Process is separate from the parent process, and thus any modifications to data (including global variables) in the child process(es) are not propagated into the parent.
You will need to use multiprocessing-specific data types (queues and pipes), or the higher-level APIs provided by e.g. multiprocessing.Pool, to get data out of the child process(es).
For your application, the high-level recipe would be
def square(v):
return v * v
def main():
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
with multiprocessing.Pool() as p:
squared =, arr)
– however you'll likely find that this is massively slower than not using multiprocessing due to the overheads involved in such a small task.
Welcome to StackOverflow, Suyash !
The problem is that multiprocessing.Process is, as its name says, a separate process. You can imagine it almost as if you're running your script again from the terminal, with very little connection to the mother script.
Therefore, it has its own copy of the result array, which it modifies and prints.
The result in the "main" process is unmodified.
To convince yourself of this, try to print id(res) in both __main__ and in square(). You'll see they are different.

Large memory consumption by iPython Parallel module

I am using the ipyparallel module to speed up an all by all list comparison but I am having issues with huge memory consumption.
Here is a simplified version of the script that I am running:
From a SLURM script start the cluster and run the python script
ipcluster start -n 20 --cluster-id="cluster-id-dummy" &
sleep 60
ipython /global/home/users/pierrj/git/python/
ipcluster stop --cluster-id="cluster-id-dummy"
In python, make two list of lists for the simplified example
import ipyparallel as ipp
from itertools import compress
list1 = [ [i, i, i] for i in range(4000000)]
list2 = [ [i, i, i] for i in range(2000000, 6000000)]
Then define my list comparison function:
def loop(item):
for i in range(len(list2)):
if list2[i][0] == item[0]:
return True
return False
Then connect to my ipython engines, push list2 to each of them and map my function:
rc = ipp.Client(profile='default', cluster_id = "cluster-id-dummy")
dview = rc[:]
dview.block = True
lview = rc.load_balanced_view()
lview.block = True
mydict = dict(list2 = list2)
trueorfalse = list(, list1))
As mentioned, I am running this on a cluster using SLURM and getting the memory usage from the sacct command. Here is the memory usage that I am getting for each of the steps:
Just creating the two lists: 1.4 Gb
Creating two lists and pushing them to 20 engines: 22.5 Gb
Everything: 62.5 Gb++ (this is where I get an OUT_OF_MEMORY failure)
From running htop on the node while running the job, it seems that the memory usage is going up slowly over time until it reaches the maximum memory and fails.
I combed through this previous thread and implemented a few of the suggested solutions without success
Memory leak in IPython.parallel module?
I tried clearing the view with each loop:
def loop(item):
for i in range(len(list2)):
if list2[i][0] == item[0]:
return True
return False
I tried purging the client with each loop:
def loop(item):
for i in range(len(list2)):
if list2[i][0] == item[0]:
return True
return False
And I tried using the --nodb and --sqlitedb flags with ipcontroller and started my cluster like this:
ipcontroller --profile=pierrj --nodb --cluster-id='cluster-id-dummy' &
sleep 60
for (( i = 0 ; i < 20; i++)); do ipengine --profile=pierrj --cluster-id='cluster-id-dummy' & done
sleep 60
ipython /global/home/users/pierrj/git/python/
ipcluster stop --cluster-id="cluster-id-dummy" --profile=pierrj
Unfortunately none of this has helped and has resulted in the exact same out of memory error.
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!
Looking around, there seems to be lots of people complaining about LoadBalancedViews being very memory inefficient, and I have not been able to find any useful suggestions on how to fix this, for example.
However, I suspect given your example that's not the place to start. I assume that your example is a reasonable approximation of your code. If your code is doing list comparisons with several million data points, I would advise you to use something like numpy to perform the calculations rather than iterating in python.
If you restructure your algorithm to use numpy vector operations it will be much, much faster than indexing into a list and performing the calculation in python. numpy is a C library and calculation done within the library will benefit from compile time optimisations. Furthermore, performing operations on arrays also benefits from processor predictive caching (your CPU expects you to use adjacent memory looking forward and preloads it; you potentially lose this benefit if you access the data piecemeal).
I have done a very quick hack of your example to demonstrate this. This example compares your loop calculation with a very naïve numpy implementation of the same question. The python loop method is competitive with small numbers of entries, but it quickly heads towards x100 faster with the number of entries you are dealing with. I suspect looking at the way you structure data will outweigh the performance gain you are getting through parallelisation.
Note that I have chosen a matching value in the middle of the distribution; performance differences will obviously depend on the distribution.
import numpy as np
import time
def loop(item, list2):
for i in range(len(list2)):
if list2[i][0] == item[0]:
return True
return False
def run_comparison(scale):
list2 = [ [i, i, i] for i in range(4 * scale)]
arr2 = np.array([i for i in range(4 * scale)])
test_value = (2 * scale)
np_start = time.perf_counter()
res1 = test_value in arr2
np_end = time.perf_counter()
np_time = np_end - np_start
loop_start = time.perf_counter()
res2 = loop((test_value, 0, 0), list2)
loop_end = time.perf_counter()
loop_time = loop_end - loop_start
assert res1 == res2
return (scale, loop_time / np_time)
print([run_comparison(v) for v in [100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000]])
(100, 1.0315526939407524),
(1000, 19.066806587378263),
(10000, 91.16463510672537),
(100000, 83.63064249916434),
(1000000, 114.37531283123414),
(10000000, 121.09979997458508)
Assuming that a single task on the two lists is being divided up between the worker threads you will want to ensure that the individual workers are using the same copy of the lists. In most cases is looks like ipython parallel will pickle objects sent to workers (relevant doc). If you are able to use one of the types that are not copied (as stated in doc)
buffers/memoryviews, bytes objects, and numpy arrays.
the memory issue might be resolved since a reference is distributed. This answer also assumes that the individual tasks do not need to operate on the lists while working (thread-safe).
TL;DR It looks like moving the objects passed to the parallel workers into a numpy array may resolve the explosion in memory.

Python multiprocessing: reduce during map?

Is there a way to reduce memory consumption when working with Python's
To give a short example: worker() does some heavy lifting and returns a larger array...
def worker():
# cpu time intensive tasks
return large_array
...and a Pool maps over some large sequence:
with mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) as p:
result =, large_sequence)
Considering this setup, obviously, result will allocate a large portion of the system's memory. However, the final operation on the result is:
final_result = np.sum(result, axis=0)
Thus, NumPy effectively does nothing else than reducing with a sum operation on the iterable:
final_result = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, result)
This, of course, would make it possible to consume results of as they come in and garbage-collecting them after reducing to eliminate the need of storing all the values first.
I could write some mp.queue now where results go into and then write some queue-consuming worker that sums up the results but this would (1) require significantly more lines of code and (2) feel like a (potentially slower) hack-around to me rather than clean code.
Is there a way to reduce results returned by a mp.Pool operation directly as they come in?
The iterator mappers imap and imap_unordered seem to do the trick:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
def worker( a ):
# cpu time intensive tasks
large_array = np.ones((20,30))+a
return large_array
if __name__ == '__main__':
arraysum = np.zeros((20,30))
large_sequence = range(20)
num_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
with multiprocessing.Pool( processes=num_cpus ) as p:
for large_array in p.imap_unordered( worker, large_sequence ):
arraysum += large_array

Create a set with multiprocessing

I have a big list of items, and some auxiliary data. For each item in the list and element in data, I compute some thing, and add all the things into an output set (there may be many duplicates). In code:
def process_list(myList, data):
ret = set()
for item in myList:
for foo in data:
thing = compute(item, foo)
return ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = create_data()
myList = create_list()
what_I_Want = process_list(myList, data)
Because myList is big and compute(item, foo) is costly, I need to use multiprocessing. For now this is what I have:
from multiprocessing import Pool
global data
data = bar
def process_item(item):
ret = set()
for foo in data:
thing = compute(item, foo)
return ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = create_data()
myList = create_list()
p = Pool(nb_proc, initializer = initialize_worker, initiargs = (data))
ret =, myList)
what_I_Want = set().union(*ret)
What I do not like about that is that ret can be big. I am thinking about 3 options:
1) Chop myList into chunks a pass them to the workers, who will use process_list on each chunk (hence some duplicates will be removed at that step), and then union all the sets obtained to remove the last duplicates.
question: Is there an elegant way of doing that? Can we specify to that it should pass the chunks to the workers instead of each item in the chunks? I know I could chop the list by myself, but this is damn ugly.
2) Have a shared set between all processes.
question: Why multiprocessing.manager does not feature set()? (I know it has dict(), but still..) If I use a manager.dict(), won't the communications between the processes and the manager slow down considerably the thing?
3) Have a shared multiprocessing.Queue(). Each worker puts the things it computes into the queue. Another worker does the unioning until some stopItem is found (which we put in the queue after the
question: Is this a stupid idea? Are communications between processes and a multiprocessing.Queue faster than those with a, say, manager.dict()? Also, how could I get back the set computed by the worker doing the unioning?
A minor thing: initiargs takes a tuple.
If you want to avoid creating all the results before reducing them into a set, you can use Pool.imap_unordered() with some chunk size. That will produce chunk size results from each workers as they become available.
If you want to change process_item to accept chunks directly, you have to do it manually. toolz.partition_all could be used to partition the initial dataset.
Finally, the managed data structures are bound to have much higher synchronization overhead. I'd avoid them as much as possible.
Go with imap_unordered and see if that's good enough; if not, then partition; if you cannot help having more than a couple duplicates total, use a managed dict.

Python: How to run nested parallel process in python?

I have a dataset df of trader transactions.
I have 2 levels of for loops as follows:
smartTrader =[]
for asset in range(len(Assets)):
df = df[df['Assets'] == asset]
# I have some more calculations here
for trader in range(len(df['TraderID'])):
# I have some calculations here, If trader is successful, I add his ID
# to the list as follows
# some more calculations here which are related to the first for loop.
I would like to parallelise the calculations for each asset in Assets, and I also want to parallelise the calculations for each trader for every asset. After ALL these calculations are done, I want to do additional analysis based on the list of smartTrader.
This is my first attempt at parallel processing, so please be patient with me, and I appreciate your help.
If you use pathos, which provides a fork of multiprocessing, you can easily nest parallel maps. pathos is built for easily testing combinations of nested parallel maps -- which are direct translations of nested for loops.
It provides a selection of maps that are blocking, non-blocking, iterative, asynchronous, serial, parallel, and distributed.
>>> from pathos.pools import ProcessPool, ThreadPool
>>> amap = ProcessPool().amap
>>> tmap = ThreadPool().map
>>> from math import sin, cos
>>> print amap(tmap, [sin,cos], [range(10),range(10)]).get()
[[0.0, 0.8414709848078965, 0.9092974268256817, 0.1411200080598672, -0.7568024953079282, -0.9589242746631385, -0.27941549819892586, 0.6569865987187891, 0.9893582466233818, 0.4121184852417566], [1.0, 0.5403023058681398, -0.4161468365471424, -0.9899924966004454, -0.6536436208636119, 0.2836621854632263, 0.9601702866503661, 0.7539022543433046, -0.14550003380861354, -0.9111302618846769]]
Here this example uses a processing pool and a thread pool, where the thread map call is blocking, while the processing map call is asynchronous (note the get at the end of the last line).
Get pathos here:
or with:
$ pip install git+
Nested parallelism can be done elegantly with Ray, a system that allows you to easily parallelize and distribute your Python code.
Assume you want to parallelize the following nested program
def inner_calculation(asset, trader):
return trader
def outer_calculation(asset):
return asset, [inner_calculation(asset, trader) for trader in range(5)]
inner_results = []
outer_results = []
for asset in range(10):
outer_result, inner_result = outer_calculation(asset)
# Then you can filter inner_results to get the final output.
Bellow is the Ray code parallelizing the above code:
Use the #ray.remote decorator for each function that we want to execute concurrently in its own process. A remote function returns a future (i.e., an identifier to the result) rather than the result itself.
When invoking a remote function f() the remote modifier, i.e., f.remote()
Use the ids_to_vals() helper function to convert a nested list of ids to values.
Note the program structure is identical. You only need to add remote and then convert the futures (ids) returned by the remote functions to values using the ids_to_vals() helper function.
import ray
# Define inner calculation as a remote function.
def inner_calculation(asset, trader):
return trader
# Define outer calculation to be executed as a remote function.
#ray.remote(num_return_vals = 2)
def outer_calculation(asset):
return asset, [inner_calculation.remote(asset, trader) for trader in range(5)]
# Helper to convert a nested list of object ids to a nested list of corresponding objects.
def ids_to_vals(ids):
if isinstance(ids, ray.ObjectID):
ids = ray.get(ids)
if isinstance(ids, ray.ObjectID):
return ids_to_vals(ids)
if isinstance(ids, list):
results = []
for id in ids:
return results
return ids
outer_result_ids = []
inner_result_ids = []
for asset in range(10):
outer_result_id, inner_result_id = outer_calculation.remote(asset)
outer_results = ids_to_vals(outer_result_ids)
inner_results = ids_to_vals(inner_result_ids)
There are a number of advantages of using Ray over the multiprocessing module. In particular, the same code will run on a single machine as well as on a cluster of machines. For more advantages of Ray see this related post.
Probably threading, from standard python library, is most convenient approach:
import threading
def worker(id):
#Do you calculations here
threads = []
for asset in range(len(Assets)):
df = df[df['Assets'] == asset]
for trader in range(len(df['TraderID'])):
t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(trader,))
#add semaphore here if you need synchronize results for all traders.
Instead of using for, use map:
import functools
smartTrader =[]
m=map( calculations_as_a_function,
[df[df['Assets'] == asset] \
for asset in range(len(Assets))])
functools.reduce(smartTradder.append, m)
From then on, you can try different parallel map implementations s.a. multiprocessing's, or stackless'
