So I came accros this tiny but tricky problem.
I have an array of indices of error_images, something like this:
error_frames = [15,27,34,204,205]
Now I am using a for loop to iterate over these frames and add 10 frames in prior and after the erroneous frames in order to get a sequence, so that in the end, the array is more populated. I also removed duplicates (excuse MATLAB writing):
error_sequence = [5:44,194:215]
Now the tricky part:
In Order to show the sequence, I load every image and show it for a certain time using OpenCV cv2.imshow. When actually encountering an error, I want to increase the pause between shown images ('slow motion') and have a special overlay. This looks like this, where frames is a collection of my pictures of the scene:
for x in error_sequence:
if x in error_frames:
cv2.imshow('Sequence', frames[x])
cv2.putText(frames[x], "Error!", (50, 50),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 0, 255), 3)
cv2.imshow('Sequence', frames[x])
The problem is, that this "one-frame" overlay is way too fast and I want to slow down more frames, lets say 3 before and after the encountered error.
Is there some kind of function, that lets me do that? Something like:
if x+-3 in error_frames:
Thank you for your help and sorry, if this is an easy question, I don't know how else to describe it. And yes, I could come up with an extra array that I set to 0 if it is further away from an error frame than 3 and use a seperate if case, but I don't find that very attractive and was wondering if there is a built in function or a nice "one-liner" ;)
Perhaps something like this:
error_frames_set = set(error_frames)
delta = 3
for x in error_sequence:
slow_frames = set(x + offset for offset in range(-delta, delta+1))
if slow_frames.intersection(error_frames_set):
cv2.imshow('Sequence', frames[x])
cv2.putText(frames[x], "Error!", (50, 50),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 0, 255), 3)
cv2.imshow('Sequence', frames[x])
Like so maybe:
if any(y in error_frames for y in xrange(x-3, x+4)):
You can consider creating a set out of your error_frames to improve the time complexity of the contains-check:
error_frame_set = set(error_frames)
And then use this set in all the checks.
I'm attempting to find an image in another.
im = cv.LoadImage('1.png', cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED)
tmp = cv.LoadImage('e1.png', cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED)
w,h = cv.GetSize(im)
W,H = cv.GetSize(tmp)
width = w-W+1
height = h-H+1
result = cv.CreateImage((width, height), 32, 1)
cv.MatchTemplate(im, tmp, result, cv.CV_TM_SQDIFF)
print result
When I run this, everything executes just fine, no errors get thrown. But I'm unsure what to do from here. The doc says that result stores "A map of comparison results". I tried printing it, but it gives me width, height, and step.
How do I use this information to find whether or not one image is in another/where it is located?
This might work for you! :)
def FindSubImage(im1, im2):
needle = cv2.imread(im1)
haystack = cv2.imread(im2)
result = cv2.matchTemplate(needle,haystack,cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
y,x = np.unravel_index(result.argmax(), result.shape)
return x,y
CCOEFF_NORMED is just one of many comparison methoeds.
for full list.
Not sure if this is the best method, but is fast, and works just fine for me! :)
MatchTemplate returns a similarity map and not a location.
You can then use this map to find a location.
If you are only looking for a single match you could do something like this to get a location:
minVal,maxVal,minLoc,maxLoc = cv.MinMaxLoc(result)
Then minLoc has the location of the best match and minVal describes how well the template fits. You need to come up with a threshold for minVal to determine whether you consider this result a match or not.
If you are looking for more than one match per image you need to use algorithms like non-maximum supression.
In maya I am simulating hair and I want to lock the curves that are jittering. I duplicated those curves to make blend shapes, but there are too many to blend shape them individually. Is there a way to script to solve this? I think the way is to slice to get the name/number of the curves and blendShape all of them with a loop. But since I'm new to scripting I need help.
You can get follicles with this command :
fols ='follicle')
After that, find the curves simulated :
crvs =, dag=True, type='nurbsCurve')
Loop through those curves and use :
dup = cmds.duplicate(c)[0] # where c is the iterator of the for loop on crvs
then :
bs = cmds.blendShape(dup, c)
You have few flags on every command but it should help you like name, weight and few more.
I don't have maya for few weeks so I hope it will help you
Not that follicle curves are set as intermediate, for blendshaping, you might need to temporarly set them :
cmds.setAttr(c+'.io', 0)
bs = cmds.blendShape(dup, c)
cmds.setAttr(c+'.io', 1)
I have a big DataFrame (1999048 rows and 1col), with hexadecimal datas. I want to put each line in binary, cut it into pieces and traduce each piece in decimal format.
I tried this:
for i in range (len(df.index)):
channel = int(hexa_line[0:3][::-1], 2)
edge = int(hexa_line[3][::-1], 2)
time = int(hexa_line[4:32][::-1], 2)
sweep = int(hexa_line[32:48][::-1], 2)
tag = int(hexa_line[48:63][::-1], 2)
datalost = int(hexa_line[63][::-1], 2)
line=np.array([[channel, edge, time, sweep, tag, datalost]])
tab=np.concatenate((tab, line), axis=0)
But it is really really long.... Is there a faster way to do that ?
only thing I can imagine helping a lot would be changing these lines:
line=np.array([[channel, edge, time, sweep, tag, datalost]])
tab=np.concatenate((tab, line), axis=0)
certainly in pandas, and I think also in numpy concatting is an expensive thing to do, and depends on the size of the total size of both arrays (rather than, say list.append)
I think what this does is re-writes the entire array tab each time you call it. Perhaps you could try appending each line to a list then concatting the whole list together.
eg something more like this:
tab = []
for i in range (len(df.index)):
channel = int(hexa_line[0:3][::-1], 2)
edge = int(hexa_line[3][::-1], 2)
time = int(hexa_line[4:32][::-1], 2)
sweep = int(hexa_line[32:48][::-1], 2)
tag = int(hexa_line[48:63][::-1], 2)
datalost = int(hexa_line[63][::-1], 2)
line=np.array([[channel, edge, time, sweep, tag, datalost]])
final_tab = np.concatenate(tab, axis=0)
# or whatever the syntax is :p
Hi got into another roadblock in tensorflow the representation programming excercises at this page.…/repres…/programming-exercise
I'm at Task 2: Make Better Use of Latitude
seems I narrowed the issue to when I convert the raw latitude data into "buckets" or ranges which will be represented as 1 or zero in my feature. The actual code and issue I have is in the paste bin. Any advice would be great! thanks!
this is to convert the raw latitude data in my pandas dictionary into "buckets" or ranges as google calls them.
LATITUDE_RANGES = zip(xrange(32, 44), xrange(33, 45))
the above code I changed and replaced xrange with just range since xrange is already deprecated python3.
could this be the problem? using range instead of xrange? see below for my conundrum.
def select_and_transform_features(source_df):
selected_examples = pd.DataFrame()
selected_examples["median_income"] = source_df["median_income"]
selected_examples["latitude_%d_to_%d" % r] = source_df["latitude"].apply(
lambda l: 1.0 if l >= r[0] and l < r[1] else 0.0)
return selected_examples
The next two are to run the above function and convert may exiting training and validation data sets into ranges or buckets for latitude
selected_training_examples = select_and_transform_features(training_examples)
selected_validation_examples = select_and_transform_features(validation_examples)
this is the training model
_ = train_model(
oki so here is how I understand the problem. When I run the training model it throws this error
ValueError: Feature latitude_32_to_33 is not in features dictionary.
So I called selected_training_examples and selected_validation_examples
here's what I found. If I run
selected_training_examples = select_and_transform_features(training_examples)
then I get the proper data set when I call selected_training_examples which yields all the feature "buckets" including Feature #latitude_32_to_33
but when I run the next function
selected_validation_examples = select_and_transform_features(validation_examples)
it yields no buckets or ranges resulting in the
`ValueError: Feature latitude_32_to_33 is not in features dictionary.`
so I next tried disabling the first function
selected_training_examples = select_and_transform_features(training_examples)
and I just ran the second function
selected_validation_examples = select_and_transform_features(validation_examples)
If I do this, I then get the desired dataset for
selected_validation_examples .
The problem now is running the first function no longer gives me the "buckets" and I'm back to where I began? I guess my question is how are the two functions affecting each other? and preventing the other from giving me the datasets I need? If I run them together?
Thanks in advance!
a python developer gave me the solution so just wanted to share. LATITUDE_RANGES = zip(xrange(32, 44), xrange(33, 45)) can only be used once the way it was written so I placed it inside the succeding def select_and_transform_features(source_df) function which solved the issues. Thanks again everyone.
I am attempting to create a raster based on input from another raster.
If a raster value is equal to a number included in a set() than I want it to be 1, else 0
I've attempted the following:
ConfusedRaster = arcpy.Con(inraster in repeatSet, 1, 0)
ConfusedRaster = arcpy.Con(inraster, 1, 0, "inraster in repeatSet")
Neither of these work. I believe they don't work because the where clause only accepts Map Algebra expressions: ArcGIS Help
There are two other ways I can think of doing this. One being converting it to a NumPyArray and working with that. The other is looping through the set and creating a raster object for each value in the set. After the loop has finished merge them.
Does anyone have any suggestions or comments on how to go about this?
Thank you
I was searching for an answer to the similar issue and developed a way using the SQL clause in 'ExtractByAttributes'.
repeatList = list(repeatSet)
ras1 =, 'VALUE IN (' + str(repeatList).strip('[]') + ')')
ConfusedRaster = == 0, 1, 0)