Python - Plotting Fourier transform from text file - python

I have this text file that has columns of different recorded values to where the first column is of values of time and columns 2, 3, and 4, are of position x, y, and z, respectively, to where that if I were to plot time vs its position of x, y, or z, it will be shown to oscillate.
I want to take Fourier transform of this data and plot it to where the x-axis is frequency.
I'm have trouble following along from examples from other posts, so maybe somebody can give me advice to go in the correct direction.
Having my text file,
with open('SampleData.txt') as f:
data =
data = data.split('\n')
t = [float(row.split()[0]) for row in data]
x1 = [float(row.split()[1]) for row in data]
Now using, the numpy function of the Fourier Transform, I have no idea where to go from there.

from matplotlib.pyplot import *
import numpy
spectrum =numpy.fft.fft(x1)
spectrum = abs(spectrum[:len(spectrum)/2]) # Just first half of the spectrum, as the second is the negative copy
I'll edit the answer according to your need, as your question is not very clear.

Fast Fourier Transforms in Numpy are pretty straightforward:
fft = np.fft.fft(x)
See here for more details - Link
Plotting a simple line is straightforward too:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
See more here - Click
Edit - may be worth reading your files in in a more efficient way - numpy has a text reader which will save you a bit of time and effort. Click
x = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=<type 'float'>, delimiter=None)


Making a density plot in Python from imported data file

I have a .dat file whose structure is given by three columns that I suppose to refer to be x, y and z = f(x,y), respectively.
I want to make a density plot out of this data. While looking for some example that could help me out, I came across the following posts:
How to plot a density map in python?
matplotlib plot X Y Z data from csv as pcolormesh
What I have tried so far is the following:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x, y, z = np.loadtxt('data.dat', unpack=True, delimiter='\t')
N = int(len(z)**.5)
z = z.reshape(N, N)
plt.imshow(z, extent=(np.amin(x), np.amax(x), np.amin(y), np.amax(y)),
The file data can be accessed here: data.dat.
When I run the script above, it returns me the following error message:
cannot reshape array of size 42485 into shape (206,206)
Can someone help me to understand what I have done wrong and how to fix it?
The reason is that your data is not exactly 260*260, but your z is larger.
One option is to slice the z, but you are missing data when you are doing that.
And if that is what you want you are no longer using your x,y values.
z = z[:N**2].reshape(N,N)
In the link you posted I saw this statement:
I assume here that your data can be transformed into a 2d array by a simple reshape. If this is not the case than you need to work a bit harder on getting the data in this form.
The assumption does not hold for your data.

plotting noise spectrum of the data

i have a single column file(contain only one column) and a matrix file(contain 10 columns) of data which are noisy data and i want to plot the noise spectrum of both file using python.
sample data for single column file is attached here
and sample data for matrix file is attached here
-2.596100000000000057e-03 -1.856000000000000011e-03 -1.821400000000000102e-02 5.023599999999999594e-03 -1.064599999999999921e-02 -1.906300000000000008e-02 -6.370799999999999380e-05 5.814800000000000177e-03 -5.391800000000000412e-03 -1.311000000000000013e-02
1.636700000000000047e-03 -8.651600000000000176e-04 -2.490799999999999959e-02 1.645399999999999988e-02 -1.146800000000000076e-02 -4.609199999999999929e-03 6.475800000000000306e-03 1.265800000000000085e-02 1.855799999999999898e-03 -5.387499999999999928e-03
4.516499999999999682e-03 1.438899999999999901e-03 -2.911599999999999952e-02 2.590800000000000047e-02 -1.011899999999999952e-02 2.378800000000000012e-02 1.080200000000000084e-02 1.994299999999999892e-02 8.882299999999999224e-03 2.866500000000000124e-03
5.604699999999999786e-03 4.557799999999999872e-03 -2.870800000000000088e-02 2.832300000000000095e-02 -7.400200000000000007e-03 2.882099999999999940e-02 1.145799999999999944e-02 2.488800000000000040e-02 1.367299999999999939e-02 8.998799999999999508e-03
4.797400000000000275e-03 7.657399999999999970e-03 -2.582800000000000026e-02 2.288000000000000103e-02 -4.306500000000000432e-03 8.315499999999999975e-03 7.967600000000000030e-03 2.487999999999999934e-02 1.516600000000000066e-02 1.177899999999999954e-02
2.314300000000000038e-03 9.749700000000000033e-03 -2.252099999999999935e-02 1.762000000000000025e-02 -1.644800000000000081e-03 -1.257800000000000064e-02 1.220600000000000070e-03 1.866299999999999903e-02 1.377199999999999952e-02 1.163999999999999931e-02
-1.290700000000000094e-03 9.894599999999999923e-03 -1.928900000000000059e-02 1.360300000000000051e-02 1.936600000000000127e-04 -2.438999999999999849e-02 -6.739199999999999878e-03 6.961199999999999853e-03 1.086299999999999939e-02 1.015199999999999957e-02
-5.137400000000000300e-03 7.453800000000000009e-03 -1.615099999999999869e-02 1.018799999999999914e-02 1.239199999999999980e-03 -1.585699999999999957e-02 -1.349500000000000005e-02 -7.773600000000000301e-03 7.680499999999999827e-03 9.148399999999999241e-03
-8.159500000000000086e-03 2.403600000000000094e-03 -1.270400000000000001e-02 5.359000000000000048e-03 1.759200000000000043e-03 -9.746799999999999908e-03 -1.730999999999999900e-02 -2.229599999999999985e-02 4.641100000000000433e-03 9.871700000000000613e-03
-9.419600000000000195e-03 -4.305599999999999705e-03 -8.259700000000000028e-03 -3.140800000000000015e-03 2.019799999999999981e-03 -5.883300000000000161e-03 -1.772100000000000064e-02 -2.695099999999999926e-02 1.592399999999999892e-03 1.255299999999999992e-02
-8.469000000000000833e-03 -1.101399999999999949e-02 -2.205400000000000155e-03 -1.641199999999999951e-02 2.148699999999999916e-03 -3.635199999999999890e-03 -1.558000000000000010e-02 -1.839000000000000010e-02 -1.408900000000000039e-03 1.642899999999999916e-02
-5.529599999999999967e-03 -1.553999999999999999e-02 5.413199999999999956e-03 -4.248000000000000040e-03 2.153099999999999806e-03 -2.403199999999999868e-03 -1.255099999999999966e-02 -8.339100000000000332e-03 -3.665700000000000035e-03 2.009499999999999828e-02
i tried with but for my ascii data set i could not do it.I hope experts may help me .Thanks in advance.
Maybe this can give you a start. Give your matrix of data in the file "", this plots the raw data as 10 curves, then runs an FFT on each column and displays the FFT. The FFT isn't very interesting with only 12 points, but it will spark ideas.
There's still the problem of "how do you define noise"? The signals you presented do not seem to be very noisy. Unless you know what kind of signal you're expecting,an FFT might not do much good.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.fftpack
data = np.loadtxt("")
for i in range(data.shape[1]):
plt.plot( data[:,i] )
for i in range(data.shape[1]):
f = scipy.fftpack.fft(data[:,i])
Use numpy.loadtxt() to convert the data to a numpy array. Then you can apply the method described in the link you provided in order to obtain the spectra. E.g.:
import numpy as np
data = np.loadtxt("file.txt")
The you plot the spectrum for that data. E.g.:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.fftpack
yf = scipy.fftpack.fft(data)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

python scipy 3D interpolation / look up table

I have data produced from Comsol which I would like to use as a look up table in a Python / Scipy program I am building. The output from comsol looks like B(ri,thick,L) and will contain approximately 20,000 entries. An example of the output is shown below for a reduced 3x3x3 version.
While I have found many good solutions for 3D interpolation using e.g. regulargridinterpolator (first link below), I am still looking for a solution using the lookup table style. The second link below seems close, however I am unsure how the method interpolates over all three dimensions.
I am having a hard time believing that a lookup table requires such an elaborate implementation, so any suggestions are most appreciated!
COMSOL data example
interpolate 3D volume with numpy and or scipy
Interpolating data from a look up table
I was able to figure this out and wanted to pass on my solution to the next person. I found that merely averaging the two closest points found via a cKDtree yielded errors as large as 10%.
Instead, I used the cKDtree to find the appropriate entry in the scattered look up table / data file and assign it to the correct entry of a 3D numpy array (You can save this numpy array to file if you like). Then I use rectangulargridinterpolator on this array. Errors were on the order of 0.5 percent which was an order of magnitude better than the cKDtree.
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
l_data = np.linspace(.125,0.5,16)# np.linspace(0.01,0.1,10) #Range for "short L"
ri_data = np.linspace(0.005,0.075,29)
thick_data = np.linspace(0.0025,0.1225,25)
#xyz data with known bounds above
F = np.zeros((np.size(l_data),np.size(ri_data),np.size(thick_data)))
LUT = np.genfromtxt('a_data_file.csv', delimiter = ',')
F_val = LUT[:, 3]
tree_small_l = cKDTree(LUT[:, :3]) #xyz coords
for ri_iter in np.arange(np.size(ri_data)):
for thick_iter in np.arange(np.size(thick_data)):
for l_iter in np.arange(np.size(l_data)):
dist,ind = tree_small_l.query(((l_data[l_iter],ri_data[ri_iter],thick_data[thick_iter])))
F[l_iter,ri_iter,thick_iter] = F_val[ind].T
interp_F_func = RegularGridInterpolator((l_data, ri_data, thick_data), F)

How to plot a graph with text file (2 columns of data) in Python

I have a text file with lots of data that is arranged in 2 columns. I need to use the data in the 2nd column in a formula (which outputs Energy). I need to plot that energy against the time which is all the data in the first column.
So far I have this, and it prints a very weird graph. I know that the energy should be oscillating and decaying exponentially.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
m = 0.090
l = 0.089
g = 9.81
H = np.loadtxt("AngPosition_3p5cmSeparation.txt")
x, y = np.hsplit(H,2)
Ep = m*g*l*(1-np.cos(y))
plt.plot(x, Ep)
I'm struggling to see where I have gone wrong, but then again I am somewhat new to Python. Any help is much appreciated.
I managed to get it to work. My problem was that the angle data had to be converted into radians.
I couldn't do that automatically in Python using math.radians for some reason so I just edited the data in Excel and then back into Notepad.

Can anyone please explain how this python code works line by line?

I am working in image processing right now in python using numpy and scipy all the time. I have one piece of code that can enlarge an image, but not sure how this works.
So please some expert in scipy/numpy in python can explain to me line by line. I am always eager to learn.
import numpy as N
import os.path
import scipy.signal
import scipy.interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
def enlarge(img, rowscale, colscale, method='linear'):
x, y = N.meshgrid(N.arange(img.shape[1]), N.arange(img.shape[0]))
pts = N.column_stack((x.ravel(), y.ravel()))
xx, yy = N.mgrid[0.:float(img.shape[1]):1/float(colscale),
large = scipy.interpolate.griddata(pts, img.flatten(), (xx, yy), method).T
large[-1,:] = large[-2,:]
large[:,-1] = large[:,-2]
return large
Thanks a lot.
First, a grid of empty points is created with point per pixel.
x, y = N.meshgrid(N.arange(img.shape[1]), N.arange(img.shape[0]))
The actual image pixels are placed into the variable pts which will be needed later.
pts = N.column_stack((x.ravel(), y.ravel()))
After that, it creates a mesh grid with one point per pixel for the enlarged image; if the original image was 200x400, the colscale set to 4 and rowscale set to 2, the mesh grid would have (200*4)x(400*2) or 800x800 points.
xx, yy = N.mgrid[0.:float(img.shape[1]):1/float(colscale),
Using scipy, the points in pts variable are interpolated into the larger grid. Interpolation is the manner in which missing points are filled or estimated usually when going from a smaller set of points to a larger set of points.
large = scipy.interpolate.griddata(pts, img.flatten(), (xx, yy), method).T
I am not 100% certain what the last two lines do without going back and looking at what the griddata method returns. It appears to be throwing out some additional data that isn't needed for the image or performing a translation.
large[-1,:] = large[-2,:]
large[:,-1] = large[:,-2]
return large
