Checking Servers with Motor(Mongodb & Tornado) - python

I need to create a function that checks to make sure Mongo servers are running using the ping function. I set up the clients right there (the config file has dictionary with ports numbers)
clientList = []
for value in configuration["mongodbServer"]:
client = motor.motor_tornado.MotorClient('mongodb://localhost:{}'.format(value))
and then i run this function:
class MongoChecker(Checker):
formatter = 'stashboard.formatters.MongoFormatter'
def check(self):
for x in clientList:
and the error i get:
yielded unknown object MotorDatabase(Database(MongoClient([]), 'ping'))\n",
I think my issue is that i'm using the ping function wrong. I can't find any other documentation on that or any other kind of feature that would check to see if the servers are still running. If anyone knows of a better way to monitor the status using Motor, i'm open. Thanks!

First, there's no "ping" function. Hence MotorClient thinks you're trying to access the database named "ping". The database named "ping" is shown in the "unknown object" exception. For all MongoDB commands like "ping", just use MotorDatabase's command method.
Second, Motor is asynchronous. You must use Motor methods in a Tornado coroutine with the "yield" statement. For example:
def check():
result = yield client.admin.command({'ping': 1})
except ConnectionFailure as exc:
If you want to test this out synchronously, you can run the IOLoop just long enough for the coroutine to complete:
from pymongo.errors import ConnectionFailure
from tornado import gen
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
import motor.motor_tornado
client = motor.motor_tornado.MotorClient()
For an introduction to Tornado coroutines, see Refactoring Tornado Coroutines and the Tornado documentation.


Python socketio badnamespaceerror exception on one device but not working on another

Hi all I have the following code but for some reason I keep getting the following error but it seems to work on a colleagues pc. We can't seem to figure out why this won't work on mine.
We have also double checked that we're importing the same socketio using dir()
I've tried specifying the namespace both on sio.connect and in the sio.emit but still no luck!
socketio.exceptions.BadNamespaceError: / is not a connected namespace.
bearerToken = 'REDACT'
core = 'REDACT'
output = 'REDACT'
import socketio
import json
def getListeners(token, coreUrl, outputId):
sio = socketio.Client(reconnection_attempts=5, request_timeout=5)
sio.connect(url=coreUrl, transports='websocket')
def batchStats(data):
if (outputId in data['outputStats']):
listeners = data['outputStats'][outputId][16]
print("Number of listeners ", len(listeners))
ips = []
for listener in listeners:
print("Ips", ips)
def authCallback(data):
'token': token
getListeners(bearerToken, core, output)
The Socket.IO connection involves a number of exchanges between the client and the server. The connect() function initiates this process, but this continues in the background. The connection ends when the handler for your connect event is invoked. At this point you can emit.
The problem with your code is that you are not waiting until the connection handshakes are completed, so your emit() call happens before there is a connection established. The solution is to add a connect event handler, and move your emit() call there.
As an additional note, I suggest you set up your event handlers before you call the connect() function.

How to use tornado's asynchttpclient alone?

I'm new to tornado.
What I want is to write some functions to fetch webpages asynchronously. Since no requesthandlers, apps, or servers involved here, I think I can use tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient alone.
But all the sample codes seem to be in a tornado server or requesthandler. When I tried to use it alone, it never works.
For example:
def handle(self,response):
print response
print response.body
def fetch(self,url):
It says "'str' object has no attribute 'application'", but I'm trying to use it alone?
or :
def fetch_with_coroutine(url):
response=yield http_client.fetch(url)
print response
print response.body
raise gen.Return(response.body)
doesn't work either.
Earlier, I tried pass a callback to AsyncHTTPHandler.fetch, then start the IOLoop, It works and the webpage source code is printed. But I can't figure out what to do with the ioloop.
#tornado.web.asynchronous can only be applied to certain methods in RequestHandler subclasses; it is not appropriate for this usage.
Your second example is the correct structure, but you need to actually run the IOLoop. The best way to do this in a batch-style program is IOLoop.current().run_sync(fetch_with_coroutine). This starts the IOLoop, runs your callback, then stops the IOLoop. You should run a single function within run_sync(), and then use yield within that function to call any other coroutines.
For a more complete example, see
Here's an example I've used in the past...
from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
AsyncHTTPClient.configure(None, defaults=dict(user_agent="MyUserAgent"))
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
def handle_response(response):
if response.error:
print("Error: %s" % response.error)
async def get_content():
await http_client.fetch("", handle_response)
async def main():
await get_content()
print("I won't wait for get_content to finish. I'll show immediately.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
io_loop = IOLoop.current()
I've also detailed how to use Pipenv with tox.ini and Flake8 with this tornado example so others should be able to get up and running much more quickly

How to use Tornado.gen.coroutine in TCP Server?

i write a Tcp Server with Tornado.
here is the code:
#! /usr/bin/env python
from tornado.tcpserver import TCPServer
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.gen import *
class TcpConnection(object):
def __init__(self,stream,address):
def send_messages(self):
self.send_message(b'hello \n')
self.send_message(b'world \n')
def read_message(self):
def handle_message(self,data):
def send_message(self,data):
def on_close(self):
print("the monitored %d has left",self._address)
class MonitorServer(TCPServer):
def handle_stream(self,stream,address):
print("new connection",address,stream)
conn = TcpConnection(stream,address)
if __name__=='__main__':
print('server start .....')
And i face some eorror assert self._read_callback is None, "Already reading",i guess the eorror is because multiple commands to read from socket at the same time.and then i change the function send_messages with is code:
def send_messages(self):
yield self.send_message(b'hello \n')
response1 = yield self.read_message()
yield self.send_message(b'world \n')
print((yield self.read_message()))
but there are some other errors. the code seem to stop after yield self.send_message(b'hello \n'),and the following code seem not to execute.
how should i do about it ? If you're aware of any Tornado tcpserver (not HTTP!) code with tornado.gen.coroutine,please tell me.I would appreciate any links!
send_messages() calls send_message() and read_message() with yield, but these methods are not coroutines, so this will raise an exception.
The reason you're not seeing the exception is that you called send_messages() without yielding it, so the exception has nowhere to go (the garbage collector should eventually notice and print the exception, but that can take a long time). Whenever you call a coroutine, you should either use yield to wait for it to finish, or IOLoop.current().spawn_callback() to run the coroutine in the "background" (this tells Tornado that you do not intend to yield the coroutine, so it will print the exception as soon as it occurs). Also, whenever you override a method you should read the documentation to see whether coroutines are allowed (when you override TCPServer.handle_stream() you can make it a coroutine, but __init__() may not be a coroutine).
Once the exception is getting logged, the next step is to fix it. You can either make send_message() and read_message() coroutines (getting rid of the handle_message() callback in the process), or you can use tornado.gen.Task() to call coroutine-style code from a coroutine. I generally recommend using coroutines everywhere.

Gevent async server with blocking requests

I have what I would think is a pretty common use case for Gevent. I need a UDP server that listens for requests, and based on the request submits a POST to an external web service. The external web service essentially only allows one request at a time.
I would like to have an asynchronous UDP server so that data can be immediately retrieved and stored so that I don't miss any requests (this part is easy with the DatagramServer gevent provides). Then I need some way to send requests to the external web service serially, but in such a way that it doesn't ruin the async of the UDP server.
I first tried monkey patching everything and what I ended up with was a quick solution, but one in which my requests to the external web service were not rate limited in any way and which resulted in errors.
It seems like what I need is a single non-blocking worker to send requests to the external web service in serial while the UDP server adds tasks to the queue from which the non-blocking worker is working.
What I need is information on running a gevent server with additional greenlets for other tasks (especially with a queue). I've been using the serve_forever function of the DatagramServer and think that I'll need to use the start method instead, but haven't found much information on how it would fit together.
The answer worked very well. I've adapted the UDP server example code with the answer from #mguijarr to produce a working example for my use case:
from __future__ import print_function
from gevent.server import DatagramServer
import gevent.queue
import gevent.monkey
import urllib
n = 0
def process_request(q):
while True:
request = q.get()
class EchoServer(DatagramServer):
__q = gevent.queue.Queue()
__request_processing_greenlet = gevent.spawn(process_request, __q)
def handle(self, data, address):
print('%s: got %r' % (address[0], data))
global n
n += 1
self.socket.sendto('Received %s bytes' % len(data), address)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Receiving datagrams on :9000')
Here is how I would do it:
Write a function taking a "queue" object as argument; this function will continuously process items from the queue. Each item is supposed to be a request for the web service.
This function could be a module-level function, not part of your DatagramServer instance:
def process_requests(q):
while True:
request = q.get()
# do your magic with 'request'
in your DatagramServer, make the function running within a greenlet (like a background task):
self.__q = gevent.queue.Queue()
self.__request_processing_greenlet = gevent.spawn(process_requests, self.__q)
when you receive the UDP request in your DatagramServer instance, you push the request to the queue
This should do what you want. You still call 'serve_forever' on DatagramServer, no problem.

amqp queue_delete catch errors in async way

I've just got started using pika(v 0.9.4) with Tornado (through the use of pika.adapters.tornado_connection.TornadoConnection) and I was wondering what's the appropriate way of catching errors when using, say: queue_delete for when the queue you're trying to delete doesn't exist. RabbitMQ raises AMQPError, but I am not sure how this can be handled in an async way.
Anyone has any insights on this ?
Disclaimer: I'm the author of stormed-amqp
I would suggest trying with stormed-amqp
import logging
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from stormed import Connection
def on_connect():
ch =
ch.queue_declare(queue='hello', durable=False)
ch.queue_declare(queue='hello', durable=True)
def on_error(e):
print "Got Connection error", e.reply_text, e.reply_code
conn = Connection(host='localhost')
conn.on_error = on_error
io_loop = IOLoop.instance()
Try to avoid the error. If you declare a connection to the queue, and it doesn't exist, it will be created. Then immediately delete it.
Or, if you will use that queue again in the next week or so, i.e. it is not single-use, then just leave it around and handle deletion as a system admin activity that cleans up long term idle queues.
Or just declare your queues with the auto-delete attribute and they will go away when you disconnect.
