I'm setting up my credentials for the library: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-amazon-product-api/
Code for the relevant configparser on the project file here.
I'm wondering, what format should the config file variables be? Should strings be inserted inside quotes? Should there be spaces between the variable name and the equal sign?
How does this look?
As taken from the documentation
The configuration file consists of sections, led by a [section] header and followed by name: value entries, with continuations in the style of RFC 822 (see section 3.1.1, “LONG HEADER FIELDS”); name=value is also accepted. Note that leading whitespace is removed from values. The optional values can contain format strings which refer to other values in the same section, or values in a special DEFAULT section. Additional defaults can be provided on initialization and retrieval. Lines beginning with '#' or ';' are ignored and may be used to provide comments.
Configuration files may include comments, prefixed by specific characters (# and ;). Comments may appear on their own in an otherwise empty line, or may be entered in lines holding values or section names. In the latter case, they need to be preceded by a whitespace character to be recognized as a comment. (For backwards compatibility, only ; starts an inline comment, while # does not.)
On top of the core functionality, SafeConfigParser supports interpolation. This means values can contain format strings which refer to other values in the same section, or values in a special DEFAULT section. Additional defaults can be provided on initialization.
For example:
[My Section]
foodir: %(dir)s/whatever
long: this value continues
in the next line
You are pretty free in writing what ever you want in the settings file.
In your particular case you just need to copy & paste your keys and tag and ConfigParser should do the rest.
comment-dwim (commend-do-what-I-mean, usually M-;) works well. It:
appends spaces at the end of the line until at least some column is reached,
if the preceding line also had a comment tailing the code, aligns the comment character, and
inserts the comment character for the mode, followed by one space.
In Python one feature is missing to comply with the stringent rules:
at least two spaces must separate code from the trailing comment.
How can I configure comment-dwim to leave at least two spaces in python-mode?
Fiddling with comment-dwim may be holding the wrong end of the stick. For me, M-; automatically inserts two spaces, the '#' character, and a space, following which point is placed. If it's not doing that for you, then you may have reconfigured it somewhere else, possibly accidentally.
I suggest an alternative is to have a 'format-on-save' option enabled, which will do this for you without fussing in your .emacs or with customize.
(use-package python-black :after python
:hook (python-mode . python-black-on-save-mode)
:bind ("C-c p C-f" . 'python-black-buffer))
I use black, but any alternative formatter should do the same. I never worry about how my file is formatted, because black fixes it for me automatically.
From the docs for black:
Black does not format comment contents, but it enforces two spaces
between code and a comment on the same line, and a space before the
comment text begins.
As a part of a script, I am reading a file without the user specifying the delimiter.
Theoretically, I want to be able to use this script for any type of delimiter besides some specific ones.
Is there a way to tell csv.Sniffer() "These characters are not delimiters:..." ?
From the docs I saw that there's an optional argument for specifying valid delimiters but that's not what I'm looking for.
As it seem, this option is not supported - let me know if I am wrong or that there is another module that provides the same functionality.
There isn't a way to specify that characters aren't delimiters in the existing Sniffer implementation..
Delimiters are identified in the Sniffer._guess_quote_and_delimiter and Sniffer._guess_delimiters methods.
To negatively specify delimiters you would need to subclass Sniffer and override these methods to take into account the set of "not allowed" delimiter characters.
I am using SublimePythonIDE which is using pyflakes.
There are some errors that I would like it to ignore like:
(E501) line too long
(E101) indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
What is the easiest way to do that?
Configuring a plugin in Sublime almost always uses the same procedure: Click on Preferences -> Package Settings -> Plugin Name -> Settings-Default to open the (surprise surprise) default settings. This file generally contains all the possible settings for the plugin, usually along with comments explaining what each one does. This file cannot be modified, so to customize any settings you open Preferences -> Package Settings -> Plugin Name -> Settings-User. I usually copy the entire contents of the default settings into the user file, then customize as desired, then save and close.
In the case of this particular plugin, while it does use pyflakes (as advertised), it also makes use of pep8, a style checker that makes use of the very same PEP-8 official Python style guide I mentioned in the comments. This knowledge is useful because pyflakes does not make use of specific error codes, while pep8 does.
So, upon examination of the plugin's settings file, we find a "pep8_ignore" option as well as a "pyflakes_ignore" one. Since the error codes are coming from pep8, we'll use that setting:
"pep8_ignore": [ "E501", // line too long
"E303", // too many blank lines (3)
"E402" // module level import not at top of file
Please note that codes E121, E123, E126, E133, E226, E241, E242, and E704 are ignored by default because they are not rules unanimously accepted, and PEP 8 does not enforce them.
Regarding long lines:
Sometimes, long lines are unavoidable. PEP-8's recommendation of 79-character lines is based in ancient history when terminal monitors only had 80 character-wide screens, but it continues to this day for several reasons: it's backwards-compatible with old code, some equipment is still being used with those limitations, it looks good, it makes it easier on wider displays to have multiple files open side-by-side, and it is readable (something that you should always be keeping in mind when coding). If you prefer to have a 90- or 100-character limit, that's fine (if your team/project agrees with it), but use it consistently, and be aware that others may use different values. If you'd like to set pep8 to a larger value than its default of 80, just modify the "pep8_max_line_length" setting.
There are many ways to either decrease the character count of lines to stay within the limit, or split long lines into multiple shorter ones. In the case of your example in the comments:
flag, message = FacebookUserController.AddFBUserToDB(iOSUserId, fburl, fbsecret, code)
you can do a couple of things:
# shorten the module/class name
fbuc = FacebookUserController
# or
import FacebookUserController as fbuc
flag, message = fbuc.AddFBUserToDB(iOSUserId, fburl, fbsecret, code)
# or eliminate it all together
from FacebookUserController import AddFBUserToDB
flag, message = AddFBUserToDB(iOSUserId, fburl, fbsecret, code)
# split the function's arguments onto separate lines
flag, message = FacebookUserController.AddFBUserToDB(iOSUserId,
# There are multiple ways of doing this, just make sure the subsequent
# line(s) are indented. You don't need to escape newlines inside of
# braces, brackets, and parentheses, but you do need to outside of them.
As others suggest, possibly heed the warnings. But in those cases where you can't, you can add # NOQA to the end offending lines. Note the two spaces before the # as that too is a style thing that will be complained about.
And if pyflakes is wrapped in flake8 that allows ignoring by specific errors.
For example in a file in the project put or add to tox.ini:
exclude = .tox,./build
filename = *.py
ignore = E501,E101
This is possibly a duplicate with How do I get Pyflakes to ignore a statement?
I need to check if my input, formatted using markdown, has key-value pair metadata at the beginning, and then insert text after the whole metadata block.
I look for a : in the first line and if found, split the input string at the first newline and add my stuff.
Now, if markdown_content.splitlines()[0].find(':') >= 0: obviously fails when there's no metadata at the beginning, but something else containing a :instead.
Input with metadata:
page title: fancypagetitle
something else: another value
# Heading
Input without metadata, but with a :
This is a [link](http://www.stackoverflow.com)
# Heading
My question is: How do I check if a metadata block is present and in case it is, add something in between metadata and the remaining markdown.
Definition of metadata
The keywords are case-insensitive and may consist of letters, numbers, underscores and dashes and must end with a colon. The values consist of anything following the colon on the line and may even be blank.
If a line is indented by 4 or more spaces, that line is assumed to be an additional line of the value for the previous keyword. A keyword may have as many lines as desired.
The first blank line ends all meta-data for the document. Therefore, the first line of a document must not be blank. All meta-data is stripped from the document prior to any further processing by Markdown.
Source: https://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/meta_data.html
Have you considered looking at the source code for the meta data extension to see how it's done?
The regex used is:
META_RE = re.compile(r'^[ ]{0,3}(?P<key>[A-Za-z0-9_-]+):\s*(?P<value>.*)')
Of course there is also the regex for secondary lines:
META_MORE_RE = re.compile(r'^[ ]{4,}(?P<value>.*)')
If you note, those regular expressions are much more specific than yours and are much less likely to match a false positive. Then the extension splits the document into lines, loops through each line comparing with those regexs and breaks out of the loop on the first line that does not match (which may or may not be blank line).
If you notice in that code, there is a new feature that has been added which will be available in the next release. Support is being added for optional YAML style deliminators. If you are comfortable using the latest (unreleased) development code, you could wrap your meta data in YAML deliminators which might make it a little easier to find the end of the meta data.
For example, your example document above would then look like this (note I used the optional end specific deliminator (...) which more clearly marks the end):
page title: fancypagetitle
something else: another value
# Heading
That said, you would still need to be careful that you didn't get a false match (a <hr> for example). I suppose either way you would really need to re-implement everything that is in the meta data extension for your own needs. Of course, it is open source, so you can as long as you honor the license.
Sorry, but I can't give you a timeline on when the next release will happen for sure.
Oh, and it may also help to look at the description of this feature provided by MultiMarkdown which inspired the feature in Python-Markdown. That might give you a clearer picture of what might comprise meta-data.
When whitespace is insignificant, representation may be very significant.
In XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition the constraining facet whiteSpace is defined for types derived from string (http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#rf-whiteSpace). If this whiteSpace facet is replace or collapse, the value may be changed during normalization.
There is a note at the end of Section 4.3.6:
The notation #xA used here (and elsewhere in this specification)
represents the Universal Character Set (UCS) code point hexadecimal A
(line feed), which is denoted by U+000A. This notation is to be
distinguished from
, which is the XML character reference to that
same UCS code point.
If the datatype for an element elem has a whitespace constraint collapse, "<elem> text </elem>" should become "text" (leading and trailing whitespace removed), but "<elem> text </elem>" should become " text " (whitespace encoded by character reference not removed).
So either the parser/tree builder handles this normalization or this is done afterwards.
Informed parsing:
Where do I provide the parser or tree builder with the information on how to normalize some XML element?
Is there something like set_whitespace_normalization('./country/neighbor', 'collapse')?
Is there a hook like normalize(content) in the parser or tree builder?
Post processing
How do I access the original content of some element?
Is there a elem.original_text, that may return " text "?
Is there a elem.unnormalized_text, that may return " text "?
I would like to use Python's xml.etree.ElementTree but I will consider any other XML library that does the job.
Of course it is bad style to declare whitespace insignificant (replace or collapse) and then to cheat by using character references. In most cases either the data or the schema should be changed to prevent that, but sometimes you have to work with foreign XML schemata and foreign XML documents. And the sheer existence of the note cited above indicates that the XML editors were aware of this dilemma and did deliberately not prevent it.
This appears to be a known bug in xml.etree.ElementTree: http://bugs.python.org/issue17582. According to that bug report, this is correctly handled in lxml.etree: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/lxml/.