Scikit pipeline with different datasets - python

I am wondering if it is possible to use pipeline in Scikit-Learn in the following way:
I want to train a model on dataset A and then make predictions with the same model but on dataset B. Then, like this, I can use GridSearch to search for the best parameters on pipeline using prediction of dataset B as a measure.
I know how to write a normal pipeline and use it with GridSearch, but I can't see how I can work with two datasets.


How to perfom sampling from train data, but not on test data using sklearn pipeline?

I want to create a custom classification model which also involves transformation of dataset. However, while performing the dataset transformation, the size of transformations increase rapidly. To tackle with this situation, I want to do sampling on training set, however, the test set cannot be sampled for obvious reason.
I'm not able to understand, what can I do with sklearn Pipeline method to handle this situation.

Target encoding using nested CV in sklearn pipeline

I am doing target encoding for my column, using nested cross validation approach (to avoid leakage) as mentioned here, here and here.
If I had to include my target encoding (by a custom transformer), in the sklearn pipeline, I need different transform function from the train set and the test set. This is because, for the train folds, the encoding is calculated using a further kfold split of the train data. Whereas for the test fold, encoding is mean of the train.
I know the sklearn pipeline will apply the same transformation for train and test split in the cv, is there a way to apply separate transformations for train and test splits using a sklearn pipeline and custom transformer
The category_encoders package implements some target encoders. It gets around the issue of different training and testing dataset behavior by implementing a fit_transform method that is not equivalent to just fit followed by transform: fit_transform performs the training-set transformation, while transform performs the test/production set transformation.

IsolationForest is always predicting 1

I am working with a project to detect out-of-domain text input, with the help of IsolationForest and tf-idf feature. Following is my works in summarized form:
On tfidf:
Fit and transform in-domain dataset using CountVectorizer().
Fit a tfidftransformer() with my with this CountVectorizer() and save the transformer (to use it during test time).
Therefore, transform the training data using tfidftransformer()
Save both CountVectorizer()'s vocabulary_ and TfidfTransformer() object using pickle for test time usage.
On IsolationForest:
Collect the transformed in-domain dataset and train a IsolationForest() novelity detector.
Save the model using joblib.
Load all of the saved models.
Get the tfidf transformed feature of current out-of-domain input text after replicating all the steps (transformations only) similar to training step.
Predict if it is out-of-domain or not, using the saved IsolationForest model.
But what I have found even if the tf-idf feature is quite different for each of my test input, the IsolationForest always predicting 1.
What is probably going wrong?
NB: I also tried inputting dummy vectors to IsolationForest model by mimicking the output of tf-idf transformer to make sure if the tf-idf module is responsible for this or not but no matter which random vector I provide I always get 1 as output from IsolationForest. Also note that, tf-idf has a lot of features (tokens), in my case the count is 48015.

How do I use my supervised ML model with unsupervised data?

I made a decision trees and logistical regression model. I am satisfied with the results. How do I use it on unsupervised data?
Also: Will I need to always use StandardScaler to new data?
While your question is too broad for SO I still want to give some short advices:
You need supervised data just for training stage of your model. When you already have trained model you can make predictions on unsupervised data (i.e. data that have no labels/targets) and model returns predicted labels. Usually you can do it by using predict method
Important moment: to use the predict method, it is necessary to transfer data to the model input in the same form as it was during training - the same set of features and the same number of features (excluding labels/targets of course)
The same goes for preprocessing - if you used StandardScaler for training data you must use it for new data too - the SAME StandardScaler (i.e. call transform method of already fitted on trining data scaler)
The philosophy of using StandatdScaler or some normalisation: is short - use it for linear model (and for your logistic regression). Read about it here for example:
But for trees it is not necessary. Example:

What is the correct way to use standardization/normalization in combination with K-Fold Cross Validation?

I have always learned that standardization or normalization should be fit only on the training set, and then be used to transform the test set. So what I'd do is:
scaler = StandardScaler()
Now if I were to use this model on new data I could just save 'scaler' and load it to any new script.
I'm having trouble though understanding how this works for K-fold CV. Is it best practice to re-fit and transform the scaler on every fold? I could understand how this works on building the model, but what if I want to use this model later on. Which scaler should I save?
Further I want to extend this to time-series data. I understand how k-fold works for time-series, but again how do I combine this with CV? In this case I would suggest saving the very last scaler as this would be fit on 4/5th (In case of k=5) of the data, having it fit on the most (recent) data. Would that be the correct approach?
Is it best practice to re-fit and transform the scaler on every fold?
Yes. You might want to read scikit-learn's doc on cross-validation:
Just as it is important to test a predictor on data held-out from
training, preprocessing (such as standardization, feature selection,
etc.) and similar data transformations similarly should be learnt from
a training set and applied to held-out data for prediction.
Which scaler should I save?
Save the scaler (and any other preprocessing, i.e. a pipeline) and the predictor trained on all of your training data, not just (k-1)/k of it from cross-validation or 70% from a single split.
If you're doing a regression model, it's that simple.
If your model training requires hyperparameter search using
cross-validation (e.g., grid search for xgboost learning parameters),
then you have already gathered information from across folds, so you
need another test set to estimate true out-of-sample model
performance. (Once you have made this estimation, you can retrain
yet again on combined train+test data. This final step is not always done for neural
networks that are parameterized for a particular sample size.)
