I am new to Odoo 8 and I work on a module, I create a view with a button to send an appeal and I want that when I click the button it prints me a PDF or use it opens a box sends message I want to know what is the easiest solution and if possible send me some examples that I can use the two solutions ..
Thank you again to you
I am trying to code a program for somebody, that is possible to send and delete messages at the same time in the browser Discord application.(I think he wants to use this to spam?) He told me to write the code in Python, so I used python with Selenium. At this point I got everything working so far, the login works, the channel select works if you just insert the channel link directly. It also managed to let it send some messages. But problem now is, that I don't know how to delete the message after it was send, beacuse you need to click a "More" button first. But this more Button
I would use Webbot for that:
from webbot import Browser
web = Browser()
that module has quite a few useful simple functions so i encourage you to try it
When i use html formatting in a post and i create a link, Telegram show a popup before open the link. There is a script or something that force closure of the popup and open the link immediatly?
I don't want insert the link without HTML.
I press the enter key down(which I duplicated/remapped to the CapsLock key with Autohotkey) before I click a link. It worked easy & fortunate that there are no weird things will be triggered in the whole process.
There are no ways to close this popup. Telegram shows this for security reasons.
If you send the full URL, Telegram won't show this message.
I am using Odoo 10. I am able to send the mail using python code. Now my requirement is to send two buttons approve and reject inside the mail. When user clicks approve button then the actual record in the database should approve. And reject button should also work in the same manner. How can I achieve this plz help. I tried below link
I want to know what we have to send in href of a button or link. Then how will it call the appropriate function in model or controller to do some task there. Actually I want to change the state of the record and send an email to the manager/user there.
I already know how to setup the custom keybord layout but so far I haven't found a way to show different "text" on the buttons than what is send if you push it. E.g.:
kb = [
kb_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(kb)`
It returns the text given and there doesnt seem to be an option to specify what should be returned/shown on screen upon clicking. Upon starting conversation with a bot it says "Start" but sends /start, is there a way to achieve this?
For KeyboardButton it is always returning the button text as messages sent from the user, if you want the data sent back to the bot not being shown/different from the button text, try using InlineKeyboardButton
And as for the /start button, it is on telegram's side, we cannot change that.
I am working on a project. Each day I need to login to a website. Navigate to a report page. After entering the require information, and clicking on the "gererate report" icon, there's a pop up windown asking me to save the file. I want to do it automatically by python.
I search the internet for a couple of days, and now I can do it by Autoit, but can't find a way in python.
By using urllib2, I can process up to clicking the "generate report" icon. But how can I get the name and location of the file and download it?
I want to make clear that the "generate report" button is actuary the submit button of a form. There is no Href associate with the generate button. After submitting the form, a file-save dialog popup asking me where to save the file.
thanks in advance!
If it's a save file dialog from Fx it probably means that it directly links to a file. If you manage to fill all the information and click the generate_report icon, can't you check which href has the generate_button assigned to it?
import urlib
urlfile = "Href of the generate_button"