I am relatively new to Python and trying to use it to solve an integrator problem
x' = - L * x
Where L is the Laplacian Matrix, that is a matrix representation of a graph. This is part of my code:
def integrate_cons(x, t, l):
xdot = -l*x
return xdot;
t = np.linspace(0, 10, 101)
#laplacian is a 3x3 matrix
#initial_condition is a vector
solution = odeint(integrate_cons, initial_conditions, t, args=(laplacian,))
print solution
I'm having problems to pass a matrix like an argument in odeint. How can i solve?
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
def integrate_cons(x, t, l):
# unless you use np.matrix which I never do, you have to use np.dot
xdot = -np.dot(l,x)
return xdot;
t = np.linspace(0, 10, 101)
# just a random matrix
l = np.random.rand(3,3)
# initial conditions
x0 = np.array([1,1,1])
#laplacian is a 3x3 matrix
#initial_condition is a vector
solution = odeint(integrate_cons, x0, t, args=(l,))
Look at the scipy cookbook for examples.
I want to ask something that provably is extremly easy but I didn't find how to do it... The point is that I want to define some function in python in a symbolic way using sympy in order to make its derivative and then use this expresion numerically.
Here an example is showed:
import numpy as np
from sympy import *
z = Symbol('z')
function = z*exp(z**2)
deriv = diff(function, z)
x = np.arange(1, 3, 0.1) #interval of points
#How can I evaluate numerically this array "x" with the function deriv???
Do you know how to do it? Thanks!
You can use lambdify with the numpy backend:
import numpy as np
from sympy import *
z = Symbol('z')
function = z*exp(z**2)
deriv = diff(function, z)
x = np.arange(1, 3, 0.1) #interval of points
d = lambdify(z, deriv, "numpy")
# array([ 8.15484549e+00, 1.14689175e+01, 1.63762998e+01,
# 2.37373255e+01, 3.49286892e+01, 5.21825471e+01,
# 7.91672020e+01, 1.21994639e+02, 1.90992239e+02,
# 3.03860954e+02, 4.91383350e+02, 8.07886132e+02,
# 1.35069268e+03, 2.29681687e+03, 3.97320108e+03,
# 6.99317313e+03, 1.25255647e+04, 2.28335915e+04,
# 4.23706166e+04, 8.00431723e+04])
I have written this code to model the motion of a spring pendulum
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from numpy import sin, cos, pi, array
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def deriv(z, t):
x, y, dxdt, dydt = z
return np.array([x,y, dx2dt2, dy2dt2])
init = array([0,pi/18,0,0])
time = np.linspace(0.0,10.0,1000)
sol = odeint(deriv,init,time)
def plot(h,t):
return np.array([n,u,x,y])
init2 = array([0.069459271,0.393923101,0,pi/18])
time2 = np.linspace(0.0,10.0,1000)
sol2 = odeint(plot,init2,time2)
plt.plot(sol2[:,0], sol2[:, 1], label = 'hi')
where x and y are two variables, and I'm trying to convert x and y to the polar coordinates n (x-axis) and u (y-axis) and then graph n and u on a graph where n is on the x-axis and u is on the y-axis. However, when I graph the code above it gives me:
Instead, I should be getting an image somewhat similar to this:
The first part of the code - from "def deriv(z,t): to sol:odeint(deriv..." is where the values of x and y are generated, and using that I can then turn them into rectangular coordinates and graph them. How do I change my code to do this? I'm new to Python, so I might not understand some of the terminology. Thank you!
The first solution should give you the expected result, but there is a mistake in the implementation of the ode.
The function you pass to odeint should return an array containing the solutions of a 1st-order differential equations system.
In your case what you are solving is
While instead you should be solving
In order to do so change your code to this
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from numpy import sin, cos, pi, array
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def deriv(z, t):
x, y, dxdt, dydt = z
dx2dt2 = (0.415 + x) * (dydt)**2 - 50 / 1.006 * x + 9.81 * cos(y)
dy2dt2 = (-9.81 * 1.006 * sin(y) - 2 * (dxdt) * (dydt)) / (0.415 + x)
return np.array([dxdt, dydt, dx2dt2, dy2dt2])
init = array([0, pi / 18, 0, 0])
time = np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, 1000)
sol = odeint(deriv, init, time)
plt.plot(sol[:, 0], sol[:, 1], label='hi')
The second part of the code looks like you are trying to do a change of coordinate.
I'm not sure why you try to solve the ode again instead of just doing this.
x = sol[:,0]
y = sol[:,1]
def plot(h):
x, y = h
n = (0.4 + x) * sin(y)
u = (0.4 + x) * cos(y)
return np.array([n, u])
n,u = plot( (x,y))
As of now, what you are doing there is solving this system:
Which leads to x=e^t and y=e^t and n' = (0.4 + e^t) * sin(e^t) u' = (0.4 + e^t) * cos(e^t).
Without going too much into the details, with some intuition you could see that this will lead to an attractor as the derivative of n and u will start to switch sign faster and with greater magnitude at an exponential rate, leading to n and u collapsing onto an attractor as shown by your plot.
If you are actually trying to solve another differential equation I would need to see it in order to help you further
This is what happen if you do the transformation and set the time to 1000:
I am wondering how to export MATLAB function ode45 to python. According to the documentation is should be as follows:
MATLAB: [t,y]=ode45(#vdp1,[0 20],[2 0]);
Python: import numpy as np
def vdp1(t,y):
dydt= np.array([y[1], (1-y[0]**2)*y[1]-y[0]])
return dydt
import scipy integrate
The results are completely different, Matlab returns different dimensions than Python.
As #LutzL mentioned, you can use the newer API, solve_ivp.
results = solve_ivp(obj_func, t_span, y0, t_eval = time_series)
If t_eval is not specified, then you won't have one record per one timestamp, which is mostly the cases I assume.
Another side note is that for odeint and often other integrators, the output array is a ndarray of a shape of [len(time), len(states)], however for solve_ivp, the output is a list(length of state vector) of 1-dimension ndarray(which length is equal to t_eval).
So you have to merge it if you want the same order. You can do so by:
Y =results
merged = np.hstack([i.reshape(-1,1) for i in Y.y])
First you need to reshape to make it a [n,1] array, and merge it horizontally.
Hope this helps!
The interface of integrate.ode is not as intuitive as of a simpler method odeint which, however, does not support choosing an ODE integrator. The main difference is that ode does not run a loop for you; if you need a solution at a bunch of points, you have to say at what points, and compute it one point at a time.
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def vdp1(t, y):
return np.array([y[1], (1 - y[0]**2)*y[1] - y[0]])
t0, t1 = 0, 20 # start and end
t = np.linspace(t0, t1, 100) # the points of evaluation of solution
y0 = [2, 0] # initial value
y = np.zeros((len(t), len(y0))) # array for solution
y[0, :] = y0
r = integrate.ode(vdp1).set_integrator("dopri5") # choice of method
r.set_initial_value(y0, t0) # initial values
for i in range(1, t.size):
y[i, :] = r.integrate(t[i]) # get one more value, add it to the array
if not r.successful():
raise RuntimeError("Could not integrate")
plt.plot(t, y)
The function scipy.integrate.solve_ivp uses the method RK45 by default, similar the method used by Matlab's function ODE45 as both use the Dormand-Pierce formulas with fourth-order method accuracy.
vdp1 = #(T,Y) [Y(2); (1 - Y(1)^2) * Y(2) - Y(1)];
[T,Y] = ode45 (vdp1, [0, 20], [2, 0]);
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
vdp1 = lambda T,Y: [Y[1], (1 - Y[0]**2) * Y[1] - Y[0]]
sol = solve_ivp (vdp1, [0, 20], [2, 0])
T = sol.t
Y = sol.y
Ordinary Differential Equations (solve_ivp)
Consider the following MWE
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def linear(x, a, b):
return (x/b)**a
for ix in range(Y.shape[0]):
c0, pcov = curve_fit(linear, X, Y[ix])
XX=np.tile(X, Y.shape[0])
c0, pcov = curve_fit(linear, XX, Y.flatten())
I have a problem where I have to do basically that, but instead of 15 iterations it's thousands and it's pretty slow.
Is there any way to do all of those iterations at once with curve_fit? I know the result from the function is supposed to be a 1D-array, so just passing the args like this
c0, pcov = curve_fit(nlinear, X, Y)
is not going to work. Also I think the answer has to be in flattening Y, so I can get a flattened result, but I just can't get anything to work.
I know that if I do something like
XX=np.tile(X, Y.shape[0])
c0, pcov = curve_fit(nlinear, XX, Y.flatten())
then I get a "mean" value of the coefficients, but that's not what I want.
For the record, I solved with using Jacques Kvam's set-up but implemented using Numpy (because of a limitation)
lX = np.log(X)
lY = np.log(Y)
A = np.vstack([lX, np.ones(len(lX))]).T
m, c=np.linalg.lstsq(A, lY.T)[0]
And then m is a and to get b:
Least squares won't give the same result because the noise is transformed by log in this case. If the noise is zero, both methods give the same result.
import numpy as np
from numpy import random as rng
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
Y = np.zeros((4, 6))
for i in range(4):
b = a = i + 1
Y[i] = (X/b)**a + 0.01 * randn(6)
def linear(x, a, b):
return (x/b)**a
for ix in range(Y.shape[0]):
c0, pcov = curve_fit(linear, X, Y[ix])
coefs is
[array([ 0.99309127, 0.98742861]),
array([ 2.00197613, 2.00082722]),
array([ 2.99130237, 2.99390585]),
array([ 3.99644048, 3.9992937 ])]
I'll use scikit-learn's implementation of linear regression since I believe that scales well.
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
lr = LinearRegression()
Take logs of X and Y
lX = np.log(X)[None, :]
lY = np.log(Y)
Now fit and check that coeffiecients are the same as before.
lr.fit(lX.T, lY.T)
Which gives similar exponent.
array([ 0.98613517, 1.98643974, 2.96602892, 4.01718514])
Now check the divisor.
np.exp(-lr.intercept_ / lr.coef_.ravel())
Which gives similar coefficient, you can see the methods diverging somewhat though in their answers.
array([ 0.99199406, 1.98234916, 2.90677142, 3.73416501])
It might be useful in some situations to have the best fit parameters as a numpy array for further calculations. One can add the following after the for loop:
bestfit_par = np.asarray(coeffs)
I need help to compute derivative and integral of function using finite difference method and Numpy without using loops.
The whole task: Tabulate Gauss function f(x) = (1./(sqrt(2.*pi)*s))*e**(-0.5*((x-m)/s)**2) on the interval [-10,10] for m = 0 and s=[0.5,5]. Compute derivative and integral of the function using finite difference method without using loops. Create plots of the function and its derivative. Use Numpy and Matplotlib.
Here's the beginning of the programm:
def f(x,s,m):
return (1./(sqrt(2.*pi)*s))*e**(-0.5*((x-m)/s)**2)
def main():
m = 0
s = np.linspace(0.5,5,3)
x = np.linspace(-10,10,20)
for i in range(3):
print('s = ', s[i])
for j in range(20):
print('x = ',x[j],', y = ',f(x[j],s[i],m))
By using the numpy arrays you can apply that operation directly with algebraic notation:
result = (1./(np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)*s))*np.exp(-0.5*((x-m)/s)**2)
The simplest way (without using SciPy) seems to me to directly sum for the integral and central difference method for the derivative:
import numpy as np
import pylab
def gaussian(x, s, m):
return 1./(np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)*s) * np.exp(-0.5*((x-m)/s)**2)
m = 0
s = np.linspace(0.5,5,3)
x, dx = np.linspace(-10,10,1000, retstep=True)
x = x[:,np.newaxis]
y = gaussian(x,s,m)
h = 1.e-6
dydx = (gaussian(x+h, s, m) - gaussian(x-h, s, m))/2/h
int_y = np.sum(gaussian(x, s, m), axis=0) * dx
pylab.plot(x, y)
pylab.plot(x, dydx)