numpy - Computing "element-wise" difference between two arrays along first axis - python

Suppose I have two arrays A and B with dimensions (n1,m1,m2) and (n2,m1,m2), respectively. I want to compute the matrix C with dimensions (n1,n2) such that C[i,j] = sum((A[i,:,:] - B[j,:,:])^2). Here is what I have so far:
import numpy as np
A = np.array(range(1,13)).reshape(3,2,2)
B = np.array(range(1,9)).reshape(2,2,2)
C = np.zeros(shape=(A.shape[0], B.shape[0]) )
for i in range(A.shape[0]):
for j in range(B.shape[0]):
C[i,j] = np.sum(np.square(A[i,:,:] - B[j,:,:]))
What is the most efficient way to do this? In R I would use a vectorized approach, such as outer. Is there a similar method for Python?

You can use scipy's cdist, which is pretty efficient for such calculations after reshaping the input arrays to 2D, like so -
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
C = cdist(A.reshape(A.shape[0],-1),B.reshape(B.shape[0],-1),'sqeuclidean')
Now, the above approach must be memory efficient and thus a better one when working with large datasizes. For small input arrays, one can also use np.einsum and leverage NumPy broadcasting, like so -
diffs = A[:,None]-B
C = np.einsum('ijkl,ijkl->ij',diffs,diffs)


How to vectorize multiple matrix multiplication

I have a 2d matrix A[1000*90] and B[90*90*1000]
I would like to calculate C[1000*90]
For i in range(1000)
I understand if I use a vectorized formula it's going to be faster, seems like einsum might be the function I'm looking for, but I am having trouble cyphering the syntax of einsum. Is it np.einsum(ij,jki->ik,A,B)?
Your einsum is correct. But there is a better way as pointed out by hpaulj.
Using Matmul:
import numpy as np
A =np.random.rand(1000,90)
B = np.random.rand(90,90,1000)
C = A[:,np.newaxis,:]#B.transpose(2,0,1) ## Matrix multiplication
C = C = C.reshape(-1,C.shape[2])
np.array_equal(C,np.einsum('ij,jki->ik',A,B)) # check if both give same result

How to efficiently operate on sub-arrays like calculating the determinants, inverse,

I have to to multiple operations on sub-arrays like matrix inversions or building determinants. Since for-loops are not very fast in Python I wonder what is the best way to do this.
import numpy as np
n = 8
a = np.random.rand(3,3,n)
b = np.empty(n)
c = np.zeros_like(a)
for i in range(n):
b[i] = np.linalg.det(a[:,:,i])
c[:,:,i] = np.linalg.inv(a[:,:,i])
Those numpy.linalg functions would accept n-dim arrays as long as the last two axes are the ones that form the 2D slices along which functions are intended to be operated upon. Hence, to solve our cases, permute axes to bring-up the axis of iteration as the first one, perform the required operation and if needed push-back that axis back to it's original place.
Hence, we could get those outputs, like so -
b = np.linalg.det(np.moveaxis(a,2,0))
c = np.moveaxis(np.linalg.inv(np.moveaxis(a,2,0)),0,2)

Row-wise outer product on sparse matrices

Given two sparse scipy matrices A, B I want to compute the row-wise outer product.
I can do this with numpy in a number of ways. The easiest perhaps being
np.einsum('ij,ik->ijk', A, B).reshape(n, -1)
(A[:, :, np.newaxis] * B[:, np.newaxis, :]).reshape(n, -1)
where n is the number of rows in A and B.
In my case, however, going through dense matrices eat up way too much RAM.
The only option I have found is thus to use a python loop:
sp.sparse.vstack((ra.T#rb).reshape(1,-1) for ra, rb in zip(A,B)).tocsr()
While using less RAM, this is very slow.
My question is thus, is there a sparse (RAM efficient) way to take the row-wise outer product of two matrices, which keeps things vectorized?
(A similar question is numpy elementwise outer product with sparse matrices but all answers there go through dense matrices.)
We can directly calculate the csr representation of the result. It's not superfast (~3 seconds on 100,000x768) but may be ok, depending on your use case:
import numpy as np
import itertools
from scipy import sparse
def spouter(A,B):
N,L = A.shape
N,K = B.shape
drows = zip(*(np.split(,x.indptr[1:-1]) for x in (A,B)))
data = [np.outer(a,b).ravel() for a,b in drows]
irows = zip(*(np.split(x.indices,x.indptr[1:-1]) for x in (A,B)))
indices = [np.ravel_multi_index(np.ix_(a,b),(L,K)).ravel() for a,b in irows]
indptr = np.fromiter(itertools.chain((0,),map(len,indices)),int).cumsum()
return sparse.csr_matrix((np.concatenate(data),np.concatenate(indices),indptr),(N,L*K))
A = sparse.random(100,768,0.03).tocsr()
B = sparse.random(100,768,0.03).tocsr()
print(np.all(np.einsum('ij,ik->ijk',A.A,B.A).reshape(100,-1) == spouter(A,B).A))
A = sparse.random(100000,768,0.03).tocsr()
B = sparse.random(100000,768,0.03).tocsr()
from time import time
T = time()
C = spouter(A,B)
Sample run:

Vectorise Python code

I have coded a kriging algorithm but I find it quite slow. Especially, do you have an idea on how I could vectorise the piece of code in the cons function below:
import time
import numpy as np
B = np.zeros((200, 6))
P = np.zeros((len(B), len(B)))
def cons():
for i in range(len(B)):
for j in range(len(B)):
P[i,j] = corr(B[i], B[j])
return time2-time1
def corr(x,x_i):
return np.exp(-np.sum(np.abs(np.array(x) - np.array(x_i))))
time_av = 0.
for i in range(30):
print "Average=", time_av/100.
Edit: Bonus questions
What happens to the broadcasting solution if I want corr(B[i], C[j]) with C the same dimension than B
What happens to the scipy solution if my p-norm orders are an array:
def corr(x, x_i):
return np.exp(-np.sum(np.abs(np.array(x) - np.array(x_i))**p))
For 2., I tried P = np.exp(-cdist(B, C,'minkowski', p)) but scipy is expecting a scalar.
Your problem seems very simple to vectorize. For each pair of rows of B you want to compute
P[i,j] = np.exp(-np.sum(np.abs(B[i,:] - B[j,:])))
You can make use of array broadcasting and introduce a third dimension, summing along the last one:
P2 = np.exp(-np.sum(np.abs(B[:,None,:] - B),axis=-1))
The idea is to reshape the first occurence of B to shape (N,1,M) while the second B is left with shape (N,M). With array broadcasting, the latter is equivalent to (1,N,M), so
B[:,None,:] - B
is of shape (N,N,M). Summing along the last index will then result in the (N,N)-shape correlation array you're looking for.
Note that if you were using scipy, you would be able to do this using scipy.spatial.distance.cdist (or, equivalently, a combination of scipy.spatial.distance.pdist and scipy.spatial.distance.squareform), without unnecessarily computing the lower triangular half of this symmetrix matrix. Using #Divakar's suggestion in comments for the simplest solution this way:
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
P3 = 1/np.exp(cdist(B, B, 'minkowski',1))
cdist will compute the Minkowski distance in 1-norm, which is exactly the sum of the absolute values of coordinate differences.

find 2d elements in a 3d array which are similar to 2d elements in another 3d array

I have two 3D arrays and want to identify 2D elements in one array, which have one or more similar counterparts in the other array.
This works in Python 3:
import numpy as np
import random
A = np.round(np.random.rand(25000,2,2),2)
B = np.round(np.random.rand(25000,2,2),2)
a_index = np.zeros(A.shape[0])
for a in range(A.shape[0]):
for b in range(B.shape[0]):
if np.allclose(A[a,:,:].reshape(-1, A.shape[1]), B[b,:,:].reshape(-1, B.shape[1]),
rtol=1e-04, atol=1e-06):
a_index[a] = 1
But of course this approach is awfully slow. Please tell me, that there is a more efficient way (and what it is). THX.
You are trying to do an all-nearest-neighbor type query. This is something that has special O(n log n) algorithms, I'm not aware of a python implementation. However you can use regular nearest-neighbor which is also O(n log n) just a bit slower. For example scipy.spatial.KDTree or cKDTree.
import numpy as np
import random
A = np.round(np.random.rand(25000,2,2),2)
B = np.round(np.random.rand(25000,2,2),2)
import scipy.spatial
tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(A.reshape(25000, 4))
results = tree.query_ball_point(B.reshape(25000, 4), r=1e-04, p=1)
print [r for r in results if r != []]
# [[14252], [1972], [7108], [13369], [23171]]
query_ball_point() is not an exact equivalent to allclose() but it is close enough, especially if you don't care about the rtol parameter to allclose(). You also get a choice of metric (p=1 for city block, or p=2 for Euclidean).
P.S. Consider using query_ball_tree() for very large data sets. Both A and B have to be indexed in that case.
P.S. I'm not sure what effect the 2d-ness of the elements should have; the sample code I gave treats them as 1d and that is identical at least when using city block metric.
From the docs of np.allclose, we have :
If the following equation is element-wise True, then allclose returns
absolute(a - b) <= (atol + rtol * absolute(b))
Using that criteria, we can have a vectorized implementation using broadcasting, customized for the stated problem, like so -
# Setup parameters
rtol,atol = 1e-04, 1e-06
# Use np.allclose criteria to detect true/false across all pairwise elements
mask = np.abs(A[:,None,] - B) <= (atol + rtol * np.abs(B))
# Use the problem context to get final output
out = np.nonzero(mask.all(axis=(2,3)).any(1))[0]
