Converting PDF to any parse-able format - python

I have a PDF file which consists of tables which can spread across various pages and may have text in between. An example of it can be found here.
I am able to convert the PDF to any format but the output files are not in any way parse-able i.e. I cannot extract data out of it as they are scattered. Here are the links to the output files which I created using pdftotext and pdftohtml.
Is there a way to extract data in a more suitable way?
Thanks in advance.

The general answer is no. pdf is a format intended for visual presentation and printing, and there is no guarantee that the contents will be in any particular order let alone structured as a table in any way other than what appears when the pdf is rendered onto paper or a screen. Sometimes there is even deliberate obfuscation to prevent anyone doing what you are attempting.
In this case it appears to be possible to cut and paste the contents of each table element. For a small number of similar files that is almost certainly the quickest thing to do. Open the pdf on the left hand of your screen, a spreadsheet or data-entry program on the right hand, then cut and paste. For a medium number - tens, hundreds? - it's probably cheapest to hire a temp to do the donkey-work. For a large number - thousands? - it would be possible to create a program to automate this process, but definitely not easy. I might think about using human input via the mouse to identify the corners of the table and the horizontal / vertical divisions, then generating cut and paste operations via control of the human interface devices. Don't ask me how. I'd have to find out if I had to do this, and I'd much rather not. It's a WOMBAT.
Whatever form of analysis you did on the pdf contents would certainly not generalize to other pdfs created by different organisations using different software, and possibly not even by the same organisation using the same process but merely a later release of the same software.

Following in the line of #nigel222, it really depends on the PDF how easily you can get the data out in some useful way.
It is best if the PDF is structured (has a document structure, created when the PDF was written). In this case, you can access the structure, and you are all set.
As structure is a fundamental necessity of an accessible PDF, you may try to "massage" the document by applying the various "make accessible" utilities floating around; definitely something to follow.


Is there a way to automate specific data extraction from a number of pdf files and add them to an excel sheet?

Regularly I have to go through a list of pdf files and search for specific data and add them to an excel sheet for later review. As the number of pdf files are around 50 per month, it is both time taking and frustrating to do it manually.
Can the process be automated in windows by python or any other scripting language? I require to have all the pdf files in a folder and run the script which will generate an excel sheet with all the data added. The pdf files with which I work are tabular and have similar structures.
Yes. And no. And maybe.
The problem here is not extracting something from a PDF document. Extracting something is almost always possible and there are plenty of tools available to extract content from a PDF document. Text, images, whatever you need.
The major problem (and the reason for the "no" or "maybe") is that PDF in general is not a structured file format. It doesn't care about columns, paragraphs, tables, sentences or even words. In the general case it cares only about characters on a page in a specific location.
This means that in the general case you cannot query a PDF document and ask it for every paragraph or for the third sentence in the fifth paragraph. You can ask a library to get all of the text or all of the text in a specific location. And then you have to hope the library is able to extract the text you need in a legible format. Because there doesn't even have to be the case that you can copy and paste or otherwise extra understandable characters from a PDF file. Many PDF files don't even contain enough information for that.
So... If you have a certain type of document and you can test that it predictably behaves a certain way with a certain extraction engine, then yes, you can extract information from a PDF file.
If the PDF files you receive are different all the time or the layout on the page is totally different every time than the answer is probably that you cannot reliably extract the information you want.
As a side note:
There are certain types of PDF documents that are easier to handle than others so if you're lucky that might make your life easier. Two examples:
Many PDF files will in fact contain textual information in such a way that it can be extracted in a legible way. PDF files that follow certain standards (such as PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a or PDF/A-2u etc...) are even required to be created this way.
Some PDF files are "tagged" which means they contain additional structural information that allows you to extract information in an easier and more meaningful way. This structure would in fact identify paragraphs, images, tables etc and if the tagging was done in a good way it could make the job of content extraction much easier.
You could use pdf2text2 in Python to extract data from your PDF.
Alternatively you can use pdftotext that is part of the Xpdf suite

create pdf from python

I'm looking to generate PDF's from a Python application.
They start relatively simple but some may become more complex (Essentially letter like documents but will include watermarks for example later)
I've worked in raw postscript before and providing I can generate the correct headers etc and file at the end of it I want to avoid use of complex libs that may not do entirely what I want. Some seem to have got bitrot and no longer supported (pypdf and pypdf2) Especially when I know PDF/Postscript can do exactly what I need. PDF content really isn't that complex.
I can generate EPS (Encapsulated postscript) fine by just writing the appropriate text headers to file and my postscript code. But Inspecting PDF's there is a lil binary header I'm not sure how to generate.
I could generate an EPS and convert it. I'm not overly happy with this as the production environment is a Windows 2008 server (Dev is Ubuntu 12.04) and making something and converting it seems very silly.
Has anyone done this before?
Am I being pedantic by not wanting to use a library?
borrowed from
A PDF file starts with "%PDF-1.1" if it is a version 1.1 type of PDF file. You can read PDF files ok when they don't have binary data objects stored in them, and you could even make one using Notepad if you didn't need to store a binary object like a Paint bitmap in it.
But after seeing the "%PDF-1.1" you ignore what's after that (Adobe Reader does, too) and go straight to the end of the file to where there is a line that says "%%EOF". That's always the last thing in the file; and if that's there you know that just a few characters before that place in the file there's the word "startxref" followed by a number. This number tells a reader program where to look in the file to find the start of the list of items describing the structure of the file. These items in the list can be page objects, dictionary objects, or stream objects (like the binary data of a bitmap), and each one has "obj" and "endobj" marking out where its description starts and ends.
For fairly simple PDF files, you might be able to type the text in just like you did with Notepad to make a working PDF file that Adobe Reader and other PDF viewer programs could read and display correctly.
Doing something like this is a challenge, even for a simple file, and you'd really have to know what you're doing to get any binary data into the file where it's supposed to go; but for character data, you'd just be able to type it in. And all of the commands used in the PDF are in the form of strings that you could type in. The hardest part is calculating those numbers that give the file offsets for items in the file (such as the number following "startxref").
If the way the file format is laid out intrigues you, go ahead and read the PDF manual, which tells the whole story.
but really you should probably just use a library
Thanks to #LukasGraf for providing this link that shows how to create a simple hello world pdf from scratch
As long as you're working in Python 2.7, Reportlab seems to be the best solution out there at the moment. It's quite full-featured, and can be a little complex to work with, depending on exactly what you're doing with it, but since you seem to be familiar with PDF internals in general hopefully the learning curve won't be too steep.
I recommend you to use a library. I spent a lot of time creating pdfme and learned a lot of things along the way, but it's not something you would do for a single project. If you want to use my library check the docs here.

text extraction project - best tool for extracting only specific rows / items out of a PDF?

I'm working on a project that is going to extract specified text from a pdf document. I have no experience with this type of extraction. One issue is that we don't just want a dump of all the text in the document. Rather, is there a way to extract only certain fields in the pdf? Is there a notion of pdf templates that could be used for something like this?
I'm trying to use Apple's Automator - this is able to get all the text but not specified text. Ideally, I would like someone in Pages to have for example 30 discreet rows of text and have 20 of those rows be specified as 'catalog item' and have our Automator script take ONLY those twenty lines.
Any ideas on best workflow / extraction tools for this? I would prefer only consumer level items be used such as Apple Pages, Automator, and ruby or python as a scripting language.
edit #1
looks like tagged pdf's might be one way to do this - not sure how well supported on Apple Pages this is
With python, the best choice would probably be PDFMiner. It can extract the coordinates for every text string, so you can work out the rectangles in your form on your own and pick out what falls within them. It's all pretty low level, but PDF is unfortunately a pretty low level format.
Be warned that unless you already know a lot about the structure of PDF, you'll find the API and documentation rather scanty. Look around for usage examples, including here on SO.
For Ruby you might try pdf-reader for parsing a PDF and accessing both metadata and content. Extracting the specific items your interested in is another story, but how to go about doing that depends highly on what format of data you're expecting.
You can use Origami in Ruby, a framework designed to parse, analyze,
and forge PDF documents, or the Python equivalent: Origapy, a simple Python
interface for the Ruby based Origami.

Hide information in a PDF file in Python

In Python, I have files generated by ReportLab. Now, i need to extract some pages from that PDF and hide confidential information.
I can create a PDF file with blacked-out spots and use pyPdf to mergePage, but people can still select and copy-paste the information under the blacked-out spots.
Is there a way to make those spots completely confidential?
Per example, I need to hide addresses on the pages, how would i do it?
Basically you'll have to remove the corresponding text drawing commands in the PDF's page content stream. It's much easier to generate the pages twice, once with the confidential information, once without them.
It might be possible (I don't know ReportLab enough) to specially craft the PDF in a way that the confidential information is easier accessible (e.g. as separate XObjects) for deletion. Still you'd have to do pretty low-level operations on the PDF -- which I would advise against.
(Sorry, I was not able to log on when I posted the question...)
Unfortunately, the document cannot be regenerated at will (context sensitive), and those PDF files (about 35) are 3000+ pages.
I was thinking about using pdf2ps and pdf2ps back, but there is a lot of quality.
pdf2ps -dLanguageLevel=3 input.pdf - | ps2pdf14 - output.pdf
And if i use "pdftops" instead, the text is still selectable. If there is a way to make it non-selectable like with "pdf2ps" but with better quality, it will do too.

Generating & Merging PDF Files in Python

I want to automatically generate booking confirmation PDF files in Python. Most of the content will be static (i.e. logos, booking terms, phone numbers), with a few dynamic bits (dates, costs, etc).
From the user side, the simplest way to do this would be to start with a PDF file with the static content, and then using python to just add the dynamic parts. Is this a simple process?
From doing a bit of search, it seems that I can use reportlab for creating content and pyPdf for merging PDF's together. Is this the best approach? Or is there a really funky way that I haven't come across yet?
From the user side, the simplest way to do this would be to start with a PDF file with the static content, and then using python to just add the dynamic parts. Is this a simple process?
Unfortunately no. There are several tools that are good at producing PDFs from scratch (most commonly for Python, ReportLab), but they don't generally load existing PDFs. You would have to include generating code for any boilerplate text, lines, blocks, shapes and images, rather than this being freely editable by the user.
On the other side there's pyPdf which can load PDFs, collate the pages, and extract some of the information, but can't really add new content. You can ‘merge’ pages into one, but you'd still have to create the extra information overlay as a page in ReportLab first.
Look into docutils and reSTructuredText. You could quickly write out your PDF document in reST and then compile the PDF using
I've used this, it creates very beautiful documents and the markup is extensible! Later you could take the same code and run it into rst2html to create a website out if it!
Take a look here:
Good luck
You could generate a document through, for example, TeX, or OpenOffice, or whatever gives you the most comfortable bindings and then print the document with a pdf printer.
This allows you not to have to figure out where to put fields precisely or figure out what to do if your content overflows the space allocated for it.
