creating a makfile to run simple python program on different files - python

I have a python file that needs to import 5 other python modules in order to run.
The main program is very simple and short because it uses the classes defined in the 5 import files. Now I have to submit a make file that responds to several commands. All the commands run the main program on different files and are instructed to be as follows; "make cat-dictionary" should display the file "dictionary" that the program will be run on.....while "make run-dictionary" will execute the python program on "dictionary". I found a ton of help on how to use make file with C code that needs compiling. But I am confused how to make sure my make commands allow the main python program to import the 5 modules it needs before executing it? Do I have to use a command that prepares the modules or will my python program just import them automatically if they are there.

Packaging Python program via
To make Python code easily installable, you shall use, which will allow creation of a package.
Python make via doit
If you really need to run multiple dependent tasks and search for Python alternative to Makefile, check doit package.
Note, that for completing a python program doit is not needed.


Python Input function in atom prevents code from running [duplicate]

I created a script which just asks a user for their name and age using Python's input() function.
I installed the package Script. This ran the script well but couldn’t deal with the input.
I have also tried a number of other options but haven’t had any success.
Any ideas how to build and execute scripts from within Atom? I don’t mind if it just simply saved the script and opened Pythons IDLE at a minimum.
Add Terminal-Plus and run the code with the python command
Script Runner can run scripts and supports input, unlike Script. It's the simplest full terminal package that I know of. To run a script, press Alt+X
For more advanced usage, you might look at Hydrogen.
The atom-python-run package gets around the input("") freeze problem by opening a terminal window and running the code in that.
Doing it within Atom has eluded me too, but this works OK.

Running Python Scripts Outside of IDLE

1- i want someone to help with this part
about Running Python Scripts Outside of IDLE and sending command line args .
2- i converted my code to .exe by pyinstaller ; what's the difference between this and running it
as a script .
3-how scripts are done . i see experienced people says :"i made a script to do something for me " how is that done >?
*i'm a beginner so try to make answers simple as possible.
If you're wondering about command line arguments, look into the "argparse" library
The difference in the .exe and the normal script is that that the .exe versions (conventionally) are able to be redistributed to other sytems that don't have python installed whilst still being able to run the script. If you're only making the script for yourself the only real benefit is that you dont have to enter your IDE (code editor) every time you want to run the code, however if it's still in development then you'd have to compile the code every time you made a modification if you're wanting to run the code as an executable, which is very impractical.
Your third part is very, very vague. Python can be very versatile and i recommend you continue looking at the website if you're interested in making scripts that can complete repetitive activities (although i must strongly advise you against using scripts maliciously).

Is it possible to interact directly with the Windows Command Line through Python?

I'm relatively new to Python and was interested in learning if it's possible to interact with the Windows Command Line with Python (meaning able to directly input commands, such as dir or cd). I ask as I'm interested in making scripts to run in a Windows environment. I'm aware of the subprocess module, but I'm not sure if it has a routine for direct input.

Batch Rendering file from a python script without openeing Maya

I have one Maya scene and a Python script where import obj files into it. I need to create a batch render file which calls the maya file and applies the script without opneing maya.
I have this code in a .sh file:
"/Applications/Autodesk/maya2016/" -r file -s 1 -e 4 -cam camera1 -rd "/Users/MyComp/Documents/maya/projects/default/images" "/Users/MyComp/Documents/maya/projects/default/Scenes/test1.mb"
But I have this code into the script which can be an issue or maybe not:
def renderFile(i):
cmds.setAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.imageFilePrefix", i, type="string")
If I execute this .sh file it renders without the python script. How can I add the python script?
I need that file for a renderfarm purposes
I know it's an old thread but thought I'd jump in just incase someone finds this thread in a search.
The comments seem a little confused. This comes from the fact that there are two different Python interpreters being talked about. The first is the system level one, which the original question seems to be talking about. In that case, you can use any of the various shell command launchers (like, subprocess/Popen) that suit your need. Here you are looking to run the render command like you would any other command in in the shell.
In the responses, people there are referring to the other interpreter, the custom Maya Python interpreter (mayapy.exe). In that case you are working with actual Maya libraries and it's the same as working with Python in it's shell, with the added Maya libraries/environment.
The two have different uses, the first is to control things like they were in the shell and the second is controlling things inside of a Maya context. Hope that clarifies things.

Distributing python-written executable with veusz

I would like to distribute an application written in python as a .exe file. I have already been able to do this using py2exe, but now I have incorporated the veusz library into my code. Ideally my program should open up a veusz plot (as it does on my computer, which has python, numpy, etc. all installed). However, I want to distribute an executable that does this without having to install python.
When I try running my with py2exe, everything goes fine and the exe is built. However, once the application runs and gets to the point where it is to display the graph, it sends up:
Runtime error: Unable to find veusz executable on system path.
Can I fix this without having to install a bunch of stuff on my clients' computers? Is this possible? And if I must install something, what is the minimum amount of software I need to install?
Veusz runs its user interface in a separate python process so that it does not block python. If you look at veusz/, it tries to start up python or a veusz executable. You'd need to modify to start your .exe (sys.executable) if frozen instead of veusz and pass some special parameter which your program would interpret to start running veusz.embed_remote.runremote.
The python multiprocessing module has to do something similar - you need to call a multiprocess function which checks whether the program was starting by multiprocessing - to get around the fact that Windows doesn't have a working fork.
