calling GeomFromText and other such functions using sqlalchemy core - python

I am working in python with a MySQL database. I have a table that uses the MySQL geometry extension, so I need to call the GeomFromText MySQL function during an update statement, something like this:
UPDATE myTable SET Location=GeomFromText('Point(39.0 55.0)') where id=1;
UPDATE myTable SET Location=GeomFromText('Point(39.0 55.0)') where id=2;
Originally, I was using the low-level MySQLdb library. I am switching to using the SQLAlchemy core library (I cannot use the SQLAlchemy ORM for speed and other reasons).
If I were using the lower-level MySQLdb library directly, I would do something like this:
import MySQLdb as mysql
commandTemplate = "UPDATE myTable SET Location=GeomFromText(%s) where id=%s"
connection = mysql.connect(host="myhost",user="user",passwd="password",db="my_schema")
cursor = connection.cursor(mysql.cursors.DictCursor)
data = [
("Point(39.0 55.0)",1),
("Point(39.0 55.0)",2),
How do I get the equivalent functionality with SQLAlchemy core?
Without the GeomFromText, I think it would look something like this (thanks to this answer):
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import bindparam
updateCommand = myTable.update().where(id=bindparam("idToChange"))
data = [
{'idToChange':1,'Location':"Point(39.0 55.0)"},
{'idToChange':2,'Location':"Point(39.0 55.0)"},
I can't just textually replace "Point(39.0 55.0)" with "GeomFromText('Point(39.0 55.0)')", or I get:
Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field

The easiest way I have found so far involves the use of text (i.e. constructing TextClause objects), which lets you enter SQL syntax (almost) literally.
My example would work something like this:
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import bindparam
from sqlalchemy import text
updateCommand = myTable.update().where(id=bindparam("idToChange"))
valuesDict = {'idToChange':':idToChange',
updateCommand = updateCommand.values(**valuesDict)
data = [
{'idToChange':1,'_location':"Point(39.0 55.0)"},
{'idToChange':2,'_location':"Point(39.0 55.0)"},
#see the MySQL command as it will be executed (except for data)
#actually execute the statement
The key points:
calling updateCommand.values replaces the VALUES part of the SQL clause. Only the columns that you give as kwargs to this call will actually be put into the final UPDATE statement
the values of the keyword arguments to updateCommand.values can either be a literal set of data (if you are only updating one row), or it can be a string giving the names of keys in the data dictionary that will eventually be passed with the command to the connection.execute method. The format to use is ColumnName=":dictionaryKeyName".
the values of the keyword arguments can also be the result of a text clause, which can itself contain field names in the same ":dictionaryKeyName" format.


Getting error when running a sql select statement in python

I am new to this and trying to learn python. I wrote a select statement in python where I used a parameter
Select """cln.customer_uid = """[(num_cuid_number)])
TypeError: string indices must be integers
Agree with the others, this doesn't look really like Python by itself.
I will see even without seeing the rest of that code I'll guess the [(num_cuid_number)] value(s) being returned is a string, so you'll want to convert it to integer for the select statement to process.
num_cuid_number is most likely a string in your code; the string indices are the ones in the square brackets. So please first check your data variable to see what you received there. Also, I think that num_cuid_number is a string, while it should be in an integer value.
Let me give you an example for the python code to execute: (Just for the reference: I have used SQLAlchemy with flask)
def get_data():
SELECT cln.customer_uid='%s' from cln
""" % (num_cuid_number)
data = db.session.execute(base_sql).fetchall()
Pretty sure you are trying to create a select statement with a "where" clause here. There are many ways to do this, for example using raw sql, the query should look similar to this:
query = "SELECT * FROM cln WHERE customer_uid = %s"
parameters = (num_cuid_number,)
separating the parameters from the query is secure. You can then take these 2 variables and execute them with your db engine like
results = db.execute(query, parameters)
This will work, however, especially in Python, it is more common to use a package like SQLAlchemy to make queries more "flexible" (in other words, without manually constructing an actual string as a query string). You can do the same thing using SQLAlchemy core functionality
query =
query = query.where(cln.customer_uid == num_cuid_number)
results = db.execute(query)
Note: I simplified "db" in both examples, you'd actually use a cursor, session, engine or similar to execute your queries, but that wasn't your question.

MySql read_sql python query with variable #

I am aware that queries in Python can be parameterized using either ? or %s in execute query here or here
However I have some long query that would use some constant variable defined at the beginning of the query
Set #my_const = 'xyz';
select #my_const;
-- Query that use #my_const 40 times
select ... coalesce(field1, #my_const), case(.. then #my_const)...
I would like to do the least modif possible to the query from Mysql. So that instead of modifying the query to
pd.read_sql(select ... coalesce(field1, %s), case(.. then %s)... , [my_const, my_const, my_const, ..]
,I could write something along the line of the initial query. Upon trying the following, however, I am getting a TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
query_str = "Set #null_val = \'\'; "\
" select #null_val"
erpur_df = pd.read_sql(query_str, con = db)
Any idea how to use the original variable defined in Mysql query ?
The reason
query_str = "Set #null_val = \'\'; "\
" select #null_val"
erpur_df = pd.read_sql(query_str, con = db)
throws that exception is because all you are doing is setting null_value to '' and then selecting that '' - what exactly would you have expected that to give you? EDIT read_sql only seems to execute one query at a time, and as the first query returns no rows it results in that exception.
If you split them in to two calls to read_sql then it will in fact return you the value of your #null value in the second call. Due to this behaviour read_sql is clearly not a good way to do this. I strongly suggest you use one of my suggestions below.
Why are you wanting to set the variable in the SQL using '#' anyway?
You could try using the .format style of string formatting.
Like so:
query_str = "select ... coalesce(field1, {c}), case(.. then {c})...".format(c=my_const)
Just remember that if you do it this way and your my_const is a user input then you will need to sanitize it manually to prevent SQL injection.
Another possibility is using a dict of params like so:
query_str = "select ... coalesce(field1, %(my_const)s, case(.. then %(my_const)s)..."
pd.read_sql(query_str, params={'my_const': const_value})
However this is dependent on which database driver you use.
From the pandas.read_sql docs:
Check your database driver documentation for which of the five syntax
styles, described in PEP 249’s paramstyle, is supported. Eg. for
psycopg2, uses %(name)s so use params={‘name’ : ‘value’}

KeyError when creating a view

I want to use SQLAlchemy to create a view in my PostgreSQL database. I'm using the CreateView compiler from sqlalchemy-views. I'm using the answer to this question as a reference:
How to create an SQL View with SQLAlchemy?
My code for creating the view looks like this:
def create_view(self, myparameter):
mytable = Table('mytable', metadata, autoload=True)
myview = Table('myview', metadata)
However, when I attempt to run this query, the following exception is thrown:
KeyError: 'mycolumn_1'
Looking at the compiled query, it seems that a placeholder for my parameter value is not being replaced:
'\nCREATE VIEW myview AS SELECT mytable.mycolumn \nFROM mytable \nWHERE mytable.mycolumn = %(mycolumn_1)s\n\n'
Since the placeholder is not being replaced, the query obviously fails. However, I do not understand why the replacement does not happen, since my code does not differ much from the example.
My first suspicion was that maybe the type of the parameter and the column were incompatible. Currently, the parameter comes in as a unicode string, which should be mapped to a text column in my database. I have also tried mapping the parameter as a long to a bigint column with the same (failed) result.
Does anyone have another suggestion?
From the SQLAlchemy documentation, I can see that when one wants to pass the actual value that will be ultimately used at expression time, the bindparam() is used. A nice example is also provided:
from sqlalchemy import bindparam
stmt = select([users_table]).\
where( == bindparam('username'))

Parsing result from sqlalchemy stored procedure execution

I have a stored procedure in a postgresql database.
I'm trying to use the function within a python flask app with sqlalchemy. That query looks like this:
from sqlalchemy import func
appts = db.session.execute(func.getopenappointments(
for appt in appts:
# work with each appt
The result from this query is an object of type sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy. Each iteration of that object looks like this:
('(2,"2017-09-15 10:00:00",6,cleaning,available,5)',)
The problem is I am used to referring to the columns with something like:
for appt in appts:
But this fails due to id not existing. What I have realized is the output is pretty much a string that I have to parse with python split() just to get the values I need. How I can keep this a stored procedure but be able to refer to the output by columns, or at least as a tuple and not a regular string?
Take a look at this question. There is a construct called from_statement that can be used to interpret the results of a SQL statement as an SQLAlchemy ORM model.
So I'm assuming that you have an Appointment class that is an ORM mapper, either because you used declarative_base or because you used the mapper function directly.
Then you can do something like
appts = db.session.query(Appointment).from_statement(func.getopenappointments(
That will run your SQL stored procedure and interpret the result if it is a set of Appointment objects.

SQLAlchemy filter in_ operator

I am trying to do a simple filter operation on a query in sqlalchemy, like this:
q = session.query(Genotypes).filter(Genotypes.rsid.in_(inall))
inall is a list of strings
Genotypes is mapped to a table:
class Genotypes(object):
Genotypes.mapper = mapper(Genotypes, kg_table, properties={'rsid': getattr(kg_table.c, 'rs#')})
This seems pretty straightforward to me, but I get the following error when I execute the above query by doing q.first():
"sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) too many SQL
variables u'SELECT" followed by a list of the 1M items in the inall
list. But they aren't supposed to be SQL variables, just a list whose
membership is the filtering criteria.
Am I doing the filtering incorrectly?
(the db is sqlite)
If the table where you are getting your rsids from is available in the same database I'd use a subquery to pass them into your Genotypes query rather than passing the one million entries around in your Python code.
sq = session.query(RSID_Source).subquery()
q = session.query(Genotypes).filter(Genotypes.rsid.in_(sq))
The issue is that in order to pass that list to SQLite (or any database, really), SQLAlchemy has to pass over each entry for your in clause as a variable. The SQL translates roughly to:
-- Not valid SQLite SQL
SET #Param1 = ?;
SET #Param2 = ?;
-- snip 999,998 more
SELECT field1, field2, -- etc.
FROM Genotypes G
WHERE G.rsid IN (#Param1, #Param2, /* snip */)
The below workaround worked for me:
q = session.query(Genotypes).filter(Genotypes.rsid.in_(inall))
query_as_string = str(q.statement.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}))
This basically forces the query to compile as a string before execution, which bypasses the whole variables issue. Some details on this are available in SQLAlchemy's docs here.
BTW, if you're not using SQLite you can make use of the ANY operator to pass the list object as a single parameter (see my answer to this question here).
