Using Table with Python - python

I need to incorporate a table into my python program so when I run my program it can read the information from the table as it is needed. What is the best way to incorporate the table into my program so that it is familiar with it when the program is ran?
This is the table that I will incorporate into my program:

You might use Excel or Google Sheets.
Paste the table into your spreadsheet
Export the sheet to CSV
Use Python's csv library to import the data


How to write table to different sheet in openpyxl

I tried using Pandas but am getting errors that I don't understand quite yet when trying to import the file. I am able, however, to import the file easily using openpyxl.
I have a very large sheet that has header data. It also contains a table that I'll need to transpose up towards the top and then the main table starts on a row (39). I am able to import the sheet and then run:
sheet_obj =
I want to be able to write the new object to a new sheet (I called "test") in the same work book so that I can test what I'm deleting. (Eventually, I will be exporting this to MySQL, but wanting to see the contents of the table as sort of a debugging effort. I am unable to figure out how to write the sheet_obj to the other sheet. I'm sure this is simple....
Two questions:
How to write a sheet object to a NEW sheet
Is there a simple way to transpose the object? (I saw that pandas has a wb.T method - does openpyxl have something similar?
THANK YOU SO much! I'm very new to python and learning all of this on the fly.

Recording unsaved Excel data with python or automsaving with vba

Using python, I want to continuously record some Excel calculations. The python/excel functions I have used will only read excel data from a saved spreadsheet. Is there a way to read unsaved data?
If not, is there a way to save excel and read the saved data periodically? I tried saving my sheets periodically (with a macro) but this is problematic if I am interacting with the spreadsheet during a save. Instead of saving my spreadsheet, excel saves a copy with a random name. If there is a way to remedy this (maybe some kind of vba error handling) that may solve the problem. Thanks.
Assuming you are using Excel on Windows and not OS X, you can try the win32com.client module, which you can get by installing the Python for Windows package:
Unfortunately, the available documentation is pretty spotty at best... here's a start:
I should warn you that the COM API isn't very easy to use, so you are really better off sticking with VBA if your workflow requires Excel.
VBA error handling:

Modifying, recalculating and and extracting results from Excel in Python

I would like to try and make a program which does the following, preferably in Python, but if it needs to be C# or other, that's OK.
Writes data to an excel spreadsheet
Makes Excel recalculate formulas etc. in the modified spreadsheet
Extracts the results back out
I have used things like openpyxl before, but this obviously can't do step 2. Is the a way of recalculating the spreadsheet without opening it in Excel? Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
You need some sort of UI automation with which you can control a UI application such as Excel. Excel probably exposes some COM interface that you should be able to use for what you need. Python has the PyWin32 library which you should install, after which you'll have the win32com module available.
See also:
Excel Python API
Automation Excel from Python
If you don't necessarily have to work with Excel specifically and just need to do spreadsheet using Python, you might want to look at
you could you pandas for reading in the data, using python to recalculate and then write the new files.
For pandas it's something like:
#Import Excel file
xls = pd.ExcelFile('path_to_file' + '/' + 'file.xlsx')
xls.parse('nyc-condominium-dataset', index_col='property_id', na_values=['NA'])
so not difficult. Here the link to pandas.
Have fun!

Save open excel file using python

How do I save an open excel file using python= I currently read the excel workbook using XLRD but I need to save the excel file so any changes the user inputs are read.
I have done this using a VBA script from within excel which saves the workbook every x seconds, but this is not ideal.
How about using xlwt?
for Python 2 --
for Python 3 --
It looks like XLRD is used for reading the data, not interfacing with excel. So no, unless you use a different library using python is not the best way to do this, what is wrong with the VBA script?

Getting data from an Excel sheet

How do I load data from an Excel sheet into my Django application? I'm using database PosgreSQL as the database.
I want to do this programmatically. A client wants to load two different lists onto the website weekly and they don't want to do it in the admin section, they just want the lists loaded from an Excel sheet. Please help because I'm kind of new here.
Have a look at the xlrd package, which allows you to read Excel files in Python. Once you've read the data you can do whatever you want with it, including saving it to the database.
For a basic usage example, look at
Use django-batchimport It provides a very simple way to upload data in Excel sheets to your Django models. I have used it in a couple of projects. It can be integrated very easily into your existing Django project.
Read the documentation on the project page to know how to use it.
It is built on XLRD.
Have a look at the presentation "Excel & Python" that Chris Withers gave at PyCon US:
"This lightning talk explains that you don't need to use COM or be on Windows to read and write native Excel files."
Programatically or manually? If manualy then just save the excel as a CSV (with csv or txt extension) and import into Postgresql using
copy the_data from '/path/to/csv/MYFILE.txt' DELIMITERS ',' CSV;
As I remember of this.
The best way is to save this sheet as plain text ( CSV or something )
And then load with some custom SQL script.
Or have a look at SQLAlchemy if you're going to write some kind of script to help you with that.(
If you want to use COM to interface excel (i.e. you are running on a Windows machine), see "Migrating Excel data to SQLite" -
I built django-batchimport on top of xlrd which is AMAZING. The only issues I had were with getting data into Django. Had nothing to do with any limitations of xlrd. It rocks. John's work is incredible.
Note that I've actually done some update work to django-batchimport and just released. Take a look:
Just started using XLRD and it looks very easy and simple to use.
Beware that it does not support Excel 2007 yet, so keep in mind to save your excel at 2003 format.
