I using the wx library to build a GUI. I have initialized a panel and intialized some push buttons and have binded a function that will execute when pushed. The function takes a list of arguments, one which is a callback function. What I am trying to do is redefine the callback function during runtime but I am failing to do so.
My attempt so far is:
self.UpdateCurrent = None
self.GetCurrent = None
self.UpdateCellVoltage = None
self.GetCellVoltage = None
self.UpdateCellTemperature = None
self.GetCellTemperature = None
self.battery_control_d = OrderedDict([('Current',[self.UpdateCurrent, self.GetCurrent, None, 1]),
('Cell Voltage',[self.UpdateCellVoltage, self.GetCellVoltage, 0, 24]),
('Cell Temperature',[self.UpdateCellTemperature, self.GetCellTemperature, 0, 24])])
lambda evt,
io_name = io_name,
callback_fn = self.battery_control_d[io_name][0],
ctrl_textbox = ctrl_textbox,
dim_combobox = self.dim_combobox_l[-1]:
def init_battery_intf(self):
self.battery_intf = self.simulator_main_panel.battery_intf
self.UpdateCurrent = self.battery_intf.UpdateCurrent
self.GetCurrent = self.battery_intf.GetCurrent
self.UpdateCellVoltage = self.battery_intf.UpdateCellVoltage
self.GetCellVoltage = self.battery_intf.GetCellVoltage
self.UpdateCellTemperature = self.battery_intf.UpdateCellTemperature
self.GetCellTemperature = self.battery_intf.GetCellTemperature
def _send_control_value(self,
io_value = float(ctrl_textbox.Value)
if ("Temperature" in io_name):
io_value -= self.simulator_main_gui.temperature_unit_converter
callback_fn(io_value, int(dim_combobox.Value))
def update( self,
evt ):
for io_name, io_info in self.battery_control_d.iteritems():
io_value = float(io_info[1](io_info[2]))
self.reading_text_l[self.io_indexer.index(io_name)].SetLabel(" %.4f " % (io_value))
I predefine some update/get objects.
I bind the function to the buttons
During runtime I call init_battery_intf to initialize these objects
The line that errors out is when I try to call the callback function. It seems to be still be set to None.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\work\simulator\src\simulate.py", line 1185, in updat
File "C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\work\simulator\src\simulate.py", line 869, in update
File "C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\work\simulator\src\simulate.py", line 591, in update
io_value = float(io_info[1](io_info[2]))
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
I know I could redefine the bind and feed in the values directly, but I wanted to keep my code clean and simple, and I feel like Python has a way to distribute the redefined callback function to all instances of the object.
I'm using Python 2.7.
You have a few options:
A: Have self.UpdateCurrent and the other methods used by self.battery_control_d already initialized. (never initialize to None)
B: when self.UpdateCurrent and/or the others are updated recreate/update self.battery_control_d.
C: Use a name reference and get the value of that attribute when accessed from self.battery_control_d.
The first two are pretty self explanatory but it seems you are interested in option C so I will expand on it:
You can create a class with several property(ies) that retrieve an attribute from your original object when accessed.
class VarReference(object):
def __init__(self, inst, update_name, get_name, value1, value2):
self.inst = inst
self.update_attr_name = update_name
self.getter_attr_name = get_name
self.value1 = value1
self.value2 = value2
def get(self):
return getattr(self.inst, self.getter_attr_name)
def update(self):
return getattr(self.inst, self.update_attr_name)
class Test(object):pass #dummy class for my demo
self = Test()
self.UpdateCurrent = self.GetCurrent = None
ref_obj = VarReference(self,"UpdateCurrent","GetCurrent",None,1)
>>> print(ref_obj.get)
>>> self.GetCurrent = lambda:5
>>> ref_obj.get
<function <lambda> at 0x1057d5488>
>>> ref_obj.get()
If you are unfamiliar with property basically the function that it decorates is called when the attribute name is accessed on an instance (and therefore retrieving an attribute of the original instance)
so you would in this case write the initialization for self.battery_control_d like this:
self.battery_control_d = OrderedDict([('Current',VarReference(self, "UpdateCurrent", "GetCurrent", None, 1)),
('Cell Voltage',VarReference(self, "UpdateCellVoltage", "GetCellVoltage", 0, 24)),
('Cell Temperature',VarReference(self, "UpdateCellTemperature", "GetCellTemperature", 0, 24))
then self.battery_control_d["current"].get would be the result of getattr(self,"GetCurrent") which is equivalent to self.GetCurrent dynamically.
If you really want to use VALUE[0] and VALUE[1] instead of VALUE.update and VALUE.get then you can just override __getitem__ of the class as well, although I'd highly recommend switching to more verbose solutions:
class VarReference(object):
def __getitem__(self,item):
if item==0:
return self.update
elif item == 1:
return self.get
elif item ==2:
return self.value1
elif item == 3:
return self.value2
raise IndexError("Can only get indices from 0 to 3")
For understanding decorators in Python, i created in a class an example. But when i run it i receive an error.
class Operation:
def __init__(self, groupe):
self.__groupe = groupe
def groupe(self):
return self.__groupe
def groupe(self, value):
self.__groupe = value
def addition(self, func_goodbye):
ln_house = len('house')
ln_school = len('school')
add = ln_house + ln_school
print('The result is :' + str(add))
return func_goodbye
def goodbye(self):
print('Goodbye people !!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
p1 = Operation('Student')
I receive this error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Operation.py", line 1, in
class Operation:
File "Operation.py", line 21, in Operation
TypeError: addition() missing 1 required positional argument: 'func_goodbye'
You can have a class scoped decorator, however there won't be a self when the decorator is called
a decorator:
def bar(): ...
is roughly equivalent to
def bar(): ...
bar = foo(bar)
in your particular example, if you remove the self parameter, it should function as you expect:
def addition(func_goodbye):
ln_house = len('house')
ln_school = len('school')
add = ln_house + ln_school
print('The result is :' + str(add))
return func_goodbye
def goodbye(self):
print('Goodbye people !!')
for good measure, I might del addition after that just to ensure it isn't accidentally called later
(an aside: one unfortunate side-effect of this is many linters and type checkers will consider this "odd" so I've yet to find a way to appease them (for example mypy))
I am getting an error about TypeError: 'staticmethod' object is not callable. Basically, you the input is a map of and given that you provide a pair of floats (pt,eta), the code should return the Y value of the bin that the particular values fall in.
I ve tried related thread (as possible duplicates) but does not seem to be getting the answer I am looking for.
Of course, if one has any recommendations how to even improve the code, that would be welcomed of course.
import ROOT as root
import sys,math
class SFs():
global etaBinsH
global get_EfficiencyData
global get_EfficiencyMC
global eff_dataH
global eff_mcH
global get_ScaleFactor
def ScaleFactor(inputRootFile) :
eff_dataH = root.std.map("string", root.TGraphAsymmErrors)()
eff_mcH = root.std.map("string", root.TGraphAsymmErrors)()
#std::map<std::string, root.TGraphAsymmErrors *> eff_data
#std::map<std::string, root.TGraphAsymmErrors *> eff_mc
EtaBins=["Lt0p9", "0p9to1p2","1p2to2p1","Gt2p1"]
print inputRootFile
fileIn = root.TFile(inputRootFile,"read")
HistoBaseName = "ZMassEta"
etaBinsH = fileIn.Get("etaBinsH")
#etaLabel, GraphName
nEtaBins = int(etaBinsH.GetNbinsX())
eff_data= []
eff_mc= []
#eff_mcH =root.TGraphAsymmErrors()
print "EtaBins...........",nEtaBins, len(EtaBins)
for iBin in range (0, nEtaBins) :
etaLabel = EtaBins[iBin]
GraphName = HistoBaseName+etaLabel+"_Data"
print GraphName,etaLabel
GraphName = HistoBaseName+etaLabel+"_MC"
print eff_mcH[etaLabel].GetXaxis().GetNbins()
print eff_mcH[etaLabel].GetX()[5]
sff = get_ScaleFactor(46.8,2.0)
def get_ScaleFactor(pt, eta) :
efficiency_data = get_EfficiencyData(pt, eta)
efficiency_mc = get_EfficiencyMC(pt, eta)
if efficiency_mc != 0. :
SF = float(efficiency_data)/float(efficiency_mc)
else :
print "ScaleFactor::get_ScaleFactor(double pt, double eta) Scale Factor set to",SF,efficiency_data,efficiency_mc
return SF
def get_EfficiencyMC(pt, eta) :
label = FindEtaLabel(eta,"mc")
#label= "Lt0p9"
binNumber = etaBinsH.GetXaxis().FindFixBin(eta)
label = etaBinsH.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(binNumber)
ptbin = FindPtBin(eff_mcH, label, pt)
Eta = math.fabs(eta)
print "eff_mcH ==================",eff_mcH,binNumber,label,ptbin
if ptbin == -99 : eff =1
else : eff= eff_mcH[label].GetY()[ptbin-1]
if eff > 1. : eff = -1
if eff < 0 : eff = 0.
print "inside eff_mc",eff
return eff
def get_EfficiencyData(pt, eta) :
label = FindEtaLabel(eta,"data")
#label= "Lt0p9"
binNumber = etaBinsH.GetXaxis().FindFixBin(eta)
label = etaBinsH.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(binNumber)
print eff_dataH
ptbin = FindPtBin(eff_dataH, label, pt)
Eta = math.fabs(eta)
if ptbin == -99 : eff =1
else : eff= eff_dataH[label].GetY()[ptbin-1]
print "inside eff_data",eff
if eff > 1. : eff = -1
if eff < 0 : eff = 0.
print "inside eff_data",eff,pt,eta,label
return eff
def FindPtBin( eff_map, EtaLabel, Pt) :
Npoints = eff_map[EtaLabel].GetN()
print Npoints, "for ===============>",eff_map[EtaLabel],eff_map[EtaLabel].GetN(),EtaLabel
ptMAX = (eff_map[EtaLabel].GetX()[Npoints-1])+(eff_map[EtaLabel].GetErrorXhigh(Npoints-1))
ptMIN = (eff_map[EtaLabel].GetX()[0])-(eff_map[EtaLabel].GetErrorXlow(0))
if Pt >= ptMAX : return Npoints
elif Pt < ptMIN :
return -99
else : return eff_map[EtaLabel].GetXaxis().FindFixBin(Pt)
def FindEtaLabel(Eta, Which) :
Eta = math.fabs(Eta)
binNumber = etaBinsH.GetXaxis().FindFixBin(Eta)
EtaLabel = etaBinsH.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(binNumber)
if str(Which) == "data" :
it = eff_dataH.find(EtaLabel)
if str(Which) == "mc" :
it = eff_mcH.find(EtaLabel)
return EtaLabel
sf = SFs()
sff = sf.ScaleFactor("Muon_IsoMu27.root")
To piggyback a bit on #Felipe's answer, by not making all of your methods static, you can eliminate the need for the global declarations to share variables around, since that's what you are doing anyways:
class SFs():
def __init__(self):
# initialize your global vars instead as
# instance variables
self.etaBinsH = None
self.get_EfficiencyData = None
self.get_EfficiencyMC = None
self.eff_dataH = None
self.get_ScaleFactor = None
# don't make this static, then you have access to the self attributes and it makes
# your code a bit more explicit
def scale_factor(self, input_file):
self.eff_dataH = root.std.map("string", root.TGraphAsymmErrors)()
self.eff_mcH = root.std.map("string", root.TGraphAsymmErrors)()
EtaBins = ["Lt0p9", "0p9to1p2","1p2to2p1","Gt2p1"]
print(input_file) # print with parentheses makes this more portable between versions
fileIn = root.TFile(input_file, "read")
# Now you can use this through self, which is more pythonic
self.etaBinsH = fileIn.Get("etaBinsH")
nEtaBins = int(self.etaBinsH.GetNbinsX())
eff_data, eff_mc = [], []
# rest of code
Your variables can then be shared via self, and the functions can also be accessed via self, otherwise staticmethod keeps access of self out of the function, which is why you can't call any of the other functions.
Classes are namespaces, and self allows you to tie variables to the instance-level namespace. By using global, you are trying to push those variables back to the global namespace to share them around, when really, you already have access to a namespace to share those variables in!
As a simple example:
class A:
# here is the namespace for the *class* A
x = 0 # x is an attribute on the class A, it is accessible on the class and instance level
def __init__(self):
self.y = 4 # y is now explicitly tied to an instance of A, and can be shared between *instance* methods of A
def use_y(self):
# because this is non-static, I have access to instance level
# variables, this is how you share them!
# I also have access to class-level attributes
def use_x():
# I don't have access to self.y, because staticmethod takes that away
except NameError:
print("Couldn't make this work")
print(A.x) # have to print this as a *class-level* attribute, because self isn't defined here
a = A()
# 4
# 0
# Couldn't make this work
# 0
Some examples that might be helpful to see what is going on.
Example 1
class RandomClass():
global global_function
def random_function(input):
return "random_function({})".format(input)
def global_function(input):
return "global_function({})".format(input)
rc = RandomClass()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 14, in <module>
File "test.py", line 6, in random_function
TypeError: 'staticmethod' object is not callable
Example 2
class RandomClass():
def random_function(input):
return "random_function({})".format(input)
def global_function(input):
return "global_function({})".format(input)
rc = RandomClass()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 12, in <module>
File "test.py", line 4, in random_function
NameError: global name 'global_function' is not defined
Example 3
class RandomClass():
def random_function(input):
print(RandomClass.global_function("test")) # Notice change here.
return "random_function({})".format(input)
def global_function(input):
return "global_function({})".format(input)
rc = RandomClass()
In short, a #staticmethod cannot access functions within its this class (whether defined with this or global), and instead must initialize a new and independent class to call a function within the class it resides in (example 3). As #C.Nivs mentioned, you should perhaps look into simply not using a class.
I'm working with kivy on python2.7. As far as I know, self is not a real argument but a tool to use in the function, when working with the parent data. Yet in the following use, python thinks self is a real argument. Is this because I'm calling it in the function?
class Verdo(BoxLayout):
defualtval = ""
tarih = StringProperty(str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(".")[0])
istipitxt = StringProperty(defualtval)
iscitxt = StringProperty(defualtval)
iskodtxt = StringProperty(defualtval)
baslabittxt = StringProperty(defualtval)
parcanotxt = StringProperty(defualtval)
def start(self):
Clock.schedule_interval(self.callback, 0.5)
def callback(self, dt):
print "testo"
self.tarih = StringProperty(str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(".")[0])
#Clock.schedule_interval((lambda dt: updater(), 1), 0.5)
#Clock.schedule_interval((lambda dt: tell(), 1), 0.5)
When the code is run, following error happens:
2015-04-07 22:05:03.081739
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/toshy/workspace/Verdo_reborn/main.py", line 28, in <module>
class Verdo(BoxLayout):
File "/home/toshy/workspace/Verdo_reborn/main.py", line 79, in Verdo
TypeError: start() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
I also tried an simpler approach which also failed:
def callback(self, dt):
print "testo"
self.tarih = StringProperty(str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(".")[0])
Clock.schedule_interval(callback, 0.5)
ret = callback(self._dt)
TypeError: callback() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
You should be calling:
self is a real argument, but it's supplied automatically as the object on which the method was called.
There are two different contexts in which you might want to call .start(). The first is after instantiating an object of type Verdo:
my_verdo = Verdo()
Alternatively, you may be calling from inside the code for Verdo. In that case you need to specify that your're operating on the current instance.
You should do something like this:
class Verdo(BoxLayout):
defualtval = ""
tarih = StringProperty(str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(".")[0])
istipitxt = StringProperty(defualtval)
iscitxt = StringProperty(defualtval)
iskodtxt = StringProperty(defualtval)
baslabittxt = StringProperty(defualtval)
parcanotxt = StringProperty(defualtval)
def start(self):
Clock.schedule_interval(self.callback, 0.5)
def callback(self, dt):
print "testo"
self.tarih = StringProperty(str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(".")[0])
if __name__ == '__main__':
verdoInstance = Verdo()
This is just an example, if you want test your code quickly as a single executable python script.
Your error was you tried to call your class method without calling constructor right in your class code. In this case method class really was waiting self (object ref) as a first argument, but the object wasn`t created at that time.
I want to write a decorator that inject custom local variable into function.
interface may like this.
def enclose(name, value):
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
#enclose('param1', 1)
def f():
param1 += 1
print param1
f() will compile and run without error
Is it possible to do this in python? why?
I thought I'd try this out just to see how hard it would be. Pretty hard as it turns out.
First thing was how do you implement this? Is the extra parameter an injected local variable, an additional argument to the function or a nonlocal variable. An injected local variable will be a fresh object each time, but how to create more complicated objects... An additional argument will record mutations to the object, but assignments to the name will be forgotten between function invocations. Additionally, this will require either parsing of the source to find where to place the argument, or directly manipulating code objects. Finally, declaring the variables nonlocal will record mutations to the object and assignments to the name. Effectively a nonlocal is global, but only reachable by the decorated function. Again, using a nonlocal will requiring parsing the source and finding where to place the nonlocal declaration or direct manipulation of a code object.
In the end I decided with using a nonlocal variable and parsing the function source. Originally I was going to manipulate code objects, but it seemed too complicated.
Here is the code for the decorator:
import re
import types
import inspect
class DummyInject:
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
return lambda func: func
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self
class Inject:
function_end = re.compile(r"\)\s*:\s*\n")
indent = re.compile("\s+")
decorator = re.compile("#([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[.a-zA-Z0-9_]*")
exec_source = """
def create_new_func({closure_names}):
{indent}return {func_name}"""
nonlocal_declaration = "{indent}nonlocal {closure_names};"
def __init__(self, **closure_vars):
self.closure_vars = closure_vars
def __call__(self, func):
lines, line_number = inspect.getsourcelines(func)
new_func = self.create_new_function(lines, func)
return new_func
def inject_nonlocal_declaration(self, lines):
"""hides nonlocal declaration in first line of function."""
function_body_start = self.get_function_body_start(lines)
nonlocals = self.nonlocal_declaration.format(
closure_names=", ".join(self.closure_vars)
lines[function_body_start] = nonlocals + lines[function_body_start]
return lines
def get_function_body_start(self, lines):
line_iter = enumerate(lines)
found_function_header = False
for i, line in line_iter:
if self.function_end.search(line):
found_function_header = True
assert found_function_header
for i, line in line_iter:
if not line.strip().startswith("#"):
return i
def create_new_function(self, lines, func):
# prepares source -- eg. making sure indenting is correct
declaration_indent, body_indent = self.get_indent(lines)
if not declaration_indent:
lines = [body_indent + line for line in lines]
exec_code = self.exec_source.format(
closure_names=", ".join(self.closure_vars),
indent=declaration_indent if declaration_indent else body_indent,
# create new func -- mainly only want code object contained by new func
lvars = {"closure_vars": self.closure_vars}
gvars = self.get_decorators(exec_code, func.__globals__)
exec(exec_code, gvars, lvars)
new_func = eval("create_new_func(**closure_vars)", gvars, lvars)
# add back bits that enable function to work well
# includes original global references and
new_func = self.readd_old_references(new_func, func)
return new_func
def readd_old_references(self, new_func, old_func):
"""Adds back globals, function name and source reference."""
func = types.FunctionType(
code=self.add_src_ref(new_func.__code__, old_func.__code__),
func.__doc__ = old_func.__doc__
return func
def add_src_ref(self, new_code, old_code):
return types.CodeType(
old_code.co_filename, # reuse filename
old_code.co_firstlineno, # reuse line number
def get_decorators(self, source, global_vars):
"""Creates a namespace for exec function creation in. Must remove
any reference to Inject decorator to prevent infinite recursion."""
namespace = {}
for match in self.decorator.finditer(source):
decorator = eval(match.group()[1:], global_vars)
basename = match.group(1)
if decorator is Inject:
namespace[basename] = DummyInject()
namespace[basename] = global_vars[basename]
return namespace
def get_indent(self, lines):
"""Takes a set of lines used to create a function and returns the
outer indentation that the function is declared in and the inner
indentation of the body of the function."""
body_indent = None
function_body_start = self.get_function_body_start(lines)
for line in lines[function_body_start:]:
match = self.indent.match(line)
if match:
body_indent = match.group()
assert body_indent
match = self.indent.match(lines[0])
if not match:
declaration_indent = ""
declaration_indent = match.group()
return declaration_indent, body_indent
if __name__ == "__main__":
a = 1
def f(c, d=1000):
"f uses injected variables"
return a + b + c + d
def g():
"""Purposefully generate exception to show stacktraces are still
create_name_error # line number 164
print(f(100)) # prints 1111
assert f(100) == 1111
assert f.__doc__ == "f uses injected variables" # show doc is retained
except NameError:
assert False
# stack trace shows NameError on line 164
Which outputs the following:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "inject.py", line 171, in <module>
File "inject.py", line 164, in g
create_name_error # line number 164
NameError: name 'create_name_error' is not defined
The whole thing is hideously ugly, but it works. It's also worth noting that if Inject is used for method, then any injected values are shared between all instances of the class.
You can do it using globals but I don't recommend this approach.
def enclose(name, value):
globals()[name] = value
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
#enclose('param1', 1)
def f():
global param1
param1 += 1
I've just been reading an article that talks about implementing a parser in python:
The general idea behind the code is described in this paper: http://mauke.hopto.org/stuff/papers/p41-pratt.pdf
Being fairly new to writing parsers in python so I'm trying to write something similar as a learning exercise. However when I attempted to try to code up something similar to what was found in the article I am getting an TypeError: unbound method TypeError. This is the first time I've encountered such an error and I've spent all day trying to figure this out but I haven't solved the issue. Here is a minimal code example (in it's entirety) that has this problem:
import re
class Symbol_base(object):
""" A base class for all symbols"""
id = None # node/token type name
value = None #used by literals
first = second = third = None #used by tree nodes
def nud(self):
""" A default implementation for nud """
raise SyntaxError("Syntax error (%r)." % self.id)
def led(self,left):
""" A default implementation for led """
raise SyntaxError("Unknown operator (%r)." % self.id)
def __repr__(self):
if self.id == "(name)" or self.id == "(literal)":
return "(%s %s)" % (self.id[1:-1], self.value)
out = [self.id, self.first, self.second, self.third]
out = map(str, filter(None,out))
return "(" + " ".join(out) + ")"
symbol_table = {}
def symbol(id, bindingpower=0):
""" If a given symbol is found in the symbol_table return it.
If the symblo cannot be found theni create the appropriate class
and add that to the symbol_table."""
s = symbol_table[id]
except KeyError:
class s(Symbol_base):
s.__name__ = "symbol:" + id #for debugging purposes
s.id = id
s.lbp = bindingpower
symbol_table[id] = s
s.lbp = max(bindingpower,s.lbp)
return s
def infix(id, bp):
""" Helper function for defining the symbols for infix operations """
def infix_led(self, left):
self.first = left
self.second = expression(bp)
return self
symbol(id, bp).led = infix_led
#define all the symbols
infix("+", 10)
symbol("(literal)").nud = lambda self: self #literal values must return the symbol itself
token_pat = re.compile("\s*(?:(\d+)|(.))")
def tokenize(program):
for number, operator in token_pat.findall(program):
if number:
symbol = symbol_table["(literal)"]
s = symbol()
s.value = number
yield s
symbol = symbol_table.get(operator)
if not symbol:
raise SyntaxError("Unknown operator")
yield symbol
symbol = symbol_table["(end)"]
yield symbol()
def expression(rbp = 0):
global token
t = token
token = next()
left = t.nud()
while rbp < token.lbp:
t = token
token = next()
left = t.led(left)
return left
def parse(program):
global token, next
next = tokenize(program).next
token = next()
return expression()
def __main__():
print parse("1 + 2")
if __name__ == "__main__":
When I try to run this with pypy:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "app_main.py", line 72, in run_toplevel
File "parser_code_issue.py", line 93, in <module>
File "parser_code_issue.py", line 90, in __main__
print parse("1 + 2")
File "parser_code_issue.py", line 87, in parse
return expression()
File "parser_code_issue.py", line 81, in expression
left = t.led(left)
TypeError: unbound method infix_led() must be called with symbol:+ instance as first argument (got symbol:(literal) instance instead)
I'm guessing this happens because I don't create an instance for the infix operations but I'm not really wanting to create an instance at that point. Is there some way I can change those methods without creating instances?
Any help explaining why this is happening and what I can do to fix the code is greatly appreciated!
Also is this behaviour going to change in python 3?
You forgot to create an instance of the symbol in your tokenize() function; when not a number, yield symbol(), not symbol:
symbol = symbol_table.get(operator)
if not symbol:
raise SyntaxError("Unknown operator")
yield symbol()
With that one change your code prints:
(+ (literal 1) (literal 2))
You haven't bound new function to the instance of your object.
import types
obj = symbol(id, bp)
obj.led = types.MethodType(infix_led, obj)
See accepted answer to another SO question