Python: pygame deleting image on mouse click and creating it again - python

im trying to make a simple game where the there are soldiers coming towards you and when you click them to "kill" them they go at the back of the screen and start to come towards you, so on.....
however i'm having trouble with pygame mouse click event and it just doesnt work.
heres my code so far:
import pygame, math
from random import randrange
import sys, math, pygame
from operator import itemgetter
def getKey(customobj):
return customobj.getKey()
class Point3D:
def __init__(self, imfiles, nfrm, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0):
self.x, self.y, self.z = float(x), float(y), float(z)
self.frms = []
for k in range(0,nfrm):
project(self, win_width, win_height, fov, viewer_distance):
""" Transforms this 3D point to 2D using a perspective projection. """
factor = fov / (viewer_distance + self.z)
x = self.x * factor + win_width / 2
y = -self.y * factor + win_height / 2
return Point3D(x, y, self.z)
def draw3D(self, wsurface, fov, viewer_distance, max_depth):
factor = fov / (viewer_distance + self.z)
x = self.x * factor + win_width / 2
y = -self.y * factor + win_height / 2
size = int((1 - float(self.z) / max_depth) * 64)
wsurface.blit(im, (x, y))
if self.index >= self.nfrm:
def getKey(self):
return -self.z
class StartField:
def __init__(self, num_stars, max_depth):
myWin = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 450), 0, 32)
self.screen = myWin.subsurface([0,0,640,400]);
self.txtwin = myWin.subsurface([0,400,640,50]);
pygame.display.set_caption("Task C")
self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
self.num_stars = num_stars
self.max_depth = max_depth
def init_stars(self):
""" Create the starfield """
self.stars = []
for i in range(self.num_stars):
# A star is represented as a list with this format: [X,Y,Z]
star = Point3D('im',8,randrange(-25,25), randrange(-25,25), randrange(1, self.max_depth))
def move_and_draw_stars(self):
""" Move and draw the stars """
origin_x = self.screen.get_width() / 2
origin_y = self.screen.get_height() / 2
stars=sorted(self.stars,key = getKey)
for star in stars:
# The Z component is decreased on each frame.
star.z -= 0.05
# If the star has past the screen (I mean Z<=0) then we
# reposition it far away from the screen (Z=max_depth)
# with random X and Y coordinates.
if star.z <= 0:
star.x = randrange(-25,25)
star.y = randrange(-25,25)
star.z = self.max_depth
# Convert the 3D coordinates to 2D using perspective projection.
star.draw3D(self.screen, 128, 0, self.max_depth)
def run(self):
""" Main Loop """
bgPicture = pygame.transform.smoothscale(pygame.image.load('Starfield.jpg'),(self.screen.get_width(),self.screen.get_height()))
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)
while 1:
# Lock the framerate at 50 FPS.
# Handle events.
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
self.screen.blit(bgPicture, [0,0])
# Text window outputs
text = font.render("Total Score: ", 1, (10, 10, 10))
self.txtwin.blit(text, [5, 5])
if __name__ == "__main__":
StartField(256, 24).run()
sounda= pygame.mixer.Sound("MuseUprising.mp3")

To test for the left mouse button:
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
If give the soldier a pygame.Rect you can use that to check for collision with the mouse pointer like this:
mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] and self.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos):


Why aren't my map chunks being drawn correctly?

I'm trying to make a very simple game with my son in Kivy and Python. We are trying to make our viewport (camera) centered over the player as they move around our map that is self generating. We get the initial view, then as the player moves the initial chunk is shown in the correct place, but new chunks aren't being drawn at all.
By debugging, we can tell that we are creating chunks, that they have good values, and that our draw_chunks function knows to grab more chunks and to draw them. They just aren't being drawn. We think that our code for drawing the rectangles is probably wrong, but works for the initial load of the game. We've spent a couple hours trying to fix it. We've adjusted the viewport position a couple different ways as well as the rectangle code, but nothing seems to work. I'm hoping someone can point out what we missed. It is probably something very obvious or silly that we are overlooking. Does anyone have any ideas?
import kivy
import random
from import App
from kivy.clock import Clock
from import Color, Ellipse, Line, Rectangle
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.config import Config
from kivy.core.window import Window
import enum
# Constants for the chunk size and map dimensions
#* Tile Int Enum Class *
class TileEnum(enum.IntEnum):
DIRT = 1
# Class to represent the game map
class GameMap:
def __init__(self, seed=None):
self.seed = seed
if seed is not None:
self.chunks = {}
self.first_chunk = False
def generate_chunk(self, chunk_x, chunk_y):
# Use the RNG to generate the terrain for this chunk
terrain = []
for x in range(0, CHUNK_SIZE):
column = []
for y in range(0, CHUNK_SIZE):
column.append(random.randint(0, 3))
return terrain
def get_chunk(self, chunk_x, chunk_y):
# Check if the chunk has already been generated
if (chunk_x, chunk_y) in self.chunks:
print("found it",chunk_x, chunk_y)
return self.chunks[(chunk_x, chunk_y)]
# Generate the chunk and store it in the chunk cache
chunk = self.generate_chunk(chunk_x, chunk_y)
self.chunks[(chunk_x, chunk_y)] = chunk
print("made it",chunk_x,chunk_y)
return chunk
# Class to represent the player
class Player:
def __init__(self, pos=(0, 0)):
self.x, self.y = pos
self.speed = TILE_SIZE/2
def move_left(self):
self.x += self.speed
def move_right(self):
self.x -= self.speed
def move_up(self):
self.y -= self.speed
def move_down(self):
self.y += self.speed
class GameScreen(Widget):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.viewport_pos = (0, 0)
self.size = self.viewport_size = GameMap(seed=123)
self.player = Player((self.viewport_size[0]/2, self.viewport_size[1]/2))
self._keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self._keyboard_closed, self)
def draw_chunks(self):
# Determine the chunks that are currently in view
viewport_left = int(self.viewport_pos[0] // (CHUNK_SIZE * TILE_SIZE))
viewport_top = int(self.viewport_pos[1] // (CHUNK_SIZE * TILE_SIZE))
viewport_right = int((self.viewport_pos[0] + self.viewport_size[0]) // (CHUNK_SIZE * TILE_SIZE))
viewport_bottom = int((self.viewport_pos[1] + self.viewport_size[1]) // (CHUNK_SIZE * TILE_SIZE))
print(viewport_left, viewport_top, viewport_right, viewport_bottom)
# Iterate over the visible chunks and draw them
for x in range(viewport_left, viewport_right + 1):
for y in range(viewport_top, viewport_bottom + 1):
chunk =, y)
for i in range(len(chunk)):
for j in range(len(chunk[i])):
if chunk[i][j] == TileEnum.GRASS:
# Draw a green square for grass
with self.canvas:
Color(0.25, 0.75, 0.25)
elif chunk[i][j] == TileEnum.DIRT:
# Draw a brown square for dirt
with self.canvas:
Color(0.75, 0.5, 0.25)
elif chunk[i][j] == TileEnum.CONCRETE:
# Draw a gray square for concrete
with self.canvas:
Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.75)
elif chunk[i][j] == TileEnum.ASPHALT:
# Draw a black square for asphalt
with self.canvas:
Color(0.25, 0.25, 0.5)
with self.canvas:
(x * CHUNK_SIZE + i) * TILE_SIZE + self.viewport_pos[0],
(y * CHUNK_SIZE + j) * TILE_SIZE + self.viewport_pos[1]),
def draw_player(self):
# Draw a circle for the player
with self.canvas:
Color(0, 0.5, 0)
Ellipse(pos=(self.viewport_size[0]/2 - (TILE_SIZE/2), self.viewport_size[0]/2 - (TILE_SIZE/2)), size=(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE))
def update(self, dt):
# Update the viewport position to keep the player centered
self.viewport_pos = (self.player.x - self.viewport_size[0]/2, self.player.y - self.viewport_size[1]/2)
# Redraw the chunks and player
def _keyboard_closed(self):
self._keyboard = None
def _on_keyboard_down(self, keyboard, keycode, text, modifiers):
if keycode[1] == 'left':
elif keycode[1] == 'right':
elif keycode[1] == 'up':
elif keycode[1] == 'down':
# Main application class
class ProceduralGenerationGameApp(App):
def build(self):
self.title = "Procedural Generation Game"
Config.set("graphics", "width", "768")
Config.set("graphics", "height", "768")
Config.set("graphics", "resizable", False)
Config.set("graphics", "borderless", False)
Config.set("graphics", "fullscreen", False)
Config.set("graphics", "window_state", "normal")
Config.set("graphics", "show_cursor", True)
window_width = Config.getint("graphics", "width")
window_height = Config.getint("graphics", "height")
# Create the game screen and schedule the update function to be called every frame
game_screen = GameScreen()
Window.size = (window_width, window_height)
Clock.schedule_interval(game_screen.update, 1)# 1.0 / 60.0)
return game_screen
if __name__ == "__main__":
We updated the Rectangle code to this and reversed the players direction in his move functions:
with self.canvas:
x_chunk_offset = (x * CHUNK_SIZE * TILE_SIZE)
y_chunk_offset = (y * CHUNK_SIZE * TILE_SIZE)
x_tile_offset = (i * TILE_SIZE)
y_tile_offset = (j * TILE_SIZE)
actual_x = x_chunk_offset + x_tile_offset - self.viewport_pos[0]
actual_y = y_chunk_offset + y_tile_offset - self.viewport_pos[1]
Rectangle(pos=(actual_x, actual_y), size=(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE))

Pygame line appearing broken

So I was making a turtle like object in python and I had a issue which got resolved.
Now I am noticing a intersting or rather annoying thing that when I attempt to a make a square with lt(90) or rt(270), one of the line appears broken.
Here is my code:
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from pygame.math import Vector2
from math import sin, cos, radians
class Turtle:
def __init__(self):
self.vector = Vector2(0, 0)
self.angle = 0
self.pen_width = 25
self.pen_color = (255, 255, 255)
self.pen_visible = True
def forward(self, win, distance):
start = self.vector
offset = Vector2(sin(radians(self.angle)), cos(radians(self.angle)))
offset *= distance
end = start + offset
if self.is_down():
pygame.draw.line(win, self.pen_color, start, end, self.pen_width)
self.vector = end
fd = forward
def backward(self, win, distance):
self.forward(win, -distance)
bk = back = backward
def left(self, angle):
self.angle = (self.angle + angle) % 360
lt = left
def right(self, angle):
rt = right
def goto(self, win, pos):
if self.is_down():
pygame.draw.line(win, self.pen_color, self.vector, pos, self.pen_width)
self.vector = Vector2(pos)
setposition = setpos = goto
def set_angle(self, angle= None):
if not angle:
return self.angle
self.angle = angle
def position(self):
return self.vector.xy
pos = position
def sety(self, y):
self.vector.y = y
def setx(self, x):
self.vector.x = x
def xcor(self):
return self.vector.x
def ycor(self):
return self.vector.y
def penup(self):
self.pen_visible = False
pu = up = penup
def pendown(self):
self.pen_visible = True
pd = down = pendown
def is_down(self):
return self.pen_visible
def write(self, win, font_label):
win.blit(font_label, self.vector)
def test():
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 500, 500
CAPTION = 'Caption'
win = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
FPS = 60
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
mytut = Turtle()
mytut.pen_width = 5
mytut.goto(win, (250, 250))
mytut.pen_color = '#00FF00'
for _ in range(4):
mytut.fd(win, 100)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Screenshot -
Moreover this issue does not occur when I use lt(270) or rt(90).
I dont know why this happens in pygame. I feel it may related to some floating point numbers being a bit off but dont know exactly why?
I need help to fix this!
The problem is caused by a floating point inaccuracy. round the coordinates to solve the issue. You can further improve the representation, by drawing a small circle at the end of the line:
class Turtle:
# [...]
def forward(self, win, distance):
start = self.vector
offset = Vector2(sin(radians(self.angle)), cos(radians(self.angle)))
offset *= distance
end = start + offset
if self.is_down():
s = round(start.x), round(start.y)
e = round(end.x), round(end.y)
pygame.draw.line(win, self.pen_color, s, e, self.pen_width), self.pen_color, e, self.pen_width // 2)
self.vector = end

My screen glitches out when I try to run my subprogram code

I'm working on a subprogram code that will make this happy face bounce around the screen and turn different colours. For some reason, the screen turns into that black glitchy screen and when I press exit at the top the face shows for a quick second before the program shuts down. I can't figure out why this is, here is my code and I've included a picture of what happens at first when I run it:
""" Program to show a very basic function
Most of the program is exactly the same as other programs we have done
The main difference is the grouping of code into a function called
drawHappy() to draw a few shapes together
In the main loop we "call" this function whenever we want to draw this
group of shapes
# import the necessary modules
import pygame
import sys
import math
import random
from random import randint
# initialize pygame
# set the size for the surface (screen)
# note this screen is resizable by the user
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600), pygame.RESIZABLE)
# set the caption for the screen
pygame.display.set_caption("Happy Face")
#screen width and height
screenW = screen.get_width()
screenH = screen.get_height()
# define colours you will be using
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
# funtion to draw a the "happy face"
# it has 4 parameters passed to it xPos, yPos, radius, and colour
# notice all the shapes are drawn "relative" to the xPos and yPos and the radius
def drawHappy(xPos,yPos,r,colour):,colour,(xPos,yPos),r,1)
eyeRadius = int(1/6*r)
eyeX = int(xPos-1/3*r)
eyeY = int(yPos- 1/3*r),colour,(eyeX,eyeY),eyeRadius,1)
eyeX = int(xPos + 1/3*r),colour,(eyeX,eyeY),eyeRadius,1)
wMouth = 1.5*r
xMouth = xPos - 3/4*r
yMouth = yPos - 3/4*r
randomR = randint(1,300)
r = randomR
randomX = randint(r, 800-r)
randomY = randint(r, 600-r)
dx = 0
dy = 0
x = 100
y = 100
speed = 3
x2 = randomX
y2 = randomY
dx2 = speed
dy2 = -speed
colour_list = [YELLOW, BLACK, BLUE, RED, GREEN]
randomcolour = random.choice(colour_list)
colour = RED
# set up clock to control frames per second
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
FPS = 120
# set main loop to True so it will run
main = True
# main loop
while main:
for event in pygame.event.get(): # check for any events (i.e key press, mouse click etc.)
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # check to see if it was "x" at top right of screen
main = False # set the "main" variable to False to exit while loop
oldx = x
oldy = y
x += dx
y += dy
if x >= 800-r or x <= 0+r:
x = oldx
if y >= 600-r or y <= 0+r:
y = oldy
x2 += dx2
y2 += dy2
if x >= 800-r or x <= 0+r:
dx2 = -dx2
randomcolour = random.choice(colour_list)
colour = randomcolour
if y2 >= 600-r or y2 <= 0+r:
dy2 = -dy2
randomcolour = random.choice(colour_list)
colour = randomcolour
# "call" the function "drawHappy()" to draw the happy face
# this is where we would normally do a pygame.draw or a screen.blit()
# we are "passing" the function 4 values to use(x,y,radius, colour)
# it will use these to know where to draw the happy face
# quit pygame and exit the program (i.e. close everything down)
First of all, you need to call your draw function inside the loop. Your current code shows only a glimpse of "drawing" because it gets executed once you exit the main loop.
So, put your drawHappy() inside of main loop:
while main:
for event in pygame.event.get(): # check for any events (i.e key press, mouse click etc.)
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # check to see if it was "x" at top right of screen
main = False # set the "main" variable to False to exit while loop
Now you will get a random size "smiley" on the screen, But now it will move on exit only, for the same reason it wouldn't display earlier. Next thing is to make it bounce (move). For this you'll need some kind of update of the coordinates, just like you did in the last part of your code, except they also need to be updated during the loop, not after it.
I suggest making a Class because then it will be easier to manipulate the object.
Also, I found it easier to separate draw and update_coordinates code into separate functions and them call them from main loop for example.
Hope this helps, and if you need more help, ask.
Here, I made a quick solution using parts of your code, there is plenty room for improvement especially for update_smiley_position() method where you can control how "smiley" moves.
Also, if you need multiple objects, a list should be passed instead of single object.
import pygame as pg
import math
import random
clock = pg.time.Clock()
window = pg.display.set_mode((800, 600), pg.RESIZABLE)
pg.display.set_caption("Happy Face")
SCREEN_W = window.get_width()
SCREEN_H = window.get_height()
class Smiley:
def __init__(self, x, y, r, color):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.r = r
self.color = color
def create_smiley(self):
self.eye_radius = int(1/6 * self.r)
self.eye_x1 = int(self.x - 1/3 * self.r)
self.eye_x2 = int(self.x + 1/3 *self.r)
self.eye_y = int(self.y - 1/3 *self.r)
self.mouth_width = 1.5 * self.r
self.mouth_x = self.x - self.r * 0.75
self.mouth_y = self.y - self.r * 0.75
def draw_smiley(self, win):, self.color, (self.x, self.y), self.r, 1), self.color, (self.eye_x1, self.eye_y), self.eye_radius, 1), self.color, (self.eye_x2, self.eye_y), self.eye_radius, 1)
pg.draw.arc(win, self.color, (self.mouth_x, self.mouth_y, self.mouth_width, self.mouth_width), math.pi, 2*math.pi, 1)
def update_smiley_position(self):
if self.x >= SCREEN_H - self.r or self.x <= 0 + self.r:
self.x = random.randint(100, 400)
self.x += 5
if self.y >= SCREEN_W - self.r or self.y <= 0 + self.r:
self.y = random.randint(100, 400)
self.y -= 5
def draw(win, smiley):
def main_loop(win, smiley):
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
return False
draw(win, smiley)
return True
r = random.randint(1, 300)
x = random.randint(r, SCREEN_W - r)
y = random.randint(r, SCREEN_H - r)
smiley = Smiley(x, y, r, pg.Color("red"))
while main_loop(window, smiley):

moving an object in a circular path [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why it doesn't spin in a circle? And how to fix it?
(1 answer)
Ship moves up and left faster than down and right when rotating in pygame
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
This question is related to
My code is below. You can use any small image for my images.
import sys, os, pygame, itertools
from math import sin,cos,pi, radians
from pygame.locals import *
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "%d,%d" % (50,50) #Set window position
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
FPS = 1000
SCREENW = 800 #screen width
SCREENH = 740 #screen height
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
ORANGE = (128, 100, 30)
FONT1= "Cookie-Regular.ttf"
SCREEN = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREENW, SCREENH), 0, 32) #display screen
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
def maketext(msg,fontsize, colour = ORANGE, font = FONT1):
mafont = pygame.font.Font(font, fontsize)
matext = mafont.render(msg, True, colour)
matext = matext.convert_alpha()
return matext
def print_info():
textcos = maketext(str(round(obj.rect.x, 2)) + " " + str(round(obj.rect.y, 2)), 30)
SCREEN.blit(textcos, (obj.rect.x, obj.rect.y + 30))
class object_factory(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, imagelist, xpos, ypos, speedx = 0, speedy = 0, value = 0):
pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) = ""
self.frame = 0
self.imagelist = imagelist
self.image = imagelist[self.frame]
self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image) # pixelmask
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.x = xpos
self.rect.y = ypos
#self.speedx = speedx
#self.speedy = speedy
self.timer = 0
self.timerlimit = 10
#def move(self): # wallsprites, Herosprite, looptime
#self.rect.x += self.speedx
#self.rect.y += self.speedy
def update(self):
self.image = self.imagelist[self.frame]
if self.timer >= self.timerlimit:
self.frame += 1
if self.frame >= len(self.imagelist):
self.frame = 0
self.timer = 0
self.timer += 1
plat = pygame.image.load("plt0.png").convert_alpha()
star = pygame.image.load("gemp0.png").convert_alpha()
#box = pygame.image.load("crateB.png").convert_alpha()
platforms = pygame.sprite.Group()
boxes = pygame.sprite.Group()
rotcenx = SCREENW/2
rotceny = SCREENH/2
radius = 200
angle = radians(90) #pi/4 # starting angle 45 degrees
omega = radians(5) #Angular velocity
m = rotcenx + radius * cos(angle) #Starting position x
n = rotceny - radius * sin(angle) #Starting position y
for _ in itertools.repeat(None, 1):
madyax = SCREENW/2
madyay = SCREENH/2
araya = 200
konaya = radians(180) #pi/4 # starting angle 45 degrees
konika_pravegaya = radians(5) #Angular velocity
a = madyax + (araya * cos(konaya)) #Starting position x
b = madyay - (araya * sin(konaya)) #Startinh position y
plat = object_factory([plat], a, b)
plat.araya = araya
plat.konaya = konaya = konika_pravegaya
while True:
ms = clock.tick(FPS) # milliseconds passed since last frame
#looptime = milliseconds / 1000.0 # seconds passed since last frame
SCREEN.fill((BLACK)), BLUE, (SCREENW / 2, SCREENH / 2), 5)
SCREEN.blit(star, (m, n)) # Draw current x,y
angle = angle + omega # New angle, we add angular velocity
m = m + radius * omega * cos(angle + pi / 2) # New x
n = n - radius * omega * sin(angle + pi / 2) # New y
# show object anchored to center of rotation
pygame.draw.line(SCREEN, ORANGE, (rotcenx, rotceny), (m, n))
text = maketext(str(radius), 30)
SCREEN.blit(text, (m, n - 40))
text = maketext((str(round(m, 2)) + " " + str(round(n, 2))), 30)
SCREEN.blit(text, (m, n + 40)) # Draw current x,y
for plat in platforms:
plat.konaya = plat.konaya +
plat.rect.x = plat.rect.x + plat.araya * * cos(plat.konaya + pi / 2)
plat.rect.y = plat.rect.y - plat.araya * * sin(plat.konaya + pi / 2)
pygame.draw.line(SCREEN, ORANGE, (madyax, madyay), (plat.rect.x, plat.rect.y))
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE):
Why does the code work when used outside a class and NOT when in? I simply can't find what I have done wrong.
Please don't ask me to read any Google documents or search on the Internet as I am posting after doing so and NOT finding an answer to my question. I am NOT an expert in math and would only like to know a solution to this problem. Please help.
Link to video is below

PyGame Conway's Game of Life, redraw sprites

When I update my array of which image the program should use for each location, I can place alive cells over dead, but the original doesn't go away and I can't add dead cells over live ones. Does anyone have a fix?
Original File
import pygame, pygamehandle, standard, sys
from pygame.locals import *
loader = pygamehandle.load()'music1.ogg'), 0.0)
SCREEN_SIZE = (600, 400)
fps = 24
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()
imgs = ["live.png", "dead.png", "background.png"]
icon = "icon.png"
screen = loader.loadScreen(SCREEN_SIZE, "Game of Life", icon)
lImgs = loader.listImgLoad(imgs)
objects, grid = loader.grid(SCREEN_SIZE, lImgs[1])
loader.blit(objects, grid)
while True:
mouseClicked = False
for i in pygame.event.get():
if i.button == 1:
mouseposx, mouseposy = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
mouseposx = (mouseposx // 20) * 20
mouseposy = (mouseposy // 20) * 20
mousepos = (mouseposx, mouseposy)
index = grid.index(mousepos)
objects[index] = lImgs[0]
if i.button == 2:
mouseposx, mouseposy = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
mouseposx = (mouseposx // 20) * 20
mouseposy = (mouseposy // 20) * 20
mousepos = (mouseposx, mouseposy)
index = grid.index(mousepos)
objects[index] = lImgs[1]
if i.type == QUIT:
pygame.Surface.fill(screen, [0, 0, 0])
loader.blit(objects, grid)
I also used these functions from the pygamehandle file.
import pygame, standard
class load(object):
def loadScreen(self, size, text, icon):
pygame.display.set_caption(text, icon)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
self.screen = screen
return screen
def listImgLoad(self, list):
img = []
for i in range (0, len(list)):
return img
def blit(self, items, locations):
for i in range (0, len(items)):
self.screen.blit(items[i], locations[i])
def grid(self, size, object):
objects =[]
locations = []
x, y = size
for xT in range (0, int(x / 20)):
for yT in range(0, int(y / 20)):
locations.append((xT * 20, yT * 20))
return objects, locations
A better way to do this is make a Sprite class for each cell, add a bool to deteermine if the cell is dead or alive and blit accordingly.
If you are familiar with Sprites here is the docs, It may be confusing at first but they will help in making more complex games, also here is a link to my version of The Game of Life
