Python comparing two same string returns with false [closed] - python

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
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I'll put some of my code bellow to explain the issue, but basically what I'm trying to do it to compare within a function - a string & a line that will include only that string.
I have the list as follows:
org_tasks = ['general_static ', 'host_general_static ',etc....]
which I'm passing to function with a filename (python file)
my_dict = createDictFromTaskList(ref_ver, org_tasks)
def createDictFromTaskList(prm_fl,tasks_list):
final_dict = {}
for task in tasks_list:
print getTransformedDic(prm_fl, str('CurrentTaskParams.' + task))
return final_dict
which calls:
def getTransformedDic(prm_fl,dic_name): # transforms string to dictionary
"turns dictionary values from type variable into a string"
newDic = ""
dicToChange = getOldDicAsString(prm_fl,dic_name)
if dicToChange is None: return None
dicToChange = dicToChange[len(dic_name) + 3:] #here i get none for some reason
dicToChange = dicToChange.replace('"', "'")
for line in dicToChange.splitlines():
transformedLine = ''.join(line.split())
transformedLine = transformedLine.strip()
if transformedLine.startswith('#'): continue
IsLineBelongsToDic = transformedLine.split(':')
if len(IsLineBelongsToDic) > 1:
if transformedLine[-1:] == ",":
valueAsString = '"%s",' % transformedLine[len(IsLineBelongsToDic[0]) + 1:-1]
valueAsString = '"%s",' % transformedLine[len(IsLineBelongsToDic[0]) + 1:]
line = ' ' + IsLineBelongsToDic[0] + ' : ' + valueAsString
newDic += '%s' % line + '\n'
value = ast.literal_eval(newDic[:-1])
except SyntaxError:
return None
return value
def getOldDicAsString(prm_fl, dic_name):
"return a string that contains dictionary"
with open(prm_fl) as f:
file_data =
recordLines = False
dictionary = ""
for line in file_data.splitlines():
transformedLine = ''.join(line.split())
transformedLine = transformedLine.strip()
taskName = transformedLine.split('=')[0]
print taskName ,dic_name # here i can see they are the same
if taskName == dic_name or recordLines:
recordLines = True
dictionary += line + '\n'
if transformedLine == "}":
return dictionary
the file i work with looks as follows (according to list I've mentioned before):
CurrentTaskParams.general_static = {
'is_enable' : 'true'
CurrentTaskParams.host_general_static = {
'is_enable' : 'true'
after adding few prints I've seen that when for example I compare
--> which was passed as parameter
to the line containing this string (after striping in from spaces & '{' & '=' )
I dont append the dictionary string (meaning my 'if' returns false)
any help would be great,

The following minimal example replicates your source data and your code block:
file_data = """
CurrentTaskParams.general_static = {
'is_enable' : 'true'
CurrentTaskParams.host_general_static = {
'is_enable' : 'true'
dic_name = 'CurrentTaskParams.general_static'
for line in file_data.splitlines():
transformedLine = ''.join(line.split())
transformedLine = transformedLine.strip()
taskName = transformedLine.split('=')[0]
print("'%s'" % taskName, "'%s'" % dic_name, taskName == dic_name)
Running this it correctly picks up the line in question:
'' 'CurrentTaskParams.general_static' False
'CurrentTaskParams.general_static' 'CurrentTaskParams.general_static' True
''is_enable':'true'' 'CurrentTaskParams.general_static' False
'}' 'CurrentTaskParams.general_static' False
'CurrentTaskParams.host_general_static' 'CurrentTaskParams.general_static' False
''is_enable':'true'' 'CurrentTaskParams.general_static' False
'}' 'CurrentTaskParams.general_static' False
With a working example it is difficult to debug the problem(!) but I suspect this means the problem is somewhere else.
In your example code you list the org tasks with the trailing space still in place, is this intentional?
org_tasks = ['general_static ', 'host_general_static ',etc....]
I would suggest you try printing the data you believe to be matching but wrapped in quotes (see above) as this will help better highlight any leading/trailing spaces in your strings.


How would I format python code using python?

Let's say I've got this code in python:
total=0for i in range(100):print(i)if i > 50:total=total+i
How would I make an algorithm in python to format this python code into the code below:
for i in range(100):
if i > 50:
Assume that everything is nested under each other, such that another statement would be assumed to be inside the if block.
This was quite a fun exercise! I'm running out of juice so just posting this as is. It works on your example but probably not much for anything more complex.
code_block = "total=0for i in range(100):print(i)if i > 50:total=total+iprint('finished')"
code_block_b = "def okay() {print('ff')while True:print('blbl')break}"
line_break_before = ['for', 'while', 'if', 'print', 'break', '}']
line_break_after = [':', '{']
indent_chars = [':', '{']
unindent_chars = ['}']
# Add line breaks before keywords
for kw in line_break_before:
kw_indexes = [idx for idx in range(len(code_block)) if code_block[idx:idx + len(kw)] == kw]
for kw_idx in kw_indexes[::-1]:
code_block = code_block[:kw_idx] + '\n' + code_block[kw_idx:]
# Add line breaks after other keywords if not present already
for kw in line_break_after:
kw_indexes = [idx for idx in range(len(code_block)) if code_block[idx:idx + len(kw)] == kw]
for kw_idx in kw_indexes[::-1]:
if code_block[kw_idx + 1: kw_idx + 2] != '\n':
code_block = code_block[:kw_idx + 1] + '\n' + code_block[kw_idx + 1:]
# Add indentation
indent = 0
formatted_code_lines = []
for line in code_block.split('\n'):
if line[-1] in unindent_chars:
indent = 0
formatted_code_lines.append(' ' * indent)
if line[-1] in indent_chars:
indent += 4
formatted_code_lines.append(line + '\n')
code_block = ''.join(formatted_code_lines)
The basic premise for formatting is based around keywords. There are keys that require a line break before, and keys that require a line break after them. After that, the indentation was counted +4 spaces for every line after each : symbol. I tested some formatting with braces too in code_block_b.
Output a
for i in range(100):
if i > 50:
Output b
def okay() {
while True:

How to write an INI file with ConfigParser with duplicate options

I want to write an INI file with duplicate options,ie:
foo = value1
foo = value2
xxx = yyy
With ConfigParser.set only the last value is writed.
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'example.cfg')
config.set('test', service['foo'], service['value1'])
config.set('test', service['foo'], service['value2'])
config.set('test', service['xxx'], service['yyy'])
The result is:
foo = value2
xxx = yyy
Is there any way?
It looks like it isn't possible in a simple way. The default way ConfigParser stores is with dict's, i.e. one value per unique key.
In a similar question Python's ConfigParser unique keys per section the suggestions are to go with:
Patched version of epydoc
i have a simple custom .ini parser in python (built for another project), which uses a list to store values but only if they are not in key=value format. if key=value then last key will be held since these are stored in a dictionary
The parser can also parse nested sections like:
; etc..
The code is below, it is easy to modify to store key/value in list instead of dictionary or even detect multiple key and rename to avoid collisions (e.g key, key$1 second key with same key value key and so on). use/modify as needed
# Simple .ini Parser for Python 2.x, 3.x
import re
class Ini_Parser():
"""Simple .ini parser for Python"""
NL = None
'\\n' : "\n",
'\\t' : "\t",
'\\v' : "\v",
'\\f' : "\f"
def parseStr(s, q):
_self = Ini_Parser
endq = s.find(q, 1)
quoted = s[1:endq]
rem = s[endq+1:].strip()
for c,actual in _self.ACTUAL.items():
quoted = ( actual ).join( quoted.split( c ) )
quoted = ( '\\' ).join( quoted.split( '\\\\' ) )
return quoted, rem
def fromString(s, keysList=True, rootSection='_'):
_self = Ini_Parser
comments = [';', '#']
if rootSection: rootSection = str(rootSection)
else: rootSection = '_'
if not _self.NL:
_self.NL = re.compile(r'\n\r|\r\n|\r|\n')
sections = {}
currentSection = str(rootSection)
if keysList:
sections[currentSection] = { '__list__' : [] }
sections[currentSection] = { }
currentRoot = sections
# parse the lines
lines = re.split(_self.NL, str(s))
# parse it line-by-line
for line in lines:
# strip the line of extra spaces
line = line.strip()
lenline = len(line)
# comment or empty line, skip it
if not lenline or (line[0] in comments): continue
linestartswith = line[0]
# section line
if '['==linestartswith:
# parse any sub-sections
while '['==linestartswith:
currentRoot = sections
currentRoot = currentRoot[currentSection]
endsection = line.find(']', 1)
currentSection = line[1:endsection]
if currentSection not in currentRoot:
if keysList:
currentRoot[currentSection] = { '__list__' : [] }
currentRoot[currentSection] = { }
# has sub-section ??
line = line[endsection+1:].strip()
if not len(line): break
linestartswith = line[0]
# key-value pairs
# quoted string
if '"'==linestartswith or "'"==linestartswith:
key, line = _self.parseStr(line, linestartswith)
# key-value pair
if line.find('=', 0)>-1:
line = line.split('=')
value = "=".join(line).strip()
valuestartswith = value[0]
# quoted value
if '"'==valuestartswith or "'"==valuestartswith:
value, rem = _self.parseStr(value, valuestartswith)
currentRoot[currentSection][key] = value
# single value
if keysList:
currentRoot[currentSection][key] = True
# un-quoted string
line = line.split('=')
key = line.pop(0).strip()
# single value
if 1>len(line):
if keysList:
currentRoot[currentSection][key] = True
# key-value pair
value = "=".join(line).strip()
valuestartswith = value[0]
# quoted value
if '"'==valuestartswith or "'"==valuestartswith:
value, rem = _self.parseStr(value, valuestartswith)
currentRoot[currentSection][key] = value
return sections
def fromFile(filename, keysList=True, rootSection='_'):
s = ''
with open(filename, 'r') as f: s =
return Ini_Parser.fromString(s, keysList, rootSection)
def walk(o, key=None, top='', q='', EOL="\n"):
s = ''
if len(o):
o = dict(o)
if key: keys = [key]
else: keys = o.keys()
for section in keys:
keyvals = o[section]
if not len(keyvals): continue
s += str(top) + "[" + str(section) + "]" + EOL
if ('__list__' in keyvals) and len(keyvals['__list__']):
# only values as a list
s += q + (q+EOL+q).join(keyvals['__list__']) + q + EOL
del keyvals['__list__']
if len(keyvals):
for k,v in keyvals.items():
if not len(v): continue
if isinstance(v, dict) or isinstance(v, list):
# sub-section
s += Ini_Parser.walk(keyvals, k, top + "[" + str(section) + "]", q, EOL)
# key-value pair
s += q+k+q+ '=' +q+v+q + EOL
s += EOL
return s
def toString(o, rootSection='_', quote=False, EOL="\n"):
s = ''
if rootSection: root = str(rootSection)
else: root = '_'
if quote: q = '"'
else: q = ''
# dump the root section first, if exists
if root in o:
section = dict(o[root])
llist = None
if '__list__' in section:
llist = section['__list__']
if llist and isinstance(llist, list) and len(llist):
s += q + (q+EOL+q).join(llist) + q + EOL
del section['__list__']
for k,v in section.items():
if not len(v): continue
s += q+k+q+ '=' +q+v+q + EOL
s += EOL
del o[root]
# walk the sections and sub-sections, if any
s += Ini_Parser.walk(o, None, '', q, EOL)
return s
def toFile(filename, o, rootSection='_', quote=False, EOL="\n"):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f.write( Ini_Parser.toString(o, rootSection, quote, EOL) )
# for use with 'import *'
__all__ = [ 'Ini_Parser' ]

Python - searching if string is in file

I want to search for string in file and if there is string make action and if there isn´t string make other action, but from this code:
itcontains = self.textCtrl2.GetValue()
self.textCtrl.AppendText("\nTY: " + itcontains)
pztxtflpath = "TCM/Zoznam.txt"
linenr = 0
with open(pztxtflpath) as f:
found = False
for line in f:
hisanswpath = "TCM/" + itcontains + ".txt"
hisansfl =, "r")
textline = hisansfl.readline()
linenr = 0
ans = ""
while textline <> "":
linenr += 1
textline = hisansfl.readline()
rnd = random.randint(1, linenr) - 1
hisansfl =, "r")
textline = hisansfl.readline()
linenr = 0
pzd = ""
while linenr <> rnd:
textline = hisansfl.readline()
linenr += 1
ans = textline
self.textCtrl.AppendText("\nTexter: " + ans)
if not found:
self.textCtrl.AppendText("\nTexter: " + itcontains)
wrtnw =, "a")
wrtnw.write("\n" + itcontains)
If there is not that string it is working corectly, but if there is that string, what i am searching for it makes if not found action. I really don´t know how to fix it, i have already try some codes from other sites, but in my code it doesn´t works. Can somebody help please?
Are you saying that the code underneath the following if statement executes if the string contains what you're looking for?
If so, then you just need to add the following to the code block underneath this statement:
found = True
This will keep your if not found clause from running. If the string you are looking for should only be found once, I would also add a break statement to your first statement to break out of the loop.

How can we strip spaces before writing into csv

! # $ % & ( ) * , - 0 / : < = > ? # [ \ ] ^
this the header of my csv file.. after : you can see one blank space like my csv file header also contain one column with header can remove by updating following code??
feature_list = ""
root_flag = 'false'
fvt_length = 0
feature_vector_file1 = "/home/user/Project/Dataset/BST_unigram.txt"
d = os.path.dirname(output_file)
if not os.path.exists(d):
with open(output_file, "w" ) as fout:
fp_feature = csv.writer(fout)
read_list = read_list.replace('\n','')
read_list = re.sub( '\s+', ' ',read_list).strip()
read_list = dataPreprocessing.remove_digits(read_list)
unigram_list=list(set(read_list.split(" ")))
for i in range(0,len(unigram_list)):
if root_flag == 'false' :
root = Node(unigram_list[i])
root_flag = 'true'
else :
feature_list = feature_list + "\n"+unigram_list[i]
feature_list1 = feature_list.strip()
line = feature_list1.split('\n')
print len(line)
Can anybody can help me? Sometimes my file content contains some spaces but I have added this unigram_list[i]=unigram_list[i].lstrip().rstrip() but still my header contains spaces.
I ran into a similar problem with my program the other day, and I realized the easiest thing to do is ato write a simple if statement and just create a new string/list:
aStr = "Hello World this is a test!"
newStr = ""
for letter in aStr:
if letter!=" ":
newStr += letter
And when I print the newStr:

Python script couldnt detect mismatch when $instance deleted in only one of the value nvp_add in double if else input statement [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Closed 8 years ago.
This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
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This is continuation question from stackoverflow question below:
How do I filter nested cases to be filter out python
How to compare the attributes start with $ in 2 functions and display match or mismatch
When i delete one of the $apsChanConfigNumber from nvp_add in first block of if, the compare python script from link above couldn't detect the mismatch, there are 2 nvp_add function under this case. How to resolve the issue help!!!
Input file ASCII plain text contain text below:
if(match($OPTION_EnableDetails, "1") or
match($OPTION_EnableDetails_juniper, "1")) {
#ExtendedAttr = nvp_add(#ExtendedAttr, "snmpTrapEnterprise", $snmpTrapEnterprise, "apsChanStatusSwitchovers", $apsChanStatusSwitchovers, "apsChanStatusCurrent", $apsChanStatusCurrent,
"apsChanConfigGroupName", , "apsChanConfigNumber",)
if(match($OPTION_EnableDetails, "1") or
match($OPTION_EnableDetails_juniper, "1")) {
#ExtendedAttr = nvp_add(#ExtendedAttr, "apsChanStatusSwitchovers",
$apsChanStatusSwitchovers, "apsChanStatusCurrent", $apsChanStatusCurrent,
"apsChanConfigGroupName", $apsChanConfigGroupName,
"apsChanConfigNumber", $apsChanConfigNumber)
since ive started, ill finish :P
import re
import sys
from collections import Counter
#sys.stdout = open("result.txt", 'w+')
def intersect(list1, list2):
for o in list1:
if o in list2:
return list1, list2
def read(in_file):
cases = []
caselines_index = []
readlines = []
readlines_num = []
with open(in_file, 'r') as file:
readfile =
for line in readfile.split('\n'):
regex = re.compile("switch\(\$\d\).+?\}", re.DOTALL)
readfile = re.sub(regex, ' ', readfile)
for line in readfile.split('\n'):
for line in readlines:
case_search ="case\s\".+?\"\:\s", line)
if case_search:
#print caselines_index
caselines_index_iter = iter(caselines_index)
int_line_index = int(next(caselines_index_iter))
print "No cases found"
int_next_index = int(next(caselines_index_iter))
int_next_index = len(readlines) - 1
while True:
case_text = ' '.join(readlines[int_line_index:int_next_index]).strip()
match1 ="nvp_add", case_text)
match2 ="details", case_text)
if match1 or match2:
case = [readlines[int_line_index].strip(), readlines_num.index(readlines[int_line_index]) + 1, case_text]
int_line_index = int_next_index
int_next_index = int(next(caselines_index_iter))
except StopIteration:
case_text = ' '.join(readlines[int_line_index:len(readlines) - 1]).strip()
case = [readlines[int_line_index].strip(), readlines_num.index(readlines[int_line_index]), case_text]
return cases
def work(cases):
for case_list in cases:
details = []
nvp_add = []
caseline = case_list[0].strip()
nvp = re.findall("details\(.+?\)", case_list[2].strip())
for item in nvp:
result_list = re.findall("(\$.+?)[\,\)]", item)
for result in result_list:
if "$*" not in result:
nvp = re.findall("nvp_add\(.+?\)", case_list[2].strip())
for item in nvp:
result_list = re.findall("(\$.+?)[\,\)]", item)
for result in result_list:
if "$*" not in result:
nvp_add_c = Counter(nvp_add)
details_c = Counter(details)
missing_from_details = list((nvp_add_c - details_c).elements())
missing_from_nvp_add = list((details_c - nvp_add_c).elements())
if missing_from_nvp_add or missing_from_details:
print caseline + " LINE - " + str(case_list[1] + 1)
for mismatch in missing_from_details:
print "Missing from details:"
print mismatch
for mismatch in missing_from_nvp_add:
print "Missing from nvp_add:"
print mismatch
print "\n"
if MATCH == 1:
print "MATCH"
def main():
in_file = "target1.txt"
cases = read(in_file)
if __name__=="__main__":
