How to decode python string - python

I have some code which I would like to be decoded but not having much luck in guessing what the codepage is, if any is being used. Any help would be much appreciated.
i am using python command line in windows 7 pc,if any python guru guide me how to decrypt and see the code thaat would be appreciated.
exec("import re;import base64");exec((lambda p,y:(lambda o,b,f:re.sub(o,b,f))(r"([0-9a-f]+)",lambda m:p(m,y),base64.b64decode("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")))(lambda a,b:b[int("0x",16)],"0|1|addonfolder|xbmc|translatePath|path|script_name|xbmcgui|script_chk|downloader|scriptname|xbmcaddon|getCondVisibility|UpdateLocalAddons|download|supermax|Addon|lib|supermaxwizard|special|DialogProgress|INSTALL|website|SuperMaxWizard|extract|dialog|remove|except|join|plugin|os|addons|Installing|dp|UnloadSkin|print|COLOR|video|ReloadSkin|FORCECLOSE|Installer|Installed|def|Main|pass|home|HasAddon|SuperMax|packages|Brought|Success|return|update|url|Please|Dialog|create|try|Wizard|Nearly|System|com|zip|addon|Wait|been|else|http|quit|XBMC|gold|Done|all|has|You|not|sm|MP|By|if|ok|To|s|executebuiltin|import".split("|")))

The code is uglified. You can unobfuscate it yourself by executing the contents of exec(...) in your Python shell.
import re
import base64
print ((lambda p,y.....split("|")))
EDIT: As snakecharmerb says, it is generally not safe to execute unknown code. I analysed the code to find that running the insides of exec will only decrypt, and leaving off the exec itself will just result in a string. This procedure ("execute stuff inside exec") is by no means a generally safe method to decrypt uglified code, and you need to actually analyse what it does. But, at this point, I was asking you to trust my judgement, which, if it is wrong, theoretically could expose you to an attack. In addition, it seems you have problems getting it to run on your Python; so here's what I'm getting from the above:
import xbmcaddon
import xbmcgui
import xbmc
import os
import downloader
import extract
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon()
website = ""
scriptname = ""
def script_chk(script_name):
return xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon(%s)' % script_name) == 1
def INSTALL(url):
path = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons','packages'))
print path
dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
dp.create("Addon Installer","Installing Addon..",'', 'Please Wait')
lib=os.path.join(path, '')
pass, lib, dp)
addonfolder = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home','addons'))
print addonfolder
dp.update(0,"", "Nearly Done")
dialog=xbmcgui.Dialog(); dialog.ok("Success!","SuperMax Wizard has been Installed"," [COLOR gold]Brought To You By[/COLOR]")
def Main():
if not script_chk(scriptname):


Import data from Zoho Analytics to Python

I'm trying to connect Zoho Analytics and Python via Zoho client library here:
I downloaded the client library file but now have no idea how to use it. What I want to do is importing data from Zoho Analytics to Python and the suggested code on Zoho is:
from __future__ import with_statement
from ReportClient import ReportClient
import sys
from __future__ import with_statement
from ReportClient import ReportClient
import sys
class Sample:
DATABASENAME="Workspace Name"
TABLENAME="Table Name"
rc = None
rc = ReportClient(self.AUTHTOKEN)
def importData(self,rc):
with open('StoreSales.csv', 'r') as f:
importContent =
except Exception,e:
print "Error Check if file StoreSales.csv exists in
the current directory"
print "(" + str(e) + ")"
impResult = rc.importData(uri,"APPEND",importContent,None)
print "Added Rows :" +str(impResult.successRowCount) + " and Columns :"
+ str(impResult.selectedColCount)
obj = Sample()
How do I make from ReportClient import ReportClient work?
Also, how does rc = ReportClient(self.AUTHTOKEN) work if self wasn't predefined?
On the site you linked, you can download a zip file containing the file Zoho/ZohoReportPythonClient/com/adventnet/zoho/client/report/python/ I'm not sure why it's so deeply nested, or why most of the folders contain an file which only has #$Id$ in it.
You'll need to extract that file, and place it somewhere where your Python interpreter can find it. For more information about where Python will look for the module (, see this question: How does python find a module file if the import statement only contains the filename?
Please note that the file is Python 2 code. You'll need to use a Python 2 interpreter, or convert it to Python 3 code. Once you've got it importing properly, you can use their API reference to start writing code with it:

Loop to check if a variable has changed in Python

I have just learned the basics of Python, and I am trying to make a few projects so that I can increase my knowledge of the programming language.
Since I am rather paranoid, I created a script that uses PycURL to fetch my current IP address every x seconds, for VPN security. Here is my code[EDITED]:
import requests
enterIP = str(input("What is your current IP address?"))
def getIP():
while True:
result = requests.get("")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\nProccess terminated by user")
return result.text
def checkIP():
while True:
if enterIP == result.text:
print("IP has changed!")
Now I would like to expand the idea, so that the script asks the user to enter their current IP, saves that octet as a string, then uses a loop to keep running it against the PycURL function to make sure that their IP hasn't changed? The only problem is that I am completely stumped, I cannot come up with a function that would take the output of PycURL and compare it to a string. How could I achieve that?
As #holdenweb explained, you do not need pycurl for such a simple task, but nevertheless, here is a working example:
import pycurl
import time
from StringIO import StringIO
def get_ip():
buffer = StringIO()
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(pycurl.URL, "")
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
return buffer.getvalue()
def main():
initial = get_ip()
print 'Initial IP: %s' % initial
while True:
current = get_ip()
if current != initial:
print 'IP has changed to: %s' % current
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\nProccess terminated by user")
if __name__ == '__main__':
As you can see I moved the logic of getting the IP to separate function: get_ip and added few missing things, like catching the buffer to a string and returning it. Otherwise it is pretty much the same as the first example in pycurl quickstart
The main function is called below, when the script is accessed directly (not by import).
First off it calls the get_ip to get initial IP and then runs the while loop which checks if the IP has changed and lets you know if so.
Since you changed your question, here is your new code in a working example:
import requests
def getIP():
result = requests.get("")
return result.text
def checkIP():
initial = getIP()
print("Initial IP: {}".format(initial))
while True:
current = getIP()
if initial == current:
print("IP has changed!")
As I mentioned in the comments above, you do not need two loops. One is enough. You don't even need two functions, but better do. One for getting the data and one for the loop. In the later, first get initial value and then run the loop, inside which you check if value has changed or not.
It seems, from reading the pycurl documentation, like you would find it easier to solve this problem using the requests library. Curl is more to do with file transfer, so the library expects you to provide a file-like object into which it writes the contents. This would greatly complicate your logic.
requests allows you to access the text of the server's response directly:
>>> import requests
>>> result = requests.get("")
>>> result.text
As #PeterWood suggested, a function would be more appropriate than a class for this - or if the script is going to run continuously, just a simple loop as the body of the program.

Boto issues listing AWS instances with no-tags

I use custom tags for my AWS instances. I am trying to list all the instances (running and stopped) in CSV file. Not being a programmer, I searched and copied/pasted codes and came with a script which runs well. But I have noticed that if one tag is missing then the script throws an error and stops right there. If the tag is created but is empty, then the script prints a blank space, but if the tag is not created at all then the script just stops. For example if the tag Owner is missing then it throws an error KeyError: 'Owner' and stops there. My script is pasted below. Can somebody let me know what changes I need to make so that if the tag does not exist, the script prints out N/A instead of stopping.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import boto.ec2
from boto.ec2 import EC2Connection
csv_file = open('/home/sbasnet/Scripts/Instances/instances_east.csv','w+')
def process_instance_list(connection):
def build_instance_list(reservation):
def write_instances(instance):
if (instance.platform == 'windows'):
platform = 'Windows'
platform = 'Linux'
if __name__=="__main__":
connection = EC2Connection(aws_access_key_id='ACCESS',aws_secret_access_key='SECRET')
Maybe something like this will do?
Warning: untested
#!/usr/bin/env python
import boto.ec2
from boto.ec2 import EC2Connection
csv_file = open('/home/sbasnet/Scripts/Instances/instances_east.csv','w+')
def process_instance_list(connection):
def build_instance_list(reservation):
def get_tag(tags, tag_name):
if tag_name in tags.keys():
return tags[tag_name]
return "N/A"
def write_instances(instance):
if instance.platform == 'windows':
platform = 'Windows'
platform = 'Linux'
get_tag(instance.tags, "Classification"),
get_tag(instance.tags, "FQDN"),
get_tag(instance.tags, "Owner"),
get_tag(instance.tags, "RunType"),
if __name__=="__main__":
connection = EC2Connection(aws_access_key_id='ACCESS',aws_secret_access_key='SECRET')

I need a super-duper simple CGI Python photo upload

I've looked through tons of answers but the truth is, I only know super basic python and I really need help. I don't know the os module or anything like that and I can't use PHP (not that I know it anyway, but it's not permitted) and I need something so easy that I can understand it.
Basically, I need a CGI upload (I don't need the HTML form, I've got that much down) that will take the photo and save it. That's it. I don't need any fancy place for it to save, I just need the file to be properly uploaded from the form.
I've got various versions of this function and I can't get them working because I don't understand them so PLEASE HELP!!!
import cgi
def savefile (filename, photodoc):
if period[1]=="jpeg" or period[1]=="jpg" or period[1]=="png":
idk what to do
make an error message
This cgi program will "take the photo and save it. That's it."
import cgi
open(field.filename, 'wb').write(field.value)
Among the things it doesn't do are error checking and security checking, and specifying in what directory the files should be saved.
Duplicate question but here's what you need:
Depending if windows or linux, first set to binary mode:
import msvcrt
msvcrt.setmode (0, os.O_BINARY)
msvcrt.setmode (1, os.O_BINARY)
except ImportError:
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
name = form[filename]
period = name.split('.') #You need the quotes around the period
if period[1]=='jpeg' or period[1] == 'jpg' or period[1] =='png':
if upload.filename:
name = os.path.basename(upload.filename)
out = open(YOUR_FILEPATH_HERE + name, 'wb', 1000)
message = "The file '" + name + "' was uploaded successfully"
while True:
packet =
if not packet:
print 'Error'
Some sources:
How to use Python/CGI for file uploading

Python Precommit hook, Looking at lines for some text

Hello, my question is regarding a Python script I am trying to get to work. The point of this is that when someone makes a SVN Commit they see a login template with four lines: Branch, Bug_Number, Feature affected and Overview. Now I am trying to write a script to make sure that they wrote something on it to make sure no one enters a empty log to commit.
Here is what I have so far in python its based on a old python script.
print "Importing the items"
import re
import sys
import os
print "Initializing the list."
argsList = []
hndFile = open(sys.argv[1],"r")
for line in hndFile:
print "Checking what is blank"
faOK = ovOK = False
for line in argsList:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('FEATURE_AFFECTED:'):
faOK = line[17:] != ''
if line.startswith('OVERVIEW:'):
ovOK = line[9:] != ''
if not faOK:
print "You Must Enter the Feature Affected"
ret = -1
elif not ovOK:
print "You Must Enter an Overview of the Fix"
ret = -1
ret = 0
print "Finishing the script"
Any advice would help. I am using Windows XP and currently nothing is happening. I am also using collabnet svn. Currently nothing is happening when I try to run this script. I know I haven't added svnlook in the script I cant really think of where to add and for the variable for it. Thank you.
