Create named variables in the local scope from JSON keys - python

Is there a way I can create named variables in the local scope from a json file?
document json
This is my json file, I would like to create variables in the local scope named as the path of my json dictionary
This is how I manually create them, I would like to do it automatically for all the json file. Is it possible?
class board(object):
def __init__(self, json, image):
self.json = json
self.image = image
def extract_json(self, *args):
with open(self.json) as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
jsonpath_expr = parse(".".join(args))
return jsonpath_expr.find(data)[0].value
MyAgonism = board('document.json', './tabellone.jpg')
boxes_time_minutes_coord = MyAgonism.extract_json("boxes", "time_minutes", "coord")
boxes_time_seconds_coord = MyAgonism.extract_json("boxes", "time_seconds", "coord")
boxes_score_home_coord = MyAgonism.extract_json("boxes", "score_home", "coord")

I think you're making this much more complicated than it needs to be.
with open('document.json') as f:
d = json.load(f)
time_minutes_coords = d['boxes']['time_minutes']['coord']
time_seconds_coords = d['boxes']['time_seconds']['coord']
score_home_coords = d['boxes']['score_home']['coord']
If you actually want to create named variables in the local scope from the keys in your json file, you can use the locals() dictionary (but this is a terrible idea, it's far better just to reference them from the json dictionary).
# Flatten the dictionary keys.
# This turns ['boxes']['time_minutes']['coord']
# into "boxes_time_minutes_coord"
def flatten_dict(d, k_pre=None, delim='_', fd=None):
if fd is None:
fd = {}
for k, v in d.iteritems():
if k_pre is not None:
k = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(k_pre, delim, k)
if isinstance(v, dict):
flatten_dict(v, k, delim, fd)
fd[k] = v
return fd
fd = flatten_dict(d)
print boxes_time_minutes_coord
Lots of caveats, like the possibility of overwriting some other variable in your local scope, or the possibility that two dictionary keys could be identical after flattening unless you choose a delimiter that doesn't appear in any of the dictionary keys. Or that this won't work if your keys contain invalid characters for variable names (like spaces for example).


Storing SQL output as python variables and storing in text files

I'm pretty much new to python and SQL and I am trying some coding tasks. I have a SQL query in the format of the below, where I return a set of values using python and SQL. What I would like to do using python is to define the variable "X as User_Name" and parse this to a text file within my local linux directory (for example in a file called Usernames.txt).
query = """\
X as User_Name,
AND ... """
In the below snippets I attempt to write this to the text file, but does not seem to work for me
cursor = connection.cursor()
fo = open ('/localDrive/Usernames.txt', 'a')
for row in cur:
rows = list(row)
The issue is sometimes there are more than 1 row returned so I'd need to store all usernames in that text file. I'd like then to be able to check against this text file and not return SQL Output if the "X as User_Name" already exists within the text file (Usernames.txt) This is something I'm not sure how to do
Just use Pickle to save your data, with dictionaries and sets to compare them. Pickle can save and load Python objects with no parsing required.
If you want a human readable output as well, just print the objects to the screen or file.
e.g. (untested)
import pickle
from pathlib import Path
pickle_path = Path("data.pickle")
fields = ('field_1', 'field_2', 'field_3')
def add_fields(data_list):
# Return a list of dictionaries
return [dict(zip(fields, row)) for row in data_list]
def get_unique_values(dict_list, key):
# Return a set of key field values
return set(dl[key] for dl in dict_list)
def get_data_subset(dict_list, key_field, keys):
# Return records where key_field contains values in keys
return [dl for dl in dict_list if dl[key_field] in keys]
# ...
# Create DB connection etc.
# ...
# ...
cursor = connection.cursor()
results = cursor.fetchall()
# De-serialise the local data if it exists
if pickle_path.exists():
with"rb") as pp:
prev_results = pickle.load(pp)
prev_results = []
results = add_fields(results)
keys = get_unique_values(results, 'field_1')
prev_keys = get_unique_values(prev_results, 'field_1')
# All keys
all_keys = keys | prev_keys
# in both sets
existing_keys = keys ^ prev_keys
# just in prev
deleted_keys = prev_keys - keys
# just the new values in keys
new_keys = keys - prev_keys
# example: handle deleted data
temp_dl = []
for row in prev_results:
if row['field_1'] not in deleted_keys:
prev_results = temp_dl
# example: handle new keys
new_data = get_data_subset(results, 'field_1', new_keys)
# Serialise the local data
if pickle_path.exists():
with"wb") as pp:
pickle.dump(prev_results, pp)
if len(new_data):
print("New records added")
for row in new_data:

Clone Kubernetes objects programmatically using the Python API

The Python API is available to read objects from a cluster. By cloning we can say:
Get a copy of an existing Kubernetes object using kubectl get
Change the properties of the object
Apply the new object
Until recently, the option to --export api was deprecated in 1.14. How can we use the Python Kubernetes API to do the steps from 1-3 described above?
There are multiple questions about how to extract the code from Python API to YAML, but it's unclear how to transform the Kubernetes API object.
Just use to_dict() which is now offered by Kubernetes Client objects. Note that it creates a partly deep copy. So to be safe:
copied_obj = copy.deepcopy(obj.to_dict())
Dicts can be passed to create* and patch* methods.
For convenience, you can also wrap the dict in Prodict.
copied_obj = Prodict.from_dict(copy.deepcopy(obj.to_dict()))
The final issue is getting rid of superfluous fields. (Unfortunately, Kubernetes sprinkles them throughout the object.) I use kopf's internal facility for getting the "essence" of an object. (It takes care of the deep copy.)
copied_obj = kopf.AnnotationsDiffBaseStorage().build(body=kopf.Body(obj.to_dict()))
copied_obj = Prodic.from_dict(copied_obj)
After looking at the requirement, I spent a couple of hours researching the Kubernetes Python API. Issue 340 and others ask about how to transform the Kubernetes API object into a dict, but the only workaround I found was to retrieve the raw data and then convert to JSON.
The following code uses the Kubernetes API to get a deployment and its related hpa from the namespaced objects, but retrieving their raw values as JSON.
Then, after transforming the data into a dict, you can alternatively clean up the data by removing null references.
Once you are done, you can transform the dict as YAML payload to then save the YAML to the file system
Finally, you can apply either using kubectl or the Kubernetes Python API.
Make sure to set KUBECONFIG=config so that you can point to a cluster
Make sure to adjust the values of origin_obj_name = "istio-ingressgateway" and origin_obj_namespace = "istio-system" with the name of the corresponding objects to be cloned in the given namespace.
import os
import logging
import yaml
import json
logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO)
import crayons
from kubernetes import client, config
from import ApiException
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(" IngressGatewayCreator ")
class IngressGatewayCreator:
def clone_default_ingress(clone_context):
# Clone the deployment
# Clone the deployment's HPA
def clone_deployment_object(clone_context):
kubeconfig = os.getenv('KUBECONFIG')
v1apps = client.AppsV1beta1Api()
deployment_name = clone_context.origin_obj_name
namespace = clone_context.origin_obj_namespace
# gets an instance of the api without deserialization to model
deployment = v1apps.read_namespaced_deployment(deployment_name, namespace, _preload_content=False)
except ApiException as error:
if error.status == 404:"Deployment %s not found in namespace %s", deployment_name, namespace)
# Clone the object deployment as a dic
cloned_dict = IngressGatewayCreator.clone_k8s_object(deployment, clone_context)
# Change additional objects
cloned_dict["spec"]["selector"]["matchLabels"]["istio"] =
cloned_dict["spec"]["template"]["metadata"]["labels"]["istio"] =
# Save the deployment template in the output dir
context.save_clone_as_yaml(cloned_dict, "deployment")
def clone_hpa_object(clone_context):
kubeconfig = os.getenv('KUBECONFIG')
hpas = client.AutoscalingV1Api()
hpa_name = clone_context.origin_obj_name
namespace = clone_context.origin_obj_namespace
# gets an instance of the api without deserialization to model
hpa = hpas.read_namespaced_horizontal_pod_autoscaler(hpa_name, namespace, _preload_content=False)
except ApiException as error:
if error.status == 404:"HPA %s not found in namespace %s", hpa_name, namespace)
# Clone the object deployment as a dic
cloned_dict = IngressGatewayCreator.clone_k8s_object(hpa, clone_context)
# Change additional objects
cloned_dict["spec"]["scaleTargetRef"]["name"] =
# Save the deployment template in the output dir
context.save_clone_as_yaml(cloned_dict, "hpa")
def clone_k8s_object(k8s_object, clone_context):
# Manipilate in the dict level, not k8s api, but from the fetched raw object
cloned_obj = json.loads(
labels = cloned_obj['metadata']['labels']
labels['istio'] =
cloned_obj['status'] = None
# Scrub by removing the "null" and "None" values
cloned_obj = IngressGatewayCreator.scrub_dict(cloned_obj)
# Patch the metadata with the name and labels adjusted
cloned_obj['metadata'] = {
"namespace": clone_context.origin_obj_namespace,
"labels": labels
return cloned_obj
def scrub_dict(d):
new_dict = {}
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
v = IngressGatewayCreator.scrub_dict(v)
if isinstance(v, list):
v = IngressGatewayCreator.scrub_list(v)
if not v in (u'', None, {}):
new_dict[k] = v
return new_dict
def scrub_list(d):
scrubbed_list = []
for i in d:
if isinstance(i, dict):
i = IngressGatewayCreator.scrub_dict(i)
return scrubbed_list
class IngressGatewayContext:
def __init__(self, manifest_dir, name, hostname, nats, type):
self.manifest_dir = manifest_dir = name
self.hostname = hostname
self.nats = nats
self.ingress_type = type
self.origin_obj_name = "istio-ingressgateway"
self.origin_obj_namespace = "istio-system"
def save_clone_as_yaml(self, k8s_object, kind):
# Just try to create if it doesn't exist
except FileExistsError:
LOGGER.debug("Dir already exists %s", self.manifest_dir)
full_file_path = os.path.join(self.manifest_dir, + '-' + kind + '.yaml')
# Store in the file-system with the name provided
with open(full_file_path, 'w') as yaml_file:
yaml.dump(k8s_object, yaml_file, default_flow_style=False)"Saved %s '%s' at %s: \n%s"), kind,, full_file_path, k8s_object)
k8s_clone_name = "http2-ingressgateway"
hostname = ""
nats = ["123.345.678.11", "333.444.222.111", "33.221.444.23"]
manifest_dir = "out/clones"
context = IngressGatewayContext(manifest_dir, k8s_clone_name, hostname, nats, "nlb")
except Exception as err:
print("ERROR: {}".format(err))
Not python, but I've used jq in the past to quickly clone something with the small customisations required for each use case (usually cloning secrets into a new namespace).
kc get pod whatever-85pmk -o json \
| jq 'del(.status, .metadata ) |"newname"' \
| kc apply -f - -o yaml --dry-run
This is really easy to do with Hikaru.
Here is an example from my own open source project:
def duplicate_without_fields(obj: HikaruBase, omitted_fields: List[str]):
Duplicate a hikaru object, omitting the specified fields
This is useful when you want to compare two versions of an object and first "cleanup" fields that shouldn't be
:param HikaruBase obj: A kubernetes object
:param List[str] omitted_fields: List of fields to be omitted. Field name format should be '.' separated
For example: ["status", "metadata.generation"]
if obj is None:
return None
duplication = obj.dup()
for field_name in omitted_fields:
field_parts = field_name.split(".")
if len(field_parts) > 1:
parent_obj = duplication.object_at_path(field_parts[:-1])
parent_obj = duplication
setattr(parent_obj, field_parts[-1], None)
except Exception:
pass # in case the field doesn't exist on this object
return duplication
Dumping the object to yaml afterwards or re-applying it to the cluster is trivial with Hikaru
We're using this to clean up objects so that can show users a github-style diff when objects change, without spammy fields that change often like generation

How to Parse YAML Using PyYAML if there are '!' within the YAML

I have a YAML file that I'd like to parse the description variable only; however, I know that the exclamation points in my CloudFormation template (YAML file) are giving PyYAML trouble.
I am receiving the following error:
yaml.constructor.ConstructorError: could not determine a constructor for the tag '!Equals'
The file has many !Ref and !Equals. How can I ignore these constructors and get a specific variable I'm looking for -- in this case, the description variable.
If you have to deal with a YAML document with multiple different tags, and
are only interested in a subset of them, you should still
handle them all. If the elements you are intersted in are nested
within other tagged constructs you at least need to handle all of the "enclosing" tags
There is however no need to handle all of the tags individually, you
can write a constructor routine that can handle mappings, sequences
and scalars register that to PyYAML's SafeLoader using:
import yaml
inp = """\
Type: !Join [ "::", [AWS, EC2, EIP] ]
InstanceId: !Ref MyEC2Instance
description = []
def any_constructor(loader, tag_suffix, node):
if isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode):
return loader.construct_mapping(node)
if isinstance(node, yaml.SequenceNode):
return loader.construct_sequence(node)
return loader.construct_scalar(node)
yaml.add_multi_constructor('', any_constructor, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
data = yaml.safe_load(inp)
which gives:
{'MyEIP': {'Type': ['::', ['AWS', 'EC2', 'EIP']], 'Properties': {'InstanceId': 'MyEC2Instance'}}}
(inp can also be a file opened for reading).
As you see above will also continue to work if an unexpected !Join tag shows up in your code,
as well as any other tag like !Equal. The tags are just dropped.
Since there are no variables in YAML, it is a bit of guesswork what
you mean by "like to parse the description variable only". If that has
an explicit tag (e.g. !Description), you can filter out the values by adding 2-3 lines
to the any_constructor, by matching the tag_suffix parameter.
if tag_suffix == u'!Description':
It is however more likely that there is some key in a mapping that is a scalar description,
and that you are interested in the value associated with that key.
if isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode):
d = loader.construct_mapping(node)
for k in d:
if k == 'description':
return d
If you know the exact position in the data hierarchy, You can of
course also walk the data structure and extract anything you need
based on keys or list positions. Especially in that case you'd be better of
using my ruamel.yaml, was this can load tagged YAML in round-trip mode without
extra effort (assuming the above inp):
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
with YAML() as yaml:
data = yaml.load(inp)
You can define a custom constructors using a custom yaml.SafeLoader
import yaml
doc = '''
CreateNewSecurityGroup: !Equals [!Ref ExistingSecurityGroup, NONE]
class Equals(object):
def __init__(self, data): = data
def __repr__(self):
return "Equals(%s)" %
class Ref(object):
def __init__(self, data): = data
def __repr__(self):
return "Ref(%s)" %
def create_equals(loader,node):
value = loader.construct_sequence(node)
return Equals(value)
def create_ref(loader,node):
value = loader.construct_scalar(node)
return Ref(value)
class Loader(yaml.SafeLoader):
yaml.add_constructor(u'!Equals', create_equals, Loader)
yaml.add_constructor(u'!Ref', create_ref, Loader)
a = yaml.load(doc, Loader)
{'Conditions': {'CreateNewSecurityGroup': Equals([Ref(ExistingSecurityGroup), 'NONE'])}}

Python search replace with multiple Json objects

I wasn't sure how to search for this but I am trying to make a script that dynamically launches programs. I will have a couple of JSON files and I want to be able to do a search replace sort of thing.
So I'll setup an example:
"global_vars": {
"BASEDIR": "/app",
"CONFIG_DIR": "{BASEDIR}/config",
"LOG_DIR": "{BASEDIR}/log",
Then process.json
"name": "Dummy_Process",
"binary": "java",
"executable": "DummyProcess-0.1.0.jar",
"launch_args": "-Dspring.config.location={CONFIG_DIR}/application.yml -Dlogging.config={CONFIG_DIR}/logback-spring.xml -jar {executable}",
"startup_log": "{LOG_DIR}/startup_{name}.out"
Now I want to be able to load both of these JSON objects and be able to use the values there to update. So like "CONFIG_ARCHIVE_DIR": "{CONFIG_DIR}/archive" will become CONFIG_ARCHIVE_DIR": "/app/config/archive"
Does anyone know a good way to do this recursively because I'm running into issues when I'm trying to use something like CONFIG_DIR which requires BASEDIR first.
I have this function that loads all the data:
#Recursive function, loops and loads all values into data
def _load_data(data,obj):
for i in obj.keys():
if isinstance(obj[i],str):
if isinstance(obj[i],dict):
return data
Then I have this function:
def _update_data(data,data_str=""):
if not data_str:
for i in data.keys():
if isinstance(data[i],str):
if isinstance(data[i],dict):
return json.loads(data_str)
So this works for one level but I don't know if this is the best way to do it. It stops working when I hit a case like the CONFIG_DIR because it would need to loop over the data multiple times. First it needs to update the BASEDIR then once more to update CONFIG_DIR. suggestion welcome.
The end goal of this script is to create a start/stop/status script to manage all of our binaries. They all use different binaries to start and I want one Processes file for multiple servers. Each process will have a servers array to tell the start/stop script what to run on given server. Maybe there's something like this already out there so if there is, please point me in the direction.
I will be running on Linux and prefer to use Python. I want something smart and easy for someone else to pickup and use/modify.
I made something that works with the example files you provided. Note that I didn't handle multiple keys or non-dictionaries in the data. This function accepts a list of the dictionaries obtained after JSON parsing your input files. It uses the fact that re.sub can accept a function for the replacement value and calls that function with each match. I am sure there are plenty of improvements that could be made to this, but it should get you started at least.
def make_config(configs):
replacements = {}
def find_defs(config):
# Find leaf nodes of the dictionary.
defs = {}
for k, v in config.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
# Nested dictionary so recurse.
defs[k] = v
return defs
for config in configs:
def make_replacement(m):
# Construct the replacement string.
name ='{}')
if name in replacements:
# Replace replacement strings in the replacement string.
new = re.sub('\{[^}]+\}', make_replacement, replacements[name])
# Cache result
replacements[name] = new
return new
raise Exception('Replacement string for {} not found'.format(name))
finalconfig = {}
for name, value in replacements.items():
finalconfig[name] = re.sub('\{[^}]+\}', make_replacement, value)
return finalconfig
With this input:
"global_vars": {
"BASEDIR": "/app",
"CONFIG_DIR": "{BASEDIR}/config",
"LOG_DIR": "{BASEDIR}/log",
"name": "Dummy_Process",
"binary": "java",
"executable": "DummyProcess-0.1.0.jar",
"launch_args": "-Dspring.config.location={CONFIG_DIR}/application.yml -Dlogging.config={CONFIG_DIR}/logback-spring.xml -jar {executable}",
"startup_log": "{LOG_DIR}/startup_{name}.out"
It gives this output:
'BASEDIR': '/app',
'CONFIG_ARCHIVE_DIR': '/app/config/archive',
'CONFIG_DIR': '/app/config',
'LOG_DIR': '/app/log',
'binary': 'java',
'executable': 'DummyProcess-0.1.0.jar',
'launch_args': '-Dspring.config.location=/app/config/application.yml -Dlogging.config=/app/config/logback-spring.xml -jar DummyProcess-0.1.0.jar',
'name': 'Dummy_Process',
'startup_log': '/app/log/startup_Dummy_Process.out'
As an alternative to the answer by #FamousJameous and if you don't mind changing to ini format, you can also use the python built-in configparser which already has support to expand variables.
I implemented a solution with a class (Config) with a couple of functions:
_load: simply convert from JSON to a Python object;
_extract_params: loop over the document (output of _load) and add them to a class object (self.params);
_loop: loop over the object returned from _extract_params and, if the values contains any {param}, call the _transform method;
_transform: replace the {param} in the values with the correct values, if there is any '{' in the value linked to the param that needs to be replaced, call again the function
I hope I was clear enough, here is the code:
import json
import re
config = """{
"global_vars": {
"BASEDIR": "/app",
"CONFIG_DIR": "{BASEDIR}/config",
"LOG_DIR": "{BASEDIR}/log",
process = """{
"name": "Dummy_Process",
"binary": "java",
"executable": "DummyProcess-0.1.0.jar",
"launch_args": "-Dspring.config.location={CONFIG_DIR}/application.yml -Dlogging.config={CONFIG_DIR}/logback-spring.xml -jar {executable}",
"startup_log": "{LOG_DIR}/startup_{name}.out"
class Config(object):
def __init__(self, documents):
self.documents = documents
self.params = {}
self.output = {}
# Loads JSON to dictionary
def _load(self, document):
obj = json.loads(document)
return obj
# Extracts the config parameters in a dictionary
def _extract_params(self, document):
for k, v in document.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
# Recursion for inner dictionaries
# if not a dict set params[k] as v
self.params[k] = v
return self.params
# Loop on the configs dictionary
def _loop(self, params):
for key, value in params.items():
# if there is any parameter inside the value
if len(re.findall(r'{([^}]*)\}', value)) > 0:
findings = re.findall(r'{([^}]*)\}', value)
# call the transform function
self._transform(params, key, findings)
return self.output
# Replace all the findings with the correct value
def _transform(self, object, key, findings):
# Iterate over the found params
for finding in findings:
# if { -> recursion to set all the needed values right
if '{' in object[finding]:
self._transform(object, finding, re.findall(r'{([^}]*)\}', object[finding]))
# Do de actual replace
object[key] = object[key].replace('{'+finding+'}', object[finding])
self.output = object
return self.output
# Entry point
def process_document(self):
params = {}
# _load the documents and extract the params
for document in self.documents:
# _loop over the params
return self._loop(params)
# return self.output
if __name__ == '__main__':
config = Config([config, process])
I am sure there are many other better ways to reach your goal, but I still hope this can bu useful to you.

append in a list causing value overwrite

I am facing a peculiar problem. I will describe in brief bellow
Suppose i have this piece of code -
class MyClass:
__postBodies = []
for the_file in os.listdir("/dir/path/to/file"):
file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file)
params = self.__parseFileAsText(str(file_path)) #reads the file and gets some parsed data back
dictData = {'file':str(file_path), 'body':params}
print self.__postBodies
dictData = None
params = None
Problem is, when i print the params and the dictData everytime for different files it has different values (the right thing), but as soon as the append occurs, and I print __postBodies a strange thing happens. If there are thee files, suppose A,B,C, then
first time __postBodies has the content = [{'body':{A dict with some
data related to file A}, 'file':'path/of/A'}]
second time it becomes = [{'body':{A dict with some data relaed to
file B}, 'file':'path/of/A'}, {'body':{A dict with some data relaed to
file B}, 'file':'path/of/B'}]
AND third time = [{'body':{A dict with some data relaed to file C},
'file':'path/of/A'}, {'body':{A dict with some data relaed to file C},
'file':'path/of/B'}, {'body':{A dict with some data relaed to file C},
So, you see the 'file' key is working very fine. Just strangely the 'body' key is getting overwritten for all the entries with the one last appended.
Am i making any mistake? is there something i have to? Please point me to a direction.
Sorry if I am not very clear.
EDIT ------------------------
The return from self.__parseFileAsText(str(file_path)) call is a dict that I am inserting as 'body' in the dictData.
EDIT2 ----------------------------
as you asked, this is the code, but i have checked that params = self.__parseFileAsText(str(file_path)) call is returning a diff dict everytime.
def __parseFileAsText(self, fileName):
i = 0
tempParam = StaticConfig.PASTE_PARAMS
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_NAME] = ""
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_PASTEFORMAT] = "text"
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_EXPIREDATE] = "N"
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_PRIVATE] = ""
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_USER] = ""
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_DEVKEY] = ""
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_FORMAT_PASTECODE] = ""
for line in fileinput.input([fileName]):
temp = str(line)
temp2 = temp.strip()
if i == 0:
postValues = temp2.split("|||")
if int(postValues[(len(postValues) - 1)]) == 0 or int(postValues[(len(postValues) - 1)]) == 2:
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_NAME] = str(postValues[0])
if str(postValues[1]) == '':
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_PASTEFORMAT] = 'text'
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_PASTEFORMAT] = postValues[1]
if str(postValues[2]) != "N":
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_EXPIREDATE] = str(postValues[2])
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_PRIVATE] = str(postValues[3])
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_USER] = StaticConfig.API_USER_KEY
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_DEVKEY] = StaticConfig.API_KEY
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_USER] = StaticConfig.API_USER_KEY
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_PARAM_DEVKEY] = StaticConfig.API_KEY
i = i+1
if tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_FORMAT_PASTECODE] != "" :
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_FORMAT_PASTECODE] = str(tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_FORMAT_PASTECODE])+"\n"+temp2
tempParam[StaticConfig.KEY_PASTE_FORMAT_PASTECODE] = temp2
return tempParam
You are likely returning the same dictionary with every call to MyClass.__parseFileAsText(), a couple of common ways this might be happening:
__parseFileAsText() accepts a mutable default argument (the dict that you eventually return)
You modify an attribute of the class or instance and return that instead of creating a new one each time
Making sure that you are creating a new dictionary on each call to __parseFileAsText() should fix this problem.
Edit: Based on your updated question with the code for __parseFileAsText(), your issue is that you are reusing the same dictionary on each call:
tempParam = StaticConfig.PASTE_PARAMS
return tempParam
On each call you are modifying StaticConfig.PASTE_PARAMS, and the end result is that all of the body dictionaries in your list are actually references to StaticConfig.PASTE_PARAMS. Depending on what StaticConfig.PASTE_PARAMS is, you should change that top line to one of the following:
# StaticConfig.PASTE_PARAMS is an empty dict
tempParam = {}
# All values in StaticConfig.PASTE_PARAMS are immutable
tempParam = dict(StaticConfig.PASTE_PARAMS)
If any values in StaticConfig.PASTE_PARAMS are mutable, you could use copy.deepcopy but it would be better to populate tempParam with those default values on your own.
What if __postBodies wasn't a class attribute, as it is defined now, but just an instance attribute?
