Linear shift between 2 sets of coordinates - python

My Problem is the following:
For my work I need to compare images of scanned photographic plates with a catalogue of a sample of known stars within the general area of the sky the plates cover (I call it the master catalogue). To that end I extract information, like the brightness on the image and the position in the sky, of the objects in the images and save it in tables. I then use python to create a polynomial fit for the calibration of the magnitude of the stars in the image.
That works up to a certain accuracy pretty well, but unfortunately not well enough, since there is a small shift between the coordinates the object has in the photographic plates and in the master catalogue.
Here the green circles indicate the positions (center of the circle) of objects in the master catalogue. As you can see the actual stars are always situated to the upper left of the objects in the master catalogue.
I have looked a little bit in the comparison of images (i.e. How to detect a shift between images) but I'm a little at a loss now, because I'm not actually comparing images but arrays with the coordinates of the objects. An additional problem here is that (as you can see in the image) there are objects in the master catalogue that are not visible on the plates and not all plates have the same depth (meaning some show more stars than others do).
What I would like to know is a way to find and correct the linear shift between the 2 arrays of different size of coordinates in python. There shouldn't be any rotations, so it is just a shift in x and y directions. The arrays are normal numpy recarrays.

I would change #OphirYoktan's suggestion slightly. You have these circles. I assume you know the radius, and you have that radius value for a reason.
Instead of randomly choosing points, filter the master catalog for x,y within radius of your sample. Then compute however many vectors you need to compute for all possible master catalog entries within range of your sample. Do the same thing repeatedly, then collect a histogram of the vectors. Presumably a small number will occur repeatedly, those are the likely true translations. (Ideally, "small number" == 1.)

There are several possible solutions
Note - these are high level pointers, you'll need some work to convert it to working code
The original solution (cross correlation) can be adapted to the current data structure, and should work
A believe that RANSAC will be better in your case
basically it means:
create a model based on a small number of data points (the minimal number that are required to define a relevant model), and verify it's correctness using the full data set.
specifically, if you have only translation to consider (and not scale):
select one of your points
match it to a random point in the catalog [you may do "educated guesses", if you have some prior about what translation is more likely]
this matching gives you the translation
verify this translation matches the rest of your points
repeat until you find a good match

I'm assuming here the objects aren't necessarily in the same order in both the photo plate and master catalogue.
Consider the set of position vectors, A, of the objects in the photo plate, and the set of position vectors, B, of the objects in the master catalogue. You're looking for a vector, v, such that for each a in A, a + v is approximately some element in b.
The most obvious algorithm to me would be to say for each a, for each b, let v = b - a. Now, for each element in A, check that there is a corresponding element in B that is sufficiently close (within some distance e that you choose) to that element + v. Once you find the v that meets this condition, v is your shift.


Calculating object labelling consensus area

Scenario: four users are annotating images with one of four labels each. These are stored in a fairly complex format - either as polygons or as centre-radius circles. I'm interested in quantifying, for each class, the area of agreement between individual raters – in other words, I'm looking to get an m x n matrix, where M_i,j will be some metric, such as the IoU (intersection over union), between i's and j's ratings (with a 1 diagonal, obviously). There are two problems I'm facing.
One, I don't know what works best in Python for this. Shapely doesn't implement circles too well, for instance.
Two, is there a more efficient way for this than comparing it annotator-by-annotator?
IMO the simplest is to fill the shapes using polygon filling / circle filling (this is simple, you can roll your own) / path filling (from a seed). Then finding the area of overlap is an easy matter.

Get n largest regions from binary image

I have given a large binary image (every pixel is either 1 or 0).
I know that in that image there are multiple regions (a region is defined as a set of neighboring 1s which are enclosed by 0s).
The goal is to find the largest (in terms of pixel-count or enclosed area, both would work out for me for now)
My current planned approach is to:
start an array of array of coordinates of the 1s (or 0s, whatever represents a 'hit')
until no more steps can be made:
for the current region (which is a set of coordinates) do:
see if any region interfaces with the current region, if yes add them togther, if no continue with the next iteration
My question is: is there a more efficient way of doing this, and are there already tested (bonus points for parallel or GPU-accelerated) implementations out there (in any of the big libraries) ?
You could Flood Fill every region with an unique ID, mapping the ID to the size of the region.
You want to use connected component analysis (a.k.a. labeling). It is more or less what you suggest to do, but there are extremely efficient algorithms out there. Answers to this question explain some of the algorithms. See also connected-components.
This library collects different efficient algorithms and compares them.
From within Python, you probably want to use OpenCV. cv.connectedComponentsWithStats does connected component analysis and outputs statistics, among other things the area for each connected component.
With regards to your suggestion: using coordinates of pixels rather than the original image matrix directly is highly inefficient: looking for neighbor pixels in an image is trivial, looking for the same in a list of coordinates requires expensive searchers.

Converting an AutoCAD model to a matrix of points/volumes with the mass density specified at each location

I am an experimental physicist (grad student) that is trying to take an AutoCAD model of the experiment I've built and find the gravitational potential from the whole instrument over a specified volume. Before I find the potential, I'm trying to make a map of the mass density at each point in the model.
What's important is that I already have a model and in the end I'll have a something that says "At (x,y,z) the value is d". If that's an crazy csv file, a numpy array, an excel sheet, or... whatever, I'll be happy.
Here's what I've come up with so far:
Step 1: I color code the AutoCAD file so that color associates with material.
Step 2: I send the new drawing/model to a slicer (made for 3D printing). This takes my 3D object and turns it into equally spaced (in z-direction) 2d objects... but then that's all output as g-code. But hey! G-code is a way of telling a motor how to move.
Step 3: This is the 'hard part' and the meat of this question. I'm thinking that I take that g-code, which is in essence just a set of instructions on how to move a nozzle and use it to populate a numpy array. Basically I have 3D array, each level corresponds to one position in z, and the grid left is my x-y plane. It reads what color is being put where, and follows the nozzle and puts that mass into those spots. It knows the mass because of the color. It follows the path by parsing the g-code.
When it is done with that level, it moves to the next grid and repeats.
Does this sound insane? Better yet, does it sound plausible? Or maybe someone has a smarter way of thinking about this.
Even if you just read all that, thank you. Seriously.
Does this sound insane? Better yet, does it sound plausible?
It's very reasonable and plausible. Using the g-code could do that, but it would require a g-code interpreter that could map the instructions to a 2D path. (Not 3D, since you mentioned that you're taking fixed z-slices.) That could be problematic, but, if you found one, it could work, but may require some parser manipulation. There are several of these in a variety of languages, that could be useful.
From what you describe, it's akin to doing a MRI scan of the object, and trying to determine its constituent mass profile along a given axis. In this case, and unlike MRI, you have multiple colors, so that can be used to your advantage in region selection / identification.
Even if you used a g-code interpreter, it would reproduce an image whose area you'll still have to calculate, so noting that and given that you seek to determine and classify material composition by path (in that the path defines the boundary of a particular material, which has a unique color), there may be a couple ways to approach this without resorting to g-code:
1) If the colors of your material are easily (or reasonably) distinguishable, you can create a color mask which will quantify the occupied area, from which you can then determine the mass.
That is, if you take a photograph of the slice, load the image into a numpy array, and then search for a specific value (say red), you can identify the area of the region. Then, you apply a mask on your array. Once done, you count the occupied elements within your array, and then you divide it by the array size (i.e. rows by columns), which would give you the relative area occupied. Since you know the mass of the material, and there is a constant z-thickness, this will give you the relative mass. An example of color masking using numpy alone is shown here:
As such, let's define an example that's analogous to your problem - let's say we have a picture of a red cabbage, and we want to know which how much of the picture contains red / purple-like pixels.
To simplify our life, we'll set any pixel above a certain threshold to white (RGB: 255,255,255), and then count how many non-white pixels there are:
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot_image(fname, color=128, replacement=(255, 255, 255), plot=False):
# 128 is a reasonable guess since most of the pixels in the image that have the
# purplish hue, have RGB's above this value.
data = imread(fname)
image_data = deepcopy(data) # copy the original data (for later use if need be)
mask = image_data[:, :, 0] < color # apply the color mask over the image data
image_data[mask] = np.array(replacement) # replace the match
if plot:
return data, image_data
data, image_data = plot_image('cabbage.jpg') # load the image, and apply the mask
# Find the locations of all the pixels that are non-white (i.e. 255)
# This returns 3 arrays of the same size)
indices = np.where(image_data != 255)
# Now, calculate the area: in this case, ~ 62.04 %
effective_area = indices[0].size / float(data.size)
The selected region in question is shown here below:
Note that image_data contains the pixel information that has been masked, and would provide the coordinates (albeit in pixel space) of where each occupied (i.e. non-white) pixel occurs. The issue with this of course is that these are pixel coordinates and not a physical one. But, since you know the physical dimensions, extrapolating those quantities are easily done.
Furthermore, with the effective area known, and knowledge of the physical dimension, you have a good estimate of the real area occupied. To obtain better results, tweak the value of the color threshold (i.e. color). In your real-life example, since you know the color, search within a pixel range around that value (to offset noise and lighting issues).
The above method is a bit crude - but effective - and, it may be worth exploring using it in tandem with edge-detection, as that could help improve the region identification, and area selection. (Note that isn't always strictly true!) Also, color deconvolution may be useful:
The downside to this is that the analysis requires a high quality image, good lighting; and, most importantly, it's likely that you'll lose some of the more finer details of the edges, which would impact your masses.
2) Instead of resorting to camera work, and given that you have the AutoCAD model, you can use that and the software itself in addition to the above prescribed method.
Since you've colored each material in the model differently, you can use AutoCAD's slicing tool, and can do something similar to what the first method suggests doing physically: slicing the model, and taking pictures of the slice to expose the surface. Then, using a similar method described above of color masking / edge detection / region determination through color selection, you should obtain a much better and (arguably) very accurate result.
The downside to this, is that you're also limited by the image quality used. But, as it's software, that shouldn't be much of an issue, and you can get extremely high accuracy - close to its actual result.
The last suggestion to improve these results would be to script numerous random thin slicing of the AutoCAD model along a particular directional vector shared by every subsequent slice, exporting each exposed surface, analyzing each image in the manner described above, and then collecting those results to given you a Monte Carlo-like and statistically quantifiable determination of the mass (to correct for geometry effects due to slicing along one given axis).

Python iterator for unique arrangements of Quarto game board

I'm working on a programatic solution to a combinatorics problem involving the board game Quarto. In Quarto there are sixteen pieces each with four binary properties. This means we can represent each piece as a tuple (i, j, k, l) where each element is either zero or one. To solve my problem I need to iterate over each unique way to arrange all of the pieces on a 4x4 playing board. I could do something like
from itertools import permutations
for board_orientation in permutations(pieces, 16):
do_stuff(board_orientation) #takes 1 or 2 full seconds
but this would mean 16! (over 20 trillion) iterations. To avoid this I'm trying to create a generator that yields only unique board orientations - that is orientations that are unique under rotation, reflection, and inversion of one or more properties (the first two properties are described by the dihedral group D4). I have found a similar question for Tic-Tac-Toe, but I'm struggling on how to extend it to this more complex iteration problem.
I think the solution involves mapping each board orientation to a numerical value via a hash tree, and then seeing how the number changes under the various symmetry operations, but struggling to convert this into code.
A board is 'isomorphic' to 16 boards by applying inversions, and to at most 8 boards by applying rotations and mirroring. That is set of isomorphic boards is at most 16*8=128. With that there are at least 15!/8 (1.6 * 10^11) board configurations.
Using inversions each board can be 'transformed' into a board with 0 in top-left corner. Fixing one corner covers all of symmetries except mirroring on diagonal through top-left corner (and lower-right.)
That symmetry can be covers by choosing two 'opposite' fields on that symmetry (like (1,2) and (2,1)), and requiring smaller value in one of them (e.g. B[1,2] < B[2,1]). That means if B[1,2] > B[2,1] than
perform diagonal mirroring. Board transformed in described way can be coded by 15 hexadecimal digits string (top-left field is always 0.) Call this coding normalization by top-left corner.
In the same way one board can be normalized by other corners. One board have 4 corner normalizations, and let call board ID minimum of these normalizations. That ID uniquely codes group of isometric boards.
Now the nice part :-), it is not needed to store generated IDs in a configuration generation process. It is enough to generate boards in lexicographic ordered of one corner normalized forms (e.f. top-left),
calculate other three normalizations and if any of other three normalizations are lower than generated than we already pass that configuration. That is due configurations are generated in lexicographic order.
Note: it is possible to optimize code by checking normalization values inside creation board process, instead of creating whole board and performing upper checks. Like, fill two ordered fields ((1,2), (2,1)) than fill other corner with it's two ordered fields, if normalization of second corner has to be smaller than normalization of top-left corner (checking prefix of only two fields) than there is no need to generate further. For that coding has to have ordered fields as first two digits. Extension is to next fill third's corner fields, perform check, than fourth's corner fields and perform check.

Image registration using python and cross-correlation

I got two images showing exaktly the same content: 2D-gaussian-shaped spots. I call these two 16-bit png-files "left.png" and "right.png". But as they are obtained thru an slightly different optical setup, the corresponding spots (physically the same) appear at slightly different positions. Meaning the right is slightly stretched, distorted, or so, in a non-linear way. Therefore I would like to get the transformation from left to right.
So for every pixel on the left side with its x- and y-coordinate I want a function giving me the components of the displacement-vector that points to the corresponding pixel on the right side.
In a former approach I tried to get the positions of the corresponding spots to obtain the relative distances deltaX and deltaY. These distances then I fitted to the taylor-expansion up to second order of T(x,y) giving me the x- and y-component of the displacement vector for every pixel (x,y) on the left, pointing to corresponding pixel (x',y') on the right.
To get a more general result I would like to use normalized cross-correlation. For this I multiply every pixelvalue from left with a corresponding pixelvalue from right and sum over these products. The transformation I am looking for should connect the pixels that will maximize the sum. So when the sum is maximzied, I know that I multiplied the corresponding pixels.
I really tried a lot with this, but didn't manage. My question is if somebody of you has an idea or has ever done something similar.
import numpy as np
import Image
left = np.array('left.png'))
right = np.array('right.png'))
# for normalization (
left = (left - left.mean()) / left.std()
right = (right - right.mean()) / right.std()
Please let me know if I can make this question more clear. I still have to check out how to post questions using latex.
Thank you very much for input.
I'm afraid, in most cases 16-bit images appear just black (at least on systems I use) :( but of course there is data in there.
I try to clearify my question. I am looking for a vector-field with displacement-vectors that point from every pixel in left.png to the corresponding pixel in right.png. My problem is, that I am not sure about the constraints I have.
where vector r (components x and y) points to a pixel in left.png and vector r-prime (components x-prime and y-prime) points to the corresponding pixel in right.png. for every r there is a displacement-vector.
What I did earlier was, that I found manually components of vector-field d and fitted them to a polynom second degree:
So I fitted:
Does this make sense to you? Is it possible to get all the delta-x(x,y) and delta-y(x,y) with cross-correlation? The cross-correlation should be maximized if the corresponding pixels are linked together thru the displacement-vectors, right?
So the algorithm I was thinking of is as follows:
Deform right.png
Get the value of cross-correlation
Deform right.png further
Get the value of cross-correlation and compare to value before
If it's greater, good deformation, if not, redo deformation and do something else
After maximzied the cross-correlation value, know what deformation there is :)
About deformation: could one do first a shift along x- and y-direction to maximize cross-correlation, then in a second step stretch or compress x- and y-dependant and in a third step deform quadratic x- and y-dependent and repeat this procedure iterativ?? I really have a problem to do this with integer-coordinates. Do you think I would have to interpolate the picture to obtain a continuous distribution?? I have to think about this again :( Thanks to everybody for taking part :)
OpenCV (and with it the python Opencv binding) has a StarDetector class which implements this algorithm.
As an alternative you might have a look at the OpenCV SIFT class, which stands for Scale Invariant Feature Transform.
Regarding your comment, I understand that the "right" transformation will maximize the cross-correlation between the images, but I don't understand how you choose the set of transformations over which to maximize. Maybe if you know the coordinates of three matching points (either by some heuristics or by choosing them by hand), and if you expect affinity, you could use something like cv2.getAffineTransform to have a good initial transformation for your maximization process. From there you could use small additional transformations to have a set over which to maximize. But this approach seems to me like re-inventing something which SIFT could take care of.
To actually transform your test image you can use cv2.warpAffine, which also can take care of border values (e.g. pad with 0). To calculate the cross-correlation you could use scipy.signal.correlate2d.
Your latest update did indeed clarify some points for me. But I think that a vector field of displacements is not the most natural thing to look for, and this is also where the misunderstanding came from. I was thinking more along the lines of a global transformation T, which applied to any point (x,y) of the left image gives (x',y')=T(x,y) on the right side, but T has the same analytical form for every pixel. For example, this could be a combination of a displacement, rotation, scaling, maybe some perspective transformation. I cannot say whether it is realistic or not to hope to find such a transformation, this depends on your setup, but if the scene is physically the same on both sides I would say it is reasonable to expect some affine transformation. This is why I suggested cv2.getAffineTransform. It is of course trivial to calculate your displacement Vector field from such a T, as this is just T(x,y)-(x,y).
The big advantage would be that you have only very few degrees of freedom for your transformation, instead of, I would argue, 2N degrees of freedom in the displacement vector field, where N is the number of bright spots.
If it is indeed an affine transformation, I would suggest some algorithm like this:
identify three bright and well isolated spots on the left
for each of these three spots, define a bounding box so that you can hope to identify the corresponding spot within it in the right image
find the coordinates of the corresponding spots, e.g. with some correlation method as implemented in cv2.matchTemplate or by also just finding the brightest spot within the bounding box.
once you have three matching pairs of coordinates, calculate the affine transformation which transforms one set into the other with cv2.getAffineTransform.
apply this affine transformation to the left image, as a check if you found the right one you could calculate if the overall normalized cross-correlation is above some threshold or drops significantly if you displace one image with respect to the other.
if you wish and still need it, calculate the displacement vector field trivially from your transformation T.
It seems cv2.getAffineTransform expects an awkward input data type 'float32'. Let's assume the source coordinates are (sxi,syi) and destination (dxi,dyi) with i=0,1,2, then what you need is
src = np.array( ((sx0,sy0),(sx1,sy1),(sx2,sy2)), dtype='float32' )
dst = np.array( ((dx0,dy0),(dx1,dy1),(dx2,dy2)), dtype='float32' )
result = cv2.getAffineTransform(src,dst)
I don't think a cross correlation is going to help here, as it only gives you a single best shift for the whole image. There are three alternatives I would consider:
Do a cross correlation on sub-clusters of dots. Take, for example, the three dots in the top right and find the optimal x-y shift through cross-correlation. This gives you the rough transform for the top left. Repeat for as many clusters as you can to obtain a reasonable map of your transformations. Fit this with your Taylor expansion and you might get reasonably close. However, to have your cross-correlation work in any way, the difference in displacement between spots must be less than the extend of the spot, else you can never get all spots in a cluster to overlap simultaneously with a single displacement. Under these conditions, option 2 might be more suitable.
If the displacements are relatively small (which I think is a condition for option 1), then we might assume that for a given spot in the left image, the closest spot in the right image is the corresponding spot. Thus, for every spot in the left image, we find the nearest spot in the right image and use that as the displacement in that location. From the 40-something well distributed displacement vectors we can obtain a reasonable approximation of the actual displacement by fitting your Taylor expansion.
This is probably the slowest method, but might be the most robust if you have large displacements (and option 2 thus doesn't work): use something like an evolutionary algorithm to find the displacement. Apply a random transformation, compute the remaining error (you might need to define this as sum of the smallest distance between spots in your original and transformed image), and improve your transformation with those results. If your displacements are rather large you might need a very broad search as you'll probably get lots of local minima in your landscape.
I would try option 2 as it seems your displacements might be small enough to easily associate a spot in the left image with a spot in the right image.
I assume your optics induce non linear distortions and having two separate beampaths (different filters in each?) will make the relationship between the two images even more non-linear. The affine transformation PiQuer suggests might give a reasonable approach but can probably never completely cover the actual distortions.
I think your approach of fitting to a low order Taylor polynomial is fine. This works for all my applications with similar conditions. Highest orders probably should be something like xy^2 and x^2y; anything higher than that you won't notice.
Alternatively, you might be able to calibrate the distortions for each image first, and then do your experiments. This way you are not dependent on the distribution of you dots, but can use a high resolution reference image to get the best description of your transformation.
Option 2 above still stands as my suggestion for getting the two images to overlap. This can be fully automated and I'm not sure what you mean when you want a more general result.
Update 2
You comment that you have trouble matching dots in the two images. If this is the case, I think your iterative cross-correlation approach may not be very robust either. You have very small dots, so overlap between them will only occur if the difference between the two images is small.
In principle there is nothing wrong with your proposed solution, but whether it works or not strongly depends on the size of your deformations and the robustness of your optimization algorithm. If you start off with very little overlap, then it may be hard to find a good starting point for your optimization. Yet if you have sufficient overlap to begin with, then you should have been able to find the deformation per dot first, but in a comment you indicate that this doesn't work.
Perhaps you can go for a mixed solution: find the cross correlation of clusters of dots to get a starting point for your optimization, and then tweak the deformation using something like the procedure you describe in your update. Thus:
For a NxN pixel segment find the shift between the left and right images
Repeat for, say, 16 of those segments
Compute an approximation of the deformation using those 16 points
Use this as the starting point of your optimization approach
You might want to have a look at bunwarpj which already does what you're trying to do. It's not python but I use it in exactly this context. You can export a plain text spline transformation and use it if you wish to do so.
