Python Instagram error user_search() - python

I just got my authentication credentials for Instagram and I've been trying to use the Python wrapper, but I can't get basic queries to work. For example, after loading my client ID, secret and access token:
api = InstagramAPI(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, access_token=access_token)
print('got api %s'%(api))
user_name = 'natgeo'
search_result = api.user_search(q=user_name)
print('username %s gets search result %s'%
(user_name, search_result))
username natgeo gets search result []
which shouldn't be the case, since natgeo is a valid Instagram account. However, searching for my username works fine for some reason. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

It's likely that you're in sandbox mode. This means that you can only access the first 20 items of your own profile. Move your app out of sandbox mode to have full access to the API.


How do I authorize a Google user in Python backend with ID token coming from iOS application?

So I don't think its a surprise to anyone but Google's documentation is god awful. It's so scattered and the Python docs still reference their old depreciated library. Anyways.
So what I really needed to look at was this link "Enabling Server Side Access for your App". This is not linked to anywhere. Keep in mind this is entirely different than "Authenticating with a Backend Server"
This was a start. On the iOS side of things, we need to specify the server or backend's client_id.
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().clientID = SBConstants.Google.IOS_CLIENT_ID
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().serverClientID = SBConstants.Google.SERVER_CLIENT_ID
And capture serverAuthCode from the sign method inside your sign-in delegate.
self.googleUser.userID = user.userID
self.googleUser.token = user.authentication.idToken
self.googleUser.serverAuthCode = user.serverAuthCode
Now when you want to perform some action in the backend on behalf of the frontend, we pass the captured serverAuthCode and send it as a parameter.
That was the easy part. In the backend, Google seems to have 13 different OAuth2 libraries for Python documented. Their example uses oauth2client which of course is deprecated.
What we want to use is their 'new' library google-api-python-client.
When the auth_token is passed to the backend we need to check if the user already has an access token in our database. If it does, we need to refresh. Otherwise, we need to request a new access token based on the auth_code. After much trial and error, here is the code to do so:
# we have record of this user
# we have record of this user
if user.exists:
# create new credentials, and refresh
credentials = Credentials(
# now we have an access token
# get the auth_token
token_obj = json.loads(request.body)
code = token_obj.get('auth_code')
# request access token given auth_token
auth_flow = flow.Flow.from_client_secrets_file(creds, scopes=scopes)
# now have access token
credentials = auth_flow.credentials
A warning: Pass or fail, the auth_token is only good for one request. This totally burned me. This also means once you have a successful backend interaction, you must store the user's token information to then request a refresh not a new access token.
Hope this helps someone.
Original Post
Following the documentation here, I am trying to authenticate a user in my iOS app and pass their ID token to my backend. The backend handles the Google API interactions for the iOS app.
I am missing how to actually authenticate that user in the backend. I read over the docs here regarding ID tokens but I am confused on where the service account comes into play.
Current endpoint:
def google_token_info(request):
token_obj = json.loads(request.body)
token = token_obj['id_token']
id_info = id_token.verify_oauth2_token(token, requests.Request(), settings.IOS_CLIENT_ID)
# create session here - how?
This is all working fine. The ID info returns the expected decrypted JWT contents, and I have the user's unique Google ID at this point.
While testing I had authentication set up via my backend. I had code like this:
def google_auth(request):
web_flow = flow.Flow.from_client_secrets_file(creds, scopes=scopes)
web_flow.redirect_uri = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('api.auth:oauth_callback'))
auth_url, state = web_flow.authorization_url(access_type='offline', include_granted_scopes='true', prompt='consent')
request.session['state'] = state
return redirect(auth_url)
def oauth_callback(request):
success_flow = flow.Flow.from_client_secrets_file(creds, scopes=scopes, state=request.session.get('state'))
success_flow.redirect_uri = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('api.auth:oauth_callback'))
auth_response = request.build_absolute_uri()
credentials = success_flow.credentials
if not request.session.get('google_credentials'):
request.session['google_credentials'] = _credentials_to_dict(credentials)
return redirect(reverse('api.auth:success'))
Which setup session credentials for the user. I'm assuming I need something similar, but I am unsure how to create a session without actual credentials.
So I don't think its a surprise to anyone but Google's documentation is god awful. It's so scattered and the Python docs still reference their old depreciated library. Anyways.
So what I really needed to look at was this link "Enabling Server Side Access for your App". This is not linked to anywhere. Keep in mind this is entirely different than "Authenticating with a Backend Server"
This was a start. On the iOS side of things, we need to specify the server or backend's client_id.
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().clientID = SBConstants.Google.IOS_CLIENT_ID
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().serverClientID = SBConstants.Google.SERVER_CLIENT_ID
And capture serverAuthCode from the sign method inside your sign-in delegate.
self.googleUser.userID = user.userID
self.googleUser.token = user.authentication.idToken
self.googleUser.serverAuthCode = user.serverAuthCode
Now when you want to perform some action in the backend on behalf of the frontend, we pass the captured serverAuthCode and send it as a parameter.
That was the easy part. In the backend, Google seems to have 13 different OAuth2 libraries for Python documented. Their example uses oauth2client which of course is deprecated.
What we want to use is their 'new' library google-api-python-client.
When the auth_token is passed to the backend we need to check if the user already has an access token in our database. If it does, we need to refresh. Otherwise, we need to request a new access token based on the auth_code. After much trial and error, here is the code to do so:
# we have record of this user
# we have record of this user
if user.exists:
# create new credentials, and refresh
credentials = Credentials(
# now we have an access token
# get the auth_token
token_obj = json.loads(request.body)
code = token_obj.get('auth_code')
# request access token given auth_token
auth_flow = flow.Flow.from_client_secrets_file(creds, scopes=scopes)
# now have access token
credentials = auth_flow.credentials
A warning: Pass or fail, the auth_token is only good for one request. This totally burned me. This also means once you have a successful backend interaction, you must store the user's token information to then request a refresh not a new access token.

Python login to website requiring MFA token

I am attempting to create a login tool for my work which will log me in to various sites that log me out after 3 minutes of inactivity. I have gotten it to work on a number of sites, but none have required an MFA token. I currently use Google Authenticator but can also use an email, or a couple different options. How would I go about getting that code programmatically to make my login process much faster? I am using Selenium as I need to use the webpage after I log into it. Here is my code thus far:
def loginsys():
driver = webdriver.Chrome('C:/path/to/chromedriver.exe')
username = driver.find_element_by_id('txtUsername')
password = driver.find_element_by_id('txtPassword')
### This is where I need to do MFA as it will not pull the next page without it
Thoughts? (Obviously, this is not the url, nor is that my actual username or password)
Check the pyotp library. You can get the MFA key associated with google authentication as shown below.
from pyotp import *
# get the token from google authentication
totp = TOTP("your 16 character security token goes here")
token =
print (token)
# now you can use token in your script

Azure graph api returning different token each time a login attempt is made.?

I have a python api which accepts email and password from a login webpage. This email and password is used to login to azure ad and in response we get a access token which is valid for 1hr. Below is the sample python code:
context = adal.AuthenticationContext(config_data['AUTHORITY_HOST_URL'] + '/' + config_data['TENANT'], validate_authority="cceaddik-1q7c5-997ad-6453-sduf9347asit8" != 'adfs')
token = context.acquire_token_with_username_password(config_data['RESOURCE'], email, password, config_data['CLIENT_ID'])
Normally this token generated for a user should be valid for 1hr and if same user is logging again within the same 1hr, it should get the same access token. But what I have noticed is that, each time we login, we are getting different access token. Why is this happening. Can anyone please throw some lights on it. Thanks.
You will always get a new token when you call Azure AD. It does not cache tokens there.
A token is valid for one hour from the time you requested the token.
As a side note, handling passwords is a bad idea in general.
It would be much better to use one of the interactive login flows like authorization code flow.
You cannot enable MFA for users for example, as the login would fail.

Missing redirect_uri error for Resource owner password credentials grant type

I am trying to write a script on Python that fetches my friend list from facebook. To fetch data, I need to get the access token. I am using requests_oauthlib package to achieve the same. Since I am not writing a web application, I have not used local webserver(no redirect url). I choose to use Resource owner password credentials grant type. I am getting error.
This is my code:
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
from oauthlib.oauth2 import LegacyApplicationClient
FACEBOOK_APP_ID = '**********'
username = 'Aman Mittal'
password = '****'
token_url = ""
oauth = OAuth2Session(client=LegacyApplicationClient(client_id=FACEBOOK_APP_ID))
oauth_access_token = oauth.fetch_token(token_url, client_secret=FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET,username=username, password=password, client_id=FACEBOOK_APP_ID)
When I run the script, it shows error - 'Missing access token parameter'
I went through traceback and realized that access token received is this:
{"error":{"message":"Missing redirect_uri parameter.","type":"OAuthException","code":191,"fbtrace_id":"CUSmQKT8YGb"}}
First of all, I don't understand while using Legacy Application client(Resource Owner password credentials grant type ), why do I need redirect uri?
If I do choose to start a webserver alongside using or something else. How do I register it on Facebook? or Do I even need to?
PS. I am new to both Python and posting on Stack Overflow. Please try to explain with details and forgive me if I have committed any stupid mistake.
Facebook does not support the OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials grant type.

Get access token for Soundcloud desktop application?

Toying around with Soundclouds SDK for Python with an impact of TKinter as GUI. Now I want to generate a access token for each user so that I could access more API-endpoints.
I have created an applicaton in Soundclouds Developer portal with a link to my callback.
There is nothing corresponding to generating a access token for an desktop application. Only for server-side application. I tried this code below:
import soundcloud
# create client object with app credentials
client = soundcloud.Client(client_id='YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
# redirect user to authorize URL
redirect client.authorize_url()
I have set my keys, and redirect_uri as the callback on my webserver. When I run my python file from the terminal, I get this:
File "", line 9
redirect client.authorize_url()
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Using Python 2.7.5+
What is causing this? I want to generete my access token and print in later on.
The solution might be that I need to create an instance of an web browser window, make the user accept the app using Soundcloud connect. The I grab the url and sort out the "code" in the url. Exchanges the code against an access-token and stores it inside a text-file. So that I could grab it later on.
A simple way of obtaining an access token is by first authenticating via the User Credentials flow, which exchanges your username and password for an access token:
client = soundcloud.Client(client_id = 'CLIENT_ID',
client_secret = 'CLIENT_SECRET',
username = 'USERNAME',
password = 'PASSWORD')
print client.access_token
