Delete array item based on dictionary value in python - python

I am trying to write a orientation routine for a 3-axis accelerometer. The part I am getting stuck on is, I have one dict with all my axis' listed, after taking the 'z-axis' reading, I want to remove that axis from the Availiable_axis list. Here is a portion of my code that demonstrates what I am trying to do.
import operator
Readings1 = { 0:{'x':0.1, 'y':-1, 'z':-0.1}, 1:{'x':.4, 'y':-.1, 'z':-0.1},
2:{'x':-0.4, 'y':-.8, 'z':-0.1}, 3:{'x':0.1, 'y':-.1, 'z':-0.6},
4:{'x':0.1, 'y':-.2, 'z':0.4}}
SetupValue = {'Axis':{'x-axis':'x','y-axis':'y','z-axis':'z'}}
Available_axis = [SetupValue['Axis']['x-axis'], SetupValue['Axis']['y-axis'], SetupValue['Axis']['z-axis']]
axes = Readings1[0]
print axes
for key in axes:
axes[key] = abs(axes[key])
print axes
print (max(axes.iteritems(), key = operator.itemgetter(1))[0])
Available_axis.pop(max(axes.iteritems(), key = operator.itemgetter(1))[0],0)
Any help would be appreciated.

Available_axis is a list. When popping from a list, you must specify the integer location.
You can also have a short list comprehension that removes the target variable.
Available_axis = [x for x in Available_axis
if x != max(axes.iteritems(), key = operator.itemgetter(1))[0]]


Create dictionaries from data frames stored in a dictionary in Python

I have a for loop that cycles through and creates 3 data frames and stores them in a dictionary. From each of these data frames, I would like to be able to create another dictionary, but I cant figure out how to do this.
Here is the repetitive code without the loop:
Trad = allreports2[allreports2['Trad'].notna()]
Alti = allreports2[allreports2['Alti'].notna()]
Alto = allreports2[allreports2['Alto'].notna()]
Trad_dict = dict(zip(Trad.State, Trad.Position))
Alti_dict = dict(zip(Alti.State, Alti.Position))
Alto_dict = dict(zip(Alto.State, Alto.Position))
As stated earlier, I understand how to make the 3 dataframes by storing them in a dictionary and I understand what needs to go on the right side of the equal sign in the second statement in the for loop, but not what goes on the left side (denoted below as XXXXXXXXX).
Routes = ['Trad', 'Alti', 'Alto']
dfd = {}
for route in Routes:
dfd[route] = allreports2[allreports2[route].notna()]
XXXXXXXXX = dict(zip(dfd[route].State, dfd[route].Position))
(Please note: I am very new to Python and teaching myself so apologies in advance!)
This compromises readability, but this should work.
Routes = ['Trad', 'Alti', 'Alto']
dfd, output = [{},{}] # Unpack List
for route in Routes:
dfd[route] = allreports2[allreprots2[route].notna()]
output[route] = dict(zip(dfd[route].State, dfd[route].Position))
Trad_dict, Alti_dict, Alto_dict = list(output.values()) # Unpack List
How can I get list of values from dict?

Form new lists from elements in an existing list and assign a worksheet name

The title may sound confusing...but this is what I need to do:
I have a list (which will be variable in length, with different values depending on various scenarios), e.g: list1 = ['backup', 'downloadMedia', 'createAlbum']. From this list, I need to create one of the following for each of these items: (and obviously the name will update depending on the item in the list)
I need to create a new list called: testcases_backup = []
I need to create a new list called: results_backup = []
I need to create a new list called: screenshot_paths_backup = []
And lastly, I need to open a new worksheet, which requires: worksheet1 = workbook.add_worksheet('Results'). Of note in this case, I will need to iterate 1,2,3,... for the worksheet name for each of the items in the list. So for the first iteration for 'backup', it will be worksheet1. and 2 for downloadMedia, etc.
I have tried using dictionaries, but at this point I am not making any real progress.
My attempt: (I have very limited exp with dictionaries)
master_test_list = ['backup', 'downloadMedia', 'createAlbum']
master_test_dict = {}
def addTest(test, worksheet, testcases_list, results_list, screenshots_path_list):
master_test_dict[test] = worksheet
master_test_dict[test] = testcases_list
master_test_dict[test] = results_list
master_test_dict[test] = screenshots_path_list
for test in master_test_list:
addTest(test, "worksheet"+str(master_test_list.index(test)+1), "testcases_list_"+test, "results_list_"+test, "screenshots_path_list_"+test)
I thought this might work...but I just get strings inside the lists, and so I cannot define them as lists:
worksheets = []
for i in range(len(master_test_list)):
worksheets = ["worksheet%s" % x for x in worksheets]
testcases = ["testcases_list_%s" % x for x in master_test_list]
results = ["results_%s" % x for x in master_test_list]
screenshot_paths = ["screenshot_paths_%s" % x for x in master_test_list]
for w in worksheets:
w = workbook.add_worksheet('Results')
for t in testcases:
t = []
for r in results:
r = []
for s in screenshot_paths:
s = []
Adding a second answer since the code is significantly different, addressing the specified request for how to create n copies of lists:
def GenerateElements():
# Insert your code which generates your list here
myGeneratedList = ['backup', 'downloadMedia', 'createAlbum']
return myGeneratedList
def InitDict(ListOfElements):
# Dont make a new free floating list for each element of list1. Generate and store the lists you want in a dictionary
return dict([[x, []] for x in ListOfElements])
def RunTest():
for myContent in list1:
# Do whatever you like to generate the data u need
myTestCaseList = ['a', 'b']
myResultsList = [1, 2]
myScreenshot_Paths_List = ['sc1', 'sc2']
# 1 Store your created list for test case of item 'myContent' from list1 in a dictionary
# 2 Same but your results list
# 3 Same but your screenshot_paths list
# 4 Make an excel sheet named after the item from list1
# run_vba_macro("C:\\Users\\xx-_-\\Documents\\Coding Products\\Python (Local)\\Programs\\Python X Excel\\AddSheets.xlsm","SheetAdder", "AddASheet", myContent)
list1 = GenerateElements()
testcases, results, screenshot_paths = InitDict(
list1), InitDict(list1), InitDict(list1)
NumTests = 5 # Number of tests you want
for x in range(NumTests):
What's going on here is just defining some initialization functions and then exercising them in a couple of lines.
My understanding is that you are running a series of tests, where you want a list of the inputs and outputs to be a running tally kind of thing. As such, this code uses a dictionary to store a list of lists. The dictionary key is how you identify which log you're looking at: test cases log vs results log vs screenshot_paths log.
As per my understanding of your requirements, each dictionary element is a list of lists where the 1st list is just the output of the first test. The second list is the first with the outcome of the second test/result appended to it. This goes on, so the structure looks like:
testcases= [ [testcase1] , [testcase1,testcase2] , [testcase1,testcase2,testcase3] ]
If this isn't exactly what you want you can probably modify it to suit your needs.
You explanation leaves some things to be imagined, but I think I've got what you need. There are two files: The .py python file and an excel file which is the spreadsheet serving as a foundation for adding sheets. You can find the ones I made on my github:
here is the excel code. Sharing first because its shorter. If you don't want to download mine then make a sheet called 'AddSheets.xlsm' with a module called 'SheetAdder' and within that module put the following code:
Public Sub AddASheet(nm)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'Reset on workbook open event, since we need it to be False here right up to the point of saving and closing
Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
Set NewSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add
NewSheet.Name = nm
End Sub
Make sure to add this to the 'ThisWorkbook' code in the 'MicroSoft Excel Objects' folder of the VBA project:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
The python script is as follows:
See [this question][1] for an example of how to type format the filepath as a string for function argument. I removed mine here.
import win32com.client as wincl
import os
# Following modified from
def run_vba_macro(str_path, str_modulename, str_macroname, shtNm):
if os.path.exists(str_path):
xl = wincl.DispatchEx("Excel.Application")
wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(str_path, ReadOnly=0)
xl.Visible = True
xl.Application.Run(os.path.basename(str_path)+"!" +
str_modulename+'.'+str_macroname, shtNm)
del xl
# Insert your code which generates your list here
list1 = ['backup', 'downloadMedia', 'createAlbum']
# Dont make a new free floating list for each element of list1. Generate and store the lists you want in a dictionary
testcases = dict([[x, []] for x in list1])
results = dict([[x, []] for x in list1])
screenshot_paths = dict([[x, []] for x in list1])
for myContent in list1:
myTestCaseList = [] # Do whatever you like to generate the data u need
myResultsList = []
myScreenshot_Paths_List = []
# 1 Store your created list for test case of item 'myContent' from list1 in a dictionary
# 2 Same but your results list
# 3 Same but your screenshot_paths list
# 4 Make an excel sheet named after the item from list1
run_vba_macro("C:\\Users\\xx-_-\\Documents\\Coding Products\\Python (Local)\\Programs\\Python X Excel\\AddSheets.xlsm",
"SheetAdder", "AddASheet", myContent)```
I started working on this before you updated your question with a code sample, so bear in mind I haven't looked at your code at all lol. Just ran with this.
Here is a summary of what all of the above does:
-Creates an excel sheet with a sheet for every element in 'list1', with the sheet named after that element
-Generates 3 dictionaries, one for test cases, one for results, and one for screenshot paths, where each dictionary has a list for each element from 'list1', with that list as the value for the key being the element in 'list1'

ASCII-alphabetical topological sort

I have been trying to figure out a issue, in which my program does the topological sort but not in the format that I'm trying to get. For instance if I give it the input:
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It should output:
Read the python tutorial
Understand higher-order functions
Learn Python
Do assignment 1
Instead I get it where the first two instances are swapped, for some of my other test cases this occurs as well where it will swap 2 random instances, heres my code:
import sys
def populate(name,dep):
if name in graph:
if dep not in graph:
def main():
last = ""
for line in sys.stdin:
if last == "":
def topoSort(graph):
sortedList=[] #result
inDegree = { u : 0 for u in graph }
for u in graph:
for v in graph[u]:
for i in inDegree:
while zeroDegree:
#selection sort for alphabetical sort
for x in graph[v]:
if (inDegree[x]==0):
#for y in range(len(sortedList)):
# min=y
# for j in range(y+1,len(sortedList)):
# if sortedList[min]>sortedList[y]:
# min=j
# sortedList[y],sortedList[min]=sortedList[min],sortedList[y]
return sortedList
if __name__=='__main__':
if (len(result)==len(graph)):
Any Ideas as to why this may be occurring?
The elements within dictionaries or sets are not ordered. If you add elements they are randomly inserted and not appended to the end. I think that is the reason why you get random results with your sorting algorithm. I guess it must have to do something with inDegree but I didn't debug very much.
I can't offer you a specific fix for your code, but accordingly to the wanted input and output it should look like this:
# read tuples from stdin until ctrl+d is pressed (on linux) or EOF is reached
graph = set()
while True:
graph |= { (input().strip(), input().strip()) }
# apply topological sort and print it to stdout
while graph:
z = { (a,b) for a,b in graph if not [1 for c,d in graph if b==c] }
print ( "\n".join ( sorted ( {b for a,b in z} )
+ sorted ( {a for a,b in z if not [1 for c,d in graph if a==d]} ) ) )
graph -= z
The great advantage of Python (here 3.9.1) is the short solution you might get. Instead of lists I would use sets because those can be easier edited: graph|{elements} inserts items to this set and graph-{elements} removes entities from it. Duplicates are ignored.
At first are some tuples red from stdin with ... = input(), input() into the graph item set.
The line z = {result loop condition...} filters the printable elements which are then subtracted from the so called graph set.
The generated sets are randomly ordered so the printed output must be turned to sorted lists at the end which are separated by newlines.

selecting a value using a conditional statement based on a list of tuples

I have a list of tuples converted from a dictionary. I am looking to compare a conditional value against the list of tuples(values) whether it is higher or lower starting from the beginning on the list. When this conditional value is lower than a tuple's(value) I want to use that specific tuple for further coding.
Please can somebody give me an insight into how this is achieved?
I am relatively new to coding, self-learning and I am not 100% sure the example would run but for the sake of demonstrating I have tried my best.
`tuple_list = [(12:00:00, £55.50), (13:00:00, £65.50), (14:00:00, £75.50), (15:00:00, £45.50), (16:00:00, £55.50)]
conditional_value = £50
if conditional_value != for x in tuple_list.values()
y = 0
if conditional_value < tuple_list(y)
///"return the relevant value from the tuple_list to use for further coding. I would be
looking to work with £45.50"///`
Thank you.
Just form a new list with a condition:
tuple_list = [("12:00:00", 55.50), ("13:00:00", 65.50), ("14:00:00", 75.50), ("15:00:00", 45.50), ("16:00:00", 55.50)]
threshold = 50
below = [tpl for tpl in tuple_list if tpl[1] < threshold]
Which yields
[('15:00:00', 45.5)]
Note that I added quotation marks and removed the currency sign to be able to compare the values. If you happen to have the £ in your actual values, you'll have to preprocess (stripping) them before.
If I'm understanding your question correctly, this should be what you're looking for:
for key, value in tuple_list:
if conditional_value < value:
continue # Skips to next in the list.
# Do further coding.
You can use
tuple_list = [("12:00:00", 55.50), ("13:00:00", 65.50), ("14:00:00", 75.50), ("15:00:00", 45.50), ("16:00:00", 55.50)]
conditional_value = 50
new_tuple_list = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] > conditional_value, tuple_list))
This code will return a new_tuple_list with all items that there value us greater then the conditional_value.

Find unique elements within a certain range of coordinates

I'm trying to determine all unique elements within a list based on the x-y-coordinates. The list looks like the following structure:
List =[[[Picture1, [X-Coordinate, Y-Coordinate]], [Picture1, [X-Coordinate, Y-Coordinate]]],
[[Picture2, [X-Coordinate, Y-Coordinate]], [Picture2, [X-Coordinate, Y-Coordinate]]],
This is the actuall list:
MyList = [[['IMG_6094.jpg', [2773.0, 240.0]], ['IMG_6094.jpg', [2773.0, 240.0]]],
[['IMG_6096.jpg', [1464.0, 444.0]], ['IMG_6096.jpg', [3043.0, 2358.0]]],
[['IMG_6088.jpg', [1115.5, 371.5]]],
[['IMG_6090.jpg', [3083.0, 1982.5]], ['IMG_6090.jpg', [3083.0, 1982.5]]],
[['IMG_6093.jpg', [477.0, 481.0]], ['IMG_6093.jpg', [450.0, 487.5]]]]
As you can see, there are sometimes elements that have the same coordinates within a picture or are at least very close to each other. What I need to do is to throw out all non-unique or very close elements based on one of the coordinates (doesn't matter if its x or y).
The list should look like this:
MyList = [[['IMG_6094.jpg', [2773.0, 240.0]], --- thrown out because copy of first element ---],
[['IMG_6096.jpg', [1464.0, 444.0]], ['IMG_6096.jpg', [3043.0, 2358.0]]],
[['IMG_6088.jpg', [1115.5, 371.5]]],
[['IMG_6090.jpg', [3083.0, 1982.5]], --- thrown out because copy of first element---],
[['IMG_6093.jpg', [477.0, 481.0]], --- thrown out because e.g. abs(x-coordinates) < 30]
Could someone provide a elegant solution?
Thanks in advance!
you create for img a list of innteger that are close to it, than for the other points on that img, you check if their x or y or in the list, and if so add them to the remove list
btw when removing using the index make sure to start with largest x,y so you don't change the lower point index before removing them
remove = []
close = 30
for i in range(len(MyList)):
xList = []
yList = []
for j in range(len(MyList[i])):
if int(MyList[i][j][1][0]) in xList or int(MyList[i][j][1][1]) in yList:
x = int(MyList[i][j][1][0])
y = int(MyList[i][j][1][1])
xList+= list(range(x-close,x+close))
yList+= list(range(y-close,y+close))
