I am trying to use JSON to search through googlemapapi. So, I give location "Plymouth" - in googlemapapi it is showing 6 resultset but when I try to parse in Json, I am getting length of only 2. I tried with multiple cities too, but all I am getting is resultset of 2 rather.
What is wrong below?
import urllib.request as UR
import urllib.parse as URP
import json
url = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Plymouth&sensor=false"
uh = UR.urlopen(url)
data = uh.read()
count = 0
js1 = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8') )
print ("Length: ", len(js1))
for result in js1:
location = js1["results"][count]["formatted_address"]
lat = js1["results"][count]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"]
lng = js1["results"][count]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"]
count = count + 1
print ('lat',lat,'lng',lng)
print (location)
Simply replace for result in js1: with for result in js1['results']:
By the way, as posted in a comment in the question, no need to use a counter. You can rewrite your for loop as:
for result in js1['results']:
location = result["formatted_address"]
lat = result["geometry"]["location"]["lat"]
lng = result["geometry"]["location"]["lng"]
If you look at the json that comes in, you'll see that its a single dict with two items ("results" and "status"). Add print('result:', result) to the top of your for loop and it will print result: status and result: results because all you are iterating the the keys of that outer dict. That's a general debugging trick in python... if you aren't getting the stuff you want, put in a print statement to see what you got.
The results (not surprisingly) and in a list under js1["results"]. In your for loop, you ignore the variable you are iterating and go back to the original js1 for its data. This is unnecessary and in your case, it hid the error. Had you tried to reference cities off of result you would gotten an error and it may have been easier to see that result was "status", not the array you were after.
Now a few tweaks fix the problem
import urllib.request as UR
import urllib.parse as URP
import json
url = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Plymouth&sensor=false"
uh = UR.urlopen(url)
data = uh.read()
count = 0
js1 = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8') )
print ("Length: ", len(js1))
for result in js1["results"]:
location = result["formatted_address"]
lat = result["geometry"]["location"]["lat"]
lng = result["geometry"]["location"]["lng"]
count = count + 1
print ('lat',lat,'lng',lng)
print (location)
Hi i'm not an expert and this problem kept me stuck for such a long time I hope that someone here can help me
i would like to exctract the value "interestExpense" from the following json file:
{'incomeBeforeTax': 17780000000,
'minorityInterest': 103000000,
'netIncome': 17937000000,
'sellingGeneralAdministrative': 5918000000,
'grossProfit': 16507000000,
'ebit': 10589000000,
'endDate': 1640908800,
'operatingIncome': 10589000000,
'interestExpense': -1803000000,
'incomeTaxExpense': -130000000,
'totalRevenue': 136341000000,
'totalOperatingExpenses': 125752000000,
'costOfRevenue': 119834000000,
'totalOtherIncomeExpenseNet': 7191000000,
'netIncomeFromContinuingOps': 17910000000,
'netIncomeApplicableToCommonShares': 17937000000}
In this case the result should be -130000000 as a string but i m trying to find a way to create an list(or an array) with all those floats so that i can decide which one to pick, i have no idea how to manipulate this kind of data(json)
For example
should return 17780000000(the value associated with incomeBeforeTax)
is this actually possible?
The output is generated from this code:
url_financials ='https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/{}/financials?p{}'
stock= 'F'
response = requests.get(url_financials.format(stock,stock),headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text,'html.parser')
pattern = re.compile(r'\s--\sData\s--\s')
script_data = soup.find('script',text=pattern).contents[0]
start = script_data.find("context")-2
json_data =json.loads(script_data[start:-12])
#all data relative financials
for s in annual_is:
statement = {}
for key, val in s.items():
statement[key] = val['raw']
except TypeError:
except KeyError:
If you are using python, you need to include the json module and parse it as an object:
import json
# some JSON:
x = '{ "name":"John", "age":30, "city":"New York"}'
# parse x:
y = json.loads(x)
# the result is a Python dictionary:
Ok, so the output snippet you posted comes from this line:
If you now want the: -1803000000 you should do:
If you want the: -130000000 you should do:
and if you want the: 17780000000 you should do:
Copy and paste this into Python.
data = {'incomeBeforeTax': 17780000000,
'minorityInterest': 103000000,
'netIncome': 17937000000,
'sellingGeneralAdministrative': 5918000000,
'grossProfit': 16507000000,
'ebit': 10589000000,
'endDate': 1640908800,
'operatingIncome': 10589000000,
'interestExpense': -1803000000,
'incomeTaxExpense': -130000000,
'totalRevenue': 136341000000,
'totalOperatingExpenses': 125752000000,
'costOfRevenue': 119834000000,
'totalOtherIncomeExpenseNet': 7191000000,
'netIncomeFromContinuingOps': 17910000000,
'netIncomeApplicableToCommonShares': 17937000000}
I'm working on some NFL statistics web scraping, honestly the activity doesn't matter much. I spent a ton of time debugging because I couldn't believe what it was doing, either I'm going crazy or there is some sort of bug in a package or python itself. Here's the code I'm working with:
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import requests
import string
import numpy as np
#get player list
players = pd.DataFrame({"name":[],"url":[],"positions":[],"startYear":[],"endYear":[]})
letters = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
for letter in letters:
players_html = requests.get("https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/"+letter+"/")
soup = bs(players_html.content,"html.parser")
for player in soup.find("div",{"id":"div_players"}).find_all("p"):
temp_row = {}
temp_row["url"] = "https://www.pro-football-reference.com"+player.find("a")["href"]
temp_row["name"] = player.text.split("(")[0].strip()
years = player.text.split(")")[1].strip()
temp_row["startYear"] = int(years.split("-")[0])
temp_row["endYear"] = int(years.split("-")[1])
temp_row["positions"] = player.text.split("(")[1].split(")")[0]
players = players.append(temp_row,ignore_index=True)
players = players[players.endYear > 2000]
game_df = pd.DataFrame()
def apply_test(row):
url = row['url']
for yr in range(int(row['startYear']),int(row['endYear'])+1):
content = requests.get(url.split(".htm")[0]+"/gamelog/"+str(yr)).content
soup = bs(content,'html.parser').find("div",{"id":"all_stats"})
over_headers = []
for over in soup.find("thead").find("tr").find_all("th"):
if("colspan" in over.attrs.keys()):
for i in range(0,int(over['colspan'])):
over_headers = over_headers + [over.text]
over_headers = over_headers + [over.text]
headers = []
for header in soup.find("thead").find_all("tr")[1].find_all("th"):
headers = headers + [header.text]
all_headers = [a+"___"+b for a,b in zip(over_headers,headers)]
#remove first column, it's meaningless
all_headers = all_headers[1:len(all_headers)]
for row in soup.find("tbody").find_all("tr"):
temp_row = {}
for i,col in enumerate(row.find_all("td")):
temp_row[all_headers[i]] = col.text
game_df = game_df.append(temp_row,ignore_index=True)
Now again I could get into what I'm trying to do, but there seems to be a much higher-level issue here. startYear and endYear in the for loop are 2013 and 2014, so the loop should be setting the yr variable to 2013 then 2014. But when you look at what prints out due to the print(yr), you realize it's printing out 2013 twice. But if you simply comment out the game_df = game_df.append(temp_row,ignore_index=True) line, the printouts of yr are correct. There is an error shortly after the first two lines, but that is expected and one I am comfortable debugging. But the fact that appending to a global dataframe is causing a for loop to behave differently is blowing my mind right now. Can someone help with this?
I don't really follow what the overall aim is but I do note two things:
You either need the local game_df to be declared as global game_df before game_df = game_df.append(temp_row,ignore_index=True) or better still pass as an arg in the def signature though you would need to amend this: players.apply(apply_test,axis=1) accordingly.
You need to handle the cases of find returning None e.g. with soup.find("thead").find_all("tr")[1].find_all("th") for page https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/A/AaitIs00/gamelog/2014. Perhaps put in try except blocks with appropriate default values to be supplied.
sites = sel.css(".info")
for site in sites:
money = site.xpath("./h2[#class='money']/text()").extract()
people = site.xpath("//p[#class='poeple']/text()").extract()
My result test is:
'{"money":1,"people":54}' ]
I was stuck by two thing:
One is I print the type of test is string,so is not like JSON format
Two is the money value with 1 is duplicate,so I need to add the people together ,
so the final format I want is:
How can I do this??
I'd collect money entries in a dict and add up the people as values, the output to json should be done using a json library indeed (I've not tested the code but it should give you an idea how you can approach the problem):
money_map = {}
sites = sel.css(".info")
for site in sites:
money = site.xpath("./h2[#class='money']/text()").extract()[0]
people = int(site.xpath("//p[#class='poeple']/text()").extract()[0])
if money not in money_map:
money_map[money] = 0
money_map[money] += people
import json
output = [{'money': key, 'people': value} for key, value in money_map.items()]
json_output = json.dumps(output)
basically this:
import json
foo = ['{"money":1,"people":23}',
'{"money":1,"people":54}' ]
bar = []
for i in foo:
j = json.loads(i) # string to json/dict
# if j['money'] is not in bar:
# else:
# find index of duplicate and add j['people']
Above is incomplete solution, you have to implement the 'duplicate check and add'
I am trying to print only not null values but I am not sure why even the null values are coming up in the output:
from lxml import html
import requests
import linecache
read_url = linecache.getline('stocks_url',1)
while read_url != '':
page = requests.get(read_url)
tree = html.fromstring(page.text)
percentage = tree.xpath('//span[#class="grnb_20"]/text()')
if percentage != None:
print percentage
i = i + 1
read_url = linecache.getline('stocks_url',i)
$ python test_null.py
You are getting empty lists, not None objects. You are testing for the wrong thing here; you see [], while if a Python null was being returned you'd see None instead. The Element.xpath() method will always return a list object, and it can be empty.
Use a boolean test:
percentage = tree.xpath('//span[#class="grnb_20"]/text()')
if percentage:
print percentage[0]
Empty lists (and None) test as false in a boolean context. I opted to print out the first element from the XPath result, you appear to only ever have one.
Note that linecache is primarily aimed at caching Python source files; it is used to present tracebacks when an error occurs, and when you use inspect.getsource(). It isn't really meant to be used to read a file. You can just use open() and loop over the file without ever having to keep incrementing a counter:
with open('stocks_url') as urlfile:
for url in urlfile:
page = requests.get(read_url)
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
percentage = tree.xpath('//span[#class="grnb_20"]/text()')
if percentage:
print percentage[0]
Change this in your code and it should work:
if percentage != []:
Using a list I am able to get all url's from a webage already into list imgs_urls. I need to now how to save all images from a webage, with the number of images changing.
Within the imgs_urls list depending on what report I run, there can be any number of urls in the list. This currently already works by calling just one list item.
html = lxml.html.fromstring(data)
imgs = html.cssselect('img.graph')
imgs_urls = []
for x in imgs:
imgs_urls.append('http://statseeker%s' % (x.attrib['src']))
lnum = len(imgs_urls)
link = urllib2.Request(imgs_urls[0])
output = open('sla1.jpg','wb')
response = urllib2.urlopen(link)
The urls in the lsit are full urls. This list would readback something like this if printed:
img_urls = ['http://site/2C2302.png','http://site/2C22101.png','http://site/2C2234.png']
Basic premise of what I think something like this would look like, but the Syntax I know is not correct:
lnum = len(imgs_urls)
link = urllib2.Request(imgs_urls[0-(lnum)])
output = open('sla' + (0-(lnum)).jpg','wb')
response = urllib2.urlopen(link)
It would then save all images, and the file would look something like this:
sla1.png, sla2.png, sla3.png, sla4.png
Any ideas? I think a loop would probably fix this but I don't know how to increment saving the sla.jpg the amount of times of the integer in lnum, and then increment the list number in output the same way.
I like to use Python's enumerate to get the index of the iterable in addition to the value. You can use this to auto-increment the value you give to the outputted filenames. Something like this should work:
import urllib2
img_urls = ['http://site/2C2302.png','http://site/2C22101.png','http://site/2C2234.png']
for index, url in enumerate(img_urls):
link = urllib2.urlopen(url)
name = "sla%s.jpg" % (index+1)
with open(name, "wb") as output:
except IOError:
print "Unable to create %s" % name
You may need to catch other exceptions too, such as permission errors, but that should get you started. Note that I incremented the index by 1 as it is zero-based.
See also:
How do I download a file over HTTP using Python?