So, I am testing this piece of code :
import requests
import json
searchTerm = 'parrot'
startIndex = '0'
searchUrl = "" + \
searchTerm + "&start=" + startIndex
r = requests.get(searchUrl)
response = r.content.decode('utf-8')
result = json.loads(response)
And the response is :
<Response [200]>
{'responseData': None, 'responseStatus': 403, 'responseDetails': 'This API is no longer available.'}
Seems that I am trying to use the old API and it is deprecated now. When I check on the Google Custom Search API I don't see any way to search straight on google images, is this even possible with the new API ?
It is possible, here is new API reference:
import requests
import json
searchTerm = 'parrot'
startIndex = '1'
key = ' Your API key here. '
cx = ' Your CSE ID:USER here. '
searchUrl = "" + \
searchTerm + "&start=" + startIndex + "&key=" + key + "&cx=" + cx + \
r = requests.get(searchUrl)
response = r.content.decode('utf-8')
result = json.loads(response)
That works fine, I just tried.
I should preface this with I am not a programmer and most of this code was not written by me. I unfortunately have a need and am trying to hack my way through this.
What I am trying to do is chain a few API calls together to ultimately get a list of IPs. What this script does is queries the API and pulls (and prints) a list of device IDs. The device IDs look like this:
The device IDs then need to be passed as a parameter in the next API call like this: and so on.
I dont know where to begin. Instead of printing the asset ids, I assume they should be stored as a parameter (or variable) and then appended to the URL. I tried doing that with "ID_LIST" but that didnt seem to work. Can you guys point me in the right direction?
import requests
import json
# Define API REST paths
OAUTH_URL_PART = "oauth2/token"
DEVICE_SEARCH = "devices/queries/devices/v1"
DEVICE_DETAILS = "devices/entities/devices/v1"
# Empty auth token to hold value for subsequent request
auth_Token = ""
# Section 1 - Authenticate to Example OAUTH
# Build a dictionary to hold the headers
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'accept': 'application/json'
# Build a dictionary to holds the authentication data to be posted to get a token
auth_creds = {}
auth_creds['client_id'] = "<client_id>"
auth_creds['client_secret'] = "<client_secret>"
auth_creds['grant_type'] = "client_credentials"
# Call the API to get a Authentication token - NOTE the authentication creds
print("Requesting token from " + BASE_URL + OAUTH_URL_PART)
auth_response = + OAUTH_URL_PART,data=auth_creds, headers=headers)
# Check if successful
if auth_response.status_code != 201:
# Output debug information
print("\n Return Code: " + str(auth_response.status_code) + " " + auth_response.reason)
print("Path: " + auth_response.request.path_url)
print("Headers: ")
print("Body: " + auth_response.request.body)
print("Trace_ID: " + auth_response.json()['meta']['trace_id'])
# Section 2 - Capture OAUTH token and store in headers for later use
print("Token Created")
# Capture the auth token for reuse in subsequent calls, by pulling it from the response
# Note this token can be reused multiple times until it expires after 30 mins
auth_Token = auth_response.json()['access_token']
headers = {
'authorization':'bearer ' + auth_Token,
'accept': 'application/json'
# Section 3 - Reuse authentication token to call other Example OAUTH2 APIs
# Build parameter dictionary
call_params = {}
call_params['offset'] ="" # Non-mandatory param
call_params['limit'] ="5000" # The number of results
call_params['sort'] ="" #
call_params['filter'] ="" # To exclude devices
# Call devices API
print("Searching Asset ID by getting from " + BASE_URL + DEVICE_SEARCH)
DEVICE_search_response = requests.get(BASE_URL + DEVICE_SEARCH,params=call_params,headers=headers)
#DEVICE_DETAILS_response = request.get(BASE_URL + DEVICE_DETAILS,headers=headers)
# Check for errors
if DEVICE_search_response.status_code != 200:
# Output debug information
print("\n Return Code: " + str(DEVICE_search_response.status_code) + " " + DEVICE_search_response.reason)
print("Path: " + DEVICE_search_response.request.path_url)
print("Headers: ")
print("Body: " + DEVICE_search_response.request.body)
print("Trace_ID: " + DEVICE_search_response.json()['meta']['trace_id'])
# Iterate the results and print
result = DEVICE_search_response.json()
print("DEVICE found on " + str(len(result['resources'])) + " the following device id:")
for devices in result['resources']:
###########Part that is not working###########
DEVICE_DETAILS_response = requests.get(BASE_URL + DEVICE_DETAILS,headers=headers)
#ID_LIST = str(len(result['resources']).replace(",", "&ids=")
if DEVICE_DETAILS_response.status_code != 200:
# Output debug information
print("\n Return Code: " + str(DEVICE_DETAILS_response.status_code) + " " + DEVICE_DETAILS_response.reason)
print("Path: " + DEVICE_DETAILS_response.request.path_url)
print("Headers: ")
print("Body: " + DEVICE_DETAILS_response.request.body)
print("Trace_ID: " + DEVICE_DETAILS_response.json()['meta']['trace_id'])
result = DEVICE_DETAILS_response.json()
print("Device Details Found")
for details in result['resources']:
Hi to convert the strings in result['resources']:
to :
try this funciton:
def get_modified_url(mylist, myurl):
url = myurl + '?'
for idx, b in enumerate(mylist): # enumerate list to get index and element in the list
if idx > 0:
url += '&ids=' + b # append &ids= to url if not first device id
url += 'ids=' + b # append ids= to url if first device id
return url
print(get_modified_url(result['resources'], BASE_URL + DEVICE_DETAILS ))
full code would be:
def get_modified_url(mylist, myurl):
url = myurl + '?'
for idx, b in enumerate(mylist): # enumerate list to get index and element in the list
if idx > 0:
url += '&ids=' + b # append &ids= to url if not first device id
url += 'ids=' + b # append ids= to url if first device id
return url
device_list = []
DEVICE_search_response = requests.get(BASE_URL + DEVICE_SEARCH,params=call_params,headers=headers)
# Check for errors
if DEVICE_search_response.status_code != 200:
# Output debug information
print("\n Return Code: " + str(DEVICE_search_response.status_code) + " " + DEVICE_search_response.reason)
print("Path: " + DEVICE_search_response.request.path_url)
print("Headers: ")
print("Body: " + DEVICE_search_response.request.body)
print("Trace_ID: " + DEVICE_search_response.json()['meta']['trace_id'])
# Iterate the results and print
result = DEVICE_search_response.json()
print("DEVICE found on " + str(len(result['resources'])) + " the following device id:")
for devices in result['resources']:
new_url = get_modified_url(device_list, BASE_URL + DEVICE_DETAILS )
DEVICE_DETAILS_response = requests.get(new_url, headers=headers)
if DEVICE_DETAILS_response.status_code != 200:
# Output debug information
print("\n Return Code: " + str(DEVICE_DETAILS_response.status_code) + " " + DEVICE_DETAILS_response.reason)
print("Path: " + DEVICE_DETAILS_response.request.path_url)
print("Headers: ")
print("Body: " + DEVICE_DETAILS_response.request.body)
print("Trace_ID: " + DEVICE_DETAILS_response.json()['meta']['trace_id'])
result = DEVICE_DETAILS_response.json()
print("Device Details Found")
for details in result['resources']:
I am calling an API to get a list of properties. I obtain the jsons in the 'listings' file (
I am using zip codes to find each property and I need to add to each property its zip code. At the end I transform the json to a csv. I don't know how to add to each property the zip code (so I would need a new key-value to each result from the API call)...
Here it is the code:
from requests import get
import json
import pandas as pd
import time
import datetime
import csv
def get_nestoria(type):
#call the api
api = ''
place = '&place_name=' + area_name
listing_type = '&listing_type=' + type
json_es = '&encoding=json&pretty=1&country=es'
page = '&page='
api_input = api + place + listing_type + json_es
response = get(api_input)
# Check if the API has worked
if response.status_code == 200:
print("API called successfully")
elif response.status_code == 400:
print("Wrong request for" + area_name + ". Chechk this area is searchable")
elif response.status_code == 403:
print("Forbidden API call. Maximum number of calls reached.")
print("Wrong code", response.status_code)
content_as_string = response.content.decode()
# Decode JSON
content = json.loads(content_as_string)
content_response = content['response']
# Number of total web pages neded for the area
web_pages = content_response['total_pages']
print('Number of pages in that area: ', web_pages)
print("Numer of total properties " + area_name, content_response['total_results'])
#2nd call to the API
homes = pd.DataFrame()
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0'}
for i in range(1, web_pages+1):
api_input = api + place + listing_type + json_es + page + str(i)
response = get(api_input, headers=headers)
content_as_string = response.content.decode()
content = json.loads(content_as_string)
content_response = content['response']
listings = content_response['listings']
listings = pd.DataFrame(listings)
if i==1:
homes = listings
homes = homes.append(listings, sort=True)
if homes.empty:
homes = homes
homes = homes[['bathroom_number','bedroom_number','car_spaces','commission','construction_year','datasource_name', 'img_height','img_url','img_width', 'floor',
return homes
homes = pd.DataFrame()
codigos_postales = ['01008'] #to change the name of the file
for i in codigos_postales:
area_name = i
temp = get_nestoria('buy')
if i == 0:
homes =temp
homes = homes.append(temp,sort=True)
print('Number of extracted properties ', len(homes))
homes.to_csv('D:\\a000Master Big Data\\Prácticas\\Web scrapping\\Nestoria\\GranadaVenta'+str(today)+'.csv')
data = response.json()
Here data is the parsed response you get from sending the request.
You can then update the listings like this:
for i in data['listings']:
i['ZipCode'] = zipcode
zipcode being the one you want to assign i.e the one you sent in the request.
You can either convert the data object into dataframe and then call pd.to_csv or use python in-built csv.writer
If you don't have the ZipCode you can use the google maps API to get that
You will have to Sign Up to get your API key and then you will get zip code from the JSON response.
Here is an example on how to use it.
api = ''
place = '&place_name=' + area_name
listing_type = '&listing_type=' + type
json_es = '&encoding=json&pretty=1&country=es'
page = '&page='
api_input = api + place + listing_type + json_es
response = get(api_input)
update = response.json()['response']['listings']
for i in update:
i['Zipcode'] = zipcode
I am using a weather API to design a slack bot service using python.
My source code is-
import requests
import re
import json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def weather(cityname):
cityid = extractid(cityname)
url = "" + str(cityid) + "&APPID=c72f730d08a4ea1d121c8e25da7e4411"
while True:
r = requests.get(url, timeout=5)
while r.status_code is not
r = requests.get(url, timeout=5)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
data = ("City: " +["name"] + ", Country: " + + "\nTemperature: " + soup.temperature["value"] +
" Celsius\nWind: " + soup.speed["name"] + ", Direction: " + soup.direction["name"] + "\n\n" +["value"])
# print data
return data
def extractid(cname):
with open('/home/sourav/Git-Github/fabulous/fabulous/services/city.list.json') as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
for item in data:
if item["name"] == cname:
return item["id"]
def on_message(msg, server):
text = msg.get("text", "")
match = re.findall(r"~weather (.*)", text)
if not match:
searchterm = match[0]
return weather(searchterm.encode("utf8"))
on_bot_message = on_message
But executing the code gives the following error-
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fabulous-0.0.1-py2.7.egg/fabulous/services/", line 19, in weather
" Celsius\nWind: " + soup.speed["name"] + ", Direction: " + soup.direction["name"] + "\n\n" +["value"])
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
I can't figure out what's the error. Please help!
__getitem__ is called when you ask for dictionary key like a['abc'] translates to a.__getitem__('abc')
so in this case one attribute of soup is None (speed, direction or weather)
ensure that your r.text contains data you want, simply print it:
list structure in parsed data:
for child in soup.findChildren():
print child
always assume your entry data might be wrong, instead doing do soup.find('city'), it might be empty so:
city = soup.find('city')
if len(city):
city_name = city[0]['name']
city_name = 'Error' # or empty, or sth
I've been trying to use the API of the website Idealista ( to retrieve information of real estate data.
Since I'm not familiarized with OAuth2 I haven't been able to obtain the token so far. I have just been provided with the api key, the secret and some basic info of how to mount the http request.
I would appreciate an example (preferably in Python) of the functioning of this API, or else some more generic info about dealing with OAuth2 and Python.
After some days of research I came up with a basic python code to retrieve real estate data from the Idealista API.
def get_oauth_token():
http_obj = Http()
url = ""
apikey= urllib.parse.quote_plus('Provided_API_key')
secret= urllib.parse.quote_plus('Provided_API_secret')
auth = base64.encode(apikey + ':' + secret)
body = {'grant_type':'client_credentials'}
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8','Authorization' : 'Basic ' + auth}
resp, content = http_obj.request(url,method='POST',headers=headers, body=urllib.parse.urlencode(body))
return content
This function would return a JSON with the OAuth2 token and the session time in seconds. Afterwards, to query the API, it would be as simple as:
def search_api(token):
http_obj = Http()
url = ",-3.7097526269835726&country=es&maxItems=50&numPage=1&distance=452&propertyType=bedrooms&operation=rent"
headers = {'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + token}
resp, content = http_obj.request(url,method='POST',headers=headers)
return content
This time the we would find in the content var the data we were looking for, again as a JSON.
That can't be marked as correct answer since
auth = base64.encode(apikey + ':' + secret)
body = {'grant_type':'client_credentials'}
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8','Authorization' : 'Basic ' + auth}
Will give you TypeError:
can only concatenate str (not "bytes") to str
Since base64encode returns a byte type object...
It's true Idealista API is very limited about documentation, but I think this is a better approach since I don't use unnecesary libs (Only native):
#first request
message = API_KEY + ":" + SECRET
auth = "Basic " + base64.b64encode(message.encode("ascii")).decode("ascii")
headers_dic = {"Authorization" : auth,
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"}
params_dic = {"grant_type" : "client_credentials",
"scope" : "read"}
r ="",
headers = headers_dic,
params = params_dic)
This works flawless with only python requests and base64 module...
This is my code, improving #3... this run ok! for me!!!!
only put your apikey and your password (secret)...
import pandas as pd
import json
import urllib
import requests as rq
import base64
def get_oauth_token():
url = ""
apikey= 'your_api_key' #sent by idealista
secret= 'your_password' #sent by idealista
auth = base64.b64encode(apikey + ':' + secret)
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' ,'Authorization' : 'Basic ' + auth}
params = urllib.urlencode({'grant_type':'client_credentials'})
content =,headers = headers, params=params)
bearer_token = json.loads(content.text)['access_token']
return bearer_token
def search_api(token, url):
headers = {'Content-Type': 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data;', 'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + token}
content =, headers = headers)
result = json.loads(content.text)['access_token']
return result
country = 'es' #values: es, it, pt
locale = 'es' #values: es, it, pt, en, ca
language = 'es' #
max_items = '50'
operation = 'sale'
property_type = 'homes'
order = 'priceDown'
center = '40.4167,-3.70325'
distance = '60000'
sort = 'desc'
bankOffer = 'false'
df_tot = pd.DataFrame()
limit = 10
for i in range(1,limit):
url = (''+country+'/search?operation='+operation+#"&locale="+locale+
'&language='+language) %(i)
a = search_api(get_oauth_token(), url)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(a['elementList'])
df_tot = pd.concat([df_tot,df])
df_tot = df_tot.reset_index()
I found some mistakes. At least, I cannot run it.
I believe, I improved with this:
import pandas as pd
import json
import urllib
import requests as rq
import base64
def get_oauth_token():
url = ""
apikey= 'your_api_key' #sent by idealist
secret= 'your_password' #sent by idealista
apikey_secret = apikey + ':' + secret
auth = str(base64.b64encode(bytes(apikey_secret, 'utf-8')))[2:][:-1]
headers = {'Authorization' : 'Basic ' + auth,'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-
params = urllib.parse.urlencode({'grant_type':'client_credentials'}) #,'scope':'read'
content =,headers = headers, params=params)
bearer_token = json.loads(content.text)['access_token']
return bearer_token
def search_api(token, URL):
headers = {'Content-Type': 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data;', 'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + token}
content =, headers = headers)
result = json.loads(content.text)
return result
I have spent hours in frustration and now I have this:
import requests, json, urllib
import time
import string, random
from hashlib import sha1
import hmac, binascii
def twitterIDGenerator(length):
toRet = ""
for i in range(0, length):
toRet = toRet + random.choice(string.hexdigits)
return toRet
def twitterSignatureGenerator(baseString, keyString):
hashed =, baseString, sha1)
return binascii.b2a_base64(hashed.digest()).rstrip('\n')
OAUTH_NONCE = twitterIDGenerator(32)
OAUTH_TIMESTAMP = str(int(time.time()))
# Get request token from Twitter
request_tokenURL = ''
request_tokenParameterString = ("oauth_consumer_key=" + OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY +
"&oauth_nonce=" + OAUTH_NONCE + "&oauth_signature_method=" +
"&oauth_version=" + OAUTH_VERSION)
request_tokenSigBaseString = ("POST&" +
request_tokenSignature = twitterSignatureGenerator(request_tokenSigBaseString,
'[REDACTED consumer secret key]')
request_tokenHeaders = {'oauth_nonce': OAUTH_NONCE,
'oauth_callback': 'oob',
'oauth_signature_method': OAUTH_SIGNATURE_METHOD,
'oauth_timestamp': OAUTH_TIMESTAMP,
'oauth_consumer_key': OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY,
'oauth_signature': urllib.quote(request_tokenSignature),
'oauth_version': OAUTH_VERSION}
request_tokenResponse =, headers=request_tokenHeaders)
print request_tokenResponse.text
So far, it is supposed to return a request_token so I can have my user go to the PIN website so I can get the access_token. But I just get "Failed to validate oauth signature and token" from Twitter.
A possible reason for this is wrong URL encoding. I see that Twitter needs RFC3986 encoding. Is there a way to do this in Python? If yes, should I do it only at the two locations I am currently using urllib.quote? Is my oauth_signature generated correctly?
The documentation is annoyingly convoluted.