I am looking to make a program that can pick out car information from a file using module re. The user is asked questions about the car that he wants to view and if the input is not in the file I should display an error message and loop the code again if the user wants to. I am having difficulty trying to find the inputs in the file: this is the code so far:
import re
import random
myList = ([])
car = input("What car do you want to view?");
myList.insert(1, car)
model = input("What car model is it of");
myList.insert(2, model)
fuelTy = input("What fuel type is it: diseal or petrol");
myList.insert(3, fuelTy)
engSize = input("What engine size is it : eg 2l");
myList.insert(4, engSize)
rnd = (int(random.randrange(50000000)) + 1)
with open("car.txt", "r") as carfile:
for line in carfile:
if all(myList.lower() in re.findall('\w+', line.lower()) for myList in carfile):
splitted_line = line.split(':')
if not myList not in carfile:
print("We don't have the car available currently. Please contact the head office with the case number " + str(rnd))
Cho2 = input("Would you like to see anything yes or no").lower
if Cho2 == "yes":
elif Cho2 == "no":
print("End of program")
Text file is:
bmw : X6 : 3.4l : Engine size 4395cc: petrol: 0-62mph in 4.8s: gear type automatic : 5 doors : economy 29mpg : top speed 155 mph
audi : Q7 : 3.0l : Engine size 2967cc: disel: 0-62mph in 6.5s: gear type automatic : 5 doors : economy: 48mpg : top speed 145 mph
honda : CRV : 2.0l: Engine size 1997cc: petrol : 0-62mph in 10.0s: gear type manual : 5 doors : economy 30mpg : top speed 18 mph
if all(myList.lower() in re.findall('\w+', line.lower()) for myList in carfile):
In this line, you are re-defining myList to be a line in the file. But you have an outer loop (for line in carfile) that does the same thing.
Change this to eliminate the for expression, and you'll be on the right track:
if all(myList.lower() in re.findall('\w+', line.lower())):
FWIW, this is going to be very hit-or-miss, because you have things like engine size that use different measures (cc vs. l) in the file.
Next, please be aware that you can (and probably should, as a matter of avoiding errors) use .append() in order to grow a list, instead of .insert(). The difference is that append does not require you to keep track of an index, which in cases like this is not benefiting you (you don't make use of the position information at any time) and is a source of error if you copy/paste a block of code to add a new field.
myList.append(engSize) # was myList.insert(4, engSize)
Also, you should probably give users the option of not entering a field, and skip searching if they don't enter it. (Just don't append the field if it's empty, perhaps?)
engSize = input("What engine size is it : eg 2l")
if engSize: myList.append(engSize)
Okay, just got done for the day, back to this program. :-)
There are some more problems, but let's take care of the "all requires an iterableissue first. If you look at the docs for [all`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#all), it says
So we need to restructure the test to give all an iterable (a list, tuple, view, or other expression that can be iterated), or we need to stop using all.
Well, we are trying to iterate over myList, so it should be possible to come up with an iterable. Let's start with that in mind:
if all(s for s in myList):
In fact, we can put the .lower() back in - that made sense. So:
if all(s.lower() for s in myList):
Now, let's treat s.lower() as a word (which it is) and search for it in the input line. What we are doing is converting our previous string expression, s.lower(), into a boolean expression: word in list, within the context of the iteration we already have. This will be a different flavor of the in keyword:
if all( (EXPR) for s in myList):
if all((s.lower() in re.findall('\w+', line.lower())) for s in myList):
When I make this change, I can match the make of the car.
There are some problems with the logic, as well. You want to match the user query to a car type. If you can't match that, then you want to print a message about "We don't have the car ..." But you can't get that test (not matching) in one line. If you could get that test into one line, you could probably get the searching part into one line as well. (Not always, but it's worth looking!)
Instead, just keep track of whether or not you found the car:
found_car = False
for line in carfile:
if ...
found_car = True
if not found_car:
print("We don't have the car ...")
Next, let's make the program run longer (for testing if nothing else). You are doing for loops, so I assume you can do a while loop. Let's add a loop around the whole thing to keep going until the user types quit:
while True:
make = input("What make of car do you want (or type 'quit')? ")
if make == 'quit':
if make:
Finally, let's take a look at your regular expression. You are using \w+, which will match "word characters" (whatever those are) one or more times.
That's a good start for things like "audi" and "honda", but word characters don't include the period ('.') or the hyphen ('-'), both of which appear in your data.
Instead, try changing your regex to match either a word character or a dot, one or more times:
re.findall('[\w.]+', ...)
Good luck!
You have bugs!
First, you are initializing myList = ([]) as a tuple containing a single empty list, so append() or insert() aren't going to work. Try myList = [].
Second, you're getting the indexes wrong in your myList.insert(...) statements. Just use myList.append(...) instead, no need to worry about indexes that way.
Then, try replacing (not tested...):
if all(myList.lower() in re.findall('\w+', line.lower()) for myList in carfile):
... with:
if all (item.lower() in re.findall('\w+', line.lower()) for item in myList):
A simple optimization which also makes the code more readable:
line_words = set(re.findall('\w+', line.lower()))
if all(item.lower() in line_words for item in myList):
I am struggling in a python undergraduate class that should have had fewer modules: for a grade, I have a code that reads a formatted file and "prints" a table. The problem is, the last entry of the table has a trailing space at the end. My print statement is
for time in movieTiming[m]:
print(time, end=" ")
I really have no idea what to do here: i have a list that contains something like "11:30", "10:30", "9:00", and it should be printed as 11:30 10:30 9:00 (with no space after the 9:00). I have tried to join my list, but really, most of the concepts I need to do all of this were never even communicated or taught in the class. I guess that's how it goes, but I'm struggling. My approach is to appropriate existing code, try to understand it, and learn that way, but it's not making any sense to me.
I am taking Java I at the same time, and Java makes sense to me because the pace of the Java course is about 1/2 of the pace of the Python class: 2x the modules means 1/2 the time. If anyone can help, thank you.
Here's what I have (I'll remove the notes if it's not helpful?)
# First we open the file named "movies.csv" using the open()
f = open(input())
# f.readlines() reads the contents of the file and stores each line as a separate element in a list named movies.
movies = f.readlines()
# Next we declare 2 dictionaries named movieTiming and movieRating.
# movieTiming will store the timing of each movie.
# The key would be the movie name and the value would be the list of timings of the movie.
movieTiming = {}
# movieRating will store the rating of each movie.
# key would be the movie name and the value would be the rating of the respective movie.
movieRating = {}
# Now we traverse through the movies list to fill our dictionaries.
for m in movies:
# First we split each line into 3 parts that is, we split the line whenever a comma(",") occurs.
# split(",") would return a list of splitted words.
# For example: when we split "16:40,Wonders of the World,G", it returns a list ["16:40","Wonders of the World","G"]
movieDetails = m.split(",")
# movieDetails[1] indicates the movie name.
# So if the movie name is not present in the dictionary then we initialize the value with an empty list.
#need a for loop
if(movieDetails[1] not in movieTiming):
movieTiming[movieDetails[1]] = []
# movieDetails[0] indicates the timing of the movie.
# We append the time to the existing list of the movie.
# movieDetails[2] indicates the rating of the movie.
# We use strip() since a new line character will be appended at the end of the movie rating.
# So to remove the new line character at the end we use strip() and we assign the rating to the respective movie.
movieRating[movieDetails[1]] = movieDetails[2].strip()
# Now we traverse the movieRating dictionary.
for m in movieRating:
# In -44.44s, negative sign indicates left justification.
# 44 inidcates the width assigned to movie name.
# .44 indicates the number of characters allowed for the movie name.
# s indicates the data type string.
# print() generally prints a message and prints a new line at the end.
# So to avoid this and print the movie name, rating and timing in the same line, we use end=" "
# end is used to print all in the same line separated by a space.
print("%-44.44s"%m,"|","%5s"%movieRating[m],"|",end=" ")
# Now we traverse through the movieTiming[m] which indicates the list of timing for the particular movie m.
for time in movieTiming[m]:
print(time, end=" ")
# This print() will print a new line to print the next movie details in the new line.
Instead of multiple calls to print, create a single space-delimited string with ' '.join and print that.
print(' '.join(movieTiming[m]))
As you've noted, printing a space between list elements is different from printing a space after each element. While you can play around with list indices to figure out which element is the last element and avoid printing a space after it, the join method already handles the corner cases for you.
Similar to what you tried, though, consider an approach not of printing a space after all but the last element, but printing a space before all but the first.
print(movieTiming[m][0], end='')
for t in movieTiming[m][1:]:
print(f' {t}', end=''
I mention this not because you should consider it an alternative to str.join, but because it helps to think about your problem in different ways.
This might help:
my_list = ['11:00', '12:30', '13:00']
joined = ' '.join(my_list)
# 11:00 12:30 13:00
Supposed you have:
time = ["19:30","19:00","18:00"]
then you could apply the list as separate arguments:
You can, as always, control the separator by setting the sep keyword argument:
print(*time, sep=', ')
Unless you need the joined string for something else, this is the easiest method. Otherwise, use str.join():
joined_string = ' '.join([str(v) for v in time])
Cheers, I am looking for help with my small Python project. Problem says, that program has to be able to decipher "monoalphabetic substitute cipher", while we have complete database, which words will definetely (at least once) be ciphered.
I have tried to create such a database with words, that are ciphered:
lst_sample = []
n = int(input('Number of words in database: '))
for i in range(n):
x = input()
Way, that I am trying to "decipher" is to observe words', let's say structure, where different letter I am assigning numbers based on their presence in word (e.g. feed = 0112, hood = 0112 are the same, because it is combination of three different letters in such a combination). I am using subprogram pattern() for it:
def pattern(word):
nextNum = 0
letternNums = {}
wordPattern = []
for letter in word:
if letter not in letterNums:
letternNums[letter] = str(nextNum)
nextNum += 1
return ''.join(wordPattern)
Right after, I have made database of ciphered words:
lst_en = []
q = input('Insert ciphered words: ')
if q == '':
With such a databases I could finally create process to deciphering.
for i in lst_en:
for q in lst_sample:
x = p
word = i
if pattern(x) == pattern(word):
If words in database lst_sample have different letter length (e.g. food, car, yellow), there is no problem to assign decrypted words, even when they have the same length, I can sort them based on their different structure: (e.g. puff, sort).
The main problem, which I am not able to solve, comes, when word has the same length and structure (e.g. jane, word).
I have no idea how to solve this problem, while keeping such an script architecture as described above. Is there any way, how that could be solved using another if statement or anything similar? Is there any way, how to solve it with infortmation that words in lst_sample will for sure be in ciphered text?
Thanks for all help!
I might have explained it weirdly in the title, but here is the issue I have. I am making a small sentence-generating program and to choose the sentence, it chooses a random sentence structure.
I want to have a file with the different structure codes on separate lines, like this:
random.choice(blankThat)+" "+sentenceSubject+" "+random.choice(description)+"."
random.choice(questionBegin)+" "+sentenceSubject+" "+random.choice(pastDescription)+"?"
random.choice(pastBegin)+" "+sentenceSubject+" "+random.choice(pastDescription)+"."
random.choice(subjectBegin)+" "+sentenceSubject+"."
random.choice(subjectQuestion)+" "+sentenceSubject+"?"
sentenceSubject+" "+random.choice(description)+"."
sentenceSubject+" "+random.choice(pastDescription)+"."
random.choice(subjectBeginExclaim)+" "+sentenceSubject+"!"
random.choice(songList)+" "+random.choice(["is","was"])+" "+random.choice(adverbs)+" "+random.choice(adjectives)+"."
sentenceSubject+" "+"is"+" "+random.choice(describers)+"."
How would I then randomly choose to execute one of the above lines of code? I tried using this simple code to randomly choose one...
templateFile = open("structures.txt","a+")
templates = templateFile.readlines()
templates = [y.strip() for y in templates]
finalSentence = random.choice(templates)
But when I print(finalSentence), it just spits out one of the lines instead of executing it:
random.choice(pastBegin)+" "+sentenceSubject+" "+random.choice(pastDescription)+"."
How can I just randomly choose and execute one of the lines? I'd prefer it if I can read in the structures from a file, as I will regularly be adding new sentence structures.
Here's a sketch of what you can do. It looks like each line of your file uses three types of expressions:
string literals like " is ",
references to constant strings, like sentenceSubject, and
random choices from string collections, like random.choice(blankThat).
Create a mini-language that can recognize these expressions. E.g.:
?blankThat " " !sentenceSubject " " ?description "."
Create a dictionary of all constant strings, e.g.:
strings = {"sentenceSubject" : "Hello, world", ...}
Create a dictionary of all string collections, e.g.:
collections = {"blankThat" : ["foo", "bar", ...],
"description" : ["dog", "cat", ...], ...}
Write a mini-parser that takes a string written in your mini-language, breaks it into expressions, determines the type of each expression by the first character of the token, and converts it to the proper string:
?X -> random lookup, find X in collections, call random.choice(collections[X])
!X -> constant string, find strings[X]
"X" -> string literal, just use X
Finally, combine all translated pieces. Hope it helps.
This is not a direct answer to your question, but I think it could prove helpful. Consider different ways of constructing and generating this information. Here is a simple and imperfect example, but I think it could be a good place to start:
import random
subject = "Jeremy"
descriptions = ["cool", "tall", "strong"]
hobbies = ["running", "coding"]
def sentence_maker3000():
sentence_vals = {"subject": subject, "descriptions": random.choice(descriptions), "hobbies": random.choice(hobbies)}
valid_sentences = ["{subject} is {descriptions}", "{subject} likes {hobbies}"]
sentence = random.choice(valid_sentences).format(**sentence_vals)
return sentence
print(sentence_maker3000()) # Might print "Jeremy is cool" or "Jeremy likes coding"
You can construct all your valid sentences using Python's formatting brackets. Very easy to read and much shorter to write.
You can write these valid sentences in a separate text file like so:
{subject} is {descriptions}
{subject} likes {hobbies}
and then replace the valid_sentences assignment with:
with open('input.txt', 'r') as f:
valid_sentences = f.read().splitlines()
instead of print(finalSentence). What eval(str) does is it takes a string and runs it like it would have been normal code.
I have an area codes file I put in a tuple
for line1 in area_codes_file.readlines():
if area_code_extract.search(line1):
area_codes = tuple(area_codes)
and a file I read into Python full of phone numbers.
If a phone number starts with one of the area codes in the tuple, I need to do to things:
1 is to keep the number
2 is to know which area code did it match, as need to put area codes in brackets.
So far, I was only able to do 1:
for line in txt.readlines():
is_number = phonenumbers.parse(line,"GB")
if phonenumbers.is_valid_number(is_number):
if line.startswith(area_codes):
print (line)
How do I do the second part?
The simple (if not necessarily highest performance) approach is to check each prefix individually, and keep the first match:
for line in txt:
is_number = phonenumbers.parse(line,"GB")
if phonenumbers.is_valid_number(is_number):
if line.startswith(area_codes):
print(line, next(filter(line.startswith, area_codes)))
Since we know filter(line.startswith, area_codes) will get exactly one hit, we just pull the hit using next.
Note: On Python 2, you should start the file with from future_builtins import filter to get the generator based filter (which will also save work by stopping the search when you get a hit). Python 3's filter already behaves like this.
For potentially higher performance, the way to both test all prefixes at once and figure out which value hit is to use regular expressions:
import re
# Function that will match any of the given prefixes returning a match obj on hit
area_code_matcher = re.compile(r'|'.join(map(re.escape, area_codes))).match
for line in txt:
is_number = phonenumbers.parse(line,"GB")
if phonenumbers.is_valid_number(is_number):
# Returns None on miss, match object on hit
m = area_code_matcher(line)
if m is not None:
# Whatever matched is in the 0th grouping
print(line, m.group())
Lastly, one final approach you can use if the area codes are of fixed length. Rather than using startswith, you can slice directly; you know the hit because you sliced it off yourself:
# If there are a lot of area codes, using a set/frozenset will allow much faster lookup
area_codes_set = frozenset(area_codes)
for line in txt:
is_number = phonenumbers.parse(line,"GB")
if phonenumbers.is_valid_number(is_number):
# Assuming lines that match always start with ###
if line[:3] in area_codes_set:
print(line, line[:3])
I'm attempting to create a program which selects 10 words from a text file which contains 10+ words. For the purpose of the program when importing these 10 words from the text file, I must not import the same words twice! Currently I'm utilising a list for this however the same words seem to appear. I have some knowledge of sets and know they cannot hold the same value twice. As of now I'm clueless on how to solve this any help would be much appreciated. THANKS!
please find relevant code below! -(p.s. FileSelection is basically open file dialog)
def GameStage03_E():
global WordList
if WrdCount >= 10:
WordList = []
for n in range(0,10):
FileLines = open(FileSelection).read().splitlines()
RandWrd = random.choice(FileLines)
elif WrdCount <= 10:
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("ERROR", " Insufficient Amount Of Words Within Your Text File! ")
Make WordList a set:
WordList = set()
Then update that set instead of appending:
Of course WordList would be a bad name for a set.
There are a few other problems though:
Don't use uppercase names for variables and functions (follow PEP8)
What happens if you draw the same word twice in your loop? There is no guarantee that WordList will contain 10 items after the loop completes, if words may appear multiple times.
The latter might be addressed by changing your loop to:
while len(WordList) < 10:
FileLines = open(FileSelection).read().splitlines()
RandWrd = random.choice(FileLines)
You would have to account for the case that there don't exist 10 distinct words after all, though.
Even then the loop would still be quite inefficient as you might draw the same word over and over and over again with random.choice(FileLines). But maybe you can base something useful off of that.
not sure i understand you right, but ehehe,
line 3: "if wrdcount" . . where dit you give wrdcount a value ?
Maybe you intent something along the line below?:
wordset = {}
wrdcount = len(wordset)
while wrdcount < 10:
# do some work to update the setcode here
# when end-of-file break