I want to user to input information and print out the total list. However, when the user input another list it only prints out the first list. How can I make the program print the users total input. Here's my code.
listing = []
class Car:
def __init__(self, ownerName=None, model=None, make=None, price=None):
self.ownerName = ownerName
self.model = model
self.make = make
self.price = price
def input(self):
print "Please update car info \n"
while True:
i = 0
listing.append(Car(raw_input("Owner Name"), raw_input("Model?"), raw_input("Make?"), raw_input("Price?")))
print "Updated"
print listing[i].ownerName, listing[i].model, listing[i].make, listing[i].price
addOn = raw_input("Continue? (Y/N)")
if addOn.lower() == "y":
i += 1
# search a car and print its information. Exit when user input is 'exit'
def menu():
x = Car()
print "PLease choose an option (1-4):\n"
choice = raw_input("1) input\n" \
"2) change price and owner\n" \
"3) search a car and print info\n" \
"\"exit\" Exit")
if choice == "1":
elif choice == "2":
print "Price"
elif choice == "3":
print "Search and Print info"
#mhawke's answer should fix your problem. However, I do not like the idea of creating objects of a class from one of its functions. Check the edited code below.
listing = []
class Car:
def __init__(self, ownerName=None, model=None, make=None, price=None):
self.ownerName = ownerName
self.model = model
self.make = make
self.price = price
def input_car():
print "Please update car info \n"
i = 0
while True:
listing.append(Car(raw_input("Owner Name"), raw_input("Model?"), raw_input("Make?"), raw_input("Price?")))
print "Updated"
print listing[i].ownerName, listing[i].model, listing[i].make, listing[i].price
addOn = raw_input("Continue? (Y/N)")
if addOn.lower() == "y":
i += 1
# search a car and print its information. Exit when user input is 'exit'
def menu():
#x = Car()
print "PLease choose an option (1-4):\n"
choice = raw_input("1) input\n" \
"2) change price and owner\n" \
"3) search a car and print info\n" \
"\"exit\" Exit")
if choice == "1":
elif choice == "2":
print "Price"
elif choice == "3":
print "Search and Print info"
I cleaned up the code a little bit. I should work now. Option 3 gives you a complete listing of all cars so far, so youhave an example to build on.
listing = []
class Car:
def __init__(self, ownerName=None, model=None, make=None, price=None):
self.ownerName = ownerName
self.model = model
self.make = make
self.price = price
#to have a useful method for our example I overwrite the __str__ method from object
def __str__(self):
return ",".join([self.ownerName, self.model, self.make, self.price])
#input does not handle aspects of car, therefore it should be not a method of car
def input():
print "Please update car info \n"
while True:
# there is no need for 'i' so I removed it
car = Car(raw_input("Owner Name"),
print "Updated"
print car #possible since __str__ is overwritten
addOn = raw_input("Continue? (Y/N)")
if addOn.lower() == "n":
def menu():
keep_running = True
#added a while loop so the user stays in the program until he types 'exit'
#changed option '3' to have a working example to build on
while keep_running:
print "PLease choose an option (1-4):\n"
choice = raw_input("1) input\n" \
"2) change price and owner\n" \
"3) list all cars\n" \
"\"exit\" Exit")
if choice == "1":
elif choice == "2":
print "Price"
elif choice == "3":
print "\n".join(map(str, listing))
elif choice == "exit":
keep_running = False
That's because you reset i on each iteration of your while loop.
Move the line:
i = 0
to the line before the while True:
That should fix the immediate problem, however, your code uses an unusual design. You should not create a Car object in order to create further instances of Cars which are then inserted into a global list.
At a minimum you could make input() a static method and have it return a list of Car instances to the caller. Then you can do away with the global listing variable. Also, you don't actually need to keep a counter in i you can just use -1 as the subscript to access the last item in the list:
def input(listing=None):
if listing is None:
listing = []
print "Please update car info \n"
while True:
listing.append(Car(raw_input("Owner Name"), raw_input("Model?"), raw_input("Make?"), raw_input("Price?")))
print "Updated"
print('{0.ownerName} {0.model} {0.make} {0.price}'.format(listing[-1]))
addOn = raw_input("Continue? (Y/N)")
if addOn.lower() != "y":
return listing
Using a static method is good here because input() is related to Car objects so it makes sense to package that function with the class.
Now you can call input() without creating an instance of a Car. In your menu() function remove the x = Car() and change x.input() to listing = Car.input(). Or, if you want to append to an existing "listing" list, call Car.input(listing) which will append new input to listing. You can then print the returned list to see all user input:
def menu():
print "PLease choose an option (1-4):\n"
choice = raw_input("1) input\n" \
"2) change price and owner\n" \
"3) search a car and print info\n" \
"\"exit\" Exit")
if choice == "1":
listing = Car.input()
# print out all user entered cars
for car in listing:
print('{0.ownerName} {0.model} {0.make} {0.price}'.format(car))
elif choice == "2":
print "Price"
elif choice == "3":
print "Search and Print info"
New to programming and trying to learn how to store data using pickle. Essentially, what I'm trying to do is create an address book using classes stored in a dictionary. I define the class (Contact). It all worked, but when I tried to introduce pickling to store data from a previous session, I've created 2 errors that I've found so far.
1: If I select to load a previous address book, I cant update or view the class variables. It's almost like there are two different dictionaries.
2: I select not to load a previous address book and add a contact. When I add the contact and try to view the contacts, I'll get an "Unbound Error: local variable 'address book' referenced before assignment"
What am I doing wrong with pickling?
address_book= {}
class Contact:
def __init__(self,first_name,last_name, phone,company):
self.first_name = first_name
self.last_name = last_name
self.phone = phone
self.company = company
def __call__(self):
print("Contact: %s \nPhone #: %s \nCompany: %s" %(self.name,self.phone,self.company))
def erase(entry):
del address_book[entry] # delete address book entry
del entry #delete class instance
def save():
new_file = open("addressBook.pkl", "wb")
saved_address = pickle.dump(address_book, new_file)
def load():
open_file = open("addressBook.pkl", "rb")
address_book = pickle.load(open_file)
return address_book
def add_contact():
first_name = input("Please type the first name of the contact. ")
last_name = input("Please type in the last name of the contact. ")
if " " in first_name or " " in last_name:
print("Please do not add spaces to your first or last name.")
phone = input("Please type the user phone number without hyphens. ")
if not phone.isnumeric():
print("That isn't a valid phone number.")
company = input("Please type the company they work for. ")
contact = Contact(first_name,last_name,phone,company)
address_book[first_name + " " +last_name] = contact #assign key[first and last name] to value[the class instance] in dictionary
def view_contact(entry):
if entry in address_book:
print("First Name: %s" %(address_book[entry].first_name)) #get class variables
print("Last Name: %s" %(address_book[entry].last_name))
print("Phone Number: %s" %(address_book[entry].phone))
print("Company: %s" %(address_book[entry].company))
print("That person isn't in your address book")
def update(entry):
if entry in address_book:
update_choice = input("Would you like to update the first name (f), last name (l), phone (p), or company (c)? ").lower()
if update_choice == "f":
address_book[entry].first_name = input("Please type the updated first name of this contact. ")
updated_key = address_book[entry].first_name + " " + address_book[entry].last_name
address_book[updated_key] = address_book[entry]
del address_book[entry] #delete old key
elif update_choice == "l": #update last name
address_book[entry].last_name = input("Please type the updated last name of this contact. ")
updated_key = address_book[entry].first_name + " " + address_book[entry].last_name
address_book[updated_key] = address_book[entry]
del address_book[entry]
elif update_choice == "p":
address_book[entry].phone = input("Please type the updated phone number of this contact. ")
elif update_choice == "c":
address_book[entry].company = input("Please type the updated company of this contact. ")
print("That was not valid. Please try again.")
def main():
print("Welcome to your address book!!")
returning_user = input("Would you like to load a previous address book? Y or N ").lower()
if returning_user == "y":
address_book = load()
while True:
choice = input("Please type A:Add, B:View All Contacts, V:View a Contact, D:Delete, U:Update, or X:Exit ").lower()
if choice == "x":
elif choice == "a":
elif choice == "b":
if len(address_book) == 0: #error check if no contacts
print("You don't have any friends. PLease go make some and try again later. :(")
for i in address_book:
elif choice == "v":
if len(address_book) == 0:
print("You don't have any friends. PLease go make some and try again later. :(")
view = input("Who do you want to view? Please type in their first and last name. ")
elif choice == "d":
if len(address_book) == 0:
print("You don't have any friends. PLease go make some and try again later. :(")
contact = input("Please type the first and last name of the person you want to delete ")
if contact in address_book:
elif choice == "u":
if len(address_book) == 0:
print ("C'mon, you don't know anyone yet. How about you make some friends first?")
choice = input("What is the first and last name of the person you'd like to update? ")
print("That was not valid. Please try again.")
save_book = input("Would you like to save your book? Y or N ").lower()
if save_book == "y":
print("Thanks for using the address book!")
In my class called Commands, I have a "carstuff" command (it's a very basic command system) which is supposed to bring up my help menu, but instead it just brings up the python help menu. Here's my commands.py file:
class Commands:
def askCommand(self):
command = input("Enter command: ")
if command == "carstuff":
#the other part that's having problems
elif command == "sell":
elif command == "addcar":
#part that's having problems
def help(self):
"carstuff: Brings up the help menu\nsell: Sells the current car\naddcar: Adds another car"
And here's my main.py file (I'm making a mockup of craigslist)
from car import Car
from commands import Commands
print("Welcome to Craigslist on the command line! Start by entering your car info below.")
brand = input("Enter your car brand: ")
model = input("Enter your car model: ")
year = input("Enter your car's year: ")
condition = input("Enter your car's condition: ")
car = Car(brand, model, year, condition)
print("Your car's price is: " + str(car.price))
print("Now that you've listed your car, you can use commands now!\n")
command = Commands.askCommand(Commands)
And I have another car.py file (but I don't know if it will be of any use)
class Car:
def __init__(self, brand, model, year, condition):
self.brand = brand
self.model = model
self.year = year
self.condition = condition
self.price = len(model) * 0.75 * 3000
if self.condition == "Bad":
self.price - 100
elif self.condition == "Brand New":
self.price + 100
def Sell(self):
sure = input("Are you sure you want to sell? (Y/N): ")
if sure == "Y" or "y":
self.sellprice = self.price % 75
print("You got " + self.sellprice + " from this car.")
elif sure == "N" or "n":
print("Sell cancelled.\n")
update so it seems like no matter what i do or type it asks
what would you like to add?
instead of doing the other options it just keeps asking this
it should only be asking this if the user types a
this is a 2 issue thing im having and the main original post is here
How to debug errors in Python?
but the bigger issue im having is i cant get the bottom half of my code to work
it just ignores the inputs given to it and continues to add them to the list
elif user == "d" :
listdelete = input("what item do you want deleted")
list.remove (listdelete)
elif user == "p" : # prints the list
print (list)
elif user == "x" : # exits the program
print ("good bye")
print ("!!!!!!that is not a choice!!!!!!")
#right now everything is being called through a single procedure
print (option())
and on the bottom here is going to be the entire code sorry for pasting the entire code on the bottom here but i thought it would be easy to understand the whole issue if i showed the whole code and then the section thats not working since its all under one procedure
list = []
def option() :
print ("(a) -to add item ")
print ("(d) -to delete item")
print ("(p) -to see items on your list")
print ("(x) -to exit ")
#above just prints out user options with a input after
user = input("please select a choice")
if user == "a" :
item = input("what would you like to add? ")
list.append (item)
# next im going to ask if they would like to add another item
more = input(" would you like to add something else? yes or no")
while more == "yes":
if more == "yes" :
item = input("what else would you like to add? type b to back ")
if item == "b" :
print (option())
else :
elif more == "no" :
print (option())
elif user == "d" :
listdelete = input("what item do you want deleted")
list.remove (listdelete)
elif user == "p" : # prints the list
print (list)
elif user == "x" : # exits the program
print ("good bye")
print ("!!!!!!that is not a choice!!!!!!")
#right now everything is being called through a single procedure
print (option())
I have updated your code which still has flaws and exploits the mutability of the list datatype but does work as you would expect it:
#!/usr/bin/env python
def AddElement(collection):
elementToAdd = input("What would you like to add: ")
return collection
def DeleteElement(collection):
print("You have the following items:", collection)
elementToDelete = input("What item do you want deleted: ")
for elements in collection:
if elements == elementToDelete:
print("You have the following items left:", collection)
return collection
def WriteMenu():
print("(a) -to add item")
print("(d) -to delete item")
print("(p) -to see items on your lst1")
print("(x) -to exit")
return True
def option():
UserInput = input("Please select a choice: ")
while UserInput:
if UserInput == "a":
elif UserInput == "d":
elif UserInput == "p":
elif UserInput == "x":
print("Good bye!")
UserInput = input("Please select a choice: ")
#right now everything is being called through a single procedure
collection = []
Already asked this question and I had a very negative response so I'll forewarn you that I am extremely new to Python and programming as a whole so I don't quite understand most terminology but I'll try anyway
I have to insert a method of deleting a customer account from the customers_list, both stored within bank_system
I shall put a code sample of bank_system here.
The customers_list is found at the top and the method to delete accounts is found near the bottom.
from customer import Customer
from admin import Admin
from account import Account
class BankSystem(object):
def __init__(self):
self.customers_list = []
self.admins_list = []
def load_bank_data(self):
customer_1 = Customer("Adam", "1234", ["14", "Wilcot Street", "Bath", "B5 5RT"])
account_no = 1234
account_1 = Account(5000.00, account_no)
customer_2 = Customer("David", "password", ["60", "Holborn Via-duct", "London", "EC1A 2FD"])
account_2 = Account(3200.00, account_no)
customer_3 = Customer("Alice", "MoonLight", ["5", "Cardigan Street", "Birmingham", "B4 7BD"])
account_3 = Account(18000.00, account_no)
customer_4 = Customer("Ali", "150A", ["44", "Churchill Way West", "Basingstoke", "RG21 6YR"])
account_4 = Account(18000.00, account_no)
customer_5 = Customer("Thomas", "15A", ["4", "Churchill West", "Stoke", "ST21 6YR"])
account_5 = Account(0, account_no)
admin_1 = Admin("Julian", "1441", True, ["12", "London Road", "Birmingham", "B95 7TT"])
admin_2 = Admin("Eva", "2222", False, ["47", "Mars Street", "Newcastle", "NE12 6TZ"])
def customer_login(self, name, password):
found_customer = self.search_customers_by_name(name)
if found_customer == None:
return("\n The customer you are looking for has not been found!\n")
if (found_customer.check_password(password) == True):
return("You have input an incorrect password")
def admin_login(self, name, password):
found_admin = self.search_admin_by_name(name)
if found_admin == None:
return("\n The administrator you are looking for has not been found!\n")
if (found_admin.check_password(password) == True):
return("You have input an incorrect password")
def search_customers_by_name(self, customer_name):
found_customer = None
for a in self.customers_list:
name = a.get_name()
if name == customer_name:
found_customer = a
if found_customer == None:
print("\n The customer %s doesn't exist! Please try again...\n" %customer_name)
return found_customer
def main_menu(self):
print ("-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-")
print ("Welcome to the Python Bank System")
print ("-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-")
print ("1) Admin login")
print ("2) Customer login")
print ("3) Quit the Python Bank System")
print (" ")
option = int(input("Choose your option: "))
return option
def run_main_option(self):
loop = 1
while loop == 1:
choice = self.main_menu()
if choice == 1:
name = input ("\n Please input admin name: ")
password = input ("\n Please input admin password: ")
msg = self.admin_login(name, password)
elif choice == 2:
name = input ("\n Please input customer name: ")
password = input ("\n Please input customer password: ")
msg = self.customer_login(name, password)
elif choice == 3:
loop = 0
print ("Thank you for stopping by the bank!")
def trasnfer_money(self, sender_account, receiver_name, receiver_account_no, amount):
def customer_menu(self, customer_name):
print (" ")
print ("Welcome %s : Your transaction options are:" %customer_name)
print ("-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-")
print ("1) Transfer money")
print ("2) Other account operations")
print ("3) profile settings")
print ("4) Sign out")
print (" ")
option = int(input ("Choose your option: "))
return option
def run_customer_options(self, customer):
account = customer.get_account()
loop = 1
while loop == 1:
choice = self.customer_menu(customer.get_name())
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 2:
elif choice == 3:
elif choice == 4:
loop = 0
print ("Exit account operations")
def search_admin_by_name(self, name):
found_admin = None
admin_name = name
for a in self.admins_list:
name = a.get_name()
if name == admin_name:
found_admin = a
if found_admin == None:
print("\n The administrator %s doesn't exist! Please try again...\n" %admin_name)
return found_admin
def admin_menu(self, admin_name):
print (" ")
print ("Welcome Admin %s : Available options are:" %admin_name)
print ("-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-")
print ("1) Transfer money")
print ("2) Customer account operations")
print ("3) Customer profile settings")
print ("4) Admin profile settings")
print ("5) Delete customer")
print ("6) Print all customers detail")
print ("7) Sign out")
print (" ")
option = int(input ("Choose your option: "))
return option
def run_admin_options(self, admin):
loop = 1
while loop == 1:
choice = self.admin_menu(admin.get_name())
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 2:
customer_name = input("\n Please input customer name :\n")
customer = self.search_customers_by_name(customer_name)
if customer != None:
account = customer.get_account()
if account != None:
elif choice == 3:
customer_name = input("\n Please input customer name :\n")
customer = self.search_customers_by_name(customer_name)
if customer != None:
elif choice == 4:
elif choice == 5:
if admin.has_full_admin_right() == True:
name = input("\n Please input customer name you want to delete :\n")
customer_account = self.search_customers_by_name(name)
if customer_account !=None:
print ("The customer does not exist")
else: self.customers_list.remove(name)
print("\n Only administrators with full admin rights can remove a customer from the bank system!\n")
elif choice == 6:
elif choice == 7:
loop = 0
print ("Exit account operations")
def print_all_accounts_details(self):
# list related operation - move to main.py
i = 0
for c in self.customers_list:
print('\n %d. ' %i, end = ' ')
app = BankSystem()
With the code I have currently, Python shell returns this:
Please input customer name you want to delete :
The customer does not exist
Welcome Admin Julian : Available options are:
1) Transfer money
2) Customer account operations
3) Customer profile settings
4) Admin profile settings
5) Delete customer
6) Print all customers detail
7) Sign out
Choose your option:
As you can see, when I enter 'Adam' Python simply returns 'The customer does not exist'
Considering this and then looking back through my code and to the method that would delete the account, this would mean that the search_customers_by_name method does not work correctly. However all other options that use this method work perfectly.
What can I do to correct this?
In the deletion option, you are displaying the message that the customer does not exist if there is a customer found (if customer_account != None:). By reversing this (if customer_account == None:) it will alert you if it did not found the customer, which I think is the desired behavior. The corrected code is below:
elif choice == 5:
if admin.has_full_admin_right() == True:
name = input("\n Please input customer name you want to delete :\n")
customer_account = self.search_customers_by_name(name)
if customer_account == None:
print ("The customer does not exist")
else: self.customers_list.remove(name)
print("\n Only administrators with full admin rights can remove a customer from the bank system!\n")
This question already has answers here:
Asking the user for input until they give a valid response
(22 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm making a pizza operator program for school. what is basically does is it asks for the customers name, asks if you want pickup or delivery etc. The problems I have encountered is that when I don't type anything into the input it will give the error to make you input it but then will automatically stop the program. I would like it to repeat itself. and also I have a bug in get_user_info when I click 1, 2 or 3 it does nothing but go in a infinite loop which I cannot seem to solve. I hope you guys could help me thank you very much in advance.
My code
premium_pizzas = ["Supreme Cheese", "The Legendary pizza", "Pentakill supreme", "Teeto shroomo supreme", "The volcanic rengar", "Cheese and Ham" , "Vegetriano" ]
gourmet_pizzas = ["Flame Gorrila", "Snazzy chicken", "Intergalactic BBQ", "BBQ Chicken"]
#premium_pizzas = 8.50
#gourmet_pizzas = 5.00
customer_name = ""
def get_customer_name():
customer_name =input("what is your name?\n\t")
if customer_name is "":
print("Error please enter a name!\n\t")
#else: get_user_info()
def get_delivery_details():
get_address = input("Please enter a delivery address\n\t:")
if get_address == "":
print("error you must enter a address")
get_phone_number = str(input("please enter your phone number"))
if get_phone_number is "":
print("Input must be an integer(numbers only)")
if get_phone_number is "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz":
print("Input must be an integer(numbers only)")
def get_pizza_list():
for i in range (0,6):
def get_user_info():
while not get_user_info == "0":
user_input=str(input("Press 1 for delivery press\nPress 2 for pickup\nPress 3 to exit\n\t:"))
if get_user_info == "1":
elif get_user_info == "2":
elif get_user_info == "3":
You want to loop as long as the customer name is empty:
customer_name = ""
def get_customer_name():
while (customer_name == ''):
customer_name = raw_input("what is your name?\n\t")
if customer_name is "":
print("Error please enter a name!\n\t")
In addition, I would re-think the use of global variables. Programs using globals do not scale well.
def get_customer_name():
result = ''
while (result is ''):
result = raw_input("what is your name?\n\t")
if (result is ''):
print("Error please enter a name!\n\t")
and later in the program:
customer_name = get_customer_name()
The first problem:
I would change
customer_name =input("what is your name?\n\t")
if customer_name is "":
print("Error please enter a name!\n\t")
while customer_name == "":
customer_name =input("what is your name?\n\t")
print("Error please enter a name!\n\t")
And the other problem... quick suggestion: are you sure you wanna read user_input and use get_user_info as a variable? Just use user_input, not the name of the function :) ^^
Editing so not to pollute the edit place:
while not user_input == "3":
user_input=str(input("Press 1 for delivery press\nPress 2 for pickup\nPress 3 to exit\n\t:"))
if user_input == "1":
else user_input == "2":
Basically you cycle until user_input is different from 3, the (main) problem with your solution was that you were using a bogus variable (get_user_info) to perform the check to let the cycle end, BUT you were setting a different one (user_input) ;)
1. Use raw_input()
2. Work with objects/classes. It'll make your program more readable/debugable/organized.
3. Some of your if statements could be rewritten.
4. Make global variables uppercase for readability. (actually not sure if this in PEP-8 but I always do it)
Here is something I made. It is dirty but it works.
PREMIUM_PIZZAS = ["Supreme Cheese", "The Legendary pizza", "Pentakill supreme", "Teeto shroomo supreme", "The volcanic rengar", "Cheese and Ham" , "Vegetriano" ]
GOURMET_PIZZAS = ["Flame Gorrila", "Snazzy chicken", "Intergalactic BBQ", "BBQ Chicken"]
class Customer():
def __init__(self):
self.name = ''
self.address = ''
self.phone = ''
self.pickup = False
self.pizza = ''
class Order():
def __init__(self):
self._customer = Customer()
def get_order(self):
if not self.get_customer_name():
return None
if not self.get_user_info():
return None
return self._customer
def get_customer_name(self):
name = raw_input("what is your name?\n\t")
if not name:
print("Please enter a name!\n\t")
self._customer.name = name
return True
def get_delivery_details(self):
address = raw_input("Please enter a delivery address\n\t:")
if not address:
print("You must enter a address")
return None
self._customer.address = address
phone_number = raw_input("Please enter your phone number\n\t")
self._customer.phone = int(phone_number)
print("Input must be an integer(numbers only)")
return None
pizza_choice = self.get_pizza_list()
if not pizza_choice:
return None
return True
def get_pizza_list(self):
# if anything went wrong, return None
# get a listing of the pizzas here, etc
choice = PREMIUM_PIZZAS[1]
if choice:
self._customer.pizza = choice
return True
def get_user_info(self):
user_choice = raw_input("Press 1 for delivery press\nPress 2 for pickup\nPress 3 to exit\n\t:")
if user_choice == "1":
if self.get_delivery_details():
return True
elif user_choice == "2":
self._customer.pickup = True
if self.get_pizza_list():
return True
while True:
print '--\nWelcome, please order a pizza!'
order = Order()
info = order.get_order()
print '--'
if info:
for attr in [a for a in dir(info) if not a.startswith('__')]:
print '%s: %s' % (attr ,getattr(info, attr))
dsc:~/bla$ python test.py
Welcome, please order a pizza!
what is your name?
Sander Ferdinand
Press 1 for delivery press
Press 2 for pickup
Press 3 to exit
Please enter a delivery address
:The Netherlands
Please enter your phone number
address: The Netherlands
name: Sander Ferdinand
phone: 8349644343
pickup: False
pizza: The Legendary pizza
Welcome, please order a pizza!
what is your name?
You might want to use my snippet as an example for making a class that contains all the pizzas and their individual prizes and implement that in!