Remote shutdown not working in Python - python

I'm trying to write up a small script using Python 2.7.7 that would ping an IP address and determine whether that PC is turned on or off, and change the power state of that system accordingly. I'm relying heavily on the Python modules subprocess and wakeonlan. I am not having any issues pinging or using WOL, but the shutdown functionality is behaving in a very strange way.
Using the command shutdown -s -t 0 /m \\XXX.XXX.X.X from the command prompt works fine, as well as the following from the Python interactive shell in cmd:
import subprocess
ip = 'XXX.XXX.X.X' # use for example'shutdown -s -t 0 /m \\\\%s' % ip)
But running the same command in from a Python script is returning this error:
XXX.XXX.X.X: The entered computer name is not valid or remote shutdown is not supported on the target computer. Check the name and then try again or contact your system administrator.(53)
Are there any background behaviors that I'm not thinking about? Perhaps something to do with the subprocess module? Thanks in advance!


Starting batch file via Paramiko on hpc-system leads to an error message [duplicate]

I am trying to run sesu command in Unix server from Python with the help of Paramiko exec_command. However when I am running this command exec_command('sesu test'), I am getting
sh: sesu: not found
When I am running simple ls command it giving me desired output. Only with sesu command it is not working fine.
This is how my code looks like:
import paramiko
host = host
username = username
password = password
port = port
stdin,stdout,stderr=ssh.exec_command('sesu test')
The SSHClient.exec_command by default does not run shell in "login" mode and does not allocate a pseudo terminal for the session. As a consequence a different set of startup scripts is (might be) sourced, than in your regular interactive SSH session (particularly for non-interactive sessions, .bash_profile is not sourced). And/or different branches in the scripts are taken, based on an absence/presence of TERM environment variable.
Possible solutions (in preference order):
Fix the command not to rely on a specific environment. Use a full path to sesu in the command. E.g.:
/bin/sesu test
If you do not know the full path, on common *nix systems, you can use which sesu command in your interactive SSH session.
Fix your startup scripts to set the PATH the same for both interactive and non-interactive sessions.
Try running the script explicitly via login shell (use --login switch with common *nix shells):
bash --login -c "sesu test"
If the command itself relies on a specific environment setup and you cannot fix the startup scripts, you can change the environment in the command itself. Syntax for that depends on the remote system and/or the shell. In common *nix systems, this works:
PATH="$PATH;/path/to/sesu" && sesu test
Another (not recommended) approach is to force the pseudo terminal allocation for the "exec" channel using the get_pty parameter:
stdin,stdout,stderr = ssh.exec_command('sesu test', get_pty=True)
Using the pseudo terminal to automate a command execution can bring you nasty side effects. See for example Is there a simple way to get rid of junk values that come when you SSH using Python's Paramiko library and fetch output from CLI of a remote machine?
You may have a similar problem with LD_LIBRARY_PATH and locating shared objects.
See also:
Environment variable differences when using Paramiko
Certain Unix commands fail with "... not found", when executed through Java using JSch

'arp' command not found when run remotely through Python Paramiko [duplicate]

I am trying to run sesu command in Unix server from Python with the help of Paramiko exec_command. However when I am running this command exec_command('sesu test'), I am getting
sh: sesu: not found
When I am running simple ls command it giving me desired output. Only with sesu command it is not working fine.
This is how my code looks like:
import paramiko
host = host
username = username
password = password
port = port
stdin,stdout,stderr=ssh.exec_command('sesu test')
The SSHClient.exec_command by default does not run shell in "login" mode and does not allocate a pseudo terminal for the session. As a consequence a different set of startup scripts is (might be) sourced, than in your regular interactive SSH session (particularly for non-interactive sessions, .bash_profile is not sourced). And/or different branches in the scripts are taken, based on an absence/presence of TERM environment variable.
Possible solutions (in preference order):
Fix the command not to rely on a specific environment. Use a full path to sesu in the command. E.g.:
/bin/sesu test
If you do not know the full path, on common *nix systems, you can use which sesu command in your interactive SSH session.
Fix your startup scripts to set the PATH the same for both interactive and non-interactive sessions.
Try running the script explicitly via login shell (use --login switch with common *nix shells):
bash --login -c "sesu test"
If the command itself relies on a specific environment setup and you cannot fix the startup scripts, you can change the environment in the command itself. Syntax for that depends on the remote system and/or the shell. In common *nix systems, this works:
PATH="$PATH;/path/to/sesu" && sesu test
Another (not recommended) approach is to force the pseudo terminal allocation for the "exec" channel using the get_pty parameter:
stdin,stdout,stderr = ssh.exec_command('sesu test', get_pty=True)
Using the pseudo terminal to automate a command execution can bring you nasty side effects. See for example Is there a simple way to get rid of junk values that come when you SSH using Python's Paramiko library and fetch output from CLI of a remote machine?
You may have a similar problem with LD_LIBRARY_PATH and locating shared objects.
See also:
Environment variable differences when using Paramiko
Certain Unix commands fail with "... not found", when executed through Java using JSch

Running a python script through SSH works, but not through paramiko. Doesn't find system libraries [duplicate]

I am trying to run sesu command in Unix server from Python with the help of Paramiko exec_command. However when I am running this command exec_command('sesu test'), I am getting
sh: sesu: not found
When I am running simple ls command it giving me desired output. Only with sesu command it is not working fine.
This is how my code looks like:
import paramiko
host = host
username = username
password = password
port = port
stdin,stdout,stderr=ssh.exec_command('sesu test')
The SSHClient.exec_command by default does not run shell in "login" mode and does not allocate a pseudo terminal for the session. As a consequence a different set of startup scripts is (might be) sourced, than in your regular interactive SSH session (particularly for non-interactive sessions, .bash_profile is not sourced). And/or different branches in the scripts are taken, based on an absence/presence of TERM environment variable.
Possible solutions (in preference order):
Fix the command not to rely on a specific environment. Use a full path to sesu in the command. E.g.:
/bin/sesu test
If you do not know the full path, on common *nix systems, you can use which sesu command in your interactive SSH session.
Fix your startup scripts to set the PATH the same for both interactive and non-interactive sessions.
Try running the script explicitly via login shell (use --login switch with common *nix shells):
bash --login -c "sesu test"
If the command itself relies on a specific environment setup and you cannot fix the startup scripts, you can change the environment in the command itself. Syntax for that depends on the remote system and/or the shell. In common *nix systems, this works:
PATH="$PATH;/path/to/sesu" && sesu test
Another (not recommended) approach is to force the pseudo terminal allocation for the "exec" channel using the get_pty parameter:
stdin,stdout,stderr = ssh.exec_command('sesu test', get_pty=True)
Using the pseudo terminal to automate a command execution can bring you nasty side effects. See for example Is there a simple way to get rid of junk values that come when you SSH using Python's Paramiko library and fetch output from CLI of a remote machine?
You may have a similar problem with LD_LIBRARY_PATH and locating shared objects.
See also:
Environment variable differences when using Paramiko
Certain Unix commands fail with "... not found", when executed through Java using JSch

Error when opening interactive ssh shell from python

I am trying to open an interactive ssh shell through fabric.
Use fabrics hosts in the connection string to remote
Open fully interactive shell in current terminal
Works on osx and ubuntu
No need for data transfer between fabric/python and remote. So fabric task can end in background.
So far:
def test_ssh():
from subprocess import Popen
Popen('ssh user# -i "bla.pem"', shell=True)
In terminal:
localprompt$ fab test_ssh
localprompt$ tcsetattr: Input/output error
[remote ubuntu welcome here]
remoteprompt$ |
Then if I try to input a command on the remote prompt it is executed locally and I drop back to the local prompt.
Does anyone know a solution?
Note: I am aware of fabrics open_shell, but this does not work for me since the stdout lags behind, rendering this unusable.
A slight modification does the trick:
def test_ssh():
from subprocess import call
call('ssh user# -i "bla.pem"', shell=True)
As the answer to this question suggests the error suggests the error comes from the inability of ssh to connect to the stdin/out of a process in the background.
With call the fabric task does not end in the background, but I am fine with that as long as as it is not interfering with my stdin/out.

run ssh command remotely without redirecting output

I want to run a python script on my server (that python script has GUI). But I want to start it from ssh. Something like this:
ssh me#server -i my_key "nohup python"
... > let the script run forever
BUT it complains "unable to access video driver" since it is trying to use my ssh terminal as output.
Can I somehow make my commands output run on server machine and not to my terminal... Basically something like "wake-on-lan functionality" -> tell the server you want something and he will do everything using its own system (not sending any output back)
What about
ssh me#server -i my_key "nohup python >/dev/null 2>&1"
You can use redirection to some remote logfile instead of /dev/null of course.
? :)
EDIT: GUI applications on X usually use $DISPLAY variable to know where they should be displayed. Moreover, X11 display servers use authorization to permit or disallow applications connecting to its display. Commands
export DISPLAY=:0 && xhost +
may be helpful for you.
Isn't it possible for you to rather use python ssh extension instead of calling external application?
It would:
run as one process
guarantee that invocation will be the same among all possible system
lose the overhead from "execution"
send everything trough ssh (you won't have to worry about input like "; possibly local executed command)
If not, go with what Piotr Wades suggested.
