Inserting records into table from json object using sqlalchemy - python

I'm trying to write a program that gets a json object from an api call and then loads that into a database. sqlalchemy keeps throwing the error AttributeError: 'TextClause' object has no attribute 'implicit_returning' when I compile stmt or try to just execute it on its own.
def load_results(self):
connect = self.engine.connect()
for ru in self.json_ru:
counties = ru['counties']
for county in counties:
transaction = connect.begin()
params = {"reportingunitName": ru['reportingunitName'],
"geoCode": ru['geocode'],
"townsTotal": ru['towns'],
"townsReporting": ru['townsReporting'],
"cableName": county['cableName'],
"unitCount": county['unitCount']
stmt = expression.insert('{}.raw_feed'.format(self.state)).values(params)
compiled_stmt = stmt.compile(self.engine)
Before I had a query I was just feeding into connect.execute, but the strings that were coming in as values were being read as column names, so I tried the above instead. Also using Postgres flavor.


Flask-SQLAlchemy ORM/GeoAlchemy2 results to a dictionary and ultimately JSON

I am using Flask/SQLAlchemy to create a web app with a map in it, so naturally I'm using a PostGIS database. The geom column requires an ST_Transform and somehow I need to turn this column and all others into JSON. The general structure of the database is:
from app import login, db
from datetime import datetime
from geoalchemy2 import Geometry
from time import time
from flask import current_app
from sqlalchemy import func
class Streets(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
street = db.Column(db.String(50))
geom = db.Column(Geometry(geometry_type='LINESTRING'))
def to_dict(self):
data = {
'street': self.street,
'_geom': func.ST_AsGeoJSON(func.ST_Transform(self.geom, 4326))
return data
My api route turns this result into an api:
return jsonify(Streets.query.get_or_404(id).to_dict())
But I keep getting this error: NameError: name 'ST_AsGeoJSON' is not defined
I also tried to create my _geom value like this:
data['_geom'] = db.session.query(func.ST_AsGeoJSON(func.ST_Transform(self.geom, 4326)))
The error message is: TypeError: Object of type 'BaseQuery' is not JSON serializable
Finally, I tried an api route like this:
data = Streets.to_dict(
Streets.geom, 4326
return jsonify(data)
And I get a different error:
AttributeError: 'BaseQuery' object has no attribute 'id'
If I run this in flask shell it works:
streets = db.session.query(,
func.ST_AsGeoJSON(func.ST_Transform(Streets.geom, 4326)))
How can I perform ST_Transform and get JSON to my api route?
I found this in the SQLALchemy documentation that got me some progress: "orm.column_property() can be used to map a SQL expression". So I tried adding this to my class Streets(db.Model):
coords = db.column_property(func.ST_AsGeoJSON(func.ST_Transform(geom, 4326)))
Then I add it to data like this:
def to_dict(self):
data = {
'street': self.street,
'coords': self.coords
return data
But now I'm double encoding my results, once into GeoJSON and then I jsonify it:
return jsonify(Streets.query.get_or_404(id).to_dict())
So my api inserts \'s:
{"coords": "{\"type\":\"MultiLineString\",\"coordinates\":[[[-80.8357132798193,35.2260689001034],[-80.8347602582754,35.2252424284259]]]}"}
And using ST_AsText just turns it into text:
{"coords": "MULTILINESTRING((-80.8357132798193 35.2260689001034,-80.8347602582754 35.2252424284259))"}
I think I'm close with this update, but does anyone have a suggestion for getting correct GeoJSON with the JSON of the other fields of my database?
The first error
NameError: name 'ST_AsGeoJSON' is not defined
means that your example code is not what you were actually using. You had forgot to access it through func. It would not work after fixing that either, since you'd be mixing the SQL world and the Python world. func.ST_AsGeoJSON(...) creates an SQL function expression object that is supposed to be compiled to SQL and sent to the DB in a query, not passed to jsonify().
The second error
TypeError: Object of type 'BaseQuery' is not JSON serializable
should be somewhat obvious.
data['_geom'] = db.session.query(func.ST_AsGeoJSON(func.ST_Transform(self.geom, 4326)))
creates a Query, and a too broad query at that, since you've not limited it to fetch data of the current object. The Query object is not JSON serializable.
data = Streets.to_dict(db.session.query(...)...)
you pass the Query object as self to Streets.to_dict(), which then tries to access its id attribute in
which fails for obvious reasons – namely passing an unrelated object as the instance to a method.
The column_property() approach produces the doubly encoded JSON because SQLAlchemy does not by default expect ST_AsGeoJSON to return JSON and treats it as text instead, which it actually returns. Try decoding in between manually:
def to_dict(self):
data = {
'street': self.street,
'coords': json.loads(self.coords)
return data

sqlAlchemy to access blob via a hybrid propery?

I'm trying to add a block of text into a sqlAlchemy table, which I want to compress to save space with it. Looking through various answers I came up with what I think should be working, but is not. I'm working with a sqlite database.
Updated: Was pointed out I was attempting to use mysql on sqlite which I wasn't aware that was what was happening. I adjusted to use zlib instead and it works to a degree, which gives me a new error that I do not understand.
# proper imports and stuff to make this work
from sqlalchemy import func
class Data(Base):
__tablename__ = 'data'
# ...
text_blobbed = Column('text', BLOB)
def text(self):
# return func.decompress(self.text_blobbed)
return self.text_blobbed.decode("zlib")
def text(self, stuff):
# self.text_blobbed = func.compress(stuff)
self.text_blobbed = stuff.encode("zlib")
old error from func.
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) no such function: compress [SQL: ...... ]
I can now add in the text via Data.text = "a really big block of text"
But when I go to query for this like
I get an error:
AttributeError: Neither 'InstrumentedAttribute' object nor 'Comparator' object associated with Data.text_blobbed has an attribute 'decode'
Doing this is fine.
r = session.query(Data).filter(
print r.text
I've also looked at the text_blobbed which is a set(). And I can do this that works:
r = session.query(Data.text_blobbed.filter( ... ).first()[0].decode("zlib")
print r
But if I move that [0] into the hybrid_property for
return self.text_blobbed[0].decode("zlib")
and query:
r = session.query(Data.text).filter( ... ).first()
I get the error:
NotImplementedError: Operator 'getitem' is not supported on this expression
So, I'm a bit confused still.
I've been looking at these things:
SQLAlchemy - Writing a hybrid method for child count
mysql Compress() with sqlalchemy
SELECT UNCOMPRESS(text) FROM with sqlalchemy

SqlAlchemy query result outputting

I am trying to query one of my tables in my Postgres database using SqlAlchemy in Python 3. It runs the query fine but as I go through each row in the result that SqlAlchemy returns, I try to use the attribute 'text' (one of my column names). I receive this error:
'str' object has no attribute 'text'
I have printed the attribute like so:
for row in result:
This does not give the error. The code that produces the error is below. However, to give my environment:
I have two servers running. One is for my database the other is for my python server.
Database Server:
Postgres v9.6 - On Amazon's RDS
Server with Python
Linux 3.13.0-65-generic x86_64 - On an Amazon EC2 Instance
SqlAlchemy v1.1.5
Python v3.4.3
Flask 0.11.1
Files related:
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
import re
from nltk import sent_tokenize
class DocumentProcess:
def __init__(self):
Engine = sa.create_engine(
# initialize SQLAlchemy
Base = automap_base()
# reflect the tables
Base.prepare(Engine, reflect=True)
# Define all needed tables
self.Document = Base.classes.documents
self.session = Session(Engine)
def process_documents(self):
offset = 5
limit = 50
###### This is the query in question ##########
result = self.session.query(self.Document) \
.order_by( \
.offset(offset) \
for row in result:
# The print statement below does print out the text
# when passing document.text to sent_tokenize, it
# gives the following error:
# 'str' object has no attribute 'text'
snippets = sent_tokenize(row.text.strip('\n')) # I have removed strip, but the same problem
except Exception as e:
raise e
This is my model for Document, in my PostgreSQL database:
class Document(db.Model):
__tablename__ = "documents"
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
text = db.Column(db.Text)
tweet = db.Column(db.JSON)
keywords = db.Column(db.ARRAY(db.String), nullable=True)
def to_dict(self):
return dict(,
def json(self):
return jsonify(self.to_dict())
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__, self.to_dict())
Things I have tried
Before, I did not have order_by in the Document query. This was working before. However, even removing order_by does not fix it anymore.
Used a SELECT statement and went through the result manually, but still the same result
What I haven't tried
I am wondering if its because I named the column 'text'. I noticed that when I write this query out in postgres, it highlights it as a reserved word. I'm confused why my query worked before, but now it doesn't work. Could this be the issue?
Any thoughts on this issue would be much appreciated.
It turns out that text is a reserved word in PostgreSQL. I renamed the column name and refactored my code to match. This solved the issue.
You are likely to get this error in PostgreSQL if you are creating a foreign table and one of the column datatype is text. Change it to character varying() and the error disappears!

How to pass apostrophe from python to psql?? 'DatabaseError' object has no attribute 'encode'

I am using locally host postgresql database 9.6. which connect like this
conn_string = """host='localhost'
conLocal = psycopg2.connect(conn_string)
I have name = "Mark's Dane", which contain apostrophe
which I want to pass into database, so I have following query
query = """SELECT pet_name
FROM pet
WHERE name = '{0}'""".format(name)
Then I run following code:
pet_name = read_sql(query, conLocal)
However, I am getting following error :
'DatabaseError' object has no attribute 'encode'
Don't use format for interpolating values into SQL strings.
Instead, use the execute method, passing a tuple of parameters, e.g.
conn.execute("""SELECT pet_name
FROM pet
WHERE name = %s""", (name,))
Note the use of the 1-tuple (name,).
See the Python DBI-API documentation and the psycopg2 manual for more.

sqlalchemy serializer merging

Im sending sqlalchemy objects trough net to another machine. First I serialize it to a string, then crypting and sending.
I serialize it with:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session
from sqlalchemy.ext.serializer import loads, dumps
engine = create_engine(connection_str)
S = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine, expire_on_commit=False))
session = S()
data = session(MyObj).all()
serialized = pickle.dumps([dumps(d) for d in data])
crypted = crypt(serialized) #encrypting the serialized data
send(machine, crypted) #sending encripted data to 'machine'
and on the other machine:
encrypted = get_data()
serialized = decrypt(encrypted)
data = [loads(d, Base.metadata, S) for d in pickle.loads(serialized)]
for d in data:
but it throws: (IntegrityError) may not be NULL u'INSERT INTO myobj (col1, col2) VALUES (?, ?)' (None, None)
and when i try to print the data it throws: DetachedInstanceError Instance <MyObj at 0x24e0c70> is not bound to a Session; attribute refresh operation cannot proceed
or an:ObjectDeletedError
what is the problem?
How to create and restore a backup from SqlAlchemy? is told that session.merge() would be fine, but it didnt work for me.
From the docs for sqlalchemy.ext.serializer:
"The serializer module is only appropriate for query structures. It is
not needed for [...] instances of user-defined classes"
Maybe try to just use pickle and not sqlalchemy.ext.serializer for this use case.
