Getting user info with Cloud Endpoints (using other API Endpoints) - python

I'm trying to setup endpoints api (with google app engine, python), but I'm having some trouble getting user profile info. API is working, I can create entities through API Explorer on my localhost.
My goal is to allow user to register for my app by providing just an email, and authorizing the app to get the reset of the info from their profile. I have this endpoints method:
def UserRegister(self, instance): 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' ))
# 'Beared __TOKEN__'
# '__TOKEN__'
return instance
This works fine, I receive authorization token and user is created in datastore, but I can't figure out how to get the profile info. If I enter the token in OAuth2 API (through API Explorer):
I get token info with some data I need { "user_id": "__ID__", "verified_email": true, ...}, and if I use user_id in +API:
I can get the rest of the data I need (name, image, etc).
What do I need to do to achieve this in my UserRegister() method? I'd prefer to return just entity ID and do the rest of registration asynchronously, but that's another issue, I'll figure it out (; Just need some guidance how to call other endpoints from my code...
I've managed to figure out how to call other APIs (code on Gist), now only have one issue with Plus API:
I did some queries and eventually got anonymous quota error. Then I added key parameter and set it to WEB_CLIENT_ID or SERVICE_ACCOUNT:
WEB_CLIENT_ID is OAuth2 Client ID (type: Web Application) from,
SERVICE_ACCOUNT is default App Engine service account -
and now I'm getting following error:
HttpError: <HttpError 400 when requesting returned "Bad Request">
When I use +API explorer I get results as expected:
200 OK + json data for user...
Anyone knows why is this happening?

Why am I getting BadRequest response?
Problem with BadRequest was that I didn't send authorization token... I did try to send it as access_token, but seams like +api docs are outdated - it should be oauth_token. When I included this parameter issue was resolved:
build('plus', 'v1').people().get(userId=user_id, key=SERVICE_ACCOUNT, oauth_token=token).execute()
HINT: Use http://localhost:8001/_ah/api/discovery/v1/apis/, and discoveryRestUrl property it has to see real properties of your API - this is where I found the answer.
oauth_token can be obtained like this:
token = os.getenv('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION').split(" ")[1]
# or like in my question:
token = endpoints.users_id_token._get_token(None)
I'd suggest HTTP_AUTHORIZATION variable, because users_id_token docs state that it's a:
Utility library for reading user information from an id_token.
This is an experimental library that can temporarily be used to extract
a user from an id_token. The functionality provided by this library
will be provided elsewhere in the future.
How to call other API Endpoints?
This is also an answer to my first question:
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
service = build('plus', 'v1')
request = service.people().get(userId=user_id, key=SERVICE_ACCOUNT, oauth_token=token)
response = request.execute()
data = dict(self.response.POST)
Code that worked for me is here.
NOTE: WEB_CLIENT_ID obtained from (OAuth2 Client ID of type Web Application) will NOT work in this case. I had to use SERVICE_ACCOUNT - I didn't try to generate one through console, default service account I got from App Engine worked fine.
...things are much clearer now that I got this working. Hope it will help someone else (;


Tweepy Oauth2 - missing_code/callback URI

I have a basic understanding of auth2 and believe I am using the right protocol version (Oauth2 user context) to allow user login.
But I keep getting errors, probably because I'm missing knowledge and not understand some concepts.
I'm creating a basic web app with Tweepy.
I'm able to print and check the auth_url which when I paste in my browser, directs me as a user to authorize the app on twitter (but I get stuck on the redirect uri and in general get the error logged below):
import tweepy
import config
oauth2_user_handler = tweepy.OAuth2UserHandler(
auth_url = oauth2_user_handler.get_authorization_url()
access_token = oauth2_user_handler.fetch_token(f"{auth_url}")
client = tweepy.Client(f"{auth_url}")
The error message im getting:
in parse_authorization_code_response
raise MissingCodeError("Missing code parameter in response.")
oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.MissingCodeError: (missing_code) Missing code parameter in response.
A few side notes I have:
What website URL do I put in my app settings? (Do I need to spin up a server and get the URL from that dashboard?) How is the website URL related to the callback URI and how do they differ? this is my first time working with authentication & Twitter API.

Getting 401 Client Error when using firebase

I'm new to firebase and I'm trying to update some data in an existing project but I'm getting the following error: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url. So how to fix this problem and thank you! I just want to mention also that I have been added to the project, so I'm not the owner.
this is my code:
from firebase import firebase
firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication("the http path", None) # None bcz we are testing
firebase.put("/esco-lebanon/device-configs/atest-dev", "brightness", 50)
According to the documentation, a 401 error means one of the following:
The auth token has expired.
The auth token used in the request is invalid.
Authenticating with an access_token failed.
The request violates your Firebase Realtime Database Rules.
The understanding here is that your client code needs to correctly identify a Firebase Authentication user with a token in access_token, and that user account must have access to read the data in the database according to its security rules. Since you haven't provided a token, your access is coming in anonymously, so you could only query data where security rules allow universal access.
If you haven't investigated using authentication in your request, you should read the documentation about that.

Why is getting an Azure AD token via "acquire_token_with_username_password" failing?

When I try to authenticate myself and get a token from Azure AD using the "acquire_token_with_username_password" method, I get the following error:
The request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_assertion' or 'client_secret'.
I am passing the client ID in. I read in some other posts that the problem may be that the application should be registered as a "native" app and not a web app, but that posting was 2 years ago and I don't see anywhere on the app properties in Azure to specify it is a native app. I am passing in the IDs in variables via the call:
token = auth_context.acquire_token_with_username_password(resource, username, password, clientId)
and I don't see anywhere in the "acquire_token_with_username_password" where I would pass a client_assertion or client_secret, not to mention I'm not sure what I would put there.
Yes, if the AD App is a Web type, the 'client_assertion' or 'client_secret' is required, just follow the screenshot to set the AD App to public client, i.e. native app, then it will work.

Google Admin Directory API - Send a query via apiclient

I am retrieving a ChromeOS device MAC address via the Google Admin Directory API using the device's Serial Number as reference, and am making my calls through
service ='admin', 'directory_v1', developerKey=settings.API_KEY)
Here are the calls available for ChromeOS devices; my issue is that I require a Device ID in order to execute the following:
service.chromeosdevices().get(customerId=settings.CID, deviceId=obtained_id, projection=None).execute()
I can send a GET query via the following format:" + serial + "&orderBy=status&sortOrder=ascending&maxResults=10", "GET")
... but I'm trying to avoid using OAuth2 and just use my API key. Passing the key in a GET request doesn't work either, as it still returns a "Login Required" notice.
How do I squeeze the above query into an apiclient-friendly format? The only option I found via the above calls was to request every device we have (via list), then sift through the mountain of data for the matching Serial number, which seems silly and excessive.
I did notice I could call apiclient.http.HttpRequests, but I couldn't find a way to pass the API key through it either. There's new_batch_http_request, but I can't discern from the docs how to simply pass a URL to it.
Thank you!
Got it!
You can't use just a key for Directory API queries, you need a Service account.
I'm using google-auth (see here) since oauth2client is deprecated.
You also need to:
Delegate the necessary permissions for your service account (mine has the role of Viewer and has scope access to
Delegate API access to it separately in the Admin Console (Security -> Advanced Settings -> Authentication)
Get your json client secret key and place it with your app (don't include it in your VCS)
Obtain your credentials like this:
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
where ADMIN_USER is the email address of an authorized Domain admin.
Then you send a GET request like so:
authed_session = AuthorizedSession(credentials)
response = authed_session.get(request_id_url)
This returns a Requests object you can read via response.content.
Hope it helps someone else!

Firebase admin SDK Python - cannot verify custom tokens

I'm trying to play with the firebase admin sdk for python for making custom tokens and verify those while testing my app. Problem is that while I try to verify the token I always get such an error:
ValueError: Firebase ID token has incorrect "aud" (audience) claim. Expected "my_project_id" but got "". Make sure the ID token comes from the same Firebase project as the service account used to authenticate this SDK. See for details on how to retrieve an ID token.
I followed the guide to create the app and making the tokens:
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import auth, credentials
cred = credentials.Certificate('/path/to/file.json')
app = firebase_admin.initialize(cred)
custom_token = auth.create_custom_token('some-uid', app=app)
auth.verify_id_token(custom_token, app=app)
and here I get the error. It seems that _TokenGenarator is initialised with the defaults that are coming back from the error. I thought when passing the app it should automatically change those but it's not happening. Am I missing something?
verify_id_token() only accepts ID tokens. Custom tokens do not fall into that category. See this test case. Raising a ValueError is the expected behavior in this case.
ID tokens can be obtained from a client SDK. You can exchange a custom token for an ID token by calling one of the provided signInWithCustomToken() methods.
