Convert integer series to timedelta in pandas - python

I have a data frame in pandas which includes number of days since an event occurred. I want to create a new column that calculates the date of the event by subtracting the number of days from the current date. Every time I attempt to apply pd.offsets.Day or pd.Timedelta I get an error stating that Series are an unsupported type. This also occurs when I use apply. When I use map I receive a runtime error saying "maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object".
For example, assume my data frame looked like this:
index days_since_event
0 5
1 7
2 3
3 6
4 0
I want to create a new column with the date of the event, so my expected outcome (using today's date of 12/29/2015)
index days_since_event event_date
0 5 2015-12-24
1 7 2015-12-22
2 3 2015-12-26
3 6 2015-12-23
4 0 2015-12-29
I have attempted multiple ways to do this, but have received errors for each.
One method I tried was:
now =
df['event_date'] = now - df.days_since_event.apply(pd.offsets.Day)
With this I received an error saying that Series are an unsupported type.
I tried the above with .map instead of .apply, and received the error that "maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object".
I also attempted to convert the days into timedelta, such as:
df.days_since_event = (dt.timedelta(days = df.days_since_event)).apply
This also received an error referencing the series being an unsupported type.

First, to convert the column with integers to a timedelta, you can use to_timedelta:
In [60]: pd.to_timedelta(df['days_since_event'], unit='D')
0 5 days
1 7 days
2 3 days
3 6 days
4 0 days
Name: days_since_event, dtype: timedelta64[ns]
Then you can create a new column with the current date and substract those timedelta's:
In [62]: df['event_date'] = pd.Timestamp('2015-12-29')
In [63]: df['event_date'] = df['event_date'] - pd.to_timedelta(df['days_since_event'], unit='D')
In [64]: df['event_date']
0 2015-12-24
1 2015-12-22
2 2015-12-26
3 2015-12-23
4 2015-12-29
dtype: datetime64[ns]

Just to follow up with joris' response, you can convert an int or a float into whatever time unit you want with pd.to_timedelta(x, unit=''), changing only the entry for unit=:
# Years, Months, Days:
pd.to_timedelta(3.5, unit='Y') # returns '1095 days 17:27:36'
pd.to_timedelta(3.5, unit='M') # returns '91 days 07:27:18'
pd.to_timedelta(3.5, unit='D') # returns '3 days 12:00:00'
# Hours, Minutes, Seconds:
pd.to_timedelta(3.5, unit='h') # returns '0 days 03:30:00'
pd.to_timedelta(3.5, unit='m') # returns '0 days 00:03:30'
pd.to_timedelta(3.5, unit='s') # returns '0 days 00:00:03.50'
Note that mathematical operations are legal once correctly formatted:
pd.to_timedelta(3.5, unit='h') - pd.to_timedelta(3.25, unit='h') # returns '0 days 00:15:00'


remove date in pandas [duplicate]

I have a dataframe df and its first column is timedelta64
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 686 entries, 0 to 685
Data columns (total 6 columns):
0 686 non-null timedelta64[ns]
1 686 non-null object
2 686 non-null object
3 686 non-null object
4 686 non-null object
5 686 non-null object
If I print(df[0][2]), for example, it will give me 0 days 05:01:11. However, I don't want the 0 days filed. I only want 05:01:11 to be printed. Could someone teaches me how to do this? Thanks so much!
It is possible by:
df['duration1'] = df['duration'].astype(str).str[-18:-10]
But solution is not general, if input is 3 days 05:01:11 it remove 3 days too.
So solution working only for timedeltas less as one day correctly.
More general solution is create custom format:
N = 10
rng = pd.date_range('2017-04-03 15:30:00', periods=N, freq='13.5H')
df = pd.DataFrame({'duration': np.abs(np.random.choice(rng, size=N) -
np.random.choice(rng, size=N)) })
df['duration1'] = df['duration'].astype(str).str[-18:-10]
def f(x):
ts = x.total_seconds()
hours, remainder = divmod(ts, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
return ('{}:{:02d}:{:02d}').format(int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))
df['duration2'] = df['duration'].apply(f)
print (df)
duration duration1 duration2
0 2 days 06:00:00 06:00:00 54:00:00
1 2 days 19:30:00 19:30:00 67:30:00
2 1 days 03:00:00 03:00:00 27:00:00
3 0 days 00:00:00 00:00:00 0:00:00
4 4 days 12:00:00 12:00:00 108:00:00
5 1 days 03:00:00 03:00:00 27:00:00
6 0 days 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00
7 1 days 16:30:00 16:30:00 40:30:00
8 0 days 00:00:00 00:00:00 0:00:00
9 1 days 16:30:00 16:30:00 40:30:00
Here's a short and robust version using apply():
df['timediff_string'] = df['timediff'].apply(
lambda x: f'{x.components.hours:02d}:{x.components.minutes:02d}:{x.components.seconds:02d}'
if not pd.isnull(x) else ''
This leverages the components attribute of pandas Timedelta objects and also handles empty values (NaT).
If the timediff column does not contain pandas Timedelta objects, you can convert it:
df['timediff'] = pd.to_timedelta(df['timediff'])
datetime.timedelta already formats the way you'd like. The crux of this issue is that Pandas internally converts to numpy.timedelta.
import pandas as pd
from datetime import timedelta
time_1 = timedelta(days=3, seconds=3400)
time_2 = timedelta(days=0, seconds=3400)
times = pd.Series([time_1, time_2])
# Times are converted to Numpy timedeltas.
# Convert to string after converting to datetime.timedelta.
times = times.apply(
lambda numpy_td: str(timedelta(seconds=numpy_td.total_seconds())))
So, convert to a datetime.timedelta and then str (to prevent conversion back to numpy.timedelta) before printing.
3 days, 0:56:40
0 3 days 00:56:40
1 0 days 00:56:40
dtype: timedelta64[ns]
0 3 days, 0:56:40
1 0:56:40
dtype: object
I came here looking for answers to the same question, so I felt I should add further clarification. : )
You can convert it into a Python timedelta, then to str and finally back to a Series:
pd.Series(df["duration"].dt.to_pytimedelta().astype(str), name="start_time")
Given OP is ok with an object column (a little verbose):
def splitter(td):
td = str(td).split(' ')[-1:][0]
return td
df['split'] = df['timediff'].apply(splitter)
Basically we're taking the timedelta column, transforming the contents to a string, then splitting the string (creates a list) and taking the last item of that list, which would be the hh:mm:ss component.
Note that specifying ' ' for what to split by is redundant here.
Alternative one liner:
df['split2'] = df['timediff'].astype('str').str.split().str[-1]
which is very similar, but not very pretty IMHO. Also, the output includes milliseconds, which is not the case in the first solution. I'm not sure what the reason for that is (please comment if you do). If your data is big it might be worthwhile to time these different approaches.
If wou want to remove all nonzero components (not only days), you can do it like this:
def pd_td_fmt(td):
import pandas as pd
abbr = {'days': 'd', 'hours': 'h', 'minutes': 'min', 'seconds': 's', 'milliseconds': 'ms', 'microseconds': 'us',
'nanoseconds': 'ns'}
fmt = lambda td:"".join(f"{v}{abbr[k]}" for k, v in td.components._asdict().items() if v != 0)
if isinstance(td, pd.Timedelta):
return fmt(td)
elif isinstance(td,pd.TimedeltaIndex):
raise ValueError
If you can be sure that your timedelta is less than a day, this might work. To do this in as few lines as possible, I convert the timedelta to a datetime by adding the unix epoch 0 and then using the now-datetime dt function to format the date format.
df['duration1'] = (df['duration'] + pd.to_datetime(0)).dt.strftime('%M:%S')

Convert nanoseconds to days, hours, min and seconds

I'm working in python with a pandas df and trying to convert a column that contains nanoseconds to a time with days, hours, minutes and seconds, but I'm not succeeding.
My original df looks like this:
1 47905245000000000
2 45018244000000000
3 40182582000000000
The result should look like this:
1 47905245000000000 554 days 11:00:45.000000000
2 45018244000000000 521 days 01:04:04.000000000
3 40182582000000000 465 days 01:49:42.000000000
I've found some answers that advised to use timedelta, but following code, returns a date, which is not what I want.
temp_fc_col['TIME_TO_REPAIR_D'] = datetime.timedelta(temp_fc_col['TIME_TO_REPAIR'], unit='ns')
temp_fc_col['TIME_TO_REPAIR_D'] = (timedelta(microseconds=round(temp_fc_col['TIME_TO_REPAIR'], -3)
Returns an error: unsupported type for timedelta microseconds component: Series. Probably, because this staement can only process one value at a time.
Use to_timedelta working well with Series, also unit='ns' should be omit:
temp_fc_col['TIME_TO_REPAIR_D'] = pd.to_timedelta(temp_fc_col['TIME_NANOSECONDS'])
print (temp_fc_col)
0 1 47905245000000000 554 days 11:00:45
1 2 45018244000000000 521 days 01:04:04
2 3 40182582000000000 465 days 01:49:42

Create a boolean dataframe based on the difference between two datetimes

I have a pandas dataframe called "gaps" that looks like this:
Index Gap in days
0 2 days 00:00:00
1 8 days 00:00:00
2 4 days 00:00:00
3 15 days 00:00:00
201 21 days 00:00:00
The date format has been converted to the standard datetime format. I want to create a simple boolean dataframe that returns TRUE if the gap in days is more than 7 days, and FALSE otherwise.
My initial attempt was the simple:
morethan7days = gaps > 7
For which I get the error:
TypeError: invalid type comparison
Anybody know what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it?
Nevermind, I got the answer through trial and error:
morethan7days = gaps > datetime.timedelta(days=7)
You can convert timedeltas to days by Series.dt.days and then compare by integer:
gaps = df['Gap in days']
morethan7days = gaps.dt.days > 7
print (morethan7days)
0 False
1 True
2 False
3 True
4 True
Name: Gap in days, dtype: bool
Another solution is compare with pandas.Timedelta:
gaps = df['Gap in days']
morethan7days = gaps > pd.Timedelta(7, unit='d')

calculate date difference between today's date and pandas date series

Want to calculate the difference of days between pandas date series -
0 2013-02-16
1 2013-01-29
2 2013-02-21
3 2013-02-22
4 2013-03-01
5 2013-03-14
6 2013-03-18
7 2013-03-21
and today's date.
I tried but could not come up with logical solution.
Please help me with the code. Actually I am new to python and there are lot of syntactical errors happening while applying any function.
You could do something like
# generate time data
data = pd.to_datetime(pd.Series(["2018-09-1", "2019-01-25", "2018-10-10"]))
pd.to_datetime("now") > data
0 False
1 True
2 False
you could then use that to select the data
data[pd.to_datetime("now") > data]
Hope it helps.
Edit: I misread it but you can easily alter this example to calculate the difference:
data - pd.to_datetime("now")
0 -122 days +13:10:37.489823
1 24 days 13:10:37.489823
2 -83 days +13:10:37.489823
dtype: timedelta64[ns]
You can try as Follows:
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> df
0 2013-02-16
1 2013-01-29
2 2013-02-21
3 2013-02-22
4 2013-03-01
5 2013-03-14
6 2013-03-18
7 2013-03-21
Make Sure to convert the column names to_datetime:
>>> df['col1'] = pd.to_datetime(df['col1'], infer_datetime_format=True)
set the current datetime in order to Further get the diffrence:
>>> curr_time = pd.to_datetime("now")
Now get the Difference as follows:
>>> df['col1'] - curr_time
0 -2145 days +07:48:48.736939
1 -2163 days +07:48:48.736939
2 -2140 days +07:48:48.736939
3 -2139 days +07:48:48.736939
4 -2132 days +07:48:48.736939
5 -2119 days +07:48:48.736939
6 -2115 days +07:48:48.736939
7 -2112 days +07:48:48.736939
Name: col1, dtype: timedelta64[ns]
With numpy you can solve it like difference-two-dates-days-weeks-months-years-pandas-python-2
. bottom line
df['diff_days'] = df['First dates column'] - df['Second Date column']
# for days use 'D' for weeks use 'W', for month use 'M' and for years use 'Y'
if you want days as int and not as float use
From the pandas docs under Converting To Timestamps you will find:
"Converting to Timestamps To convert a Series or list-like object of date-like objects e.g. strings, epochs, or a mixture, you can use the to_datetime function"
I haven't used pandas before but this suggests your pandas date series (a list-like object) is iterable and each element of this series is an instance of a class which has a to_datetime function.
Assuming my assumptions are correct, the following function would take such a list and return a list of timedeltas' (a datetime object representing the difference between two date time objects).
from datetime import datetime
def convert(pandas_series):
# get the current date
now =
# Use a list comprehension and the pandas to_datetime method to calculate timedeltas.
return [now - pandas_element.to_datetime() for pandas_series]
# assuming 'some_pandas_series' is a list-like pandas series object
list_of_timedeltas = convert(some_pandas_series)

Conversions of np.timedelta64 to days, weeks, months, etc

When I compute the difference between two pandas datetime64 dates I get np.timedelta64. Is there any easy way to convert these deltas into representations like hours, days, weeks, etc.?
I could not find any methods in np.timedelta64 that facilitate conversions between different units, but it looks like Pandas seems to know how to convert these units to days when printing timedeltas (e.g. I get: 29 days, 23:20:00 in the string representation dataframes). Any way to access this functionality ?
Strangely, none of the following work:
> df['column_with_times'].days
> df['column_with_times'].apply(lambda x: x.days)
but this one does:
pandas stores timedelta data in the numpy timedelta64[ns] type, but also provides the Timedelta type to wrap this for more convenience (eg to provide such accessors of the days, hours, .. and other components).
In [41]: timedelta_col = pd.Series(pd.timedelta_range('1 days', periods=5, freq='2 h'))
In [42]: timedelta_col
0 1 days 00:00:00
1 1 days 02:00:00
2 1 days 04:00:00
3 1 days 06:00:00
4 1 days 08:00:00
dtype: timedelta64[ns]
To access the different components of a full column (series), you have to use the .dt accessor. For example:
In [43]: timedelta_col.dt.hours
0 0
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
dtype: int64
With timedelta_col.dt.components you get a frame with all the different components (days to nanoseconds) as different columns.
When accessing one value of the column above, this gives back a Timedelta, and on this you don't need to use the dt accessor, but you can access directly the components:
In [45]: timedelta_col[0]
Out[45]: Timedelta('1 days 00:00:00')
In [46]: timedelta_col[0].days
Out[46]: 1L
So the .dt accessor provides access to the attributes of the Timedelta scalar, but on the full column. That is the reason you see that df['column_with_times'][0].days works but df['column_with_times'].days not.
The reason that df['column_with_times'].apply(lambda x: x.days) does not work is that apply is given the timedelta64 values (and not the Timedelta pandas type), and these don't have such attributes.
