Python - Accept POST (raw body) data - python

I am completely new to Python. I am using GitLab which offers system hook feature wherein i can specify a URL and it will send event details in the form of JSON POST data. When i create a RequestBin URL and provide that URL in GitLab's system hook, then in case of any event such as project creation, it sends the event details and i can see the same in RequestBin as shown in the snapshot below.
Now, i want to fetch this JSON data in some variable so i can process it as per my need but i'm not sure how to do read that data.
I've seen some posts which explain how to read JSON data but as you can see below in the screenshot, the FORM/POST PARAMETERS is showing as None. It's the raw body that contains all the details (in JSON format):
I have tried reading the data using Java and it works with the code shown below:
String recv;
String recvbuff="";
BufferedReader buffread = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream()));
while ((recv = buffread.readLine()) != null)
recvbuff += recv;
Looking for something similar in Python.

I would suggest using CherryPy. It's a neat Python library that allows you to build a simple webserver application, it's fits pretty nicely in your use case: it can easily accept JSON requests (
If you write a file called with the following code:
import cherrypy
class Root(object):
def index(self):
data = cherrypy.request.json
# You can manipulate here your json data as you wish
if __name__ == '__main__':
cherrypy.quickstart(Root(), '/')
You can simply launch the server with the command line:
And test it with the following curl command:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -POST -d '{"name": "test", "path": "/"}'
You will then see test printed in your server log.

Your Flask application doesn't return any data so you're not going to see anything returned. You need to return something like:
return "test data"
Your screenshot is only showing the request not the response. You sent no form encoded parameters, which is why it's showing "None".
The correct Content-type for JSON is: application/json


Python CGI output contains the Angular ajax request object

When I post data using Angularjs to a Python CGI script, I have a weird issue where the Python output contains an Angular object that I can't remove.
The Angular Javascript responsible for posting to the Python script:
method: 'POST',
url: '/cgi-bin/',
data: "test"
The Python script:
print "Content-type: application/json"
The resulting console log should be empty, but this is what I see in the Chrome console:
I'm new to Python and Angular so I suspect that I've made a simple mistake, but I've been unable to find examples of this kind of behavior anywhere after a day of searching. Any help is appreciated.
Coming from jQuery's ajax, I expected the response from Angular's http function to include only the returned data, so I was thrown off by the presence of config, status, header data, etc.
In order to isolate the data part of the response, I did this:
data = response['data']

How to receive json POST request using web2py

I'm very new to web2py and I'm trying to use it for testing remote server's application (I send a http POST request using python requests with file to process and expect to get counter POST request with report in json and display it in shell or save to file). I found following code for similar issue for XML data
# Controller code:
def index():
response.headers['content-type'] = 'text/xml'
xml = # retrieve the raw POST data
if len(xml) == 0:
xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><root>no post data</root>'
return response.render(dict(xml=XML(xml)))
# View code:
but I can't make proper changes that will allow to use it for my purpose.
So the question is: how to simply receive json data via POST request and save it directly on my computer or to display it somehow using web2py? No buttons, upload fields, data bases needed.. only to get data from incoming request
In your client:
import requests
your_url='', json=jsonData)
In a web2py controller file 'controllerfile':
import json
def j():
with open("json.txt","a") as f:

Flask Restful: change representation based on URL parameter

I am building an API using Flask and Flask-Restful. The API might be accessed by different sort of tools (web apps, automated tools, etc.) and one of the requirement is to provide different representations (let's say json and csv for the sake of the example)
As explained in the restful doc, it's easy to change the serialization based on the content type, so for my CSV serialization I've added this:
def output_csv(data, code, headers=None):
#some CSV serialized data
data = 'some,csv,fields'
resp = app.make_response(data)
return resp
And it's working when using curl and passing the correct -H "Accept: text/csv" parameter.
The issue is that since some browsers might be routed to a url directly to download a csv file, I would like to be able to force my serialization via a url parameter for example where the format=csvwould have the same effect as -H "Accept: text/csv".
I've gone through both Flask and Flask-Restful documentation and I don't see how to correctly handle this.
Simply create a sub-class of Api and override the mediatypes method:
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotAcceptable
class CustomApi(Api):
"csv": "text/csv",
"json": "application/json"
# Add other mimetypes as desired here
def mediatypes(self):
"""Allow all resources to have their representation
overriden by the `format` URL argument"""
preferred_response_type = []
format = request.args.get("format")
if format:
mimetype = FORMAT_MIMETYPE_MAP.get(format)
if not mimetype:
raise NotAcceptable()
return preferred_response_type + super(CustomApi, self).mediatypes()
Basically you want to retrieve parameters from GET method. Please refer to:
How do I get the url parameter in a Flask view

Python httplib POST request and proper formatting

I'm currently working on a automated way to interface with a database website that has RESTful webservices installed. I am having issues with figure out the proper formatting of how to properly send the requests listed in the following site using python.
Particular example is this:
<Organization id="167"/>
The biggest problem is that I do not know where to put the XML formatted part of the above. I want to send the above as a python HTTPS request and so far I've been trying something of the following structure.
>>>import httplib
>>>conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("")
>>>conn.request("POST", "/REST/Project/731/Experiment/1706/Organization")
>>>conn.send('<Organization id="167"/>')
But this appears to be completely wrong. I've never actually done python when it comes to webservices interfaces so my primary question is how exactly am I supposed to use httplib to send the POST Request, particularly the XML formatted part of it? Any help is appreciated.
You need to set some request headers before sending data. For example, content-type to 'text/xml'. Checkout the few examples,
Which has this code as example:
import sys, httplib
API_URL = /your/api/url
def do_request(xml_location):
"""HTTP XML Post requeste"""
request = open(xml_location,"r").read()
webservice = httplib.HTTP(HOST)
webservice.putrequest("POST", API_URL)
webservice.putheader("Host", HOST)
webservice.putheader("User-Agent","Python post")
webservice.putheader("Content-type", "text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"")
webservice.putheader("Content-length", "%d" % len(request))
statuscode, statusmessage, header = webservice.getreply()
result = webservice.getfile().read()
print statuscode, statusmessage, header
print result
You may get some idea.

Http POST Curl in python

I'm having trouble understanding how to issue an HTTP POST request using curl from inside of python.
I'm tying to post to facebook open graph. Here is the example they give which I'd like to replicate exactly in python.
curl -F 'access_token=...' \
-F 'message=Hello, Arjun. I like this new API.' \
Can anyone help me understand this?
You can use httplib to POST with Python or the higher level urllib2
import urllib
params = {}
params['access_token'] = '*****'
params['message'] = 'Hello, Arjun. I like this new API.'
params = urllib.urlencode(params)
f = urllib.urlopen("", params)
There is also a Facebook specific higher level library for Python that does all the POST-ing for you.
Why do you use curl in the first place?
Python has extensive libraries for Facebook and included libraries for web requests, calling another program and receive output is unecessary.
That said,
First from Python Doc
data may be a string specifying additional data to send to the server,
or None if no such data is needed. Currently HTTP requests are the
only ones that use data; the HTTP request will be a POST instead of a
GET when the data parameter is provided. data should be a buffer in
the standard application/x-www-form-urlencoded format. The
urllib.urlencode() function takes a mapping or sequence of 2-tuples
and returns a string in this format. urllib2 module sends HTTP/1.1
requests with Connection:close header included.
import urllib2, urllib
parameters = {}
parameters['token'] = 'sdfsdb23424'
parameters['message'] = 'Hello world'
target = ''
parameters = urllib.urlencode(parameters)
handler = urllib2.urlopen(target, parameters)
while True:
if handler.code < 400:
print 'done'
# call your job
elif handler.code >= 400:
print 'bad request or error'
# failed
