I am trying to run a job on an HPC using multiprocessing. Each process has a peak memory usage of ~44GB. The job class I can use allows 1-16 nodes to be used, each with 32 CPUs and a memory of 124GB. Therefore if I want to run the code as quickly as possible (and within the max walltime limit) I should be able to run 2 CPUs on each node up to a maximum of 32 across all 16 nodes. However, when I specify mp.Pool(32) the job quickly exceeds the memory limit, I assume because more than two CPUs were used on a node.
My natural instinct was to specify 2 CPUs as the maximum in the pbs script I run my python script from, however this configuration is not permitted on the system. Would really appreciate any insight, having been scratching my head on this one for most of today - and have faced and worked around similar problems in the past without addressing the fundamentals at play here.
Simplified versions of both scripts below:
#PBS -l select=16:ncpus=32:mem=124gb
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
module load anaconda3/personal
source activate py_env
python directory/script.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import multiprocessing as mp
def df_function(df, arr1, arr2):
df['col3'] = some_algorithm(df, arr1, arr2)
return df
def parallelize_dataframe(df, func, num_cores):
df_split = np.array_split(df, num_cores)
with mp.Pool(num_cores, maxtasksperchild = 10 ** 3) as pool:
df = pd.concat(pool.map(func, df_split))
return df
def main():
# Loading input data
direc = '/home/dir1/dir2/'
file = 'input_data.csv'
a_file = 'array_a.npy'
b_file = 'array_b.npy'
df = pd.read_csv(direc + file)
a = np.load(direc + a_file)
b = np.load(direc + b_file)
# Globally defining function with keyword defaults
global f
def f(df):
return df_function(df, arr1 = a, arr2 = b)
num_cores = 32 # i.e. 2 per node if evenly distributed.
# Running the function as a multiprocess:
df = parallelize_dataframe(df, f, num_cores)
# Saving:
df.to_csv(direc + 'outfile.csv', index = False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
To run your job as-is, you could simply request ncpu=32 and then in your python script set num_cores = 2. Obviously this has you paying for 32 cores and then leaving 30 of them idle, which is wasteful.
The real problem here is that your current algorithm is memory-bound, not CPU-bound. You should be going to great lengths to read only chunks of your files into memory, operating on the chunks, and then writing the result chunks to disk to be organized later.
Fortunately Dask is built to do exactly this kind of thing. As a first step, you can take out the parallelize_dataframe function and directly load and map your some_algorithm with a dask.dataframe and dask.array:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import dask.dataframe as dd
import dask.array as da
def main():
# Loading input data
direc = '/home/dir1/dir2/'
file = 'input_data.csv'
a_file = 'array_a.npy'
b_file = 'array_b.npy'
df = dd.read_csv(direc + file, blocksize=25e6)
a_and_b = da.from_np_stack(direc)
df['col3'] = df.apply(some_algorithm, args=(a_and_b,))
# dask is lazy, this is the only line that does any work
# Saving:
direc + 'outfile.csv',
index = False,
compute_kwargs={"scheduler": "threads"}, # also "processes", but try threads first
if __name__ == '__main__':
That will require some tweaks to some_algorithm, and to_csv and from_np_stack work a bit differently, but you will be able to reasonably run this thing just on your own laptop and it will scale to your cluster hardware. You can level up from here by using the distributed scheduler or even deploy it directly to your cluster with dask-jobqueue.
I am trying to read a large text file > 20Gb with python.
File contains positions of atoms for 400 frames and each frame is independent in terms of my computations in this code. In theory I can split the job to 400 tasks without any need of communication. Each frame has 1000000 lines so the file has 1000 000* 400 lines of text.
My initial approach is using multiprocessing with pool of workers:
def main():
""" main function
nump = int(sys.argv[2])
f = open(filename)
s = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
cursor = 0
start = time.time()
print (mp.cpu_count())
chunks = []
while True:
initial = s.find(b'ITEM: TIMESTEP', cursor)
if initial == -1:
cursor = initial + 14
final = s.find(b'ITEM: TIMESTEP', cursor)
if final == -1:
Here basically I am seeking file to find frame begins and ends with opening file with python mmap module to avoid reading everything into memory.
def readchunk(chunk):
start = time.time()
part = chunk.split(b'\n')
timestep= int(part[1])
Now I would like to send chunks of file to pool of workers to process.
Read part should be more complex but those lines will be implemented later.
print('Seeking file took %8.6f'%(time.time()-start))
pool = mp.Pool(nump)
start = time.time()
results= pool.map(readchunk,chunks[0:16])
print('Reading file took %8.6f'%(time.time()-start))
If I run this with sending 8 chunks to 8 cores it would take 0.8 sc to read.
If I run this with sending 16 chunks to 16 cores it would take 1.7 sc. Seems like parallelization does not speed up. I am running this on Oak Ridge's Summit supercomputer if it is relevant, I am using this command:
jsrun -n1 -c16 -a1 python -u ~/Developer/DipoleAnalyzer/AtomMan/readlargefile.py DW_SET6_NVT.lammpstrj 16
This supposed to create 1 MPI task and assign 16 cores to 16 threads.
Am I missing here something?
Is there a better approach?
As others have said, there is some overhead when making processes so you could see a slowdown if testing with small samples.
Something like this might be neater. Make sure you understand what the generator function is doing.
import multiprocessing as mp
import sys
import mmap
def do_something_with_frame(frame):
print("processing a frame:")
return 100
def frame_supplier(filename):
"""A generator for frames"""
f = open(filename)
s = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
cursor = 0
while True:
initial = s.find(b'ITEM: TIMESTEP', cursor)
if initial == -1:
cursor = initial + 14
final = s.find(b'ITEM: TIMESTEP', cursor)
yield s[initial:final]
if final == -1:
def main():
"""Process a file of atom frames
filename: the file to process
processes: the size of the pool
filename = sys.argv[1]
nump = int(sys.argv[2])
frames = frame_supplier(filename)
pool = mp.Pool(nump)
# play around with the chunksize
for result in pool.imap(do_something_with_frame, frames, chunksize=10):
Disclaimer: this is a suggestion. There may be some syntax errors. I haven't tested it.
It sounds like your script is becoming I/O limited (i.e. limited by the rate at which you can read from disk). You should be able to verify this by setting the body of do_something_with_frame to pass. If the program is I/O bound, it will still take nearly as long.
I don't think MPI is going to make any difference here. I think that file-read speed is probably a limiting factor and I don't see how MPI will help.
It's worth doing some profiling at this point to find out which function calls are taking the longest.
It is also worth trying without mmap():
frame = []
with open(filename) as file:
for line in file:
if line.beginswith('ITEM: TIMESTEP'):
yield frame
I've been having an issue where pool.map leaves processes even after pool.terminate is called. I've looked for solutions but they all seems to have some other issue like recursively calling the map function or another process that interferes with the multiprocessing.
So my code imports 2 NETCDF files and processes the data in them using different calculations. These take up a lot of time (several 6400x6400 arrays) so I tried to multi process my code. The multiprocessing works and the first time I run my code it takes 2.5 minutes (down from 8), but every time my code finishes running the memory usage by Spyder never goes back down and it leaves extra python processes in the Windows task manager. My code looks like this:
import numpy as np
import netCDF4
import math
from math import sin, cos
import logging
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
import time
format = "%(asctime)s: %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(format=format, level=logging.INFO, datefmt="%H:%M:%S")
logging.info("Here we go!")
path = "DATAPATH"
geopath = "DATAPATH"
f = netCDF4.Dataset(path)
f2 = netCDF4.Dataset(geopath)
I5= f.groups['observation_data'].variables['I05'][:]
I4= f.groups['observation_data'].variables['I04'][:]
I4Quality= f.groups['observation_data'].variables['I04_quality_flags'][:]
I5Quality= f.groups['observation_data'].variables['I05_quality_flags'][:]
I3= f.groups['observation_data'].variables['I03']
I2= f.groups['observation_data'].variables['I02']
I1= f.groups['observation_data'].variables['I01']
lats = f2.groups['geolocation_data'].variables['latitude'][:]
lons = f2.groups['geolocation_data'].variables['longitude'][:]
solarZen = f2.groups['geolocation_data'].variables['solar_zenith'][:]
sensorZen= solarZen = f2.groups['geolocation_data'].variables['sensor_zenith'][:]
solarAz = f2.groups['geolocation_data'].variables['solar_azimuth'][:]
sensorAz= solarZen = f2.groups['geolocation_data'].variables['sensor_azimuth'][:]
def kernMe(i, j, band):
if i<250 or j<250:
return -1
return np.mean(band[i-250:i+250:1,j-250:j+250:1])
def thread_me(arr):
logging.info("Im starting at: %d to %d, %d to %d" %(start1, end1, start2, end2))
points = []
avg = np.mean(I4)
for i in range(start1,end1):
for j in range (start2,end2):
if solarZen[i,j]>=90:
if not (I5[i,j]<265 and I4[i,j]<295):#
if I4[i,j]>320 and I4Quality[i,j]==0:
points.append([lons[i,j],lats[i,j], 1])
elif I4[i,j]>300 and I5[i,j]-I4[i,j]>10:
points.append([lons[i,j],lats[i,j], 2])
elif I4[i,j] == 367 and I4Quality ==9:
points.append([lons[i,j],lats[i,j, 3]])
if not ((I1[i,j]>I2[i,j]>I3[i,j]) or (I5[i,j]<265 or (I1[i,j]+I2[i,j]>0.9 and I5[i,j]<295) or
(I1[i,j]+I2[i,j]>0.7 and I5[i,j]<285))):
if not (I1[i,j]+I2[i,j] > 0.6 and I5[i,j]<285 and I3[i,j]>0.3 and I3[i,j]>I2[i,j] and I2[i,j]>0.25 and I4[i,j]<=335):
thetaG= (cos(sensorZen[i,j]*(math.pi/180))*cos(solarZen[i,j]*(math.pi/180)))-(sin(sensorZen[i,j]*(math.pi/180))*sin(solarZen[i,j]*(math.pi/180))*cos(sensorAz[i,j]*(math.pi/180)))
thetaG= math.acos(thetaG)*(180/math.pi)
if not ((thetaG<15 and I1[i,j]+I2[i,j]>0.35) or (thetaG<25 and I1[i,j]+I2[i,j]>0.4)):
if math.floor(I4[i,j])==367 and I4Quality[i,j]==9 and I5>290 and I5Quality[i,j]==0 and (I1[i,j]+I2[i,j])>0.7:
points.append([lons[i,j],lats[i,j, 4]])
elif I4[i,j]-I5[i,j]>25 or True:
kern = kernMe(i, j, I4)
if kern!=-1 or True:
BT4M = max(325, kern)
kern = min(330, BT4M)
if I4[i,j]> kern and I4[i,j]>avg:
points.append([lons[i,j],lats[i,j], 5])
return points
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Separate the arrays into 1616*1600 chunks for multi processing
#TODO: make this automatic, not hardcoded
p=Pool(processes = 4)
output= p.map(thread_me, arg)
logging.info("Aaaand we're here!")
I use both p.close and p. terminate because I thought it would help (it doesn't). All of my code runs and produces the expected output but I have to manually end the lingering processes using the task manager. Any ideas as to
what's causing this?
I think I put all the relevant information here, if you need more I'll edit with the requests
Thanks in advance.
I usually use numpy.loadtxt(filename) when I want to load files from the disk. Recently, I got a node of 36 processors so I thought to utilize the multiprocessing approach to load files such that each processor loads a portion of the file and eventually the root processor gathers them. I am expecting the files to be loaded are always huge (at least 5 GB) so using such a multiprocessing approach is reasonable.
To do so, I wrote the following method that simply loads any given file from the disk using multiple processors. I came from C world so I found out that using mpi4py library satisfies what I need. Note that jobs is an integer indicating the number of jobs in the file. Each job is a binary value written at a line in the file.
def load_dataset(COM, jobs, rank, size, filepath):
start = time.time()
C = None
r = None
rank_indices = ()
job_batch = jobs / size
for i in range((rank * job_batch), ((rank + 1) * job_batch)):
rank_indices = rank_indices + (i,)
C1 = []
with open(filepath) as fd:
for n, line in enumerate(fd):
if n in rank_indices:
s = line.splitlines()
W = [int(n) for n in s[0].split()]
W = np.asarray(W, np.int8)
C1 = np.asarray(C1)
gather_C = COM.gather(C1, root=0)
if rank == 0:
print('\t\t>> Rank 0 is now gathering from other processors!! Wait please!')
C = np.asarray(list(itertools.chain(*gather_C)), dtype=np.int8)
end = time.time()
print('Loading time= %s' % (end - start))
del C1, gather_C
return C
However, it turns out that numpy.loadtxt(filename) is really faster than my method which is surprising!! I think I have a bug in my code so I am sharing it hoping that someone can spot any bug that causes the performance issue. All ideas and hints are also appreciated.
I am working with DEAP.
I am evaluating a population (currently 50 individuals) against a large dataset (400.000 columns of 200 floating points).
I have successfully tested the algorithm without any multiprocessing. Execution time is about 40s/generation.
I want to work with larger populations and more generations, so I try to speed up by using multiprocessing.
I guess that my question is more related to multiprocessing than to DEAP.
This question is not directly related to sharing memory/variables between processes. The main issue is how to minimise disk access.
I have started to work with Python multiprocessing module.
The code looks like this
toolbox = base.Toolbox()
creator.create("FitnessMax", base.Fitness, weights=(1.0,))
creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.FitnessMax)
PICKLE_SEED = 'D:\\Application Data\\Dev\\20150925173629ClustersFrame.pkl'
PICKLE_DATA = 'D:\\Application Data\\Dev\\20150925091456DataSample.pkl'
if __name__ == "__main__":
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = 2)
toolbox.register("map", pool.map)
data = pd.read_pickle(PICKLE_DATA).values
And then, a little bit further:
def main():
NGEN = 10
CXPB = 0.5
MUTPB = 0.2
population = toolbox.population_guess()
fitnesses = list(toolbox.map(toolbox.evaluate, population))
print(sorted(fitnesses, reverse = True))
for ind, fit in zip(population, fitnesses):
ind.fitness.values = fit
# Begin the evolution
for g in range(NGEN):
The evaluation function uses the global "data" variable.
and, finally:
if __name__ == "__main__":
start = datetime.now()
stop = datetime.now()
delta = stop-start
print (delta.seconds)
So: the main processing loop and the pool definition are guarded by if __name__ == "__main__":.
It somehow works. Execution times are:
1 process: 398 s
2 processes: 270 s
3 processes: 272 s
4 processes: 511 s
Multiprocessing does not dramatically improve the execution time, and can even harm it.
The 4 process (lack of) performance can be explained by memory constraints. My system is basically paging instead of processing.
I guess that the other measurements can be explained by the loading of data.
My questions:
1) I understand that the file will be read and unpickled each time the module is started as a separate process. Is this correct? Does this mean it will be read each time one of the functions it contains will be called by map?
2) I have tried to move the unpickling under the if __name__ == "__main__": guard, but, then, I get an error message saying the "data" is not defined when I call the evaluation function. Could you explain how I can read the file once, and then only pass the array to the processes