Issue with computing gradient for Rnn in Theano - python

I am playing with vanilla Rnn's, training with gradient descent (non-batch version), and I am having an issue with the gradient computation for the (scalar) cost; here's the relevant portion of my code:
class Rnn(object):
# ............ [skipping the trivial initialization]
def recurrence(x_t, h_tm_prev):
h_t = T.tanh(, self.W_xh) +, self.W_hh) + self.b_h)
return h_t
h, _ = theano.scan(
y_t =[-1], self.W_hy) + self.b_y
self.p_y_given_x = T.nnet.softmax(y_t)
self.y_pred = T.argmax(self.p_y_given_x, axis=1)
def negative_log_likelihood(self, y):
return -T.mean(T.log(self.p_y_given_x)[:, y])
def testRnn(dataset, vocabulary, learning_rate=0.01, n_epochs=50):
# ............ [skipping the trivial initialization]
index = T.lscalar('index')
x = T.fmatrix('x')
y = T.iscalar('y')
rnn = Rnn(x, n_x=27, n_h=12, n_y=27)
nll = rnn.negative_log_likelihood(y)
cost = T.lscalar('cost')
gparams = [T.grad(cost, param) for param in rnn.params]
updates = [(param, param - learning_rate * gparam)
for param, gparam in zip(rnn.params, gparams)
train_model = theano.function(
x: train_set_x[index],
y: train_set_y[index]
sgd_step = theano.function(
done_looping = False
while(epoch < n_epochs) and (not done_looping):
epoch += 1
tr_cost = 0.
for idx in xrange(n_train_examples):
tr_cost += train_model(idx)
# perform sgd step after going through the complete training set
For some reasons I don't want to pass complete (training) data to the train_model(..), instead I want to pass individual examples at a time. Now the problem is that each call to train_model(..) returns me the cost (negative log-likelihood) of that particular example and then I have to aggregate all the cost (of the complete (training) data-set) and then take derivative and perform the relevant update to the weight parameters in the sgd_step(..), and for obvious reasons with my current implementation I am getting this error: theano.gradient.DisconnectedInputError: grad method was asked to compute the gradient with respect to a variable that is not part of the computational graph of the cost, or is used only by a non-differentiable operator: W_xh. Now I don't understand how to make 'cost' a part of computational graph (as in my case when I have to wait for it to be aggregated) or is there any better/elegant way to achieve the same thing ?

It turns out one cannot bring the symbolic variable into Theano graph if they are not part of computational graph. Therefore, I have to change the way to pass data to the train_model(..); passing the complete training data instead of individual example fix the issue.


Pytorch backward does not compute the gradients for requested variables

I'm trying to train a resnet18 model on pytorch (+pytorch-lightning) with the use of Virtual Adversarial Training. During the computations required for this type of training I need to obtain the gradient of D (ie. the cross-entropy loss of the model) with regard to tensor r.
This should, in theory, happen in the following code snippet:
def generic_step(self, train_batch, batch_idx, step_type):
x, y = train_batch
unlabeled_idx = y is None
d = torch.rand(x.shape).to(x.device)
d = d/(torch.norm(d) + 1e-8)
pred_y = self.classifier(x)
y[unlabeled_idx] = pred_y[unlabeled_idx]
l = self.criterion(pred_y, y)
R_adv = torch.zeros_like(x)
for _ in range(self.ip):
r = self.xi * d
r.requires_grad = True
pred_hat = self.classifier(x + r)
# pred_hat = F.log_softmax(pred_hat, dim=1)
D = self.criterion(pred_hat, pred_y)
R_adv += self.eps * r.grad / (torch.norm(r.grad) + 1e-8)
R_adv /= 32
loss = l + R_adv * self.a
self.accuracy[step_type] = self.acc_metric(torch.argmax(pred_y, 1), y)
return loss
Here, to my understanding, r.grad should in theory be the gradient of D with respect to r. However, the code throws this at D.backward():
RuntimeError: element 0 of tensors does not require grad and does not have a grad_fn
(full traceback excluded because this error is not helpful and technically "solved" as I know the cause for it, explained just below)
After some research and debugging it seems that in this situation D.backward() attempts to calculate dD/dD disregarding any previous mention of requires_grad=True. This is confirmed when I add D.requires_grad=True and I get D.grad=Tensor(1.,device='cuda:0') but r.grad=None.
Does anyone know why this may be happening?
In Lightning, .backward() and optimizer step are all handled under the hood. If you do it yourself like in the code above, it will mess with Lightning because it doesn't know you called backward yourself.
You can enable manual optimization in the LightningModule:
def __init__(self):
# put this in your init
self.automatic_optimization = False
This tells Lightning that you are taking over calling backward and handling optimizer step + zero grad yourself. Don't forget to add that in your code above. You can access the optimizer and scheduler like so in your training step:
def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
optimizer = self.optimizers()
scheduler = self.lr_schedulers()
# do your training step
# don't forget to call:
# 1) backward 2) optimizer step 3) zero grad
Read more about manual optimization here.

One of the variables modified by an inplace operation

I am relatively new to Pytorch. Here I want to use this model to generate some images, however as this was written before Pytorch 1.5, since the gradient calculation has been fixed then, this is the error message.
RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been
modified by an inplace operation: [torch.cuda.FloatTensor [1, 512, 4, 4]]
is at version 2; expected version 1 instead.
Hint: enable anomaly detection to find the operation that
failed to compute its gradient, with torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True).
I have looked at past examples and am not sure what is the problem here, I believe it is happening within this region but I don’t know where! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
def process(self, images, edges, masks):
self.iteration += 1
# zero optimizers
# process outputs
outputs = self(images, edges, masks)
gen_loss = 0
dis_loss = 0
# discriminator loss
dis_input_real =, edges), dim=1)
dis_input_fake =, outputs.detach()), dim=1)
dis_real, dis_real_feat = self.discriminator(dis_input_real) # in: (grayscale(1) + edge(1))
dis_fake, dis_fake_feat = self.discriminator(dis_input_fake) # in: (grayscale(1) + edge(1))
dis_real_loss = self.adversarial_loss(dis_real, True, True)
dis_fake_loss = self.adversarial_loss(dis_fake, False, True)
dis_loss += (dis_real_loss + dis_fake_loss) / 2
# generator adversarial loss
gen_input_fake =, outputs), dim=1)
gen_fake, gen_fake_feat = self.discriminator(gen_input_fake) # in: (grayscale(1) + edge(1))
gen_gan_loss = self.adversarial_loss(gen_fake, True, False)
gen_loss += gen_gan_loss
# generator feature matching loss
gen_fm_loss = 0
for i in range(len(dis_real_feat)):
gen_fm_loss += self.l1_loss(gen_fake_feat[i], dis_real_feat[i].detach())
gen_fm_loss = gen_fm_loss * self.config.FM_LOSS_WEIGHT
gen_loss += gen_fm_loss
# create logs
logs = [
("l_d1", dis_loss.item()),
("l_g1", gen_gan_loss.item()),
("l_fm", gen_fm_loss.item()),
return outputs, gen_loss, dis_loss, logs
def forward(self, images, edges, masks):
edges_masked = (edges * (1 - masks))
images_masked = (images * (1 - masks)) + masks
inputs =, edges_masked, masks), dim=1)
outputs = self.generator(inputs) # in: [grayscale(1) + edge(1) + mask(1)]
return outputs
def backward(self, gen_loss=None, dis_loss=None):
if dis_loss is not None:
if gen_loss is not None:
Thank you!
You can't compute the loss for the discriminator and for the generator in one go and have the both back-propagations back-to-back like this:
if dis_loss is not None:
if gen_loss is not None:
Here's the reason why: when you call self.dis_optimizer.step(), you effectively in-place modify the parameters of the discriminator, the very same that were used to compute gen_loss which you are trying to backpropagate on. This is not possible.
You have to compute dis_loss backpropagate, update the weights of the discriminator, and clear the gradients. Only then can you compute gen_loss with the newly updated discriminator weights. Finally, backpropagate on the generator.
This tutorial is a good walkthrough over a typical GAN training.
This might not be an answer exactly to your question but I got this when trying to use a "custom" distributed optimizer e.g. I was using Cherry's optimizer and accidentially moving the model to a DDP model at the same time. Once I only moved the model to device according to how cherry worked I stopped getting this issue.
This worked for me. For more details, please see here.
def backward(self, gen_loss=None, dis_loss=None):
if dis_loss is not None:
dis_loss.backward(retain_graph=True) # modified here
if gen_loss is not None:

Logestic regression model is not learning

I wrote logistic regression algorithm using data with 9 attributes and one vector of labels, but it is not training.
I think I have to transpose some of the inputs when updating the weights but not sure, tried a bit of trial and error but no luck.
If anyone can help thanks.
class logistic_regression(neural_network):
def __init__(self,data): = data # to store the the data location in a varable
self.data1 = load_data( # load the data
self.weights = np.random.normal(0,1,self.data1.shape[1] -1) # use the number of attributes to get the number of weights
self.bias = np.random.randn(1) # set the bias to a random number
self.x = self.data1.iloc[:,0:9] # split the xs and ys
self.y = self.data1.iloc[:,9:10]
self.x = np.array(self.x)
self.y = np.array(self.y)
def load_data(self,file):
data = pd.read_csv(file)
return data
def sigmoid(self,x): # acivation function to limit the value to 0 and 1
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
def sigmoid_prime(self,x):
return self.sigmoid(x) * (1 - self.sigmoid(x))
def train(self):
error = 0 # init the error to zero
learning_rate = 0.01
for interation in range(100):
for i in range(len(self.x)): # loop though all the data
pred =[i].T,self.weights) + self.bias # calculate the output
pred1 = self.sigmoid(pred)
error = (pred1 - self.y[i])**2 # check the accuracy of the network
self.bias -= learning_rate * pred1 - self.y[i] * self.sigmoid_prime(pred1)
self.weights -= learning_rate * (pred1 - self.y[i]) * self.sigmoid_prime(pred1) * self.x[i]
print(str(error) + "error") # print the result
print(pred1[0] - self.y[i][0])
def test(self):
You cannot train any machine learning model using only one label. The resulting model will only have one response, no matter what test data is being used - the label provided while training.
Broken derivatives
You've got a bug in the self.bias adjustment, missing parenthesis around pred1-self.y[i].
Also, you're calculating the derivative from the wrong variable - it seems that instead of self.sigmoid_prime(pred1) you'd need self.sigmoid_prime(pred).
Test on a toy example
For any such code, I'd suggest that you first test it on a very simple function one where it's trivial to print out all the intermediate values and verify them on paper. For example, boolean AND and OR functions. That will show you whether you've got the update formulas correct, isolating the learning code from the peculiarities of your actual learning task.

Neural network backprop not fully training

I have this neural network that I've trained seen bellow, it works, or at least appears to work, but the problem is with the training. I'm trying to train it to act as an OR gate, but it never seems to get there, the output tends to looks like this:
prior to training:
post training:
[0.754652 ]
expected output:
I have this loss graph:
Its strange it appears to be training, but at the same time not quite getting to the expected output. I know that it would never really achieve the 0s and 1s, but at the same time I expect it to manage and get something a little bit closer to the expected output.
I had some issues trying to figure out how to back prop the error as I wanted to make this network have any number of hidden layers, so I stored the local gradient in a layer, along side the weights, and sent the error from the end back.
The main functions I suspect are the culprits are NeuralNetwork.train and both forward methods.
import sys
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import product
class NeuralNetwork:
class __Layer:
def __init__(self,args):
self.__epsilon = 1e-6
self.localGrad = 0
self.__weights = np.random.randn(
self.__biases = np.zeros(
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__weights)
def forward(self,X):
a =, self.__weights) + self.__biases
self.localGrad =,self.__sigmoidPrime(a))
return self.__sigmoid(a)
def adjustWeights(self, err):
self.__weights -= (err * self.__epsilon)
def __sigmoid(self, z):
return 1/(1 + np.exp(-z))
def __sigmoidPrime(self, a):
return self.__sigmoid(a)*(1 - self.__sigmoid(a))
def __init__(self,args):
self.__inputDimensions = args["inputDimensions"]
self.__outputDimensions = args["outputDimensions"]
self.__hiddenDimensions = args["hiddenDimensions"]
self.__layers = []
def __constructLayers(self):
"biasHeight": self.__inputDimensions[0],
"previousLayerHeight": self.__inputDimensions[1],
"height": self.__hiddenDimensions[0][0]
if len(self.__hiddenDimensions) > 0
else self.__outputDimensions[0]
for i in range(len(self.__hiddenDimensions)):
"biasHeight": self.__hiddenDimensions[i + 1][0]
if i + 1 < len(self.__hiddenDimensions)
else self.__outputDimensions[0],
"previousLayerHeight": self.__hiddenDimensions[i][0],
"height": self.__hiddenDimensions[i + 1][0]
if i + 1 < len(self.__hiddenDimensions)
else self.__outputDimensions[0]
def forward(self,X):
out = self.__layers[0].forward(X)
for i in range(len(self.__layers) - 1):
out = self.__layers[i+1].forward(out)
return out
def train(self,X,Y,loss,epoch=5000000):
for i in range(epoch):
YHat = self.forward(X)
delta = -(Y-YHat)
err = np.sum([-1].localGrad,delta.T), axis=1)
err.shape = (self.__hiddenDimensions[-1][0],1)
for l in reversed(self.__layers[:-1]):
err =, err)
i += 1
def printLayers(self):
for l in self.__layers:
def main(args):
X = np.array([[x,y] for x,y in product([0,1],repeat=2)])
Y = np.array([[0],[1],[1],[1]])
nn = NeuralNetwork(
"inputDimensions": (4,2),
"outputDimensions": (1,1),
print("expected output:\n\n",Y,"\n")
print("prior to training:\n\n",nn.forward(X), "\n")
loss = []
print("post training:\n\n",nn.forward(X), "\n")
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
x = np.array([x for x in range(5000000)])
loss = np.array(loss)
ax.set(xlabel="epoch",ylabel="loss",title="logic gate training")
Could someone please point out what I'm doing wrong here, I strongly suspect it has to do with the way I'm dealing with matrices but at the same time I don't have the slightest idea what's going on.
Thanks for taking the time to read my question, and taking the time to respond (if relevant).
Actually quite a lot is wrong with this but I'm still a bit confused over how to fix it. Although the loss graph looks like its training, and it kind of is, the math I've done above is wrong.
Look at the training function.
def train(self,X,Y,loss,epoch=5000000):
for i in range(epoch):
YHat = self.forward(X)
delta = -(Y-YHat)
err = np.sum([-1].localGrad,delta.T), axis=1)
err.shape = (self.__hiddenDimensions[-1][0],1)
for l in reversed(self.__layers[:-1]):
err =, err)
i += 1
Note how I get delta = -(Y-Yhat) and then dot product it with the "local gradient" of the last layer. The "local gradient" is the local W gradient.
def forward(self,X):
a =, self.__weights) + self.__biases
self.localGrad =,self.__sigmoidPrime(a))
return self.__sigmoid(a)
I'm skipping a step in the chain rule. I should really be multiplying by W* sigprime(XW + b) first as that's the local gradient of X, then by the local W gradient. I tried that, but I'm still getting issues, here is the new forward method (note the __init__ for layers needs to be initialised for the new vars, and I changed the activation function to tanh)
def forward(self, X):
a =, self.__weights) + self.__biases
self.localPartialGrad = self.__tanhPrime(a)
self.localWGrad =, self.localPartialGrad)
self.localXGrad =,self.__weights.T)
return self.__tanh(a)
and updated the training method to look something like this:
def train(self, X, Y, loss, epoch=5000):
for e in range(epoch):
Yhat = self.forward(X)
err = -(Y-Yhat)
for l in self.__layers[::-1]:
if(l != self.__layers[0]):
err = np.multiply(err,l.localPartialGrad)
err = np.multiply(err,l.localXGrad)
The new graphs I'm getting are all over the place, I have no idea what's going on. Here is the final bit of code I changed:
def adjustWeights(self, err):
perr = np.multiply(err, self.localPartialGrad)
werr = np.sum(,perr.T),axis=1)
werr = werr * self.__epsilon
werr.shape = (self.__weights.shape[0],1)
self.__weights = self.__weights - werr
Your network is learning, as can be seen from the loss chart, so backprop implementation is correct (congrats!). The main problem with this particular architecture is the choice of the activation function: sigmoid. I have replaced sigmoid with tanh and it works much better instantly.
From this discussion on CV.SE:
There are two reasons for that choice (assuming you have normalized
your data, and this is very important):
Having stronger gradients: since data is centered around 0, the
derivatives are higher. To see this, calculate the derivative of the
tanh function and notice that input values are in the range [0,1]. The
range of the tanh function is [-1,1] and that of the sigmoid function
is [0,1]
Avoiding bias in the gradients. This is explained very well in the
paper, and it is worth reading it to understand these issues.
Though I'm sure sigmoid-based NN can be trained as well, looks like it's much more sensitive to input values (note that they are not zero-centered), because the activation itself is not zero-centered. tanh is better than sigmoid by all means, so a simpler approach is just use that activation function.
The key change is this:
def __tanh(self, z):
return np.tanh(z)
def __tanhPrime(self, a):
return 1 - self.__tanh(a) ** 2
... instead of __sigmoid and __sigmoidPrime.
I have also tuned hyperparameters a little bit, so that the network now learns in 100k epochs, instead of 5m:
prior to training:
[[ 0. ]
post training:
[[0. ]
A complete code is in this gist.
Well I'm an idiot. I was right about being wrong but I was wrong about how wrong I was. Let me explain.
Within the backwards training method I got the last layer trained correctly, but all layers after that wasn't trained correctly, hence why the above network was coming up with a result, it was indeed training, but only one layer.
So what did i do wrong? Well I was only multiplying by the local graident of the Weights with respect to the output, and thus the chain rule was partially correct.
Lets say the loss function was this:
t = Y-X2
loss = 1/2*(t)^2
a2 = X1W2 + b
X2 = activation(a2)
a1 = X0W1 + b
X1 = activation(a1)
We know that the the derivative of loss with respect to W2 would be -(Y-X2)*X1. This was done in the first part of my training function:
def train(self,X,Y,loss,epoch=5000000):
for i in range(epoch):
#First part
YHat = self.forward(X)
delta = -(Y-YHat)
err = np.sum([-1].localGrad,delta.T), axis=1)
err.shape = (self.__hiddenDimensions[-1][0],1)
#Second part
for l in reversed(self.__layers[:-1]):
err =, err)
i += 1
However the second part is where I screwed up. In order to calculate the loss with respect to W1, I must multiply the original error -(Y-X2) by W2 as W2 is the local X Gradient of the last layer, and due to the chain rule this must be done first. Then I could multiply by the local W gradient (X1) to get the loss with respect to W1. I failed to do the multiplication of the local X gradient first, so the last layer was indeed training, but all layers after that had an error that magnified as the layer increased.
To solve this I updated the train method:
def train(self,X,Y,loss,epoch=10000):
for i in range(epoch):
YHat = self.forward(X)
err = -(Y-YHat)
werr = np.sum([-1].localWGrad,err.T), axis=1)
werr.shape = (self.__hiddenDimensions[-1][0],1)
for l in reversed(self.__layers[:-1]):
err = np.multiply(err, l.localXGrad)
werr = np.sum(,err.T),axis=1)
Now the loss graph I got looks like this:

How to set layer-wise learning rate in Tensorflow?

I am wondering if there is a way that I can use different learning rate for different layers like what is in Caffe. I am trying to modify a pre-trained model and use it for other tasks. What I want is to speed up the training for new added layers and keep the trained layers at low learning rate in order to prevent them from being distorted. for example, I have a 5-conv-layer pre-trained model. Now I add a new conv layer and fine tune it. The first 5 layers would have learning rate of 0.00001 and the last one would have 0.001. Any idea how to achieve this?
It can be achieved quite easily with 2 optimizers:
var_list1 = [variables from first 5 layers]
var_list2 = [the rest of variables]
train_op1 = GradientDescentOptimizer(0.00001).minimize(loss, var_list=var_list1)
train_op2 = GradientDescentOptimizer(0.0001).minimize(loss, var_list=var_list2)
train_op =, train_op2)
One disadvantage of this implementation is that it computes tf.gradients(.) twice inside the optimizers and thus it might not be optimal in terms of execution speed. This can be mitigated by explicitly calling tf.gradients(.), splitting the list into 2 and passing corresponding gradients to both optimizers.
Related question: Holding variables constant during optimizer
EDIT: Added more efficient but longer implementation:
var_list1 = [variables from first 5 layers]
var_list2 = [the rest of variables]
opt1 = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.00001)
opt2 = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.0001)
grads = tf.gradients(loss, var_list1 + var_list2)
grads1 = grads[:len(var_list1)]
grads2 = grads[len(var_list1):]
tran_op1 = opt1.apply_gradients(zip(grads1, var_list1))
train_op2 = opt2.apply_gradients(zip(grads2, var_list2))
train_op =, train_op2)
You can use tf.trainable_variables() to get all training variables and decide to select from them.
The difference is that in the first implementation tf.gradients(.) is called twice inside the optimizers. This may cause some redundant operations to be executed (e.g. gradients on the first layer can reuse some computations for the gradients of the following layers).
Tensorflow 1.7 introduced tf.custom_gradient that greatly simplifies setting learning rate multipliers, in a way that is now compatible with any optimizer, including those accumulating gradient statistics. For example,
import tensorflow as tf
def lr_mult(alpha):
def _lr_mult(x):
def grad(dy):
return dy * alpha * tf.ones_like(x)
return x, grad
return _lr_mult
x0 = tf.Variable(1.)
x1 = tf.Variable(1.)
loss = tf.square(x0) + tf.square(lr_mult(0.1)(x1))
step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1).minimize(loss)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
for _ in range(5):[step])
print([x0, x1, loss]))
Update Jan 22: recipe below is only a good idea for GradientDescentOptimizer , other optimizers that keep a running average will apply learning rate before the parameter update, so recipe below won't affect that part of the equation
In addition to Rafal's approach, you could use compute_gradients, apply_gradients interface of Optimizer. For instance, here's a toy network where I use 2x the learning rate for second parameter
x = tf.Variable(tf.ones([]))
y = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([]))
loss = tf.square(x-y)
global_step = tf.Variable(0, name="global_step", trainable=False)
opt = tf.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1)
grads_and_vars = opt.compute_gradients(loss, [x, y])
ygrad, _ = grads_and_vars[1]
train_op = opt.apply_gradients([grads_and_vars[0], (ygrad*2, y)], global_step=global_step)
init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables()
sess = tf.Session()
for i in range(5):[train_op, loss, global_step])
print[x, y])
You should see
[0.80000001, 0.40000001]
[0.72000003, 0.56]
[0.68800002, 0.62400001]
[0.67520005, 0.64960003]
[0.67008007, 0.65984005]
Collect learning rate multipliers for each variable like:
self.lr_multipliers[] = lr_mult
and then apply them during before applying the gradients like:
def _train_op(self):
tf.scalar_summary('learning_rate', self._lr_placeholder)
opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(self._lr_placeholder)
grads_and_vars = opt.compute_gradients(self._loss)
grads_and_vars_mult = []
for grad, var in grads_and_vars:
grad *= self._network.lr_multipliers[]
grads_and_vars_mult.append((grad, var))
tf.histogram_summary('variables/' +, var)
tf.histogram_summary('gradients/' +, grad)
return opt.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars_mult)
You can find the whole example here.
A slight variation of Sergey Demyanov answer, where you only have to specify the learning rates you would like to change
from collections import defaultdict
self.learning_rates = defaultdict(lambda: 1.0)
x = tf.layers.Dense(3)(x)
self.learning_rates[] = 2.0
optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=1e-3, momentum=0.9)
grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)
grads_and_vars_mult = []
for grad, var in grads_and_vars:
grad *= self.learning_rates[]
grads_and_vars_mult.append((grad, var))
train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars_mult, tf.train.get_global_step())
The first 5 layers would have learning rate of 0.00001 and the last one would have 0.001. Any idea how to achieve this?
There is an easy way to do that using tf.stop_gradient.
Here is an example with 3 layers:
x = layer1(input)
x = layer2(x)
output = layer3(x)
You can shrink your gradient in the first two layers by a ratio of 1/100:
x = layer1(input)
x = layer2(x)
x = 1/100*x + (1-1/100)*tf.stop_gradient(x)
output = layer3(x)
On the layer2, the "flow" is split in two branches: one which has a contribution of 1/100 computes its gradient regularly but with a gradient magnitude shrinked by a proportion of 1/100, the other branch provides the remaining "flow" without contributing to the gradient because of the tf.stop_gradient operator. As a result, if you use a learning rate of 0.001 on your model optimizer, the first two layers will virtually have a learning rate of 0.00001.
If you happen to be using tf.slim + slim.learning.create_train_op there is a nice example here:
# Create the train_op and scale the gradients by providing a map from variable
# name (or variable) to a scaling coefficient:
gradient_multipliers = {
'conv0/weights': 1.2,
'fc8/weights': 3.4,
train_op = slim.learning.create_train_op(
Unfortunately it doesn't seem possible to use a tf.Variable instead of a float value if you want to gradually modify the multiplier.
