Python Requests API client has a function that needs to re execute if run unsuccessfully.
def create(self, **params):
uri = self.BASE_URL
data = dict(**(params or {}))
r =, data=json.dumps(data))
return r
If ran with
api = Kitten()
data = {"email": "", "currency": "USD", "country": "US" }
r = api.create(**data)
The issue is whenever you run it, the first time it always returns back the request as GET, even when it it POST. The first time the post is sent, it returns back GET list of entries.
The later requests, second and later, api.create(**data) return back new entries created like they should be.
There is a status_code for get and post
r.status_code == 200
r.status_code == 201
What would be better Python way to re execute when status_code is 200, till a valid 201 is returned.
If you know for sure that the 2nd post will always return your expected value, you can use a ternary operator to perform the check a second time:
def create(self, **params):
uri = self.BASE_URL
data = dict(**(params or {}))
r = self._get_response(uri, data)
return r if r.status_code == 201 else self._get_response(uri, data)
def _get_response(uri, data):
return, data=json.dumps(data)
Otherwise you can put it in a while loop where the condition is that the status code == 201.
I am trying to unit test some of my functions using mocks in python. Few of them seems to be working as expected but I am trouble with the response of one the test case. Which it not returning the ideal response which it should.
import requests
def getReceiverInfo(fundId):
print('Inside fetchReceiverInfo',fundId)
response = requests.get("REST URL FOR RECEIVER INFO")
if response.ok:
return response
return None
def getMotpTrade(trade_id):
response = requests.get("REST URL")
if response.ok:
return response
return None
def getMotpCanonical(trade_id):
response = requests.get("REST URL")
if response.ok:
return response
return None
def EnrichTradeWithReceiverInfo(event, context):
#print('Lambda function started..')
trade_id = event['tradeId']
motpTrade = getMotpTrade(trade_id)
canonicalTrade = getMotpCanonical(trade_id)
fundId = motpTrade['Account']
data = getReceiverInfo(fundId)
return data
# Standard library imports
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
# Third-party imports...
from import assert_true
from import assert_is_not_none, assert_list_equal, assert_dict_equal
# Local imports
from motpenrichreceiverinfo import getMotpTrade, getReceiverInfo, EnrichTradeWithReceiverInfo
def test_motptraderequest_response(mock_get):
motpTrade = [{
# Configure the mock to return a response with an OK status code.
mock_get.return_value.ok = True
mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = motpTrade
# Send a request to the API server and store the response.
response = getMotpTrade('tradeId')
# If the request is sent successfully, then I expect a response to be returned.
assert_list_equal(response.json(), motpTrade)
def test_getReceiverInfo_respose_ok(mock_get):
receiverInfo = [{
# Configure the mock to return a response with an OK status code.
mock_get.return_value.ok = True
mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = receiverInfo
# Send a request to the API server and store the response.
response = getReceiverInfo("1110")
# If the request is sent successfully, then I expect a response to be returned.
assert_list_equal(response.json(), receiverInfo)
def test_EnrichTradeWithReceiverInfo_ok(mock_get,mock_canonical,mock_receiverinfo):
motpTrade = [{
receiverInfo = [{
event = {"tradeId":"123456"}
# Configure the mock to return a response with an OK status code.
mock_get.return_value = Mock(ok=True)
mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = motpTrade
mock_canonical.return_value.ok = True
mock_canonical.return_value.json.return_value = [{}]
mock_receiverinfo.return_value.ok = True
mock_receiverinfo.return_value.json.return_value = receiverInfo
data = EnrichTradeWithReceiverInfo(event,"")
Here my first two cases are working as expected. But my last test case(test_EnrichTradeWithReceiverInfo_ok) is somehow not working. Ideally it should have response equal to receiverInfo object.But when I run it gives below error. It would be really helpful someone can help me understand what I am doing wrong here.
(venv) C:\Development\motplambdas>nosetests -v
test_motptrade.test_EnrichTradeWithReceiverInfo_ok ... FAIL
test_motptrade.test_getReceiverInfo_respose_ok ... ok
test_motptrade.test_motptraderequest_response ... ok
FAIL: test_motptrade.test_EnrichTradeWithReceiverInfo_ok
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\development\motplambdas\venv\lib\site-packages\nose\", line 198, in runTest
File "c:\program files\python38\lib\unittest\", line 1325, in patched
return func(*newargs, **newkeywargs)
File "C:\Development\motplambdas\", line 69, in test_EnrichTradeWithReceiverInfo_ok
AssertionError: Lists differ: [{'motpTrade': 'motpTrade'}] != [{'reciever': 'reciever'}]
First differing element 0:
{'motpTrade': 'motpTrade'}
{'reciever': 'reciever'}
- [{'motpTrade': 'motpTrade'}]
+ [{'reciever': 'reciever'}]
Ran 3 tests in 0.011s
FAILED (failures=1)
The issue is the order of which you are passing your Mock objects into the function call.
def test_EnrichTradeWithReceiverInfo_ok(mock_get,mock_canonical,mock_receiverinfo)
Mock objects are passed from the bottom up, meaning #patch('motpenrichreceiverinfo.getReceiverInfo') is the first Mock passed in to the function call, not the last as you have it listed. Due to this you end up setting getReceiverInfo to return the wrong value. The solution is to switch the function call to look like this:
def test_EnrichTradeWithReceiverInfo_ok(mock_receiverinfo, mock_canonical, mock_get)
You can read more about this here where it explains how nesting decorators works.
Note that the decorators are applied from the bottom upwards. This is the standard way that Python applies decorators. The order of the created mocks passed into your test function matches this order.
i am trying to retrieve all the devices from the REST API below, but the API JSON response is limited to 10k rows. The code below only returns 40 rows, not sure why. How do i send multiple requests to retrieve all the devices to get past the 10k row limit?
n is the "num_found" from the json response which is retrieved from another python function and it's the total number of devices registered.
def getdevices(n):
param = {
"criteria": {"status": ["ACTIVE"], "target_priority": ["LOW", "MEDIUM", "HIGH", "MISSION_CRITICAL"]}
all_endpoints = []
# loop through all and return JSON object
for start in range(0, n, 10001):
r ='/appservices/v6/orgs/abcdefg/devices/_search?start={start}&rows=10000', data=json.dumps(param), headers=headers)
if r.status_code != 200:
logging.error('status code ' + str(r.status_code))
logging.error('unable to get devices! ' + r.text)
response = json.loads(r.text)
r = response['results']
for d in r:
all_endpoints.append({k: d[k] for k in ("id", "registered_time", "last_contact_time",
"last_external_ip_address", "last_internal_ip_address",
"last_location", "login_user_name", "name")})
return all_endpoints
Another example is the CURL command on the webpage below, how would I use a similar approach with python for the code above to retrieve all the devices?
This output should be way longer than it is in here.
I start with a GET request, I parse a JSON list and extract the id, which I then call on the second function, that will give me a second ID which then I will use to call on the 3rd function. But, I am only getting one entry whereas I should be getting way more entries.
The code is the following:
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import requests
import json
import urllib3
def countries():
data = requests.get("https://localhost:8543/api/netim/v1/countries/", verify=False, auth=HTTPBasicAuth("admin", "admin"))
rep = data.json()
return [elem.get("id","") for elem in rep['items']]
def regions():
for c in countries():
url = requests.get("https://localhost:8543/api/netim/v1/countries/{}/regions".format(c), verify=False, auth=HTTPBasicAuth("admin", "admin"))
response = url.json()
return [cid.get("id","") for cid in response['items']]
def city():
for r in regions():
api = requests.get("https://localhost:8543/api/netim/v1/regions/{}/cities".format(r), verify=False, auth=HTTPBasicAuth("admin", "admin"))
resolt = api.json()
return(json.dumps([{"name":r.get("name",""),"id":r.get("id", "")} for r in resolt['items']], indent=4))
The output is the following :
"name": "Herat",
"id": "AF~HER~Herat"
I should have a huge list, so I am not sure what am I missing?
You need to go through all the iterations of your loop and collect the results, then jsonify the and return them.
data = []
for r in regions():
api = requests.get("https://localhost:8543/api/netim/v1/regions/{}/cities".format(r), verify=False, auth=HTTPBasicAuth("admin", "admin"))
resolt = api.json()
data.extend([{"name":r.get("name",""),"id":r.get("id", "")} for r in resolt['items']])
return json.dumps(data, indent=4)
This would be a fix for city() but you have the same problem in all your functions. return immediately exits the function and does not do anything else, effectively all your for loops are doing 1 iteration.
I'll update my example here to give you a better idea what's occurring.
Your functions are basically this:
def test_fn():
for i in [1,2,3,4]:
return i
# output:
# We never see 2 or 3 or 4 because we return before looping on them.
What you want:
def test_fn():
results = []
for i in [1,2,3,4]:
return results
# output
It seems like you understand that the for loop is going to take some action once for each element in the list. What you're not understanding is that return ends the function NOW. No more for loop, no more actions, and in your code, you immediately return inside the for loop, stopping any further action.
I need to fetch information about likes, comments and etc. from only one post object and here's the request code I send.
Example of my requests:
class StatsSN:
def init(self, fb_post_id, fb_token):
self.fb_post_id = fb_post_id
self.fb_token = fb_token
def req_stats(self, url_method):
req = requests.get(url_method)
if req.status_code != 200:
# return req.json().get('error')
# return 'error''FB_Statistics: %s' % req.json())
return -1
return req.json().get('summary').get('total_count')
def fb_likes(self):
url_method = fb_api_url + '%s/likes?summary=true&access_token=%s' % (self.fb_post_id, self.fb_token)
return self.req_stats(url_method)
def fb_reactions(self):
url_method = fb_api_url + '%s/reactions?summary=total_count&access_token=%s' % (self.fb_post_id, self.fb_token)
return self.req_stats(url_method)
def fb_comments(self):
url_method = fb_api_url + '%s/comments?summary=true&access_token=%s' % (self.fb_post_id, self.fb_token)
return self.req_stats(url_method)
def fb_sharedposts(self):
url_method = fb_api_url + '%s/sharedposts?access_token=%s' % (self.fb_post_id, self.fb_token)
req = requests.get(url_method)
if req.status_code != 200:'FB_Statistics: %s' % req.json())
return -1
return len(req.json().get('data'))
def fb_stats(self):
fb_likes, fb_reactions, fb_comments, fb_sharedposts = self.fb_likes(), self.fb_reactions(), self.fb_comments(), \
return int(fb_likes), int(fb_reactions), int(fb_comments), int(fb_sharedposts)
Is there a method in the Graph API to get info about few posts in one request?
You can achieve it by sending a batch request; If you only need public data, a normal page token is good enough. However if you need private information, you will need a specific page token of the page post you want to get the metrics of.
As the metrics you are referring to are public, you should be able to send a GET request with following syntax:,comments.limit(0).summary(true),shares,reactions.limit(0).summary(true)&ids=STATUS_ID1,STATUS_ID2,STATUS_ID3,...,STATUS_ID50&access_token=PAGE_TOKEN
You can request up to 50 status id's in one call.
This part you need to add with comments and reactions as it is the best practice to retrieve the total amount of comments/reactions.
i have an python API call, and the server response is coming to me as JSON output.
How can I assert that the "status" from this output is 0 for example:
def test_case_connection():
req = requests.get_simple(url=Server.MY_SERVER, params=my_vars)
assert req["status"]="0"
is what i've tried.
The response is looking like:
{"status" : 0, ......}
error i got is:
TypeError: 'Response' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
If you simply need to check that the request was successful, using request.status_code will do the trick:
def test_case_connection():
req = requests.get_simple(url=Server.MY_SERVER, params=my_vars)
assert req.status_code == 200
If you want instead to check for the presence of a specific key-value pair in the response, you need to convert your response payload from json to a dict:
import json
def test_case_connection():
req = requests.get_simple(url=Server.MY_SERVER, params=my_vars)
data = json.loads(req.content)
assert data["status"] == "0"
If you are using the Requests library you can avoid converting json manually by using its builtin json decoder.
It should be assert req['status'] == 0, i. e. comparison (==) instead of assignment (=) and 0 as integer not "0" as string (not entirely sure about the latter).
status code in assertion:
response.ok #it is True if response status code is 200.
In context with pytest it would be like that:
#pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture_name", [(path, json)], indirect=True)
def test_the_response_status_code_first(fixture_name):
assert fixture_name.ok, "The message for the case if the status code != 200."
# the same with checking status code directly:
assert fixture_name.status_code == 200, "Some text for failure. Optional."