How to encrypt a .bin file - python

I need to encrypt 3 .bin files which contain 2 keys for Diffie-Hellman. I have no clue how to do that, all I could think of was what I did in the following Python file. I have an example what the output should look like but my code doesn't seem to produce the right keys. The output file server.ini is used by a client to connect to a server.
import base64
fileList = [['game_key.bin', 'Game'], ['gate_key.bin', 'Gate'], ['auth_key.bin', 'Auth']]
iniList = []
for i in fileList:
file = open(i[0], 'rb')
n = list(
x = list(
iniList.append(['Server.' + i[1] + '.N "' + base64.b64encode("".join(n)) + '"\n', 'Server.' + i[1] + '.X "' + base64.b64encode("".join(x)) + '"\n'])
#time for user Input
ip = '"' + raw_input('Hostname: ') + '"'
dispName = 'Server.DispName ' + '"' + raw_input('DispName: ') + '"' + '\n'
statusUrl = 'Server.Status ' + '"' + raw_input('Status URL: ') + '"' + '\n'
signupUrl = 'Server.Signup ' + '"' + raw_input('Signup URL: ') + '"' + '\n'
for l in range(1, 3):
iniList[l].append('Server.' + fileList[l][1] + '.Host ' + ip + '\n\n')
for l in [[dispName], [statusUrl], [signupUrl]]:
outFile = open('server.ini', 'w')
for l in iniList:
for i in l:
The following was in my example file:
# Keys are Base64-encoded 512 bit RC4 keys, as generated by DirtSand's keygen
# command. Note that they MUST be quoted in the commands below, or the client
# won't parse them correctly!
I also tried it without inverting n and x


PDF template not merging data properly with pdftk

I'm editing a PDF template with using pdftk
command = ("pdftk " + '"' +
template + '"' +
" fill_form " + '"' +
pathUser + user['mail'] + ".xfdf" + '"' +
" output " + '"' +
pathUser + user['mail'] + ".pdf" + '"' +
" need_appearances")
command = command.replace('/', '\\')
First I'm writing my data in a .xfdf file
for key, value in user.items():
print(key, value)
fields.append(u"""<field name="%s"><value>%s</value></field>""" % (key, value))
tpl = u"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xfdf xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">
</xfdf>""" % "\n".join(fields)
f = open(pathUser + user['mail'] + '.xfdf', 'wb')
I fetch the template and as shown above, write the data from the xfdf to pdf but for some reason, only the ime gets written.
Templates get fetched using some basic conditional logic as shown below:
for item in user['predavanja']:
user[acthead + str(actn)] = item
actn += 1
for item in user['radionice']:
user[acthead + str(actn)] = item
actn += 1
for item in user['izlet']:
user[acthead + str(actn)] = item
actn += 1
templates = {}
templates['0'] = "Template/2019/certificate_2019.pdf"
templates['5'] = "Template/2019/certificate_2019_5.pdf"
templates['10'] = "Template/2019/certificate_2019_10.pdf"
templates['15'] = "Template/2019/certificate_2019_15.pdf"
templates['20'] = "Template/2019/certificate_2019_20.pdf"
templates['25'] = "Template/2019/certificate_2019_25.pdf"
templates['30'] = "Template/2019/certificate_2019_30.pdf"
templates['35'] = "Template/2019/certificate_2019_35.pdf"
templates['40'] = "Template/2019/certificate_2019_40.pdf"
templates['45'] = "Template/2019/certificate_2019_45.pdf"
templates['50'] = "Template/2019/certificate_2019_50.pdf"
I'm writing this data
user['id'] = data['recommendations'][0]['role_in_team']['user']['id']
user['ime'] = data['recommendations'][0]['role_in_team']['user']['first_name']
user['prezime'] = data['recommendations'][0]['role_in_team']['user']['last_name']
user['tim'] = data['recommendations'][0]['role_in_team']['team']['short_name']
user['mail'] = data['recommendations'][0]['role_in_team']['user']['estudent_email']
user['puno_ime'] = (data['recommendations'][0]['role_in_team']['user']['first_name'] + ' ' +
user['predavanja'] = predavanja
user['radionice'] = radionice
user['izlet'] = izlet
One note. predavanja, radionice and izlet are lists.
I've tried printing tpl which shows all the data being properly added to the scheme.
Turns out the issue was the naming of the variables since they didn't match the field names in the acroform PDF. So the solution was to rename the variables in the code to match the field names.

Tweepy error with exporting array content

I am looking to extract tweets and write them to a CSV file, however, I cannot figure out how to get it to generate a file. I am using Tweepy to extract the tweets. I would like the CSV file to contain the following cells: User, date, tweet, likes, retweets, total, eng rate, rating, tweet id
import tweepy
import csv
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler("", "")
auth.set_access_token("", "")
api = tweepy.API(auth)
print("Authentication OK")
print("Error during authentication")
def timeline(username):
tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name=username, count = '100', tweet_mode="extended")
for status in (tweets):
eng = round(((status.favorite_count + status.retweet_count)/status.user.followers_count)*100, 2)
if (not status.retweeted) and ('RT #' not in status.full_text) and (eng <= 0.02):
print (status.user.screen_name + ',' + str(status.created_at) + ',' + status.full_text + ",Likes: " + str(status.favorite_count) + ",Retweets: " + str(status.retweet_count) + ',Total: ' + str(status.favorite_count + status.retweet_count) + ',Engagement rate: ' + str(eng) + '%' + 'Rating: Low' + ',Tweet ID: ' + str(
elif (not status.retweeted) and ('RT #' not in status.full_text) and (0.02 < eng <= 0.09):
print (status.user.screen_name + ',' + str(status.created_at) + ',' + status.full_text + ",Likes: " + str(status.favorite_count) + ",Retweets: " + str(status.retweet_count) + ',Total: ' + str(status.favorite_count + status.retweet_count) + ',Engagement rate: ' + str(eng) + '%' + 'Rating: Good' + ',Tweet ID: ' + str(
elif (not status.retweeted) and ('RT #' not in status.full_text) and (0.09 < eng <= 0.33):
print (status.user.screen_name + ',' + str(status.created_at) + ',' + status.full_text + ",Likes: " + str(status.favorite_count) + ",Retweets: " + str(status.retweet_count) + ',Total: ' + str(status.favorite_count + status.retweet_count) + ',Engagement rate: ' + str(eng) + '%' + 'Rating: High' + ',Tweet ID: ' + str(
elif (not status.retweeted) and ('RT #' not in status.full_text) and (0.33 < eng):
print (status.user.screen_name + ',' + str(status.created_at) + ',' + status.full_text + ",Likes: " + str(status.favorite_count) + ",Retweets: " + str(status.retweet_count) + ',Total: ' + str(status.favorite_count + status.retweet_count) + ',Engagement rate: ' + str(eng) + '%' + 'Rating: Very High' + ',Tweet ID: ' + str(
tweet = timeline("twitter")
with open('tweet.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
You can look at for the info on how to generate a csv file in Python. Quick exmaple:
import csv
with open('some_output.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
writer.writerow(["field1", "field2", "field3"])
Your function get_tweets does not return a value but you are trying to retrieve a value from that function which would result in None. Also it looks like tweet value will be list of strings. writerow method from csv.writer should get list of items and not list of lists. I have modified your code to address those issues. Let me know if it works.
def get_tweets(username):
tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name=username, count=100)
tweets_for_csv = [tweet.text for tweet in tweets]
return tweets_for_csv
tweet = get_tweets("fazeclan")
with open('tweet.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)

Adding the values of two strings using Python and XML path

It generates an output with wallTime and setupwalltime into a dat file, which has the following format:
24000 4 0
81000 17 0
192000 59 0
648000 250 0
1536000 807 0
3000000 2144 0
6591000 5699 0
I would like to know how to add the two values i.e.(wallTime and setupwalltime) together. Can someone give me a hint? I tried converting to float, but it doesn’t seem to work.
import libxml2
import os.path
from numpy import *
from cfs_utils import *
solver=["BiCGSTABL_iluk", "BiCGSTABL_saamg", "BiCGSTABL_ssor" , "CG_iluk", "CG_saamg", "CG_ssor" ]# ,"cholmod", "ilu" ]
file_list=["eval_BiCGSTABL_iluk_default", "eval_BiCGSTABL_saamg_default" , "eval_BiCGSTABL_ssor_default" , "eval_CG_iluk_default","eval_CG_saamg_default", "eval_CG_ssor_default" ] # "simp_cholmod_solver_3D_evaluate", "simp_ilu_solver_3D_evaluate" ]
for cnt_np in np:
for sol in solver:
#open write_file= "Graphs/" + "Np"+ cnt_np + "/CG_iluk.dat"
write_file = open("Graphs/"+ "Np"+ str(cnt_np) + "/" + sol + ".dat", "w")
print("Reading " + "Graphs/"+ "Np"+ str(cnt_np) + "/" + sol + ".dat"+ "\n")
#loop through different unknowns
for cnt_n in n:
#open file "cfs_calculations_" + cnt_n +"np"+ cnt_np+ "/" + file_list(i) + ""
read_file = "cfs_calculations_" +str(cnt_n) +"np"+ str(cnt_np) + "/" + file_list[i] + ".info.xml"
print("File list" + file_list[i] + "vlaue of i " + str(i) + "\n")
print("Reading " + " cfs_calculations_" +str(cnt_n) +"np"+ str(cnt_np) + "/" + file_list[i] + ".info.xml" )
#read wall and cpu time and write
if os.path.exists(read_file):
doc = libxml2.parseFile(read_file)
xml = doc.xpathNewContext()
walltime = xpath(xml, "//cfsInfo/sequenceStep/OLAS/mechanic/solver/summary/solve/timer/#wall")
setupwalltime = xpath(xml, "//cfsInfo/sequenceStep/OLAS/mechanic/solver/summary/setup/timer/#wall")
# cputime = xpath(xml, "//cfsInfo/sequenceStep/OLAS/mechanic/solver/summary/solve/timer/#cpu")
# setupcputime = xpath(xml, "//cfsInfo/sequenceStep/OLAS/mechanic/solver/summary/solve/timer/#cpu")
unknowns = 3*cnt_n*cnt_n*cnt_n
write_file.write(str(unknowns) + "\t" + walltime + "\t" + setupwalltime + "\n")
print("Writing_point" + str(unknowns) + "%f" ,float(setupwalltime ) )
In java you can add strings and floats. What I understand is that you need to add the values and then display them. That would work (stringing the sum)
write_file.write(str(unknowns) + "\f" + str(float(walltime) + float(setupwalltime)) + "\n")
You are trying to add a str to a float. That doesn't work. If you want to use string concatenation, first coerce all of the values to str. Try this:
write_file.write(str(unknowns) + "\t" + str(float(walltime) + float(setupwalltime)) + "\n")
Or, perhaps more readably:
totalwalltime = float(walltime) + float(setupwalltime)
write_file.write("{}\t{}\n".format(unknowns, totalwalltime))

Python 2.7 IndexError: list index out of range, converting file

I have a code for convert Jmeter JTL FILE TO CSV, but when I run the code, I have the following error: IndexError: list index out of range in line 32
This is the code
import sys
import re
import datetime
import time
startTime = time.time()
cnt = 0
cnt2 = 0
failCnt = 0
reCompile = re.compile("\s([^\s]*?)=\"(.*?)\"")
delimiterCharacterOut = ","
def writeCSVLine(line):
x = reCompile.findall(line)
a = dict((row[0], row[1]) for row in x)
a['ts1'] = str(int(int(a['ts'])/1000))
x = str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(a['ts1'])))[0:19]
b = a['ts'] + ",\"" + x + "\"," + a['t'] + "," + a['lt'] + ",\"" + a['s'] + "\",\"" + a['lb'] + "\"," + a['rc'] + ",\"" + a['rm'] + "\",\"" + a['tn'] + "\",\"" + a['dt'] + "\"," + a['by'] + ",\"" + a['sc'] + "\"," + a['ec'] + ",\"" + a['ng'] + "\"," + a['na'] + ",\"" + a['hn'] + "\"," + a['in'] + "\n"
return -1
return 1
print "Splitting JTL file"
runArgv = sys.argv #Save the command line
jtlInfile = str(sys.argv[1]) #Name of JTL input file
cvsOutfile = str(sys.argv[2]) # Name of CVS output file
reFilter = str(sys.argv[3]) # Filter the labels (lb) for the filter
print "Error: Input format: <input file> <output file> <Filter by regular expression>"
f = open(jtlInfile, "r")
o = open(cvsOutfile, "w")
print "Filtering on regular expression : " + reFilter
cmpFilter = re.compile(reFilter)
# o.write("timestamp" + ",\""+ "datetime" + "\n")
o.write("timeStamp" + ",\"" + "datetime" + "\"," + "elapsed" + "," + "Latency" + ",\"" + "success" + "\",\"" + "label" + "\"," + "responseCode" + ",\"" + "responseMessage" + "\",\"" + "threadName"+ "\",\"" + "dataType" + "\"," + "bytes" + ",\"" + "SampleCount" + "\"," + "ErrorCount" + ",\"" + "grpThreads" + "\"," + "allThreads" + ",\"" + "Hostname" + "\"," + "IdleTime" + "\n")
for line in f:
returnVal = writeCSVLine(line)
if returnVal<0:
failCnt += 1
cnt2 += 1
print 'Error in line : ', cnt, line
cnt += 1
endTime = time.time()
print "Time taken : ", str(endTime-startTime)
print "Lines processed : ", cnt
print "Lines that passed the filter : ", cnt2
print "Lines skipped (error?) : ", failCnt
Log de CMD
The base tutorial is in :
From the sys.argv docs, sys.argv is the list of command line arguments passed to a Python script.
Your command line log shows that you ran python, which would result in an empty list for sys.argv. The tutorial provides a jtl file as an argument to C:\JtlToCsvConverter\input\sample.jtl
So it looks like maybe an error in copy/paste :)
Looking into the script, you need to pass 3 command line arguments:
Source JTL file
Target CSV file
Regular expression filter
So you need to execute the script like: example.jtl example.csv "(.*)"
Also there is an option to switch JMeter's results output format to CSV, in order to do so use one of the following steps:
Add line to file (lives under /bin folder of your JMeter installation)
Pass the property value via -J command line argument as:
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on JMeter properties and ways of passing, setting and overriding them.

Trouble with apostrophe in arcpy search cursor where clause

I've put together a tkinter form and python script for downloading files from an ftp site. The filenames are in the attribute table of a shapefile, as well as an overall Name that the filenames correspond too. In other words I look up a Name such as "CABOT" and download the filename 34092_18.tif. However, if a Name has an apostrophe, such as "O'KEAN", it's giving me trouble. I try to replace the apostrophe, like I've done in previous scripts, but it doesn't download anything....
whereExp = quadField + " = " + "'" + quadName.replace("'", '"') + "'"
quadFields = ["FILENAME"]
c = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(collarlessQuad, quadFields, whereExp)
for row in c:
tifFile = row[0]
tifName = quadName.replace("'", '') + '_' + tifFile
#fullUrl = ftpUrl + tifFile
local_filename = os.path.join(downloadDir, tifName)
lf = open(local_filename, "wb")
ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + tifFile, lf.write)
Here is an example of a portion of a script that works fine by replacing the apostrophe....
where_clause = quadField + " = " + "'" + quad.replace("'", '"') + "'"
#out_quad = quad.replace("'", "") + ".shp"
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(quadTable, "quadLayer")
select_out_feature_class = arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("quadLayer", "NEW_SELECTION", where_clause)
