Multinomial Naive Bayes parameter alpha setting? scikit-learn - python

Does any one know how to set parameter of alpha when doing naive bayes classification?
E.g. I used bag of words firstly to build the feature matrix and each cell of matrix is counts of words, and then I used tf(term frequency) to normalized the matrix.
But when I used Naive bayes to build classifier model, I choose to use multinomial N.B (which I think this is correct, not Bernoulli and Gaussian). the default alpha setting is 1.0 (the documents said it is Laplace smoothing, I have no idea what is).
The result is really bad, like only 21% recall to find the positive class (target class). but when I set alpha = 0.0001 (I randomly picked), the results get 95% recall score.
Besides, I checked the multinomial N.B formula, I think it is because the alpha problem, because if I used counts of words as feature, the alpha = 1 is doesn't to effect the results, however, since the tf is between 0-1, the alpha = 1 is really affect the results of this formula.
I also tested the results not use tf, only used counts of bag of words, the results is 95% as well, so, does any one know how to set the alpha value? because I have to use tf as feature matrix.

In Multinomial Naive Bayes, the alpha parameter is what is known as a hyperparameter; i.e. a parameter that controls the form of the model itself. In most cases, the best way to determine optimal values for hyperparameters is through a grid search over possible parameter values, using cross validation to evaluate the performance of the model on your data at each value. Read the above links for details on how to do this with scikit-learn.

why alpha is used?
For classifying query point in NB P(Y=1|W) or P(Y=0|W) (considering binary classification)
here W is vector of words W= [w1, w2, w3.... wd]
d = number of features
So, to find probability of all these at training time
P(w1|Y=1) * P(w2|Y=1) *.....P(wd|Y=1)) * P(Y=1)
Same above should be done for Y=0.
For Naive Bayes formula refer this (
Now at testing time, consider you encounter word which is not present in train set then its probability of existence in a class is zero, which will make whole probability 0, which is not good.
Consider W* word not present in training set
P(W*|Y=1) = P(W*,Y=1)/P(Y=1)
= Number of training points such that w* word present and Y=1 / Number of training point where Y=1
= 0/Number of training point where Y=1
So to get rid of this problem we do Laplace smoothing.
we add alpha to numerator and denominator field.
= 0 + alpha / Number of training point where Y=1 + (Number of class labels in classifier * alpha)
It happens in real world, some words occurs very few time and some more number of times or think in different way, in above formula (P(W|Y=1) = P(W,Y=1)/P(Y=1) ) if numerator and denominator fields are small means It is easily influenced by outlier or noise. Here also alpha helps as it moves my likelihood probabilities to uniform distribution as alpha increases.
So alpha is hyper parameter and you have to tune it using techniques like grid search (as mentioned by jakevdp) or random search. (

It is better that to use Gridsearchcv or RandomSearchcv(use this if on low spec model) for automating your hyperparameter which is alpha in case of MultinomialNB.
Do like this:
param={'alpha': [0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.1, 1, 10, 100,1000]}


How is classification mathematically done in SVM if target is labeled as 0 and 1?

My dataset has feature columns and a target label of 0 and 1.
When I use SVM classifier for binary classification it predicts well.
But my question is how is it mathematically predicted.?
The marginal hyperplanes H1 and H2 have the equations:
W^T X +b >= 1
meaning if greater than +1 it falls in one class. And if less than -1, it falls in another class.
But we have given the target label 0 and 1.
How actually is it done mathematically?
Anyone expert please.....
Basically, SVM wants to find the optimal hyperplane that splits the datapoints in such way that the margin between the closest datapoints of each class (the so-called support vectors) is maximized. This all breaks down to the following Lagrangian optimization problem:
w:vector that determines the optimum hyperplane ( for intuition, make yourself familiar with the geometrical meaning of a dot product)
(w^T∙x_i+b) is a scalar and displays the geometrical distance
between single datapoint x_i and the maximum margin hyperplane
b is a bias vector ( I think it comes from indetermined integral in
derivation of SVM) more on that you can find here: University Stanford -Computer Science Lecture 3-SVM
λ_i the Lagrangian multiplier
y_i the normalized classification boundary
Solving the optimization problem leads to all necessary parameters of w, b, and lambda.
To answer you quesiton in one sentence: The class boundaries [-1,1] are set arbitrarily. It is really just definition.
The labels of your binary data [0;1] (so-called dummy varaibles) have nothing to with the boundaries. It is just a convenient way to label binary data. The labels are only needed to link the features to its corresponding class or category.
The only non paramter in Formula (8) is x_i , your datapoint in feature space.
At least thats how I understand SVM. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong or unprecise.

Interpreting logistic regression coefficients of scaled features

I'm using a logistic regression to estimate the probability of scoring a goal in soccer/footbal. I've got 5 features. My target values are 1 (goal) or 0 (no goal).
As is always a must, I've scaled my features before fitting my model. I've used the MinMaxScaler, who scales all features in the range [0-1] as follows:
X_scaled = (x - x_min)/(x_max - x_min)
The coefficients of my logistic regression model are the following:
coef = [[-2.26286643 4.05722387 0.74869811 0.20538172 -0.49969841]]
My first thoughts are that the second features is the most important, followed by the first. Is this always true?
I read that "In other words, for a one-unit increase in the 'the second feature', the expected change in log odds is 4.05722387." on this site, but there, their features were normalized with a mean of 50 and some std deviation.
If I do not scale my features, the coefficients of the model are the following:
coef = [[-0.04743728 0.04394143 -0.00247654 0.23769469 -0.55051824]]
And now it seems that the first feature is more important than the second one. I read in literature about my topic that this is indeed true. So this confuses me off course.
My questions are:
Which of my features is the most important and what/why is the best methodology to find it?
How can I interprete the meaning of the scaled coefficients? E.g. what does an increase with 1 meter in feature 1 mean? Can I throw 1 meter in the MinMaxScaler, see what comes out and use that as 'the one inut increase'?
Is it true that the final probability wil be computed as y = 1/(1 + exp(-fx)) with fx = intercept + feature1*coef1 + feature2*coef2 + ... (with all features scaled).
Which of my features is the most important and what/why is the best methodology to find it?
Look at several versions of marginal effects calculations. For example, see overview/discussion in a blog Stata's example resources for R
How can I interprete the meaning of the scaled coefficients? E.g. what does an increase with 1 meter in feature 1 mean? Can I throw 1 meter in the MinMaxScaler, see what comes out and use that as 'the one inut increase'?
The interpretation depends on which marginal effects you calculate. You just need to account for scaling when you talk about one unit of X increasing/decreasing the change in probability or odds ratio etc.
Is it true that the final probability wil be computed as y = 1/(1 + exp(-fx)) with fx = intercept + feature1coef1 + feature2coef2 + ... (with all features scaled).
Yes, it's just that features x are in scaled measures.

Increase feature importance

I am working on a classification problem. I have around 1000 features and target variable has 2 classes. All the 1000 features have values 1 or 0. I am trying to find feature importance but my feature importance values varies from 0.0 - 0.003. I am not sure if such low value is meaningful.
Is there a way I can increase feature importance.
# Variable importance
rf = RandomForestClassifier(min_samples_split=10, random_state =1), Y)
print ("Features sorted by their score:")
a = (list(zip(map(lambda x: round(x, 3), rf.feature_importances_), X)))
I would really appreciate any help! Thanks
Since you only have two target classes you can perform an unequal variance t-test which has been useful to find important features in a binary classification task when all other feature ranking methods have failed me. You can implement this using scipy.stats.ttest_ind function. It basically is a statistical test that checks whether the two distributions are different. if the returned p-value is less than 0.05, they can be assumed to be different distributions. To implement for each feature, follow these steps:
Extract all predictor values for class 1 and 2 respectively.
Run test_ind on these two distributions, specifying that they're variance is unknown, and make sure it's a two tailed t-test
If the p-value is less than 0.05, this feature is important.
Alternatively, you can do this for all your features and use the p-value as the measure of feature importance. The lower, the p-value, the higher the importance of a feature.

BIC is over-fitting the number of components in an image segmentation model using GaussianMixture from scikit-learn

I am using a GMM to segment/cluster hyper-spectral image data which is 800x800 pixels and 4 bands.
I took a picture and applied a GMM to cluster pixels.
Now, in my current situation, it is easy enough for me to manually determine how many components are in an image. (Grass,water,rocks... etc)
I have manually run the GMM on my data from n_components=3..8 and have determined that 5 components is probably the best n_components to model reality.
In future applications, I will need the ability to automatically identify n_components I should be using in my GMM, because manual determination will not be possible.
So, I decided to use the BIC as a cost function to determine the proper n_components to use in the model.
I ran the BIC on the test data where I manually determined that n_components=5 best models reality and found that the BIC horribly over-fits my data.
It is suggesting that I use as many components as I possibly can.
n_components = np.arange(1, 15)
BIC = np.zeros(n_components.shape)
for i, n in enumerate(n_components):
gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=n,
BIC[i] = gmm.bic(newdata)
Now ideally, I would like to see my BIC score minimized at 5, but as you can see above it looks like it is continually decreasing with n_components.
Does anyone have any idea what might be going on here? Maybe I need to smooth the data in someway to reduce noise before using the BIC? Or am I improperly using the BIC function?
So after a little bit of googling, I decided to apply a simple Gaussian smoothing filter to my array and it seemed to produce a local min in my BIC score list which was the n_components which I expected. I wrote a small script to pick out the first local min and use it as a parameter for my gmm model.
#Apply a Gaussian smoothing filter over a pixel neighborhood
#Create the vector of n_components you wish to test using the BIC alogrithm
n_components = np.arange(1, 10)
#Create an empty vector in which to store BIC scores
BIC = np.zeros(n_components.shape)
for i, n in enumerate(n_components):
#Fit gmm to data for each value in n_components vector
gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=n,
#Store BIC scores in a list
BIC[i] = gmm.bic(newdata)
#Plot resulting BIC list (Scores(n_components))
BIC Scores With Smoothing

Mixing categorial and continuous data in Naive Bayes classifier using scikit-learn

I'm using scikit-learn in Python to develop a classification algorithm to predict the gender of certain customers. Amongst others, I want to use the Naive Bayes classifier but my problem is that I have a mix of categorical data (ex: "Registered online", "Accepts email notifications" etc) and continuous data (ex: "Age", "Length of membership" etc). I haven't used scikit much before but I suppose that that Gaussian Naive Bayes is suitable for continuous data and that Bernoulli Naive Bayes can be used for categorical data. However, since I want to have both categorical and continuous data in my model, I don't really know how to handle this. Any ideas would be much appreciated!
You have at least two options:
Transform all your data into a categorical representation by computing percentiles for each continuous variables and then binning the continuous variables using the percentiles as bin boundaries. For instance for the height of a person create the following bins: "very small", "small", "regular", "big", "very big" ensuring that each bin contains approximately 20% of the population of your training set. We don't have any utility to perform this automatically in scikit-learn but it should not be too complicated to do it yourself. Then fit a unique multinomial NB on those categorical representation of your data.
Independently fit a gaussian NB model on the continuous part of the data and a multinomial NB model on the categorical part. Then transform all the dataset by taking the class assignment probabilities (with predict_proba method) as new features: np.hstack((multinomial_probas, gaussian_probas)) and then refit a new model (e.g. a new gaussian NB) on the new features.
Hope I'm not too late. I recently wrote a library called Mixed Naive Bayes, written in NumPy. It can assume a mix of Gaussian and categorical (multinoulli) distributions on the training data features.
The library is written such that the APIs are similar to scikit-learn's.
In the example below, let's assume that the first 2 features are from a categorical distribution and the last 2 are Gaussian. In the fit() method, just specify categorical_features=[0,1], indicating that Columns 0 and 1 are to follow categorical distribution.
from mixed_naive_bayes import MixedNB
X = [[0, 0, 180.9, 75.0],
[1, 1, 165.2, 61.5],
[2, 1, 166.3, 60.3],
[1, 1, 173.0, 68.2],
[0, 2, 178.4, 71.0]]
y = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0]
clf = MixedNB(categorical_features=[0,1]),y)
Pip installable via pip install mixed-naive-bayes. More information on the usage in the file. Pull requests are greatly appreciated :)
The simple answer: multiply result!! it's the same.
Naive Bayes based on applying Bayes’ theorem with the “naive” assumption of independence between every pair of features - meaning you calculate the Bayes probability dependent on a specific feature without holding the others - which means that the algorithm multiply each probability from one feature with the probability from the second feature (and we totally ignore the denominator - since it is just a normalizer).
so the right answer is:
calculate the probability from the categorical variables.
calculate the probability from the continuous variables.
multiply 1. and 2.
#Yaron's approach needs an extra step (4. below):
Calculate the probability from the categorical variables.
Calculate the probability from the continuous variables.
Multiply 1. and 2.
Divide 3. by the sum of the product of 1. and 2. EDIT: What I actually mean is that the denominator should be (probability of the event given the hypotnesis is yes) + (probability of evidence given the hypotnesis is no) (asuming a binary problem, without loss of generality). Thus, the probabilities of the hypotheses (yes or no) given the evidence would sum to 1.
Step 4. is the normalization step. Take a look at #remykarem's mixed-naive-bayes as an example (lines 268-278):
if self.gaussian_features.size != 0 and self.categorical_features.size != 0:
finals = t * p * self.priors
elif self.gaussian_features.size != 0:
finals = t * self.priors
elif self.categorical_features.size != 0:
finals = p * self.priors
normalised = finals.T/(np.sum(finals, axis=1) + 1e-6)
normalised = np.moveaxis(normalised, [0, 1], [1, 0])
return normalised
The probabilities of the Gaussian and Categorical models (t and p respectively) are multiplied together in line 269 (line 2 in extract above) and then normalized as in 4. in line 275 (fourth line from the bottom in extract above).
For hybrid features, you can check this implementation.
The author has presented mathematical justification in his Quora answer, you might want to check.
You will need the following steps:
Calculate the probability from the categorical variables (using predict_proba method from BernoulliNB)
Calculate the probability from the continuous variables (using predict_proba method from GaussianNB)
Multiply 1. and 2. AND
Divide by the prior (either from BernoulliNB or from GaussianNB since they are the same) AND THEN
Divide 4. by the sum (over the classes) of 4. This is the normalisation step.
It should be easy enough to see how you can add your own prior instead of using those learned from the data.
