In Python, is it possible to make multiple assignments in the following manner (or, rather, is there a shorthand):
import random
def random_int():
return random.randint(1, 100)
a, b = # for each variable assign the return values from random_int
Do you want to assign different return values from two different calls to your random function or a single value to two variables generated by a single call to the function.
For the former, use tuple unpacking
t = (2,5)
a,b = t #valid!
def random_int():
return random.randint(1, 100)
#valid: unpack a 2-tuple to a 2-tuple of variables
a, b = random_int(), random_int()
#invalid: tries to unpack an int as a 2-tuple
a, b = random_int()
#valid: you can also use comprehensions
a, b = (random_int() for i in range(2))
For the second, you can chain assignments to assign the same values to multiple variables.
#valid, "normal" way
a = random_int()
b = a
#the same, shorthand
b = a = random_int()
In my test, if you have exactly as many variables as items in your return, then it works.
def algo():
return range(5)
a5 = algo() # works
b1,b2,b3,b4,b5 = algo() # works
c1,c2,c3 = algo() # doesn't work
d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6 = algo() # doesn't work.
dictionaries are a good way, or else you can use namedtuples from collections in python, try something like this, you will receive multiple call results in a single variable say a
num = namedtuple("num", "b c d")
a = num(random_int(),random_int(),random_int())
print a.b,a.c,a.d
imports :
from collections import namedtuple
You can return any object, including list and tuple that may be upacked on assignment:
import random
def random_ints():
return random.randint(1, 100), random.randint(1, 100)
a, b = random_ints()
print(b, a)
in fact this a, b is a shortcut for tuple as well, when you do multiple assignment the comma separated list of variables on the left is tuple too and could be written as:
(a, b) = range(2)
My personal favourite would be to convert your function to a generator (provided that it it fits well into your program).
>>> import random
>>> def rnd_numbers(how_many=1): # assuming how_many is positive
... for _ in range(how_many): # use xrange() in Python2.x
... yield random.randint(1, 100)
>>> x, y, z = rnd_numbers(3)
>>> x
>>> y
>>> z
>>> a,b = rnd_numbers(2)
>>> a
>>> b
So I have a function which outputs 2 values:
def example(a, b):
c = math.floor(a / b)
a = a%b
return (c, a)
I want to use this function this way:
print("text: ", c)
How can I use the function and print c, but store x for later?
Your function will return a tuple containing the two values. You can assign the result of calling your function to a variable.
that the parentheses are not required in your return statement.
you can replace math.floor(a / b) with a // b which will also do a floor division.
An example is shown below where the result of calling the function is unpacked into two variables, c and a.
def example(a, b):
c = a // b
a = a % b
return c, a
c, a = example(6, 3)
print("text:", c)
Alternatively, you can also store the result in a single variable that references your tuple as follows:
data = example(6, 3)
print("text:", data[0])
First, you need to call the function and assign its return values to some variables:
x, y = example(42, 5)
Then you can print the results:
You can even skip the variable assignment if you wish so
print("text:", example(a, b)[0])
but it's ugly
I got stuck on that:
a list y = (1,2,3...)
a function func(A,B)
a constant C
How can I express this situation with loops?
B1 = func(C , y[0])
B2 = func(B1 , y[1])
B3 = func(B2 , y[2]) #.... and so on.
The first argument is just the return value of the previous call, starting with C:
result = C
for yval in y:
result = func(result, yval)
As pointed out in the comments, this pattern is captured by the often overlooked reduce function. (Overlooked, in part, because it was demoted from the built-in namespace to the functools module in Python 3.)
from functools import reduce
result = reduce(func, y, C)
There are a few ways to do this:
First of all, regular loop:
C = ... # the constant
b = C
for i in y:
b = func(b, i)
But using a reduce like this, is my preferred way of doing this:
from functools import reduce
b = reduce(func, y, C) # the last arg being the initial item used
You could also use the walrus notation, which is only useful (IMO) when saving the intermediate states.
bs = [(b := func(b, yi)) for yi in y)]
b # b being the end result
I have a question about how Python(3) internally loops when computing multiple maps. Here's a nonsense example:
from random import randint
A = [randint(0,20) for _ in range(100)]
map1 = map(lambda a: a+1, A)
map2 = map(lambda a: a-1, map1)
B = list(map2)
Because map() produces a lazy expression, nothing is actually computed until list(map2) is called, correct?
When it does finally do this computation, which of these methods is it more akin to?
Loop method 1:
A = [randint(0,20) for _ in range(100)]
temp1 = []
for a in A:
B = []
for t in temp1:
Loop method 2:
A = [randint(0,20) for _ in range(100)]
B = []
for a in A:
temp = a+1
Or does it compute in some entirely different manner?
In general, the map() function produces a generator, which in turn doesn't produce any output or calculate anything until it's explicitly asked to. Converting a generator to a list is essentially akin to asking it for the next element until there is no next element.
We can do some experiments on the command line in order to find out more:
>>> B = [i for i in range(5)]
>>> map2 = map(lambda b:2*b, B)
>>> B[2] = 50
>>> list(map2)
[0, 2, 100, 6, 8]
We can see that, even though we modify B after creating the generator, our change is still reflected in the generator's output. Thus, it seems that map holds onto a reference to the original iterable from which it was created, and calculates one value at a time only when it's asked to.
In your example, that means the process goes something like this:
A = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
b = list(map2)
b[0] --> next(map2) = (lambda a: a-1)(next(map1))
--> next(map1) = (lambda a: a+1)(next(A))
--> next(A) = A[0] = 2
--> next(map1) = 2+1 = 3
--> next(map2) = 3-1 = 2
In human terms, the next value of map2 is calculated by asking for the next value of map1. That, in turn, is calculated from A that you originally set.
This can be investigated by using map on functions with side-effects. Generally speaking, you shouldn't do this for real code, but it's fine for investigating the behaviour.
def f1(x):
print('f1 called on', x)
return x
def f2(x):
print('f2 called on', x)
return x
nums = [1, 2, 3]
map1 = map(f1, nums)
map2 = map(f2, map1)
for x in map2:
print('printing', x)
f1 called on 1
f2 called on 1
printing 1
f1 called on 2
f2 called on 2
printing 2
f1 called on 3
f2 called on 3
printing 3
So, each function is called at the latest time it could possibly be called; f1(2) isn't called until the loop is finished with the number 1. Nothing needs to be done with the number 2 until the loop needs the second value from the map.
I have a function that returns a variable list of values and I know you can do this by using a tuple. To assign these variables you can then do something like a, b = func(..). However, if there is only one value returned you have to do a, = func(..) [notice the ,] rather than a = func(..). To achieve the latter you can include a test to see if there is one value to be returned or more (see example below) but I wonder if there is no easier or less verbose way to do this.
def foo(*args):
returnvalues = []
for arg in args:
arg += 100
if len(returnvalues) == 1:
return returnvalues[0]
return tuple(returnvalues)
def baz(*args):
returnvalues = []
for arg in args:
arg += 100
return tuple(returnvalues)
a = foo(10)
b, c = foo(20, 30)
print(f'a={a}, b={b}, c={c}')
a, = baz(10)
b, c = baz(20, 30)
print(f'a={a}, b={b}, c={c}')
a=110, b=120, c=130
a=110, b=120, c=130
I believe you are referring to "tuple unpacking". Also known as destructive assignment. The word "tuple" is a bit of a misnomer as you can use any iterable / iterator. So returning a list is fine.
def f():
return [1]
(a,) = f()
b, = f()
You can also use list syntax on the left hand side. There's no difference to the byte code that is generated. It does make unpacking a single item look less like a syntax error in the case of b and slightly less verbose than a.
[c] = f()
I would avoid returning the value itself and not a list in the special case where only one argument is passed. The reason for this is it makes the code harder to be used in a generic manner. Any caller of the function needs to know how many arguments it's passing or check the return value (which is clumsy). For example:
result = f()
if isinstance(result, (list, tuple)):
smallest = min(result)
smallest = result
# as opposed to this when you always return a list / tuple
smallest = min(f())
You can assign the returning value of such a function to a single variable, so that you can use it as a list or tuple:
a = baz(10, 20, 30)
print(', '.join(map(str, a))) # this outputs 110, 120, 130
I am trying to write a parameter search function to loop over one of the parameters and repeatedly call a function with all other parameters the same, other than the one I am searching over. Here is some sample code:
def worker1(a, b, c):
return a + b + c
def worker2(d, e, f):
return d * e * f
def search(model, params):
res = []
# Loop over one of the parameters and repeatedly append to res
if model == 1:
elif model == 2:
return res
params = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)
print search(1, params)
I have two workers and they are called depending on the value of the model flag I pass to search(). The problem I am trying to solve here is to write a loop (commented in the code) over the if statements to repeatedly call say worker1 by varying only one of the parameters. I want my code to be flexible - sometimes I want to loop through a and keep b and c the same, but sometimes I want to loop through b and keeping a and c the same.
I'm open whatever solution suggested, but I think I would be specifying the search parameters in the params dictionary. E.g. To loop a over 1,2,3,4, I would say:
`params = dict(a=[1,2,3,4], b=2, c=3)`
Also it would be nice if I don't have to modify the code for worker1 and worker2.
Thank you!
You could perhaps use itertools.product to call your workers with all combinations of params:
from itertools import product
def worker1(a, b, c):
return a + b + c
def worker2(d, e, f):
return d * e * f
def search(model, *params):
res = []
# Loop over one of the parameters and repeatedly append to res
for current_params in product(*params):
if model == 1:
elif model == 2:
return res
print search(1, [1,2,3,4], [2], [3])
# more complicated combinations are possible:
print search(1, [1,2,3,4], [2,7,9], [3,13,23,43])
I've avoided using keyword arguments as your worker functions take differently-named args so it wouldn't make much sense.
I'm assuming your worker functions don't actually look like the ones above as if they did you could further simplify the code using the builtin sum and reduce functions.
I am not sure if I understood the problem. Check if this is what you want (omitted the model parameter):
>>> def worker1(a, b, c):
return a + b + c
>>> def search(params):
params = params.values()
var_param = filter(lambda p: type(p) == list, params)[0]
other_params = filter(lambda p: p != var_param, params)
return [worker1(x, *other_params) for x in var_param]
>>> search({'a':2, 'b':[3,4,5], 'c':3})
[8, 9, 10]
arguments of worker1() are commutative (order does not matter).
variable parameter is a list
other parameters are single values.
In the above sample b is the variable parameter which you want to loop over
In case order of the arguments of the function worker1 is to be preserved:
def search(params):
params = params.items()
var_param = filter(lambda t: type(t[1]) == list, params)[0]
other_params = filter(lambda t: t != var_param, params)
var_param_key = var_param[0]
var_param_values = var_param[1]
return [worker1(**dict([(var_param_key, x)] + other_params)) for x in var_param_values]