How to write to a text file using iteration? - python

My code does not write to a file, what am I doing wrong? I am trying to program to continue to ask for products until the user does not enter a product code. I want all products to be saved in the file.
store_file = open("Database.txt", "w")
NewProduct = ""
while NewProduct != False:
contine = input("Press 1 to enter a new product press 2 to leave: ")
if contine == "1":
print("Enter your product information")
information = []
product = input("What's the product code: ")
description = input("Give a description of the product: ")
price = input("Enter price of product: ")
information = str(information)
clean = information.replace("]","").replace("[","").replace(",","").replace("'","")
elif contine == "2":
NewProduct = False
print("Your input is invalid")

I got the program working with the following adjustments. See comments for explanations:
store_file = open("Database.txt", "w")
NewProduct = ""
while NewProduct != False:
continue = raw_input("Press 1 to enter a new product press 2 to leave: ")
#Changed to raw_input because input was reading in an integer for 1 rather than a
#string like you have set up. This could be specific to my IDE
if continue == "1":
print("Enter your product information")
information = []
product = raw_input("What's the product code: ")
description = raw_input("Give a description of the product: ")
price = raw_input("Enter price of product: ")
information = str(information)
clean = information.replace("]","").replace("[","").replace(",","").replace("'","")
store_file.write(clean + "\n")
#Added a line break at the end of each file write
elif contine == "2":
NewProduct = False
print("Your input is invalid")
store_file.close() #Added parentheses to call the close function

I'm assuming the problem here is that you're using Python 2, and input isn't doing what you think it does. In Python 2, input evals the input as if it were Python source code, so if someone enters 2, it's going to return the int value 2, not "2". In Python 2, you want to use raw_input, always (eval-ing random user input not being secure/reliable).
Also, while on CPython (the reference interpreter) files tend to naturally close themselves when they go out of scope, you made an effort to close, but forgot to actually call the close method; store_file.close looks up the method without calling it, store_file.close() would actually close it. Of course, explicit close is usually the wrong approach; you should use a with statement to avoid the possibility of forgetting to close (or of an exception skipping the close). You can replace:
store_file = open("Database.txt", "w")
with open("Database.txt", "w") as store_file:
... do all your work that writes to the file indented within the with block ...
... When you dedent from the with block, the file is guaranteed to be closed ...
There are other issues though. What you're doing with:
information = str(information)
information = information.replace("]","").replace("[","").replace(",","").replace("'","")
is terrible. I'm 99% sure what you really wanted was to just join the inputs with spaces. If you switch all your input calls to raw_input (only on Python 2, on Python 3, input is like raw_input on Python 2), then your list is a list of str, and you can just join them together instead of trying to stringify the list itself, then remove all the list-y bits. You can replace both lines above with just:
information = ' '.join(information)


How to delete given element from a python dictionary?

I am practicing python and doing an exercise where I have to ask for input of different information from patients of a hospital (name, last name, etc) this information has to be saved in a different json file. I managed to do it however I also have to make it so, with an input, I can remove/edit a specific patient from the dictionary (along with all of their info) while keeping the others intact.
I was thinking that maybe I could assign a number to every patient that's added, so this patient can be tracked with the number, however I'm not sure how to code that. I did however made a function to clear everything from the json file, but it has to remove/edit someone specific, not everyone.
My code so far is:
import json
def read_file(file_name):
obj_arch = open(file_name, 'rt', encoding='utf-8')
str_contenido =
res = json.loads(str_contenido)
return res
def save_file(file_name, lista):
obj_arch = open(file_name, 'wt', encoding='utf-8')
str_content_to_save = json.dumps(lista)
opcion = int(input("choose an option: 1 - read. 2 - save"))
if opcion == 1:
lista = read_file('prueba_json.json')
print("Full list:")
lista = read_file('prueba_json.json')
while True:
print("--- PATIENT INFO ---")
Name = input("Input name: ")
Lastname = input("Input lastname: ")
DateB= input("Input date of birht: ")
repeat = input("Do you want to add more info?: ")
clean_file = input("Clean everything from the json file? (yes/no): ")
"Name": Name,
"Lastname": Lastname,
"Date of Birth": DateB
if repeat == 'no' or repeat == 'NO':
With this I was able to sabe the patients info in the json file, but how can I write another input like "Insert number of patient to remove or delete" to do that?
In order to clean the whole json file I've done it with this:
def clean_json():
with open('prueba_json.json', 'w') as arc:
if clean_file == "yes" or clean_file == "YES":
Maybe I could adapt some of this to remove or delete someone instead of the whole file?

Stuck on what to do next in this program and the question is this. Create a Python program that finds a city and state from a given zip code?

def main():
userInput = searchLoop(zlist,clist,slist)
def loadLists():
# create a list
zlist = []
clist = []
slist = []
# open the file
zipFile = open("zipcodes.txt", "r")
for nextline in zipFile:
parsedlist = nextline.split(",")
except IOError:
print("\nError - zipcodes.txt does not exist")
return zlist,clist,slist
def searchLoop(zlist,clist,slist):
# search the zip code the user entered
userInput = input("\nEnter a zip code to find (Press Enter key alone to stop): ")
while userInput != "":
if userInput in zlist:
where = zlist.index(userInput)
print("\n" + "\tThe city is " + city + "and the state is" + state + ".")
city = clist.index()
state = slist.index()
print("\n" + "\tZipcode does not exist")
userInput = input("\nEnter a zip code to find (Press Enter key alone to stop): ")
return userInput
def findZipcode():
# find the zip code, city, and state
# what do I do about this
def printSearchResults():
#print the result
print("\n" + "\tThe city is " + city + "and the state is" + state + ".")
This is what it is suppose to look like
Enter a zip code to find (Press Enter key alone to stop): 90401
The city is SANTA MONICA and the state is CA.
You have parallel arrays (i.e., related information shares the same index within the arrays) containing the zip code, state and city, and you are given a zip code to retrieve information for.
The idea then would be to find the index of the item in zlist that matches the given zip code, and use that index to extract the city and state from the other two arrays.
For example (Python-looking pseudo-code):
define getInfo(zlist, clist, slist, zipcode):
for i = 0 to len(zlist) - 1 inclusive:
if zlist[i] = zipcode:
return clist[i] and slist[i]
return nothing and nothing
I cleaned up your code and I think the best approach is to use just a loop and a dictionary with keys to store the results, not lists.
def main():
"""Main function that triggers all other functions"""
my_list = load_lists()
def load_lists():
"""Open file, create a list with the data parsed as a list of dicts"""
my_list = []
with open("zipcodes.txt", "r") as zip_file:
for nextline in zip_file:
parsedlist = nextline.split(",")
my_list.append({"Zip":parsedlist[0], "City":parsedlist[1], "State":parsedlist[2]})
return my_list
def search_loop(my_list):
"""Search the zip code the user entered using a loop.
Then print that dictionary formatted for readability"""
user_input = input("\nEnter a zip code to find (Press Enter key alone to stop): ")
while user_input != "":
for item in my_list:
if str(user_input) == item['Zip']:
print(f"\n\tThe city is {item['City']} and the state is {item['State']}.")
break # No need to check other results since we found it
print("\n\tZipcode does not exist")
userInput = input("\nEnter a zip code to find (Press Enter key alone to stop): ")
main() # Run the program
Enter a zip code to find (Press Enter key alone to stop): 1234
The city is TestCity and the state is Testing.
Enter a zip code to find (Press Enter key alone to stop): 4567
The city is MadeUpCity and the state is MadeUp.
Things to have in mind:
Use with to read files such as .txt, it will open and close them automatically and you'll avoid most of the errors that way. Read about it.
You can use docstrings (triple quoted string) as first things on what a function should do, to avoid the need of multiple comments everywhere.
And please don't use CamelCase in python except for classes. This
is explained in PEP8
f-strings makes prints prettier. f:"this is {city} and this is {state}." instead of "this is " + city + " and this is " + state + "."

python: Maths quiz- data not being stored

My task is to create a quiz for primary school children. The quiz bit works fine. But I must time how long the child takes and store their 'username' 'correctAnswers' and 'timeTaken' into a .txt file for the specific class the child is in. To do that I ask the child their class number and store their information into the file that was specifically made for that class.
The problems I in counter are:
The time isnt being rounded even though I have timeTaken = round(etime)in my code
raw_input not being defined (I have no idea how else to define it)
The message "Sorry, we can not save your data as the class you entered is not valid." comes up even when a valid class number has been entered.
Ive searched everywhere but with no luck. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
import time
import random
import math
def test():
num1=random.randint(1, 10)
num2=random.randint(1, num1)
ops = ['+','-','*']
operation = random.choice(ops)
num3=int(eval(str(num1) + operation + str(num2)))
print ("What is {} {} {}?".format(num1, operation, num2))
userAnswer= int(input("Your answer:"))
if userAnswer != num3:
print ("Incorrect. The right answer is {}".format(num3))
return False
return True
username=input("What is your name?")
print ("Welcome {} to the Arithmetic quiz".format(username))
usersClass = input("Which class are you in? (1,2 or 3)")
raw_input("Press Enter to Start...")
start = time.time()
for question_number in range(10):
if test():
correctAnswers +=1
print("{}: You got {} answers correct".format(username, correctAnswers))
end = time.time()
etime = end - start
timeTaken = round(etime)
print ("You completed the quiz in {} seconds".format(timeTaken))
if usersClass == 1:
with open("class1.txt","a+") as f:
f.write("{}:Scored {} in {} seconds".format(username,correctAnswers,timeTaken))
elif usersClass == 2:
with open("class2.txt","a+") as f:
f.write("{}:Scored {} in {} seconds".format(username,correctAnswers,timeTaken))
elif usersClass == 3:
with open("class3.txt","a+") as f:
f.write("{}:Scored {} in {} seconds".format(username,correctAnswers,timeTaken))
print("Sorry, we can not save your data as the class you entered is not valid.")
The return value of input is a str object:
>>> usersClass = input("Which class are you in? (1,2 or 3)")
Which class are you in? (1,2 or 3)3
>>> type(usersClass)
<class 'str'>
As a result, your subsequent checks against int objects will evaluate to False (ie, '3' != 3) resulting in what you are seeing.
The conditions of comparing which usersClass the user has selected would need to compare the same type to ensure equality. This means you could convert your return value of input to an int and continue to compare usersClass to an int which would satisfy your comparison as your code is written now,
usersClass = int(input("Which class are you in? (1,2 or 3)"))
or change the conditionals to compare usersClass to the str representation of 1, 2 and 3.
if usersClass == '1':
with open("class1.txt","a+") as f:
f.write("{}:Scored {} in {} seconds".format(username,correctAnswers,timeTaken))
As to the problem you are experiencing with raw_input using Python 3, it has been renamed to input: (taken from What's New in Python 3.0)
PEP 3111: raw_input() was renamed to input(). That is, the new input()
function reads a line from sys.stdin and returns it with the trailing
newline stripped. It raises EOFError if the input is terminated
prematurely. To get the old behavior of input(), use eval(input()).

Restarting my program based on user input on Python?

I'm new to programming, fyi. I want my program to restart back to the top based on what the user inputs. It will proceed if the user inputs 2 names. If they input 1 name or more than 2 names, it should restart the program but I'm not sure of how to do this.
def main():
print("Hello, please type a name.")
first_name, last_name = str(input("")).split()
while input != first_name + last_name:
print("Please enter your first name and last name.")
You should use a while loop and check the length of the split before assigning:
def main():
while True:
inp = input("Please enter your first name and last name.")
spl = inp.split()
if len(spl) == 2: # if len is 2, we have two names
first_name, last_name = spl
return first_name, last_name # return or break and then do whatever with the first and last name
Use try/except
Well, your program didn't work for me to begin with, so to parse the first and last names simply, I suggest:
f, l = [str(x) for x in raw_input("enter first and last name: ").split()]
Also your while loop will just, like, break your life if you run it without good 'ol ctrl+c on hand. So, I suggest:
def main():
print “type your first & last name”
f, l = [str(x) for x in raw_input("enter first and last name: ").split()]
if f and l:
return f + ‘ ‘+ l
The except: main() will re-run the program for you on error.

Personal archive tool, looking for suggestions on improving the code

i've written a tool in python where you enter a title, content, then tags, and the entry is then saved in a pickle file. it was mainly designed for copy-paste functionality (you spot a piece of code you like on the net, copy it, and paste it into the program), not really for handwritten content, though it does that with no problem.
i mainly did it because i'm always scanning through my pdf files, books, or the net for some coding example of solution that i'd already seen before, and it just seemed logical to have something where you could just put the content in, give it a title and tags, and just look it up whenever you needed to.
i realize there are sites online that handle this ex., but i'm not always online when i code. i also admit that i didn't really look to see if anyone had written a desktop app, the project seemed like a fun thing to do so here i am.
it wasn't designed with millions of entries in mind, so i just use a pickle file to serialize the data instead of one of the database APIs. the query is also very basic, only title and tags and no ranking based on the query.
there is an issue that i can't figure out, when you are at the list of entries there's a try, except clause where it tries to catch a valid index (integer). if you enter an inavlid integer, it will ask you to enter a valid one, but it doesn't seem to be able to assign it to the variable. if you enter a valid integer straightaway, there are no problems and the entry will display.
anyway let me know what you guys think. this is coded for python3.
main file:
from archive_functions import Entry, choices, print_choice, entry_query
import os
def main():
choice = ''
while choice != "5":
print("Mo's Archive, please select an option")
print('1. Enter an entry')
print('2. Lookup an entry')
print('3. Display all entries')
print('4. Delete an entry')
print('5. Quit')
choice = input(':')
if choice == "1":
entry = Entry()
elif choice == "2":
queryset = input('Enter title or tag query: ')
result = entry_query('entry.pickle', queryset)
if result:
print_choice(result, choices(result))
print('No Match! Please try another query')
pause = input('\npress [Enter] to continue...')
elif choice == "3":
queryset = 'all'
result = entry_query('entry.pickle', queryset)
if result:
print_choice(result, choices(result))
elif choice == "4":
queryset = input('Enter title or tag query: ')
result = entry_query('entry.pickle', queryset)
if result:
entry = result[choices(result)]
print('No Match! Please try another query')
pause = input('\npress [Enter] to continue...')
elif choice == "5":
input('please enter a valid choice...')
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import pickle
import os
import re
class Entry():
def get_data(self):
self.title = input('enter a title: ')
print('enter the code, press ctrl-d to end: ')
self.code = sys.stdin.readlines()
self.tags = input('enter tags: ')
def save_data(self):
with open('entry.pickle', 'ab') as f:
pickle.dump(self, f)
def del_data(self):
with open('entry.pickle', 'rb') as f:
data_list = []
while True:
entry = pickle.load(f)
if self.title == entry.title:
with open('entry.pickle', 'wb') as f:
with open('entry.pickle', 'ab') as f:
for data in data_list:
def entry_query(file, queryset):
'''returns a list of objects matching the query'''
result = []
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
entry = pickle.load(f)
if queryset == "all":
while True:
entry = pickle.load(f)
return result
while True:
if, entry.title) or, entry.tags):
entry = pickle.load(f)
entry = pickle.load(f)
return result
print('no entries in file, please enter an entry first')
pause = input('\nPress [Enter] to continue...')
def choices(list_result):
'''takes a list of objects and returns the index of the selected object'''
index = 0
for entry in list_result:
print('{}. {}'.format(index, entry.title))
index += 1
choice = int(input('\nEnter choice: '))
return choice
pause = input('\nplease enter a valid choice')
def print_choice(list_result, choice):
'''takes a list of objects and an index and displays the index of the list'''
for line in list_result[choice].code:
print(line, end="")
def back_to_choices(list_result):
print('1. Back to entry list')
print('2. Back to Main Menu')
choice = input(':')
if choice == "1":
print_choice(list_result, choices(list_result))
elif choice == "2":
print('\nplease enter a valid choice')
In the else, you call the main function again recursively. Instead, I'd do something like choice == "0", which will just cause the while loop to request another entry. This avoids a pointless recursion.
