How to Crawl Multiple pages/cities from a website (BeautifulSoup,Requests,Python3) - python

I'm wondering how to crawl multiple different pages/cities from one website using beautiful soup/requests without having to repeat my code over and over.
Here is my code right now:
Region = "Marrakech"
Spider = 20
def trade_spider(max_pages):
page = -1
partner_ID = 2
location_ID = 25
already_printed = set()
while page <= max_pages:
page += 1
response = urllib.request.urlopen("" + str(Region) +"&page=" + str(page))
jsondata = json.loads("utf-8"))
format = (jsondata['activities'])
g_data = format.strip("'<>()[]\"` ").replace('\'', '\"')
soup = BeautifulSoup(g_data)
hallo = soup.find_all("article", {"class": "activity-card"})
for item in hallo:
headers = item.find_all("h3", {"class": "activity-card"})
for header in headers:
header_final = header.text.strip()
if header_final not in already_printed:
deeplinks = item.find_all("a", {"class": "activity"})
for t in set(t.get("href") for t in deeplinks):
deeplink_final = t
if deeplink_final not in already_printed:
end_final = "Header: " + header_final + " | " + "Deeplink: " + deeplink_final
My goal is to ideally crawl multiple cities/regions from one particular website.
Now, I can do this manually by repeating my code over and over and crawling each individual website and then concatenating my results for each of these dataframes together but that seems very unpythonic. I was wondering if anyone had a faster way or any advice?
I tried to add a second city into my region tag, but does not work
Region = "Marrakech","London"
Can anyone help me with that? Any feedback is appreciated.

Region = ["Marrakech","London"]
Put your while loop inside the for loop, then reset pages to -1.
for reg in Region:
pages = -1
and replace Region with reg while requesting url.
Region = ["Marrakech","London"]
Spider = 20
def trade_spider(max_pages):
partner_ID = 2
location_ID = 25
already_printed = set()
for reg in Region:
page = -1
while page <= max_pages:
page += 1
response = urllib.request.urlopen("" + str(reg) +"&page=" + str(page))
jsondata = json.loads("utf-8"))
format = (jsondata['activities'])
g_data = format.strip("'<>()[]\"` ").replace('\'', '\"')
soup = BeautifulSoup(g_data)
hallo = soup.find_all("article", {"class": "activity-card"})
for item in hallo:
headers = item.find_all("h3", {"class": "activity-card"})
for header in headers:
header_final = header.text.strip()
if header_final not in already_printed:
deeplinks = item.find_all("a", {"class": "activity"})
for t in set(t.get("href") for t in deeplinks):
deeplink_final = t
if deeplink_final not in already_printed:
end_final = "Header: " + header_final + " | " + "Deeplink: " + deeplink_final


Web Scraping - ResultSet object has no attribute 'findAll'

Having an issue with bs4 when reading second value in array within a for loop. Below I will paste the code.
However, when I use line #19, I receive no errors. When I swap it out for the entire array (line #18), It errors out when it attempts to gather the second value. Note that the second value in the array is the same value as line #19.
import requests
import bs4
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
SmartLiving_IDS = ""
IEL_IDS = ""
TD_IDS = ""
Headers = "Description, URL, Price \n"
text_file = open("HayneedlePrices.csv", "w")
URL_Array = [SmartLiving_IDS, IEL_IDS, TD_IDS]
#URL_Array = [IEL_IDS]
for URL in URL_Array:
print("\n" + "Loading New URL:" "\n" + URL + "\n" + "\n")
uClient = uReq(URL)
page_html =
soup = soup(page_html, "html.parser")
Containers = soup.findAll("div", {"product-card__container___1U2Sb"})
for Container in Containers:
Title = Container.div.img["alt"]
Product_URL = Container.a["href"]
Price_Container = Container.findAll("div", {"class":"product-card__productInfo___30YSc body no-underline txt-black"})[0].findAll("span", {"style":"font-size:20px"})
Price_Dollars = Price_Container[0].get_text()
Price_Cents = Price_Container[1].get_text()
print("\n" + "#####################################################################################################################################################################################################" + "\n")
# print(" Container: " + "\n" + str(Container))
# print("\n" + "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\n")
print(" Description: " + str(Title))
print(" Product URL: " + str(Product_URL))
print(" Price: " + str(Price_Dollars) + str(Price_Cents))
print("\n" + "#####################################################################################################################################################################################################" + "\n")
text_file = open("HayneedlePrices.csv", "a")
text_file.write(str(Title) + ", " + str(Product_URL) + ", " + str(Price_Dollars) + str(Price_Cents) + "\n")
print("Information gathered and Saved from URL Successfully.")
print("Looking for Next URL..")
print("No Additional URLs to Gather. Process Completed.")
The problem is that you import BeautifulSoup as soup and also define a variable soup = soup(page_html, "html.parser") with the same name!
I refactored your code a bit, let me know if it works as expected!
import csv
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
smart_living_IDS = ""
IEL_IDS = ""
TD_IDS = ""
site_URLs = [smart_living_IDS, IEL_IDS, TD_IDS]
sess = requests.Session()
prod_data = []
for curr_URL in site_URLs:
req = sess.get(url=curr_URL)
soup = BeautifulSoup(req.content, "lxml")
containers = soup.find_all("div", {"product-card__container___1U2Sb"})
for curr_container in containers:
prod_title = curr_container.div.img["alt"]
prod_URL = curr_container.a["href"]
price_container = curr_container.find(
{"class": "product-card__productInfo___30YSc body no-underline txt-black"},
dollars_elem = price_container.find("span", {"class": "main-price-dollars"})
cents_elem = dollars_elem.find_next("span")
prod_price = dollars_elem.get_text() + cents_elem.get_text()
prod_price = float(prod_price[1:])
prod_data.append((prod_title, prod_URL, prod_price))
CSV_headers = ("title", "URL", "price")
with open("../out/hayneedle_prices.csv", "w", newline="") as file_out:
writer = csv.writer(file_out)
I tested it by repeating the current URL list 10 times, it took longer than I was anticipating. There are certainly improvements to be made, I might rewrite it to use lxml in the next few days, and multiprocessing might also be a good option. It all depends on how you're using this, of course :)

How to combine lists in csv output

I am new to BS4 and python.
For a project i am trying to get some real estate data.
i made my code so that is get two lists.
my challege is to combine te data in the output.
can any one help me please?
ps: any tips on more efficiënt code are welkom.
from selenium import webdriver
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
#open('output.csv', 'w').close()
import re
import time
import requests
from itertools import chain
from pandas import DataFrame
import csv
browser = webdriver.Chrome('C:/Users/907133/Pythonstuff/chromedriver')
def jaap_spider(max_pages):
page = 1
while page <= max_pages:
url = '{}'.format(page)
#input('Press Enter after bypassing Captcha')
soup = BeautifulSoup(browser.page_source, 'html.parser')
info = soup.find_all('div', {'class':'property-info'})
inside = soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'property-inner'},{'href'})
for huis in info:
#locatie = huis.find('div')
#locatie = ' '.join(locatie.get_text(separator='\r\n', strip=True).split()[:-1])
#locatie = huis.find('h2')
#locatie = ' '.join(locatie.get_text(separator='\r\n', strip=True).split())
street = huis.find('h2')
street = ' '.join(street.get_text(separator='\r\n', strip=True).split()[:+3])
#sep by newline, strip whitespace, then split to get the last 3 elements to cut out, then rejoin
address = huis.find('div')
address = address.find('div').text.strip()
price = huis.find('div', {'class': 'price-info'})
price = price.find('div').text.strip()
price = re.findall(r'\d', price)
price = ''.join(price)
pricetag = huis.find('div', {'class': 'property-price'})
pricetag = pricetag.find('span').text.strip()
l1 = ('{},{},{},{}'.format(street, address, price, pricetag))
#print('{},{},{},{}'.format(street, address, price, pricetag))
out = open('output.csv', 'w')
saveFile = open('output.csv', 'a')
saveFile.write(street + "," + address + "," + price + "," + pricetag + '\n')
#print (list1)
for items in inside:
href = items.get('href')
#print (href)
url1 = href.format(page)
kenmerken = BeautifulSoup(browser.page_source, 'html.parser')
details = kenmerken.find_all ('div', {'class':'detail-tab-content kenmerken'})
tr = details[0].find_all ('td', {'class': 'value'})
except IndexError:
size_space = 'Unknown'
#print (tr)
for inhoud in tr:
soort = tr[0].get_text(separator='\n', strip=True)
bouwjaar = tr[1].get_text(separator='\n', strip=True)
woonoppervlakte = tr[2].get_text(separator='\n', strip=True)
inhoud = tr[3].get_text(separator='\n', strip=True)
perceel = tr[4].get_text(separator='\n', strip=True)
l2 = ('{},{},{},{},{}'.format(soort, bouwjaar, woonoppervlakte, inhoud, perceel))
#print('{},{},{},{},{}'.format(soort, bouwjaar, woonoppervlakte, inhoud, perceel))
saveFile = open('output.csv', 'a')
saveFile.write(soort+ "," + bouwjaar+ "," + woonoppervlakte + "," + inhoud + "," + perceel + '\n')
#output = list(chain(list1,list2))
#print (output)
page += 1
#output = list(chain(list1,list2))
#print (output)
#kenmerken = inside.find_all ('a', {'class': 'href'})
#print (href)
#print (details)
#print('{},{},{},{}'.format(street, address, price, pricetag))
#saveFile = open('jaap.csv', 'a')
#saveFile.write(street + "," + address + "," + price + "," + pricetag + '\n')
Right now your code doesn't actually seem to make two lists. But asuming that you would make a list of lists for l1 out of for huis in info: and a list of lists l2 from for items in inside:, what you could do to combine two lists of lists is: outputlist = [a + b for a, b in zip(l1, l2)].
I incorporated that, plus a conversion to a Pandas DataFrame and an export to csv in the adapted code below:
from selenium import webdriver
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import time
import pandas as pd
#browser = webdriver.Chrome('C:/Users/907133/Pythonstuff/chromedriver')
browser = webdriver.Chrome(r'C:\Users\NLNIEH\.spyder-py3\chromedriver.exe')
def jaap_spider(max_pages):
page = 1
while page <= max_pages:
url = '{}'.format(page)
soup = BeautifulSoup(browser.page_source, 'html.parser')
info = soup.find_all('div', {'class':'property-info'})
inside = soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'property-inner'},{'href'})
# Make empty lists with header lines
outputlist_l1 = [['street', 'address', 'price', 'pricetag']]
outputlist_l2 = [['soort', 'bouwjaar', 'woonoppervlakte', 'inhoud', 'perceel']]
for huis in info:
street = huis.find('h2')
street = ' '.join(street.get_text(separator='\r\n', strip=True).split()[:+3])
address = huis.find('div')
address = address.find('div').text.strip()
price = huis.find('div', {'class': 'price-info'})
price = price.find('div').text.strip()
price = re.findall(r'\d', price)
price = ''.join(price)
pricetag = huis.find('div', {'class': 'property-price'})
pricetag = pricetag.find('span').text.strip()
outputlist_l1.append([street, address, price, pricetag])
for items in inside:
href = items.get('href')
url1 = href.format(page)
kenmerken = BeautifulSoup(browser.page_source, 'html.parser')
details = kenmerken.find_all ('div', {'class':'detail-tab-content kenmerken'})
tr = details[0].find_all ('td', {'class': 'value'})
except IndexError:
size_space = 'Unknown'
for inhoud in tr:
soort = tr[0].get_text(separator='\n', strip=True)
bouwjaar = tr[1].get_text(separator='\n', strip=True)
woonoppervlakte = tr[2].get_text(separator='\n', strip=True)
inhoud = tr[3].get_text(separator='\n', strip=True)
perceel = tr[4].get_text(separator='\n', strip=True)
l2 = ('{},{},{},{},{}'.format(soort, bouwjaar, woonoppervlakte, inhoud, perceel))
outputlist_l2.append([soort, bouwjaar, woonoppervlakte, inhoud, perceel])
page += 1
# Merge outputlist_l1 with outputlist_l2
outputlist = [a + b for a, b in zip(outputlist_l1, outputlist_l2)]
# transform to Pandas dataframe and export as csv
df = pd.DataFrame(outputlist[1:], columns=outputlist[0])
df.to_csv('output.csv', index=False)
You can use csv for writing list in csv file.
import csv
def write_list_in_file(filepath, output):
with open(filepath, 'a') as outtsv:
tuple_writer = csv.writer(outtsv, delimiter=',')

How to create a file and save scraped data in it?

I've made this script but I tried few options to save data, but I keep messing up the code. How to save extracted data into and csv, or into an excel file?
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
base_url = ""
current_page = 1
while current_page < 200:
url = base_url + str(current_page)
#current_page += 1
r = requests.get(url)
zute_soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
firme = zute_soup.findAll('div', {'class': 'jobs-item'})
for title in firme:
title1 = title.findAll('h6')[0].text
adresa = title.findAll('div', {'class': 'description'})[0].text
kontakt = title.findAll('div', {'class': 'description'})[1].text
page_line = "{title1}\n{adresa}\n{kontakt}".format(
current_page += 1
A simple way to get a CSV would be to print each line separated by commas, and then use the operating system's ">" to write to a file.
import csv
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
base_url = ""
current_page = 1
with open('scrape_results.csv', 'w', newline='') as scrape_results:
csvwriter = csv.writer(scrape_results)
while current_page < 200:
url = base_url + str(current_page)
r = requests.get(url)
zute_soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
firme = zute_soup.findAll('div', {'class': 'jobs-item'})
for title in firme:
title1 = title.findAll('h6')[0].text
adresa = title.findAll('div', {'class': 'description'})[0].text
kontakt = title.findAll('div', {'class': 'description'})[1].text
csvwriter.writerow([current_page, title1, adresa, kontakt])
current_page += 1

Crawling output into multiple csv files

I would like to know how to export my results from crawling into multiple csv files for each different city that I have crawled. Somehow I´m running into walls, do not get a proper way to sort it out.
That is my code:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv
user_agent = {'User-agent': 'Chrome/43.0.2357.124'}
output_file= open("TA.csv", "w", newline='')
RegionIDArray = [187147,187323,186338]
dict = {187147: 'Paris', 187323: 'Berlin', 186338: 'London'}
already_printed = set()
for reg in RegionIDArray:
for page in range(1,700,30):
r = requests.get("" + str(reg) + "-oa" + str(page) + ".html")
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content)
g_data = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "element_wrap"})
for item in g_data:
header = item.find_all("div", {"class": "property_title"})
item = (header[0].text.strip())
if item not in already_printed:
print("POI: " + str(item) + " | " + "Location: " + str(dict[reg]))
writer = csv.writer(output_file)
csv_fields = ['POI', 'Locaton']
if g_data:
writer.writerow([str(item), str(dict[reg])])
My goal would be that I get three sperate CSV files for Paris, Berlin and London instead of getting all the results in one big csv file.
Could you guys help me out? Thanks for your feedback:)
I did some minor modifications to your code. To make files for each locale, I moved the out_file name inside the loop.
Note, that I don't have time now, the very last line is a hack to ignore unicode errors -- it just skips trying to output a line with a non ascii character. Thas isn't good. Maybe someone can fix that part?
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv
user_agent = {'User-agent': 'Chrome/43.0.2357.124'}
RegionIDArray = {187147: 'Paris', 187323: 'Berlin', 186338: 'London'}
already_printed = set()
for reg in RegionIDArray:
output_file= open("TA" + str(reg) + ".csv", "w")
for page in range(1,700,30):
r = requests.get("" + str(reg) + "-oa" + str(page) + ".html")
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content)
g_data = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "element_wrap"})
for item in g_data:
header = item.find_all("div", {"class": "property_title"})
item = (header[0].text.strip())
if item not in already_printed:
# print("POI: " + str(item) + " | " + "Location: " + str(RegionIDArray[reg]))
writer = csv.writer(output_file)
csv_fields = ['POI', 'Locaton']
if g_data:
writer.writerow([str(item), str(RegionIDArray[reg])])

Can't figure out why list index out of range

I'm brand new to Python just trying to make a webscraper. I can't figure out why my index is saying list out of range when I have the variable set to 0 for the first index before I start building up the list.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def kijiji_spider(max_pages):
page = 1
while page <= max_pages:
url = "" + str(page) + "/c174l9003a138?price=__5000"
sourcecode = requests.get(url)
plain_text = sourcecode.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(plain_text)
a = 0
for link in soup.find_all("a", {"class": "title"}):
if a == 0:
href = "|" + link.get("href")
elif a != 0:
href = "" + link.get("href")
a += 1
i = 0
listb = []
for link in soup.find_all("a", {"class": "title"}):
title = link.string
listb[i] = listb[i] + "|" + title.strip()
i += 1
x = 0
listc = []
for other in soup.find_all("td", {"class": "price"}):
price = other.string
listc[x] = listc[x] + "|" + price.strip()
x += 1
page += 1
Your listb is empty, and then you are trying to access item 0 in it. Since its empty, there is nothing to access so you are getting the IndexError exception:
i = 0
listb = []
for link in soup.find_all("a", {"class": "title"}):
title = link.string
listb[i] = listb[i] + "|" + title.strip()
i += 1
I think what you want to do here is append to the values from the first list you created (lista), so you probably wanted listb.append(lista[i] + '|' + title.split()).
You don't need counters for lists in Python, you simply append to the list and it will grow automatically.
I am not sure why you are adding | before your URLs, but your entire code can be simplified to the following:
def kijiji_spider(max_pages):
page = 1
collected_urls = [] # store all URLs on each "run"
while page <= max_pages:
url = "" + str(page) + "/c174l9003a138?price=__5000"
sourcecode = requests.get(url)
plain_text = sourcecode.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(plain_text)
links = [i.get('href') for i in soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'title'})]
titles = [i.string.strip() for i in soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'title'})]
prices = [i.string.strip() for i in soup.find_all("td", {"class": "price"})]
results = zip(links, titles, prices)
page += 1
data = kijiji_spider(5)
for results in data:
for link, title, price in results:
print('{} | {} | {}'.format(link, title, price))
